WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#865: Original God Race, the struggle of Three Pure Ones Sage World

With Heavenly Sage reaching agreement duel the head of Spiritual God by execution, the head of new Spiritual God ascended the throne, the Chaos situation must change, I first said that Divine Robed Daoist told my matter, the head of this new Spiritual God......” “与天圣相约决斗的神灵之首被诛杀,新的神灵之首登位,混沌大势要变了,吾先说说神袍道人告诉吾的事情,这位新神灵之首……” Xuandu Saint Venerable takes a fast look around all Sage, opens the mouth to say slowly. 玄都圣尊扫视所有圣人,缓缓开口道。 Hears the head of Spiritual God by execution, Sages in great surprise, the subconsciousness looks to Han Jue. 听闻神灵之首被诛杀,圣人们大惊,下意识看向韩绝 Han Jue is without turning a hair, is looking at the mail, disregarded their vision. 韩绝面不改色,正在看邮件,无视了他们的目光。 Sages is born at heart a idea. 圣人们心里诞生一个想法。 Can refusing stubbornly of head of Spiritual God be related with Heavenly Sage? 神灵之首的死不会与天圣有关吧? That is the head of Spiritual God, lived carried innumerably, just set making of duel with Divine Might Heavenly Sage, finally fell from the sky? 那可是神灵之首,活了无数载,刚跟神威天圣定下决斗之约,结果就陨落了? Han Jue can guess correctly that they are thinking anything, but does not care. 韩绝能猜到他们在想什么,但不在意。 Even recognized that is related with him, happen to doesn't strengthen his prestige? 就算认定与他有关,不正好增强他的威望? But something can think, cannot say, behind Han Jue will remind them. 但有些事可以想,不能说,后面韩绝会提醒他们。 The one after another mail has brushed in Han Jue at present. 一条条邮件在韩绝眼前刷过。 He notices a mail suddenly. 他忽然注意到一条邮件。 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God solves the will greatly, creation Original God Race 【你的仇敌原生祖神大解自身意志,创造原生神族 A little meaning. 有点意思。 Han Jue assigns out the interpersonal relationship subconsciously, discovered that the Original/Prime Ancestor God head picture does not see. 韩绝下意识调出人际关系,发现原生祖神的头像已然不见。 Is this falls from the sky thoroughly? 这算是彻底陨落? It is not right, it is estimated that lost the consciousness, is unable to bear a grudge Han Jue again, he should continue to survive in the race shape. 不对,估计是失去了意识,无法再记恨韩绝,他应该以种族的形态继续存活着。 Han Jue records to be careful to Original God Race. 韩绝原生神族记上了心。 No matter what, ten million years are about the interrupts, then Han Jue can cultivation safely. 不管怎样,千万年之约算是中断,接下来韩绝可以安心修炼。 Cannot find out to the Divine Punishment Venerable attitude temporarily. 只是至罚神尊的态度暂时摸不清。 Two people do not have the enmity to be not resentful, hope that this boy do not play dumb. 两人无仇无怨,希望这厮不要犯傻。 It looks like in Han Jue, to Divine Punishment Venerable was inferior Original/Prime Ancestor God is powerful. 韩绝看来,至罚神尊是不如原生祖神强大的。 Under his full power curse, has not withered Original/Prime Ancestor God to Divine Punishment Venerable thoroughly, sees two people disparity sufficiently. 在他的全力诅咒下,至罚神尊都没有彻底干死原生祖神,足以见得两人的差距。 Han Jue continues to look at the mail downward. 韩绝继续往下看邮件。 The Dao Supreme four people are coming under attack, Han Jue cannot comprehend them, isn't greasy? 道至尊四人又在挨打,韩绝搞不懂他们,不腻吗? Especially Lao Dan (Old Dan), backs on Three Pure Ones Sage World Laozi (father), but also needs the chance? 尤其是老聃,背靠三清圣界老子,还需要机缘? When Xuandu Saint Venerable said the information that Divine Robed Daoist supplies, Sages starts to discuss. 玄都圣尊说完神袍道人提供的信息,诸圣开始议论。 So it seems like, has the big mind/bosom this to Divine Punishment Venerable.” “这般看来,这位至罚神尊还是有大胸怀的。” Truly, Chaos development such, actually appears desolated and chilly lonesome, Great Dao Spiritual God truly must pay the primary responsibility.” “确实,混沌发展如此之久,却显得荒芜、凄寂,大道神灵确实要付主要责任。” If Chaos all living things cultivation unceasingly, that Chaos can carrying/sustaining so many lives?” “倘若混沌众生都不断修炼,那混沌能承载这么多生灵?” Chaos is limitless, can you imagine can it be that?” 混沌无边无际,岂是你能想象?” I always do not feel right, all happen too suddenly.” “吾也总觉得不对劲,一切发生得太突然。” Sages discusses spiritedly, the new Saint has not opened the mouth, they have not understood Chaos, does not dare to guess absurdly. 圣人们议论纷纷,新圣没有开口,他们还不了解混沌,不敢妄自猜测。 Present Heavenly Dao Sage are getting more and more, many Han Jue have not seen new face. 如今的天道圣人越来越多,其中不乏韩绝未曾见过的生面孔。 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: No matter what, for the time being, is the good deed, does not affect the Heavenly Dao development plan, today calls everyone to come, the most important matter.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“不管怎样,暂时来看,是好事,也不影响天道发展计划,今日叫诸位来,还有一件最重要的事。” If the Heavenly Dao sustained development, runs upon with Three Pure Ones Sage World in this piece of Chaos Domain sooner or later, in already with the Heavenly Dao world union jointly has the world treachery to Three Pure Ones Sage World.” “若是天道持续发展,在这片混沌领域内迟早与三清圣界撞上,与天道联手的天地同盟中已经有天地倒戈向三清圣界。” Then, he starts to observe the situation everyone Sage. 说罢,他开始环视诸位圣人 Heavenly Dao Sage also meets depart Heavenly Dao occasionally, has the connection with Three Pure Ones Sage World much. 天道圣人偶尔也会离开天道,其中不少都与三清圣界有瓜葛。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage snort/hum said: If runs upon, that makes war, fears anything, Three Pure Ones Sage World can also make me dread on Laozi (father) and Cult Master Heavenspan, other are the ganefs.” 愚剑神圣哼道:“若是撞上,那就开战呗,怕什么,三清圣界也就老子通天教主能让吾忌惮,其他不过是宵小。” Hong Yuan nods, looks the color of disdaining. 红缘点头,面露不屑之色。 Valley /span > Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage has not opened the mouth, but his attitude must look at Han Jue. 谷/span>虚魂大圣没有开口,但他的态度得看韩绝 Qiu Xilai teased asks: Saint Venerable, do you dare to Laozi (father) take action?” 求西来戏谑问道:“圣尊,你敢对老子出手?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: „The struggle of Great Dao, not concerns Dao Lineage, Heavenly Dao and Three Pure Ones Sage World wants to grow stronger continually, to near, one day must choose finally, if no a struggle, must the side to lower the head, Three Pure Ones Sage World from Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao has been through repeatedly so many disasters, no truth bows to Three Pure Ones Sage World.” 玄都圣尊道:“大道之争,无关乎道统,天道三清圣界都想要持续变强,又离得近,终有一日得抉择,若无一争,就得有一方要低头,三清圣界源自天道,天道又历经如此多的劫难,没有道理向三清圣界低头。” His words win the nod approval of Sages. 他的话得到圣人们的点头赞同。 Where has the branch to annex the main family? 哪有分支吞并本家的? Then, isn't the noisy big joke? 说出去,不是闹大笑话? Wayless Heavenly Lord opens the mouth saying: Wins over with every effort, makes war early, two side domains has not bordered on at present, the time most is favorable for Heavenly Dao, the Three Pure Ones Sage World rule may not have Heavenly Dao is so perfect, the development speed is far less than Heavenly Dao.” 无法天尊开口道:“尽力拉拢吧,开战还早,目前两方版图还未接壤,时间对天道最有利,三清圣界的规则可没有天道这么完善,发展速度远不如天道。” Heavenly Dao is different from other world, each regular order already is perfect, the spiritual energy is also abundant, birth life aptitude is always higher than other world. 天道不同于其他天地,各个规则秩序都已经健全,灵气也充沛,诞生的生灵资质总是高于其他天地。 The rule is not big cultivation base can casual creation. 规则可不是大修为就能随便创造的。 Other Sage also open the mouth to offer an opinion, generally speaking, does not fear Three Pure Ones Sage World. 其他圣人也开口提意见,总的来说,都不惧怕三清圣界 Long time. 良久。 Xuandu Saint Venerable looks to Han Jue, asked: „Did Heavenly Sage, say two?” 玄都圣尊看向韩绝,问道:“天圣,说两句?” Such remarks, the universe palace is silent, all Sage look to Han Jue. 此言一出,乾坤殿寂静,所有圣人都看向韩绝 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Said the matter about Divine Robed Daoist, when we do not know, the relieved development is good, do not discuss everywhere, as for Three Pure Ones Sage World, allow nature to take its course, really to that day of needing the battle, Heavenly Dao did not fear, but we cannot cause trouble ahead of time, although passed the Divine Right Will disaster, but Heavenly Dao background was too weak, the strength above Sage was extremely scarce, first do not think annexed others, is first thinking expanded itself.”:. 韩绝开口道:“关于神袍道人所说之事,吾等就当不知,安心发展就好,不要到处议论,至于三清圣界,顺其自然吧,真到了需要争斗的那一日,天道不惧,但吾等不能提前惹事生非,虽然度过神权将劫难,可天道底蕴还是太弱,圣人之上的力量太过稀缺,先不要想着吞并他人,先想着壮大自身。”:. His words cause Sages to nod. 他的话引得诸圣点头。 Heavenly Sage said well! I and others must maintain the first thought that should not be negligent!” Xu Dudao said loudly, an exciting appearance. 天圣说得好!我等还是要保持初心,不要大意!”徐妒道大声说道,一副激动的模样。 Yang Che follows saying: Right, reminded thanks to Heavenly Sage, I and others some truly inflation, this was not the good deed, Heavenly Sage worthily for my Heavenly Dao light pointing the way!” 杨彻跟着道:“没错,多亏天圣提醒,我等确实有些膨胀,这可不是好事,天圣不愧为我天道指路明灯!” Other Sage start to flatter one after another, the new Saints expression is strange, actually also can only follow to pat. 其他圣人接连开始拍马屁,新圣们表情古怪,却也只能跟着拍。 Han Jue is unemotional, is very at heart comfortable. 韩绝面无表情,心里很舒坦。 Xuandu Saint Venerable also said several, then dismiss this discussion. 玄都圣尊又说了几句,便解散此次商谈。 Han Jue sets out to prepare to depart. 韩绝起身准备离去。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage collects, said: „Can Fellow Daoist Han, compare notes? Compares notes, cannot die to fight!” 愚剑神圣凑上来,道:“韩道友,要不要切磋一下?只是切磋,不能死斗!” He told only half, added one, obviously at heart deficiency-fire. 他说到一半,又加了一句,明显心里虚火。 Han Jue brushed past with him, throws down a few words: Actually kills two ten thousand Divine Right Will is not my limit, I can kill 10,000 you, when your achievement perfection looks for me again.” 韩绝与他擦肩而过,丢下一句话:“其实杀两万神权将不是我的极限,我可以杀一万个你,等你成就圆满再找我吧。” The Foolish Sword Divine Sage smile solidifies, but he not breathless, but turns around deeply looks to the Han Jue back. 愚剑神圣的笑容凝固,但他并没有气急败坏,只是转身深深的看向韩绝的背影。 Other Sage hear fearful and apprehensive, actually does not dare to reveal, even does not dare to look at Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 其他圣人听得心惊肉跳,却不敢表露,甚至不敢看愚剑神圣 Foolish Sword Divine Sage is also the big shot who they cannot stir up. 愚剑神圣也是他们惹不起的大佬。 ...... …… Divine Robed Daoist sits on the throne, the vision falls on form in palace, looks the impatient color. 神袍道人坐在宝座上,目光落在殿上的一道身影上,面露不耐烦之色。 This form was before wants to look for a Heavenly Dao troublesome native of Longshoudao impressively, but also without bumping into Divine Might Heavenly Sage, by Foolish Sword Divine Sage execution, left leeway the resurrecting method luckily. 这身影赫然是之前想要去找天道麻烦的龙首道人,还没碰到神威天圣,就被愚剑神圣诛杀,幸好留有复活手段。 Revered God, to the Heavenly Dao development, threatens you sooner or later.” Native of Longshoudao sinking sound said. 神上,任由天道发展,迟早威胁到你。”龙首道人沉声道。 Divine Robed Daoist said ill-humoredly: „Don't you know my already losses?” 神袍道人没好气道:“你不知吾已经过?” Naturally knows, therefore wins over you, your I collaborate, deciding to defeat Divine Might Heavenly Sage!” “自然知晓,所以才拉拢你,你我联手,定能击败神威天圣!” Joke, your Foolish Sword Divine Sage cannot be victorious, how to fight Divine Might Heavenly Sage?” “笑话,你连愚剑神圣都打不过,怎么战神威天圣?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage? Previously wasn't execution my Divine Might Heavenly Sage?” 愚剑神圣?先前诛杀吾的不是神威天圣?” Nonsense!” “废话!” Divine Robed Daoist is more impatient. 神袍道人更加不耐烦。 He has never seen so stupidly for the time being big Great Dao Sage. Provides quickest top-level Destiny for you, cultivates the millenniums to renew quietly, Chapter 865 Original God Race, the struggle of Three Pure Ones Sage World read free.:. 他从未见过如此愚蠢且自大的大道圣人。为你提供最快的顶级气运,悄悄修炼千年更新,第865章原生神族,三清圣界之争免费阅读。:.
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