WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#864: Transposition, Five Great Punishment Gods 【Fourth, asked monthly ticket】

How you determined that Pangu hasn't plundered these treasure completely cleanly?” “那你怎么确定盘古没有把那些宝贝全部搜刮干净?” Jiang Yi asked that the brow followed to wrinkle. 姜易问道,眉头跟着皱起。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) white his eyes, said: Pangu is not this person, the address of wicked deep territory is also he discloses.” 老聃白了他一眼,道:“盘古可不是这种人,无道深域的地址也是他透露的。” Jiang Yi is half believing and half doubting. 姜易将信将疑。 Zhao Xuanyuan looking pensive. 赵轩辕若有所思。 Dao Supreme opens the mouth saying: Laozi (father), Cult Master Heavenspan and Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning are Pangu nascent spirit, by the Pangu attendance is also normal.” 道至尊开口道:“老子通天教主元始天尊盘古元神所化,被盘古照顾也是正常。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) raises head proudly, you think highly of me quickly countenance. 老聃傲然仰头,一副你们快恭维我吧的嘴脸。 Right, won't the wicked deep territory have the danger?” Jiang Yi asked suddenly. “对了,无道深域不会有危险吧?”姜易忽然问道。 Dao Supreme and Zhao Xuanyuan look immediately to Lao Dan (Old Dan). 道至尊赵轩辕立即看向老聃 Lao Dan (Old Dan) immediately. 老聃顿时焉了。 He thinks that these years experiences, could not bear fight a shiver. 他想到这些年的经历,忍不住打了一个寒战。 Should unable...... 该不会…… Cannot! 不会! Is impossible! 绝不可能! How can be so hapless? 怎么能如此倒霉? Lao Dan (Old Dan) turns head to look to the Dao Supreme three people, the vision is spooky. 老聃扭头看向道至尊三人,目光幽幽。 The Dao Supreme three people stared embarrassed, cast aside in abundance go excessively. 道至尊三人被盯得不好意思,纷纷撇过头去。 ...... …… Endless vault of heaven, sea of clouds layer upon layer. 无尽天穹,云海层层。 Divine Robed Daoist falls in a circular stone platform, surroundings dozens Great Dao Spiritual God, are also talking respectively. 神袍道人落在一座圆形石台上,周围还有数十位大道神灵,都在各自交谈。 „Did the head of Spiritual God really change players?” “神灵之首真的换人了?” „It is not clear.” “不清楚啊。” Who to Divine Punishment Venerable is?” “至罚神尊是谁?” I have heard, it is said ancient existence that lives from the Demon God period.” “吾听闻过,据说是从魔神时期活下来的古老存在。” Demon God period...... that truly extraordinary......” 魔神时期……那确实了不得……” Before Divine Punishment Venerable has offended the head of Spiritual God, was punished to the Chaos lowest level, crusading against spirits to the wicked resentment, has not thought and killed.” “至罚神尊以前得罪过神灵之首,被罚到混沌最底层,讨伐至恶怨灵,没想到又杀回来了。” Great Dao Spiritual God discuss spiritedly, Divine Robed Daoist has not participated. 大道神灵们议论纷纷,神袍道人没有参与。 He fully realized that wrong many. 他深知说多错多。 Watches changes quietly well, he has revolted Great Dao Spiritual God in any case. 静观其变就好,反正他早已叛变大道神灵 At this time, the head of Holy Mother of Order emitted from, was huger than the mountain, raised fast, overlooks all Great Dao Spiritual God. 这时,秩序圣母的头从下方冒出,比山岳还要庞大,快速升起,俯视所有大道神灵 Great Dao Spiritual God salute toward her immediately. 大道神灵们立即朝她行礼。 Holy Mother of Order has not spoken, waits for before stone platform. 秩序圣母没有吭声,就在石台前等待。 Long time. 良久。 Drops from the clouds together black light, falls in stone platform, goes out to Divine Punishment Venerable slowly. 一道黑光从天而降,落在石台上,至罚神尊缓缓走出。 His black hair hangs loose as before, the bloodstain in black armor, has not as if been able to wash off forever. 他的黑发依旧披散,黑甲上的血迹仍还在,仿佛永远无法洗去。 That fearful murderous aura is startled Spiritual God simultaneously to retrocede, the atmosphere is very stern. 那股可怕的杀气惊得神灵们齐齐后退,气氛无比严峻。 Takes a fast look around all Spiritual God to Divine Punishment Venerable, opens the mouth to ask: Who hasn't also come?” 罚神尊扫视所有神灵,开口问道:“还有谁没来?” Great Dao Spiritual God look at each other in blank dismay, does not dare to reply. 大道神灵们面面相觑,不敢回答。 Said with a smile to Divine Punishment Venerable: All right, I will investigate thoroughly, today the non- future, must die.” 罚神尊笑道:“没事,吾会查清楚,今日不来者,都得死。” Great Dao Spiritual God keeps silent. 大道神灵噤若寒蝉。 Holy Mother, does not see for a long time, never expected that you also.” Looks to Divine Punishment Venerable to Holy Mother of Order, saying with a smile, is only his smile Yin sad, is passing the chill in the air. “圣母,许久不见,没想到你还在。”至罚神尊看向秩序圣母,笑道,只是他的笑容阴恻恻的,透着寒意。 Holy Mother of Order faint reply: I have not thought of you also.” 秩序圣母淡漠的回答道:“吾也没想到你还在。” To the Divine Punishment Venerable faint smile: Holy Mother of Order, is known as the order, actually for so-called face take action, violates the order repeatedly, is the gross neglect of duty, but I for the head of Spiritual God, passing all do not go into one's past newly.” 罚神尊似笑非笑道:“秩序圣母,号称秩序,却总是为了所谓的情面出手,屡次违反秩序,算是严重失职,不过吾新为神灵之首,过往一切既往不咎。” Holy Mother of Order is silent. 秩序圣母沉默。 Takes a fast look around all Great Dao Spiritual God to Divine Punishment Venerable, opens the mouth saying: Starting today, Chaos should raise the new chapter, the passing vulgar customs can not stay behind again, I want Chaos to be prosperous, rather than so the deathly stillness, everyone is clear likely today, the Chaos so scene is and other behaviors, your frightened later generation rises, you are afraid are replaced.” 罚神尊扫视所有大道神灵,开口道:“从今日起,混沌该掀起新篇章,过往的陋习不得再留下,吾要混沌繁荣,而非像今日这般死寂,诸位都清楚,混沌之所以这般场景便是尔等所为,你们恐惧后辈崛起,你们害怕被取代。” However, this is completely mistaken!” “然而,此乃大错特错!” I request each at least to lead the every means world to develop, each side world must train Great Dao Sage, these can not including the world that you open, if other already opening heavens develop, must the destruction, if not hope, my take action, even/including Qizhu extinguishes personally together!” “吾要求你们每一位至少带领百方天地发展起来,每一方天地必须培养出大道圣人,这其中不得包括你们开辟的天地,若是尔等已经开天辟地,必须覆灭,若是不愿,吾亲自出手,连其主一起灭!” Great Dao Spiritual God in an uproar, actually no one dares to revolt. 大道神灵们哗然,却没有一个人敢反抗。 Continues to say to Divine Punishment Venerable: Legend about Primordial Chaos Demon God, but is ficticious, the Primordial Chaos itself/Ben is a supposition, the time that I survive far exceeds your tentative plans, but I have not personally seen Primordial Chaos, let alone Primordial Chaos Demon God, was only Original/Prime Ancestor God was previously used to eradicate the excuse of Chaos Demon God, later does not need to investigate Primordial Chaos Demon God again, if there is new student/life Chaos Demon God born , should not be awkward, I previously to task that you confessed that temporarily without the deadline, I will check momentarily, once I started to check , there would be no face.” 罚神尊继续道:“关于鸿蒙魔神的传说,不过是子虚乌有,鸿蒙本就是一个假设,吾存活的时间远超你们的设想,但吾未曾亲眼见过鸿蒙,更别说鸿蒙魔神,先前只是原生祖神用来铲除混沌魔神的借口罢了,以后无需再调查鸿蒙魔神,若是有新生混沌魔神诞生,也不要为难,吾先前给你们交代的任务,暂时没有期限,吾随时会查,一旦吾开始查,就没有情面可言。” Original/Prime Ancestor God has died, if you want to march into his footsteps, I will not reject.” 原生祖神已死,你们若想步入他后尘,吾不会拒绝。” Original/Prime Ancestor God! 原生祖神 Great Dao Spiritual God look at each other in blank dismay, they first time name that hears the head of Spiritual God. 大道神灵们面面相觑,他们还是第一次听闻神灵之首的名字。 Wields the sleeve to Divine Punishment Venerable, turns around saying: Gets down the execution, I will be divided into Great Dao Spiritual God third-class, as soon as highest, as soon as is the Holy Mother of Order level, the grasped power and rule will also exceed other Great Dao Spiritual God, this is your chances, I shuffle personally, who for on god, who for below god, all looks at and others diligently.” 罚神尊挥袖,转身道:“下去施行吧,吾会将大道神灵分为三等,一等最高,一等便是秩序圣母的层次,掌握的权力与规则也将超越其他大道神灵,这是你们的机缘,吾亲自洗牌,谁为上神,谁为下神,全看尔等努力。” The voice falls, vanishes to Divine Punishment Venerable. 话音落下,至罚神尊消失。 Great Dao Spiritual God relax, they turn head to look subconsciously to Holy Mother of Order, however Holy Mother of Order does not know when has vanished. 大道神灵们松了一口气,他们下意识扭头看向秩序圣母,然而秩序圣母不知何时已然消失。 The Spiritual God depart immediately. 神灵们立即离去。 After leaving this stretch of domain, they just now dare to exchange. 离开这片领域后,他们方才敢互相交流。 Divine Robed Daoist departs alone, he must tell Han Jue this news. 神袍道人独自离去,他要将此消息告诉韩绝 ...... …… Under deep purple starry sky, a mainland static float. 深紫色星空之下,一座大陆静静漂浮。 Han Tuo, Yi Tian as well as three Great Dao Spiritual God sit in meditation in all parties cultivation. 韩拓遗天以及三位大道神灵打坐在各方修炼。 The starry sky rips open a big opening suddenly, an eye reveals, also wants big ten million times compared with this mainland. 星空忽然撕开一条大口子,一只眼睛显露出来,比这座大陆还要大千万倍。 Five new Great Dao Spiritual God raise the head fiercely, sees that eye, frightens immediately sets out. 五位新大道神灵猛地抬头,看到那只眼睛,吓得立即起身。 Was staring by this eye, they all are the back send coldly, whole body not Unrestrained. 被这只眼睛盯着,他们皆是背脊发寒,浑身不自在 Original/Prime Ancestor God already was killed by me, I and even Divine Punishment Venerable, starting today, for the head of new Spiritual God, after you and other, with me, holds the post of Five Great Punishment Gods, regulates Great Dao Spiritual God specially.” 原生祖神已经被吾所杀,吾乃至罚神尊,从今日起,为新任神灵之首,尔等五位以后就跟着吾,担任五大神罚,专门监管大道神灵。” To sound light falling of Divine Punishment Venerable, actually hears five people of complexion drastic changes. 罚神尊的声音轻飘飘的落下,却听得五人脸色剧变。 Although who they not clear Original/Prime Ancestor God is, but can understand the meaning of opposite party. 他们虽然不清楚原生祖神是谁,但听得懂对方的意思。 The head of beforehand Spiritual God died! 之前的神灵之首死了! How possibly! 怎么可能! Han Tuo is most shocking. 韩拓最为震惊。 Is the father arranges? 难道是父亲安排的? But this sound does he hear to be very strange? 可这声音他听得很陌生啊? So will not be skillful, he just the praying for rescue father hundreds of thousands of years, did the first place of Spiritual God then exchange ownerships? 不会这么巧吧,他刚求救父亲数十万载,神灵之首位便易主了? Han Tuo cannot think, does not dare to say. 韩拓不敢多想,更不敢与人说。 The starry sky opening follows to vanish, does not see to the eye of Divine Punishment Venerable, all restore such as beginning. 星空口子跟着消失,至罚神尊的眼睛不见,一切恢复如初。 The Han Tuo five people meet immediately, they start to exchange, is very shocking, even guessed that can cheat. 韩拓五人立即碰面,他们开始交流,都很震惊,甚至猜测会不会是诈。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue opens the eye, representative is being 100,000 years passes. 韩绝睁开眼睛,代表着又是十万年过去。 He sets out to transmit Main Dao Field directly, jumps to the universe palace in again. 他直接起身传送到主道场,再跳到乾坤殿内。 In the palace only then a Xuandu Saint Venerable person, sees Han Jue to come, Xuandu Saint Venerable passes on imperial edict Sages immediately. 殿内只有玄都圣尊一人,见到韩绝现身,玄都圣尊立即传诏诸圣 Heavenly Sage, Chaos drastic change, therefore I disturb you.” Xuandu Saint Venerable said in a low voice. 天圣,混沌剧变,所以吾才打扰您。”玄都圣尊低声道。 Turns into Heavenly Sage from Fellow Daoist Han, two people relations obviously change flavor. 韩道友变成天圣,两人的关系明显变了味。 A little upper and lower layer feeling. 有点上下级的感觉。 Han Jue has not felt ill, instead dark crisp. 韩绝并没有感到不适,反而暗爽。 One who knows the times great! 识时务者为俊杰! Han Jue said: „After Sages arrives in full, said.” 韩绝道:“待诸圣到齐后再说吧。” Quick, Sages streams, Foolish Sword Divine Sage, Hong Yuan and Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage and True Martial Sage Buddha also came, hundreds of thousands of years, their already creation Heavenly Dao karmic virtue, has fused Heavenly Dao Destiny, can arrive at this 30 three Beyond Heavens reluctantly, but is unable to enter in Thirty Three Layer Heaven, creation doppelganger enters Heavenly Dao is not good, this is the Heavenly Dao self-protection ability. 很快,诸圣纷至沓来,愚剑神圣红缘虚魂大圣圣真武佛也来了,数十万载过去,他们已经创造天道功德,融合天道气运,勉强能来到这三十三天外,但仍无法进入三十三层天内,连创造分身天道都不行,这是天道的自我保护能力。
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