WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#863: To Divine Punishment Venerable, wicked deep territory 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God is under the mysterious almighty attack, is seriously injured 【你的仇敌原生祖神遭遇神秘大能袭击,身受重伤】 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God restores mortal body with will 【你的仇敌原生祖神以意志恢复肉身】 Han Jue sees the present mail, is the Original/Prime Ancestor God toughness is startled secretly. 韩绝看到眼前的邮件,不由为原生祖神的韧性暗惊。 This boy a little thing! 这厮有点东西! Shoulders his curse, while slaughters. 一边扛住他的诅咒,一边与人厮杀。 However this time, Original/Prime Ancestor God has not restored cultivation base. 不过这一次,原生祖神没有恢复修为 Continues to curse! 继续诅咒! Gets sick while him, wants him to assign/life! 趁他病,要他命! Hitting a person when he is down is to the enemy best revenge! 落井下石是对敌人最好的复仇! 16.1 billion years! 一百六十亿亿年! 17.1 billion years! 一百七十亿亿年! 18.1 billion years! 一百八十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, soul is seriously battered, dao heart disruption 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,魂魄遭受重创,道心碎裂】 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God is under the mysterious almighty attack, destroy both body and soul 【你的仇敌原生祖神遭遇神秘大能袭击,形神俱灭 Han Jue gawked staring. 韩绝愣了愣。 Was this dies? 这是死了? But his power of curse had not failed. 但他的诅咒之力仍没有落空。 He assigns out the interpersonal relationship immediately, found the Original/Prime Ancestor God head picture. 他立即调出人际关系,找到原生祖神的头像。 The head picture, that has not fallen from the sky! 头像还在,那就是还未陨落! At this moment, Han Jue feels share of sad intent suddenly. 就在这时,韩绝忽然感受到一股悲意。 Not only he, Heavenly Dao all living things and even Chaos all living things all are so. 不只是他,天道众生乃至混沌众生皆是如此。 Han Jue catches the eye to look, three thousand Great Dao tremble, all world has gold/metal rain, inborn phenomenon. 韩绝抬眼看去,三千大道战栗,各方天地下起金雨,天生异象。 „The head of Spiritual God by me to Divine Punishment Venerable execution, starting today, I to Divine Punishment Venerable is the head of Spiritual God, wields the Chaos order! All Great Dao Spiritual God come at once to pay a visit!” “神灵之首被吾至罚神尊诛杀,从今日起,吾至罚神尊便是神灵之首,执掌混沌秩序!所有大道神灵速来拜见!” The aggressive sound resounds through Chaos together, only then reaches the Great Dao level to hear, in other words, Unrestrained Sage cannot hear this sound. 一道霸气的声音响彻混沌,只有达到大道级才能听到,也就是说,自在圣人也听不到此声音。 To Divine Punishment Venerable? 罚神尊 Who is that? 那是谁? Han Jue is secretly puzzled, before had not heard this name from the start. 韩绝暗自困惑,以前压根没有听说过这个名字。 He has not relaxed , to continue to curse. 他没有放松,继续诅咒。 Since Original/Prime Ancestor God must play dead, he helps Original/Prime Ancestor God, kills by curse it thoroughly! 既然原生祖神要假死,那他就成全原生祖神,将其彻底咒死! 19.1 billion years! 一百九十亿亿年! 20.1 billion years! 两百亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, Godhead annihilation, eternal Destiny shatter 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,神格湮灭,永恒气运破碎】 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God results in supreme rule asylum, source soul by seal 【你的仇敌原生祖神至高规则庇护,本源魂魄被封印】 The curse of Han Jue follows to fail. 韩绝的诅咒跟着落空。 He has to plant to walk, the feeling of suddenly making a false step, is very uncomfortable. 他有种走路,忽然踩空的感觉,很不爽。 He receives Book of Misfortune, grows the one breath. 他收好厄运书,长出一口气。 No matter what, at least Original/Prime Ancestor God cannot come out to jump in a short time to stumble, he to the hatred of Divine Punishment Venerable estimated that is bigger. 不管怎样,至少原生祖神短时间内不能出来蹦跶,他对至罚神尊的仇恨估计更大。 Han Jue shows the satisfactory smile. 韩绝露出满意笑容。 In his heart inquired: I want to know to the Divine Punishment Venerable information.” 他心中询问:“我想知道至罚神尊的信息。” Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! To Divine Punishment Venerable: Great Dao Supreme boundary perfection, Dao Transcender, the Chaos beginning spirits, when Great Dao control, Chaos early form of universe in creation, except for representative three thousand Great Dao Chaos Demon God, but also birth one batch of Chaos beginnings spirit, contains Chaos Great Good Fortune, to Divine Punishment Venerable is one of them】 【至罚神尊:大道至上圆满,超脱道者,混沌始灵,大道掌控者,混沌初辟时,除了代表着三千大道混沌魔神,还诞生有一批混沌始灵,蕴含混沌大造化,至罚神尊便是其中之一】 Great Dao Supreme boundary perfection, no wonder dares to attack Original/Prime Ancestor God! 大道至上圆满,怪不得敢袭击原生祖神 In the Han Jue heart inquired: My whether instakill to Divine Punishment Venerable?” 韩绝心中询问:“我能否秒杀罚神尊?” Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot temporarily 【暂时不能】 Han Jue is somewhat disappointed, he can only hope after the Divine Punishment Venerable high-rank, do not ask him to trouble. 韩绝有些失望,他只能希望至罚神尊上位后不要来找他麻烦。 To the appearance of Divine Punishment Venerable indicates that Chaos is hiding some Immemorial almighty, they hide in the respective Supreme domain, rarely takes a walk. 罚神尊的出现预示着混沌隐藏着一些亘古大能,他们躲在各自的至上领域里,很少走动。 However this is also normal, the Chaos birth carries innumerably, is only calculates that the Heavenly Dao birth has many years to be glorious enough, let alone Chaos, even Laozi (father) this Heavenly Dao life can crawl to the Great Dao Supreme boundary, let alone these are born the Chaos life before Heavenly Dao. 不过这也正常,混沌诞生无数载,光是算天道诞生有多少年就足够悠久,更别说混沌,连老子这位天道生灵都能爬到大道至上境,更别说那些诞生在天道前的混沌生灵。 Han Jue is Chaos Demon God pays silent tribute. 韩绝不由为混沌魔神默哀。 Once, Chaos Demon God that was keeps aloof, Chaos beginning spirit before them, like spirit, can only tremble. 曾经,混沌魔神那是高高在上,混沌始灵在他们面前,都如同凡灵,只能瑟瑟发抖。 The livelihood fights the revolutions, Great Dao changes, now Chaos Demon God mostly falls from the sky, but also lives is being the generations of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, already is not enough to grasp the Heavenly Dao situation. 日月斗转,大道变更,如今混沌魔神大多陨落,还活着都是苟延残喘之辈,已经不足以掌握天道大势。 Really miserable. 真是惨啊。 Han Jue is only false Chaos Demon God, pours had not sighed. 韩绝只是假混沌魔神,倒也没有多感叹。 This wave is very comfortable, causing Han Jue to be happy. 这一波很舒爽,导致韩绝心情不错。 He goes out of Dao Monastery, found Liu Bei. 他走出道观,找到刘备 Liu Bei is still practicing, without feeling nearness of Han Jue, until Han Jue false cough one, he just awakens, sets out to salute hastily. 刘备还在修炼,没有感受到韩绝的靠近,直到韩绝一声,他方才惊醒,连忙起身行礼。 Han Jue said: „Do you want to train the life?” 韩绝道:“你想培养生灵?” Liu Bei replied: I knew that aptitude cannot catch up with you , helping you grasp this piece of universe would rather, I observe this universe potential to be giant, all around also does not have the influence......” 刘备回答道:“我自知资质追不上您,倒不如帮您掌握这片宇宙,我观这片宇宙潜力巨大,四周又没有势力……” He started to say incessantly, seems making the report. 他开始滔滔不绝的说起来,仿佛在做报告。 Han Jue hits to block the way: Such being the case, you diligently, but cultivation base do not forget.” 韩绝打断道:“既然如此,那你就努力吧,不过修为别忘了。” Then, Han Jue turns around to depart. 说完,韩绝转身离去。 He walks, while wields the sleeve, seems is raising the wind, is swaying Extreme Source Great Dao actually. 他一边走,一边挥袖,好似在掀风,实则是在挥洒极源大道 He the Extreme Source Great Dao dissemination to the entire stars universe. 他将极源大道散播向整个星辰宇宙。 Invisible Great Dao spreads in the universe, one day will have cultivator to sense finally. 无形的大道在宇宙中蔓延,终有一日会有修行者感悟到。 However stars universe distance birth life, but also early. 不过星辰宇宙距离诞生生灵,还早得很。 Han Jue has means. 韩绝有一个办法。 That is speeds up this piece of universe the time, is only the strength of Good Fortune is insufficient. 那就是加快这片宇宙的时间,只是造化之力还不够。 So long as the strength of Good Fortune is enough, the time speeds up casually, in dao field on the 1st, stars universe over the past Something went wrong years! 只要造化之力足够,时间随便加快,道场内一日,星辰宇宙[Not Found]都可以! Now accelerates, once the strength of Good Fortune is insufficient, this piece of universe crashes sooner or later, changes into fabricatedly, appears briefly in entire Chaos does not calculate. 现在加速,一旦造化之力不够,这片宇宙迟早崩塌,化为虚妄,在整个混沌之中连昙花一现都不算。 Returns to Dao Monastery, Han Jue Primordial Chaos World of expansion innermost soul, while comprehends the strength of Good Fortune. 回到道观内,韩绝一边扩张灵魂深处的鸿蒙界,一边参悟造化之力。 ...... …… In the darkness, air current passes through, along with single direction gale. 黑暗之中,一条气流贯穿,伴随着一场单方向的大风。 In the gale is walking four people, is Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi and Lao Dan (Old Dan). 大风之中行走着四人,正是道至尊赵轩辕姜易老聃 Dao Supreme turns head to look to behind Lao Dan (Old Dan), urged: old man, how to treat in behind, guides to front quickly.” 道至尊扭头看向身后的老聃,催促道:“老头,怎么待在后面,快到前面去带路。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) said ill-humoredly: Road such does, what bring?” 老聃没好气道:“路就这么一条,带什么啊?” Zhao Xuanyuan mystifying say/way: This old fogy still in the vitality/angry, is he himself keeps thinking about others treasure obviously, bore a grudge by others, but also strange was I and others offended the opposite party impolitely.” 赵轩辕阴阳怪气道:“这老家伙还在生气呢,明明是他自己惦记人家的宝贝,被人家记恨,还怪是我等无礼冒犯了对方。” Such remarks, Lao Dan (Old Dan) exploded instantaneously. 此言一出,老聃瞬间炸了。 Others, but Great Dao Sage, how old man possibly keeps thinking about his treasure, if not old man and Laozi (father) a little relate, you must die.” “人家可是大道圣人,老朽怎么可能惦记他的宝贝,若非老朽老子有点关系,你们都得死。” Saying that Lao Dan (Old Dan) is filled with righteous indignation, air/Qi blows the nose to stare. 老聃义愤填膺的说道,气得吹鼻子瞪眼。 Jiang Yi said: „Does the Laozi (father) fame have Divine Might Heavenly Sage to be big? Believing us said that we are the Divine Might Heavenly Sage disciples, he greets with a smile immediately.” 姜易道:“老子的名气有神威天圣大?信不信我们说我们是神威天圣的弟子,他立即笑脸相迎。” Hehe, how did you show?” “呵呵,你们怎么证明?” Heavenly Dao Unrestrained Sage, but also insufficiently showed?” 天道自在圣人,还不够证明?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) is silent. 老聃沉默。 Although the Heavenly Dao development momentum is fierce, but Unrestrained Sage truly also few, but Dao Supreme three people of Heavenly Dao Destiny truly are also very easy to distinguish. 天道发展势头虽猛,但自在圣人确实还少,而道至尊三人的天道气运也确实很容易辨别。 Zhao Xuanyuan then flutters the neck of Lao Dan (Old Dan), draws him front, said with a smile: old man, bets what air/Qi, we also calculate on a ship, a Rong Jurong, waited till the wicked deep territory, you must show the way well.” 赵轩辕回头勾住老聃的脖子,将他拉到前面,笑道:“老头,赌什么气,我们也算一条船上的,一荣俱荣,等到了无道深域,你可得好好指路。” Dao Supreme follows to inquire: „Does wicked deep territory really have the big chance?” 道至尊跟着询问:“无道深域真有大机缘?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) breaks free from the hand of Zhao Xuanyuan, is pinching the beard, said with a smile: That is natural, the place of Pangu resurrecting then in the wicked deep territory, without the Great Dao rule, without cause and effect, does not have the time, here had once erupted a war, before that is Pangu opening heavens, died in Chaos Demon God of wicked deep territory little said that also hundred, wasn't the treasure that they left behind how could the big chance?” 老聃甩开赵轩辕的手,捏着胡子,笑道:“那是自然,盘古复活之地便在无道深域,没有大道规则,没有因果,没有时间,这里曾爆发过一场大战,那是盘古开天之前,死在无道深域的混沌魔神少说也有百尊,他们留下的宝贝岂能不是大机缘?”
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