WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#862: Frantic curse, three hundred million

Liu Bei starts for front white bloom sermon, no matter also white bloom whether to listen to say. 刘备开始为面前的白花讲道,也不管白花能否听道。 In third dao field most regions were still desolated, only then under the tree this piece is covered with the flowers and plants. 第三道场内大部分区域仍荒芜,只有树下这片长满花草。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Enough over the past 89000 years, Book of Misfortune just now promoted successfully. 足足过去89000年,厄运书方才升级成功。 From the Great Dao supreme treasure promotion is Pinnacle Dao Treasure. 大道至宝升级为极致道宝 Great Dao supreme treasure is Chaos supreme treasure, the Great Dao level is also the Chaos level, Book of Misfortune is not Chaos supreme treasure, because possibly it is related with Great Dao. 大道至宝便是混沌至宝,大道级也是混沌级,厄运书之所以不为混沌至宝,可能因为本身与大道有关。 After promoting is successful, Han Jue directly puts out Book of Misfortune, bursts out black light, is shining his face. 升级成功后,韩绝直接拿出厄运书,一阵黑光迸发,照耀着他的脸。 Terrifying power of curse that the Book of Misfortune embodiment contains makes the book heavy, that chill in the air feels the palpitation his Great Dao Supreme. 厄运书内蕴含的恐怖诅咒之力使得书本身变得沉重,那股寒意连他这位大道至上都感到心悸。 What kind of monster did he train? 他培养了怎样的怪物? Han Jue somewhat is at heart anxious. 韩绝心里有些不安。 „Does Book of Misfortune meet backlash I?” 厄运书反噬我吗?” Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot temporarily 【暂时不会】 That is good. 那就好。 It seems like next time will promote must discrete. 看来下次升级还得谨慎点。 Han Jue deeply inspires, holds Book of Misfortune, starts to curse Original/Prime Ancestor God. 韩绝深吸一口气,捧着厄运书,开始诅咒原生祖神 Really! 果然! This time, can curse Original/Prime Ancestor God finally! 这一次,终于能诅咒到原生祖神 The Han Jue body shakes, immediately spells to go all-out to curse. 韩绝身躯一震,立即拼尽全力诅咒。 Wild power of curse just like the Chaos tsunami, irresistible sweeping across to Original/Prime Ancestor God. 狂暴的诅咒之力犹如混沌海啸,势不可挡的席卷向原生祖神 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Above a bright vault of heaven, float circular stone platform, in the highest stone platform, sends out the divine light form to sit in meditation together, the whole body runs around various wonderful beasts the empty shadow, does not see the appearance/portrait. 一处明亮的天穹之上,悬浮着一座座圆形石台,最高的一座石台上,一道散发着神光的身影正在打坐,周身跑绕着各种奇兽之虚影,不见真容。 Original/Prime Ancestor God! 原生祖神 He opens the eye suddenly, divine light cannot block from his ice-cold eye, as if can see through world all. 他忽然睁开眼睛,神光也遮不住他那双冰冷的眼睛,仿佛能看穿世间一切。 Darkness Forbidden Lord......” 黑暗禁主……” In the Original/Prime Ancestor God heart puts out a name. 原生祖神心中吐出一个名字。 He somewhat is hurried. 他心里有些慌。 He encounters the curse for the first time, must know that he is the God of Chaos body, was not cursed by cause and effect. 他还是第一次遭遇诅咒,要知道他可是混沌神体,不受因果诅咒。 Is this matter? 这到底是怎么一回事? Thinks of Darkness Forbidden Lord, he thinks of Han Jue subconsciously. 一想到黑暗禁主,他下意识想到韩绝 Han Jue is very possible is Darkness Forbidden Lord, after all this boy once sword execution two ten thousand Divine Right Will. 韩绝很可能是黑暗禁主,毕竟这厮曾一剑诛杀两万神权将 Does to Han Jue to hide in dao field, even the head of his Spiritual God is unable to spy on Han Jue dao field. 奈何韩绝一直躲在道场内,连他这位神灵之首也无法窥探到韩绝道场 If Darkness Forbidden Lord isn't Han Jue? 倘若黑暗禁主不是韩绝 Original/Prime Ancestor God thinks of such a possibility suddenly. 原生祖神忽然想到这样一个可能。 Darkness Forbidden Lord is extremely mystical, is unable to calculate, but when Han Jue leaves dao field, he can calculate that knew the Han Jue past. 黑暗禁主太过神秘,根本无法推算,而韩绝离开道场时,他是能推算的,知晓韩绝的过去。 Except that Han Jue hides when the dao field time, Han Jue goes out has not truly cursed excellently. 除开韩绝躲在道场的时间,韩绝外出时确实没有诅咒过人。 It is not Han Jue, who can also be? 可不是韩绝,又能是谁? Demon Ancestor? 魔祖 Life Lord? 命主 Also or illusory Dao Ancestor? 亦或者虚无缥缈的道祖 Original/Prime Ancestor God resists power of curse, while guesses. 原生祖神一边抵御诅咒之力,一边揣测。 He is agitated. 他心里烦躁。 Since Dao Ancestor vanishes, he then loses gradually to the control of Chaos. 自从道祖消失后,他便渐渐失去对混沌的掌控。 Original/Prime Ancestor God cannot think through, only thought that mysteriously and inexorably also has other to exist to attempt to tilt Chaos. 原生祖神想不通,只觉得冥冥之中还有其他存在妄图掀动混沌 Although he for the head of Spiritual God, but stands high, the thing of fear are more, at least he knows above Great Dao Supreme, terrifying existence, but is not in Chaos. 他虽为神灵之首,但站得越高,害怕的东西就越多,至少他知晓在大道至上之上,还有一种恐怖存在,只是不在混沌之中。 so be it, one passes daily. 就这样,一日日过去。 Original/Prime Ancestor God counter-balances power of curse, therefore not flurried. 原生祖神抵消诅咒之力,所以也没有慌乱。 However after 5 th, power of curse rose dramatically suddenly! 然而就在五日之后,诅咒之力突然暴增! Original/Prime Ancestor God in great surprise, spells to go all-out to resist hastily, but power of curse rises suddenly in a formidable manner, compared with previously thousand times, ten thousand times! 原生祖神大惊,连忙拼尽全力抵挡,但诅咒之力以不可阻挡之势暴涨,比起先前强了千倍,万倍! How possibly! What strength is this?” “怎么可能!这是什么力量?” In the Original/Prime Ancestor God heart raises the difficult situation. 原生祖神心中掀起惊涛骇浪。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue cursed full power, Book of Misfortune sent out continuously strange black air/Qi, formed the thick fog, filled in the view. 韩绝全力诅咒,厄运书散发出一缕缕诡异黑气,形成大雾,弥漫观内。 He is staring at own life-span, while assigns out the mail, momentarily examination. 他一边盯着自己的寿命,一边调出邮件,随时查看情况。 His life-span fast drop. 他的寿命快速下降。 10 billion years! 一百亿年! 100 billion years! 一千亿年! 1 trillion years! 一万亿年! 10 trillion years! 十万亿年! Han Jue already makes the preparation of big hemorrhage, since must curse, that is disposable the Original/Prime Ancestor God incantation is remnant. 韩绝已经做好大出血的准备,既然要诅咒,那就一次性将原生祖神咒残。 life-span continuously drops! 寿命持续下降! Long time, Han Jue fell 10,000 trillion years of life-span! 良久,韩绝降了一亿亿年寿命 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, Great Dao is damaged 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,大道受损】 Is damaged? 只是受损? Han Jue continues to curse. 韩绝继续诅咒。 Did not strive for killing by curse Original/Prime Ancestor God, at least needs to let his severe wound, cannot give him to fuse the Divine Right Will opportunity. 不求将原生祖神咒死,至少要让他重伤,不能给他融合神权将的机会。 At this moment, Han Jue feels anything suddenly. 就在这时,韩绝忽然感受到什么。 He cursed, while looked at the vision to Chaos. 他一边诅咒,一边将目光看向混沌 Some person of achieving Supreme! 有人证得至上 Only has Great Dao Supreme to feel. 只有大道至上能感受到。 Above three thousand Great Dao, the dao intent will is bending down to observe Chaos, was ordinary like initial Han Jue, but Han Jue could not see his appearance/portrait. 三千大道之上,有一道意志正在俯观混沌,如同当初的韩绝一般,只是韩绝也看不到他的真容。 Han Jue not careful, does not offend the opposite party, wholly-absorbed curse. 韩绝也没有上心,不去冒犯对方,专心诅咒。 Initially enters Great Dao Supreme already is not paid attention to by him. 初入大道至上已经不被他放在眼里。 Han Jue decided secretly, must contribute three for Original/Prime Ancestor God hundred million. 韩绝暗自决定,要为原生祖神贡献三个亿。 It is not 300 million! 不是三亿! Is 10000.0001 trillion! 是亿亿亿! Han Jue look even more gloomy and cold. 韩绝的眼神越发的阴冷。 Quick, he then fell 1.1 billion years of life-span, even so, has not triggered the second mail. 很快,他便降了十亿亿年寿命,即便如此,也没有触发第二条邮件。 Original/Prime Ancestor God a little thing! 原生祖神有点东西! Han Jue clenches teeth to insist. 韩绝咬牙坚持。 2.1 billion years! 二十亿亿年! 3.1 billion years! 三十亿亿年! 4.1 billion years! 四十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, Great Dao presents fissure, dao heart is damaged 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,大道出现裂痕,道心受损】 Continue! 继续! 5.1 billion years! 五十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, cultivation declines, strength of disorder Supreme 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,道行衰退,至上之力紊乱】 Also insufficiently! 还不够! The eye of Han Jue presented the blood threads. 韩绝的眼睛都出现血丝了。 The body has the burden actually not, but will be he will renovate itself to spend freely the record of life-span. 倒不是身体有负担,而是他将刷新自己挥霍寿命的记录。 6.1 billion years! 六十亿亿年! 7.1 billion years! 七十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, dao heart presents heart demon 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,道心出现心魔 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God pinches out heart demon, comprehends the supreme rule, the cultivation growth 【你的仇敌原生祖神掐灭心魔,参悟至高规则,道行增长】 Worthily is you! 不愧是你! That continues! 那就继续! Han Jue is unhurried, has not arrived guarantees a minimum the life-span digit that in his heart prepares. 韩绝丝毫不慌,还没有到他心中准备的保底寿命数字。 8.1 billion years of life-span! 八十亿亿年寿命 9.1 billion years of life-span! 九十亿亿年寿命 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, dao heart is damaged 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,道心受损】 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God encounters Divine Right Will backlash 【你的仇敌原生祖神遭遇神权将反噬 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God restores mortal body and cultivation base with will 【你的仇敌原生祖神以意志恢复肉身及修为 Hehe! 呵呵! Whom looks at to consume! 看谁耗得起! Book of Misfortune shivers slightly, the strange black air/Qi winds around in the Han Jue whole body. 厄运书微微颤动,诡异黑气缭绕在韩绝周身。 10.1 billion years! 一百亿亿年! Han Jue patient curse. 韩绝耐心诅咒。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The Chaos edge, in the absolute darkness emerges one group of air/Qi. 混沌边缘,绝对黑暗之中涌现出一团气。 This group of air/Qi swiftly condense a form, treads slowly from the darkness, he wears the black robe, under the robe puts on the bloodstained black armor, the full black hair flutters recklessly, is solemn-looking, both eyes are pale, do not have the black pupil. 这团气迅速凝聚成一尊身影,缓缓从黑暗中踏出,他身披黑袍,袍下穿着染血的黑甲,满头黑发肆意飘动,面容冷峻,双目惨白,没有黑瞳。 „The head of Spiritual God, your say/way was chaotic, never expected that you have today.” “神灵之首,你的道乱了,没想到你也有今日。” The black robe troll person sneers saying that gradually moves toward Chaos, every step spans vast Chaos Domain, simultaneously unceasingly imminent three thousand Great Dao. 黑袍白目人冷笑道,步步走向混沌,每一步跨越辽阔混沌领域,同时不断迫近三千大道 ...... …… 13.1 billion years! 一百三十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, cultivation explodes falls, mortal body annihilation 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,道行爆降,肉身湮灭】 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God uses the strength of Great Dao, restores mortal body and cultivation base 【你的仇敌原生祖神动用大道之力,恢复肉身及修为 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的仇敌原生祖神遭遇神秘大能袭击】 Han Jue selects the eyebrow. 韩绝挑眉。 Does the cherub who where comes attack Original/Prime Ancestor God unexpectedly? 哪来的小天使竟然袭击原生祖神 Does attractively! 干得漂亮! Han Jue is enthusiastic , to continue to curse. 韩绝更加来劲,继续诅咒。 14.1 billion years! 一百四十亿亿年! 15.1 billion years! 一百五十亿亿年! Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God because of your curse, soul source is damaged 【你的仇敌原生祖神因你的诅咒,灵魂本源受损】
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