WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#861: Four million years old, Book of Misfortune promotion

For Liu Bei sermon, Han Jue spent millennium, causes Liu Bei steps into Extreme Source Great Dao thoroughly by path on. 刘备讲道,韩绝花了千年时间,使得刘备彻底踏入极源大道的逐道路上。 Later, Han Jue has not driven out Liu Bei, making him treat in Dao Monastery cultivates. 之后,韩绝没有将刘备赶出去,让他就待在道观内修炼。 Dao Monastery falls into silent. 道观陷入寂静中。 Han Jue continues to comprehend the strength of Good Fortune. 韩绝继续参悟造化之力。 The time passes fast. 时间快速流逝。 The stars universe has been evolving, more and more stars appear, the gathering forms the mammoth galaxy and star sea, in the stars also appears differ in thousands of ways, the entire universe becomes colorful. 星辰宇宙一直在演化,越来越多的星辰出现,汇聚形成波澜壮阔的星河、星海,星辰之中也出现千姿百态,整个宇宙变得缤纷多彩。 Another side. 另一边。 Chaos deep place. 混沌深处。 Huang Zuntian takes the lead several hundred lives to fall in a desolated mainland. 黄尊天率先数百位命落在一片荒芜大陆上。 Everyone starts to take three as the team, starts to search, must find the source of Demon God!” “所有人开始以三位为队,开始搜查,务必找到魔神之源!” Huang Zuntian told, the voice fell, several hundred lives dispersed immediately depart. 黄尊天吩咐道,话音落下,数百位命立即分散离去。 Afterward, Huang Zuntian flies alone, goes through sky over the horizon fast. 随后,黄尊天独自飞行,在地平面上空快速穿行。 Should here.” “应该就在这里。” The sound resounds in the Huang Zuntian mind together, is Primordial Beginning Primordial Chaos. 一道声音在黄尊天的脑海里响起,正是始元鸿蒙 They have fused, Primordial Beginning Primordial Chaos assists Huang Zuntian now, although he attacks the Primordial Chaos Demon God failure, but his ambition never extinguishes. 他们早已融合,始元鸿蒙现在辅佐黄尊天,他虽然冲击鸿蒙魔神失败,但他的野心从未熄灭。 In the Huang Zuntian heart inquired: „After finding the source of Demon God, what makes, resurrecting Demon God?” 黄尊天心中询问:“找到魔神之源后做什么,复活魔神?” That is how possible, I must make you Chaos Demon God, attacks Primordial Chaos Demon God again.” “那怎么可能,吾要让你成为混沌魔神,再冲击鸿蒙魔神。” Primordial Chaos Demon God! 鸿蒙魔神 The Huang Zuntian mind inspires, the facial expression becomes complex. 黄尊天心神一振,神情变得复杂。 The Primordial Chaos Demon God legend has spread over entire Chaos, before all living things regarded Primordial Chaos Demon God are biggest evil, but since Chaos Demon God was exterminated by Divine Right Will, all changed. 鸿蒙魔神的传说早已传遍整个混沌,以前众生视鸿蒙魔神为最大邪恶,但自从混沌魔神神权将诛灭后,一切又发生变化。 Unknowingly, all living things already starts to forget Primordial Chaos Demon God, various rumors are aiming at Great Dao Spiritual God, declared that Primordial Chaos Demon God is only a pretence, Great Dao Spiritual God taking advantage of grasping with Primordial Chaos Demon God is the excuse head, takes advantage of opportunity exterminates Chaos Demon God, the fact is also so. 不知不觉中,众生已经开始遗忘鸿蒙魔神,各种流言都在指向大道神灵,宣称鸿蒙魔神只是幌子,大道神灵借着抓拿鸿蒙魔神为由头,顺势将混沌魔神诛灭,事实也是如此。 Huang Zuntian thinks that Primordial Chaos Demon God is the fabrication, has not thought that still really exists. 黄尊天原以为鸿蒙魔神是杜撰,没想到还真存在。 „Becoming Primordial Chaos Demon God, can be detected by Great Dao Spiritual God?” In the Huang Zuntian heart inquired. “成为鸿蒙魔神,会不会被大道神灵察觉?”黄尊天心中询问。 Relax , world no one will not have seen Primordial Chaos Demon God, the most ancient Spiritual God has not seen.” “放心吧,不会,世间无人见过鸿蒙魔神,最古老的神灵也没有见过。” Huang Zuntian one hear, felt relieved immediately, in the eye reveals the color of anticipation. 黄尊天一听,顿时放下心来,眼中流露出期待之色。 After hour . 半个时辰后。 The sound conveys together: Life Lord, the source of Demon God here!” 一道声音传来:“命主,魔神之源在这里!” Huang Zuntian organizes to go immediately. 黄尊天立即腾挪而去。 Before he arrives at a being too deep to see the bottom canyon, a life float in in the air, overlooks under. 他来到一条深不见底的峡谷前,一名命悬浮在空中,俯视下方。 Huang Zuntian escapes immediately into the canyon, vanishes does not see. 黄尊天立即遁入峡谷之中,消失不见。 ...... …… 100,000 years pass by. 十万年过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, in Dao Monastery already does not see Liu Bei. 韩绝睁开眼睛,道观已经不见刘备 Several tens of thousands of years ago, Liu Bei then departs quietly. 数万年前,刘备便悄然离去。 He looks to Dao Monastery. 他看向道观外。 Liu Bei under a tree, the surrounding area in five zhang (3.33 m) is covered with the flowers and plants, red green abundant. 刘备在一棵树下,方圆五丈内长满花草,红绿盎然。 Han Jue smiles, when he before to Liu Bei sermon, deliberately covers third dao field Extreme Source Great Dao, wants born the vitality. 韩绝会心一笑,他之前给刘备讲道时,刻意将极源大道覆盖第三道场,就是想诞生生机。 Without the universe of life, is the deathly stillness. 没有生灵的宇宙,是死寂的。 To comprehend the strength of Good Fortune, must need the creation life. 想要领悟造化之力,也得需要创造生灵。 Entire stars universe, temporarily only then Han Jue third dao field has the flowers and plants, the flowers and plants are also spirit, is only spirit, is not worth mentioning. 整个星辰宇宙,暂时只有韩绝的第三道场有花草,花草也是灵,只是灵微,不值得一提。 But this is a good beginning. 但这就是一个好的开端。 Han Jue has not cared, all give the time to be then good. 韩绝也没有在意,一切交给时间便好。 He assigns out the mail, starts to examine. 他调出邮件,开始查看。 Your good friend Huang Zuntian fuses the source of Demon God, the transformation is Chaos Demon God 你的好友黄尊天融合魔神之源,蜕变为混沌魔神 Your apprentice Dao Supreme grasps Chaos Domain, cultivation rises suddenly 你的徒弟道至尊掌握混沌领域,道行暴涨 Your good friend Evil Heavenly Emperor establishes Heavenly Divine General, cultivation rises sharply 你的好友邪天帝创立天神将,道行大涨 Your good friend Foolish Sword Divine Sage senses Sword Dao, is under the mysterious almighty attack 你的好友愚剑神圣感悟剑道,遭遇神秘大能袭击 Your apprentice Zhou Fan and your foe Qi Daosheng discussing dao, cultivation growth 你的徒弟周凡与你的仇敌七道圣论道,道行增长 Your good friend Samsara Immortal Emperor comprehends Samsara Great Dao, the soul enters Great Dao 你的好友轮回仙帝参悟轮回大道,魂入大道 Your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God fuses Divine Right Will, encounters backlash 你的仇敌原生祖神融合神权将,遭遇反噬 Valley /span >...... 谷/span>…… Does Huang Zuntian become Chaos Demon God? 黄尊天成为混沌魔神 Such good to mix? 这么好混? Han Jue selects the eyebrow, this Primordial Beginning Primordial Chaos a little meaning. 韩绝挑眉,这始元鸿蒙有点意思。 Chaos Demon God may not have is so good to replace. 混沌魔神可没有那么好取代。 Again downward, mostly is the chance. 再往下,大多是机缘。 Zhou Fan and Qi Daosheng do in one go, Zhou Fan favourability has not dropped, explained that had not been misled by Qi Daosheng, two people possibly are the personal friendship. 周凡七道圣又搞在一块去,周凡好感度没有下降,说明没有被七道圣蛊惑,两人可能是私交吧。 No matter what, Zhou Fan truly has a deficit Qi Daosheng, if no Qi Daosheng, Zhou Fan had died a lot. 不管怎样,周凡确实亏欠七道圣,若无七道圣,周凡早已死了千百回。 Han Jue narrows the eye, the attention is attracted by Original/Prime Ancestor God. 韩绝眯眼,注意力被原生祖神吸引。 Is this boy doing? 这厮在干什么? Fuses Divine Right Will unexpectedly! 竟然融合神权将 It seems like this boy is truly careful, for fear when with the Han Jue duel turns over. 看来这厮确实很小心,生怕跟韩绝决斗时翻车。 Han Jue puts out Book of Misfortune, immediately starts to curse Original/Prime Ancestor God. 韩绝拿出厄运书,立即开始诅咒原生祖神 However his power of curse fails directly, the fundamental incantation does not arrive at Original/Prime Ancestor God, this irritates him. 然而他的诅咒之力直接落空,根本咒不到原生祖神,这让他很恼火。 Also can only give up again annoyedly. 再恼火也只能作罢。 Afterward, Han Jue transmits Main Dao Field. 随后,韩绝传送到主道场 He starts to observe Heavenly Dao, without the danger, Foolish Sword Divine Sage, Hong Yuan and Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage is still practicing safely, all seem that tranquil. 他开始观测天道,没有危险,愚剑神圣红缘虚魂大圣都还在安心修炼,一切显得那么平静。 After Han Jue observes, returns to third dao field. 韩绝观测完后,又回到第三道场 He thinks of Jiang Jueshi suddenly. 他忽然想到姜绝世 His facial expression moves, the will jumps to Chaos above, the vision catches Jiang Jueshi rapidly. 他神情一动,意志跳到混沌之上,目光迅速捕捉到姜绝世 Jiang Jueshi still in the Chaos wanderer, Han Jue starts to fabricate fabricatedly, moves the Jiang Jueshi space to the stars universe nearby directly. 姜绝世还在混沌闯荡,韩绝开始捏造虚妄,将姜绝世所处的空间直接挪到星辰宇宙附近。 The space that he moves is enormous, to Jiang Jueshi could not detect. 他挪的空间极大,大到姜绝世都察觉不到。 The Han Jue corners of the mouth raise, he starts to expect that Jiang Jueshi astrays the stars universe the scene. 韩绝嘴角一扬,他开始期待姜绝世误入星辰宇宙的场景。 Afterward, he continues to cultivate. 随后,他又继续修炼。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Nearly 20,000 years later. 近两万年后。 Examines you full four million years old, the life has made great strides forward one step, you have the following choice 检测到你已满四百万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择 First, immediately goes out, brings honor to the prestige of Primordial Chaos Demon God, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one creation spirit stones and Great Dao Sage level Guard 一,立即出关,弘扬鸿蒙魔神之威名,可获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块创造灵石、一尊大道圣人守卫 Second, maintains seclusion, the low-key cultivation, far away from the right and wrong, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Heavenly Dao spirit stones 二,保持闭关,低调修炼,远离是非,可获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块创造灵石一块天道灵石 Han Jue eye one bright, he has never so longed for obtains Heavenly Dao spirit stones. 韩绝眼睛一亮,他从未如此渴望过得到天道灵石 Moreover System is so intimate, without places the first option Heavenly Dao spirit stones, before was so disgusting. 而且系统还这么贴心,没有将天道灵石放在第一个选项,以前就这么恶心。 He chooses the second option immediately. 他立即选择第二个选项。 You choose to maintain seclusion, the low-key cultivation, obtains the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Heavenly Dao spirit stones 你选择保持闭关,低调修炼,获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块创造灵石一块天道灵石 Han Jue puts out creation spirit stones, fuses with one group of Qi of Demon God. 韩绝拿出创造灵石,与一团魔神之气融合。 He follows to put out Heavenly Dao spirit stones and Book of Misfortune, the choice fuses. 他跟着拿出天道灵石厄运书,选择融合。 Book of Misfortune already is Great Dao supreme treasure, again upward is Pinnacle Dao Treasure! 厄运书已经大道至宝,再往上便是极致道宝 Book of Misfortune of Pinnacle Dao Treasure level this/should can curse Original/Prime Ancestor God! 极致道宝级的厄运书该能诅咒到原生祖神吧! Han Jue anticipated very much. 韩绝很期待。 Original/Prime Ancestor God is fusing Divine Right Will, this is not the good deed, must solve earlier. 原生祖神在融合神权将,这可不是好事,必须早点解决。 After Heavenly Dao spirit stones fuses, then waits for the promotion. 天道灵石融合之后,接下来就是等待升级。 Han Jue has not waited in vain , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝也没有白等,继续修炼。 Outside Dao Monastery. 道观外。 Under tree. 树下。 Liu Bei opens the eye, the vision falls on a front white bloom, this white bloom 30 centimeters high, leaf like sword, flower like fan. 刘备睁开眼睛,目光落在面前的一株白花上,此白花三十公分高,叶子如剑,花如扇。 Finally starts to absorb the spiritual energy, how also does not know aptitude......” “终于开始吸收灵气,也不知资质如何……” Liu Bei muttered, the tone was hopeful. 刘备喃喃自语,语气充满期待。 He knew that own aptitude is ordinary, therefore wants for the Han Jue training team. 他自知自己的资质一般,所以想为韩绝培养班底。 His already is Sage, had previously observed this piece of universe with Sacred Thought, the entire universe is also in evolves in the advancement, perhaps later can the birth shaking the old and illuminating the new Heaven's Chosen character. 已经圣人,先前用圣念观测过这片宇宙,整个宇宙都还处于衍化进程中,或许以后能诞生震古烁今的天骄人物。
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