WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#860: Biggest security

Why you thought that you can play tricks on the head of Spiritual God? Your realm disparities big, were you clear?” “你凭什么觉得你能戏弄神灵之首?你们的境界差距有多大,你清楚?” Han Jue unemotional asking. 韩绝面无表情的问道。 Han Tuo said: I am Unrestrained, he is Great Dao Supreme, only misses two big realm, I have not mentioned you before him, so long as he attempts, even if suspected, not directly to my take action.” 韩拓道:“我乃自在,他乃大道至上,只差两层大境界,我未曾在他面前提起过您,只要他有企图,纵然怀疑,也不会直接对我出手。” Han Jue wields the sleeve, in an instant, the dreamland changes, under two human feet presents three thousand Great Dao, seems the light rainbow to spread across, again downward is entire Chaos. 韩绝挥袖,刹那间,梦境变化,两人脚下出现三千大道,好似光虹纵横交错,再往下则是整个混沌 Han Tuo stares the big eye, turns around to bend down to observe Chaos. 韩拓瞪大眼睛,转身俯观混沌 He was shocked, the look is shining the ray. 他被震撼到,眼神放着光芒。 Not only three thousand Great Dao light/only the rainbow, Great Dao supreme principle, invisible in attacks his soul, is only one, he can see Great Dao Supreme innumerable trace-by-trace, saw vicissitude ten thousand world. 三千大道不只是光虹,还有大道至理,无形之中冲击他的灵魂,光是一眼,他就能看到大道至上的无数逐道者,看到了浮沉万世。 Han Tuo as if feels anything, looks up fiercely, sees seven big supreme rules that keeps aloof, like brightest stars direction entire Chaos. 韩拓似乎感受到什么,猛地抬头看去,看到那高高在上的七大至高规则,如同最明亮的星辰指引整个混沌 That is anything......” “那是什么……” Han Tuo muttered, his already was very long is so shocked. 韩拓喃喃自语,他已经很久没有被这般震撼过。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: This is the Great Dao Supreme domain.” 韩绝开口道:“这便是大道至上的领域。” He lifts the hand to wield, extracts from Chaos the Yi Tian form, behind Yi Tian appears a piece by piece illusion, all past about Yi Tian in the future, which people even contains him to contact. 他抬手一挥,将遗天的身影从混沌之中抽出,紧接着遗天背后浮现出一片片幻象,全都是关于遗天的过去未来,甚至包含他接触过哪些人。 Han Tuo looks silent. 韩拓看得沉默。 He understands that meaning of Han Jue, he suddenly also finds it ridiculous. 他明白韩绝的意思,他突然也觉得可笑。 He too underestimates the Great Dao Supreme strength. 他太低估大道至上的力量。 Han Tuo already was not the past young fellow, experienced many matters, although he present is proud, but also understood many truth. 韩拓已经不是当年的毛头小子,经历了许多事,他虽然如今自傲,但也明白很多道理。 He will often review the own experience, understands a matter, although does not dare to acknowledge, but the fact, his all chances cannot go round with Han Jue. 他时常会回顾自己的经历,明白一件事,虽然不敢承认,但是事实,他的一切机缘都与韩绝绕不开。 He more wants more to be afraid. 他越想越害怕。 Father, how should I do?” Han Tuo cautious asking, does not dare to pull rank right now again, cannot guarantee anything again. “父亲,我该怎么做?”韩拓小心翼翼的问道,这下子不敢再托大,不敢再保证什么。 He is not silly, understands that the head of Spiritual God retains him, to take him coerces Han Jue. 他不傻,明白神灵之首留住他,就是为了拿他要挟韩绝 Because if he harmed Han Jue, that too crime. 倘若因他害了韩绝,那太罪过了。 Until now, he has not returned Han Jue. 迄今为止,他还未回报过韩绝 Actually not only Han Tuo, the Hidden Sect disciple also has this confusion. 其实不只是韩拓,隐门的弟子也有这种困惑。 To repay Han Jue, but Han Jue does not need...... 想报答韩绝,但韩绝不需要…… This boy seclusion, had almost not troubled. 这厮一直闭关,几乎没有麻烦。 Han Jue said: Temporarily allow nature to take its course, at heart do not have to plan the idea of head of Spiritual God, has the opportunity to escape again, I will also try to find the solution.” 韩绝道:“暂时顺其自然吧,心里不要有算计神灵之首的想法,有机会再逃,我也会想办法。” hears word, Han Tuo can only nod. 闻言,韩拓只能点头。 Han Jue also urged several, then relieved the dreamland. 韩绝又叮嘱几句,便解除梦境。 Opens the eye, Han Jue sighs. 睁开眼睛,韩绝叹息一声。 He shows the smile. 紧接着,他又露出笑容。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” Han Jue muttered, in the eye revealed the color of rousing. 韩绝喃喃自语,眼中流露出振奋之色。 cultivation was long, is bored. 修行久了,也无聊。 Original/Prime Ancestor God is his mortal enemy, now Han Tuo tosses about a matter to him, he somewhat was on the contrary happy. 原生祖神本来就是他的死敌,现在韩拓给他折腾点事,他反倒有些高兴。 Some people need his! 还是有人需要他的嘛! 200,000 years pass by, no one looks for Han Jue, even Xing Hongxuan is busy cultivating, the Han Jue deep place has to plant the forgotten desolate feeling at heart. 二十万年过去,没一个人找韩绝,连邢红璇都忙着修炼,韩绝心里深处还是有种被遗忘的落寞感。 „Can I now instakill Original/Prime Ancestor God?” “我现在能秒杀原生祖神吗?” Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot 【不能】 Han Jue gave up directly decision that uses Darkness Forbidden Territory. 韩绝直接放弃了使用黑暗禁域的决策。 Must curse. 还是得诅咒。 Han Jue thinks silently. 韩绝默默想到。 Afterward he transmits Main Dao Field, observes Heavenly Dao. 随后他传送到主道场,观测天道 The development of Heavenly Dao was still very smooth, has Foolish Sword Divine Sage, Hong Yuan and Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage to assume personal command outside Heavenly Dao, it can be said that is impregnable. 天道的发展仍很顺利,有愚剑神圣红缘虚魂大圣天道外坐镇,可以说是固若金汤。 Looked some little time, Han Jue sets out to go out of Dao Monastery, goes to visit Xing Hongxuan. 看了好一会儿,韩绝起身走出道观,前去拜访邢红璇 After entering the view, he sits by Xing Hongxuan, chatted with her. 入观后,他坐在邢红璇旁边,与她闲聊。 Xing Hongxuan cultivation base is also promoting with steady steps. 邢红璇修为也在稳步提升。 Sees Han Jue, Xing Hongxuan is very happy, quick occupies the topic initiative, chirp keeping saying. 见到韩绝,邢红璇还是很高兴的,很快就占据话题主动性,叽叽喳喳的说个不停。 The Han Jue sometimes also very curious Xing Hongxuan character, obviously is continuously seclusion, but this young married woman always has unable to say words that never meets the awkward silence. 韩绝有时候也很好奇邢红璇的性格,明明都是一直闭关,但这婆娘总是有说不完的话,从不会冷场。 For a long time. 许久。 Han Jue mentioned the matter of Han Tuo, dao field can isolate spying on head of Spiritual God in any case, did not fear that was discovered. 韩绝说起韩拓之事,反正道场可以隔绝神灵之首的窥探,也不怕被发现。 After Xing Hongxuan hear, comforts saying: Others starting points for you, too do not blame him.” 邢红璇听后,安慰道:“人家的出发点也是为了你,别太责怪他。” She is staring at Han Jue carefully, suddenly said with a smile: I thought that you were also very happy, unexpectedly for this matter looks for me specially.” 她仔细盯着韩绝,忽然笑道:“我看你也很高兴,竟然为了此事专门来找我。” Also yes, Divine Might Heavenly Sage that you keep aloof, usually the disciples do not dare to disturb you, Hidden Sect and Heavenly Dao in your control, the sky collapse not to threaten you, has the matter to make you worry rarely.” “也是,你可是高高在上的神威天圣,平时弟子们都不敢打搅你,隐门天道又在你的掌控中,天塌下来都威胁不到你,难得有事情让你牵挂。” Han Jue asked: You said after our sons, can be like Han Tuo that boy, makes such trouble?” 韩绝问道:“你说我们这儿子以后会不会跟韩拓那小子一样,惹出这样的麻烦?” Xing Hongxuan covers the mouth to say with a smile: I looked that can toss about compared with Tuo'er, Tuo'er calculates that was very good, from infancy to maturity, how many times has troubled your? Our son aptitude are so powerful, later decides however uncommonly, troublesome can only continuously.” 邢红璇掩嘴笑道:“我看呐,比拓儿更能折腾,拓儿算很不错了,从小到大,麻烦过你几次?我们的儿子资质如此强大,以后定然不凡,麻烦只会源源不断。” Han Jue said with a smile: This, that was makes him not be born, so as to avoid troubled.” 韩绝笑道:“这样啊,那还是让他别出生了,免得麻烦。” Ok, I thought that he could not brave.” “行啊,我看他也冒不出来了。” Your this saying likely mother?” “你这话像母亲吗?” Hee hee, the child can regenerate, master your, you, if fears the trouble, how could I do harm you?” “嘻嘻,孩子可以再生,相公就你一个,你要是怕麻烦,我岂能害你?” Two people crack a joke. 两人开起了玩笑。 After several days, Han Jue just now departs. 数日后,韩绝方才离去。 After Xing Hongxuan chatted, the Han Jue mood is joyful. 邢红璇聊了后,韩绝心情愉悦不少。 As for youngest son, but also in the abdomen, Han Jue already has the idea, when he collects nine Primordial Chaos fragments , to promote the bloodlines with Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune, such youngest son is only Primordial Chaos Demon God. 至于小儿子,还在腹中,韩绝已经有想法,等他凑齐九块鸿蒙碎片,用鸿蒙大造化提升血脉,这样小儿子就是唯一的鸿蒙魔神 On the day of Han Jue already starts to expect. 韩绝已经开始期待那一日。 Returns to own Dao Monastery, Han Jue to remember Liu Bei, immediately passes on the imperial edict to come Liu Bei. 回到自己的道观,韩绝想起刘备,当即将刘备传诏过来。 Originally third dao field does not want to release people, but Liu Bei had so many years pain in Chaos, cannot treat coldly. 本来第三道场不想放人,可刘备混沌吃了这么多年的苦,可不能冷落。 Although Liu Bei is doppelganger, what uses is the Victorious Fighting Buddha mortal body, the spirit wisdom is independent. 刘备虽是分身,但用的是斗战胜佛的肉身,灵智早已独立。 Arrives in Han Jue Dao Monastery, Liu Bei is on nettles, at heart is actually very excited. 来到韩绝道观内,刘备忐忑不安,心里却是很激动。 After coming back, he is truly disappointed, what are more is rebukes oneself, after all he has not completed task, but also needs Han Jue take action to see personally. 回来之后,他确实很失望,不过更多的是自责,毕竟他没有完成任务,还需要韩绝亲自出手见。 Han Jue rubbish, leads him to arrive at third dao field directly. 韩绝也不废话,直接带着他来到第三道场 Liu Bei saw that all in Dao Monastery changed, gawked staring. 刘备看到道观内的一切变了,不由愣了愣。 This is third dao field, later you cultivation with me, front makes you go to Chaos to seek for third dao field, wants to come also truly to feel embarrassed you.” “这便是第三道场,以后你就跟着我修炼,前面让你前往混沌找寻第三道场,想来也确实为难你。” Han Jue opens the mouth saying that hearing Liu Bei to be grateful, thanks politely hastily. 韩绝开口道,听得刘备感激涕零,连忙拜谢。 Looks own only independent doppelganger, the Han Jue vision becomes gentle, said: You with my already more than 300 ten thousand years, I truly treated coldly you, incessantly is you, many people were treated coldly by me.” 看着自己唯一的独立分身,韩绝的目光变得柔和,道:“你跟我已经三百多万载,我确实冷落了你,不止是你,很多人都被我冷落。” Liu Bei busy say/way: How can? Powerhouse who if not your seclusion cultivation, has always been able to resist the attack, I and others had died, your already provides to me and others the best cultivation environment, the biggest security sense, is not desolate.” 刘备忙道:“怎会?若非您一直闭关修炼,总是能抵御来袭的强者,我等早就死了,您已经提供给我等最好的修炼环境,还有最大的安全感,绝非冷落。” No matter Liu Bei is the real soul talk, Han Jue hears to be very comfortable. 不管刘备是不是真心话,韩绝听得很舒服。 Han Jue rubbish, starts sermon. 韩绝也不废话,开始讲道 Extreme Source Great Dao covers Liu Bei instantaneously. 极源大道瞬间覆盖刘备 Does not know that is Han Jue but intentionally is, his say/way sound reverberates in entire third dao field. 不知是不是韩绝故意而为,他的道音在整个第三道场内回荡。
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