WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#859: New Heavenly Dao

No, do you also buckle so many life-span?” “没有,你还扣这么多寿命?” Han Jue air/Qi scolds the exit|to speak, doing to System is only System, has not communicated with him. 韩绝气得骂出口,奈何系统只是系统,没有跟他交流。 Changes mind thinks, Han Jue thought through. 转念一想,韩绝想通了。 Perhaps he thinks that ninth Chaos, this issue is equivalent was asking ninth Chaos discovers him. 可能他心里想到第九混沌,这个问题相当于在问第九混沌有没有发现他。 Un. 嗯。 Only can comfort itself like this. 只能这样安慰自己。 Third dao field already establishes, although the spiritual energy is still promoting with steady steps, but dao field defense formation is like Main Dao Field. 第三道场已经建立好,虽然灵气还在稳步提升,但道场防御阵法已然与主道场一样。 Han Jue found a mountain top in the dao field range, constructs Dao Monastery on the summit, is only the matter of waving. 韩绝道场范围内找到一座山头,在山顶上建造道观,只是挥手的事情。 Dao Monastery in this Dao Monastery and Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain is generally same, but inside does not have the furniture bed, the space is crude, he sits in meditation on the ground, starts to sense this piece of stars universe. 这座道观百岳仙川内的道观大抵相同,只是里面没有桌椅床榻,空间简陋,他打坐在地上,开始感悟这片星辰宇宙。 He tries to catch the strength of Good Fortune. 他试着去捕捉造化之力。 Spent several double-hour, Han Jue is still not able from the strength of Good Fortune to obtain the sensibility, but he was not anxious, this required the time. 花了数个时辰,韩绝仍无法从造化之力中获得感悟,但他也不急,这需要时间。 He plans to treat from now henceforth in the third dao field cultivation. 他打算从今以后就待在第三道场修炼。 Third dao field treats as the place of his cultivation, will not release people again. 第三道场就当做他的修行之地,不会再放人。 Time so be it passes fast. 时间就这样快速流逝。 ...... …… Dark void, form is speeding away. 黑暗虚空,一道身影正在疾驰。 Previously in the insane say/way Daoist who in Han Jue suffers a loss. 正是先前在韩绝手里吃了亏的疯道道人。 dao field was destroyed, the insane say/way Daoist has to change a place to cultivate, his already goes through number ten thousand years in Chaos. 道场被毁,疯道道人不得不换一个地方修炼,他已经混沌中穿行数万载。 The three eye glances of insane say/way Daoist in all directions. 疯道道人的三只眼睛扫视四面八方。 The front appears luminously, pulls closer the distance to look, is a heaven great tree, the branch is unexpectedly intriguing, on each branch holds a piece of universe radiantly, the galaxy like the vortex, takes a broad view to sweep off, on the tree little said that ten million/countless universe, in each piece of universe is the implication innumerable stars. 前方出现光亮,拉近距离看去,竟是一棵苍天巨树,树枝错综复杂,每一根树枝上都衔着一片宇宙,星河璀璨如漩涡,放眼扫去,树上少说有千万宇宙,每一片宇宙内更是蕴含无数星辰。 Fusang Tree! 扶桑树 Flees Heavenly Dao sometime, Fusang Tree today we are no longer as we have been, the whole body has been sending out ancient years aura, is gathering the innumerable meteorites under the tree, has the trend of faintly condensing the mainland. 逃离天道已有一段时间,扶桑树已然今非昔比,浑身散发着古老的岁月气息,在树下更是聚集着无数陨石,隐隐有凝聚成大陆的趋势。 The insane say/way Daoist flies rapidly, falls before Fusang Tree. 疯道道人迅速飞来,落在扶桑树前。 He is sizing up Fusang Tree, looking pensive. 他打量着扶桑树,若有所思。 The tree trunk of Fusang Tree shivers slightly, has not thought very anxiously. 扶桑树的树身微微颤动,没想到很紧张。 Young tree, does not need to worry, I cultivation nearby you, comprehend your years and Space and Time rule, if there is an enemy, I will also help you.” “小树,不必担忧,吾就在你附近修炼,参悟你的岁月、时空规则,若是有敌人,吾也会助你。” The insane say/way Daoist opens the mouth saying that the voice falls, no matter he also Fusang Tree, falls on the one giant meteorite under tree, starts to sit in meditation the cultivation. 疯道道人开口道,话音落下,他也不管扶桑树,落在树下的一块巨大陨石上,开始打坐修炼。 Fusang Tree follows to be tranquil. 扶桑树跟着平静下来。 From beginning to end, Fusang Tree has not opened the mouth. 自始至终,扶桑树都没有开口。 ...... …… Time flies, 200,000 years rapid in the past. 岁月如梭,二十万年迅速过去。 Heavenly Dao is changed beyond recognition, third Heavenly Road of Chaos in creation, Immortal World has emerged innumerable Heaven's Chosen, All Heavens mortal world also starts to rise, disperses Heaven already is not inferior before Heavenly Dao restarts Immortal World ranked the first. 天道已然焕然一新,第三条混沌天路已然在创造中,仙界涌现无数天骄,就连诸天凡界也开始崛起,排名第一的散天界已经不逊色于天道重启前的仙界 Outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, before each Sage dao field, has the Dao Seeker form, extremely busy, does not fear to disturb Sage, because Sages is very enlightened, wants to shield the sound outside dao field to read. 三十三层天外,每一座圣人道场前都有求道者的身影,热闹非凡,也不怕打扰圣人,因为圣人们都很开明,想要屏蔽道场外的声音只是一念罢了。 Inconsiderately in the palace, Han Yu and Long Hao and Qin Ling are sitting in meditation to chat. 不周宫内,韩玉龙昊秦灵正在打坐聊天。 Long Hao said with a smile: Recently Heavenly Dao presented many Heaven's Chosen, Saint Venerable as if prepared to promote the new Taigu (Immemorial) ten virtues, don't you recruit the disciple?” 龙昊笑道:“最近天道可是出现了不少天骄,圣尊似乎准备推出新的太古十贤,你们不去招收弟子?” Han Yu said: Does not use, I like quietly.” 韩玉道:“不用了,我喜欢清静。” Qin Ling grins to say with a smile: Ancestral Master has me fully, as for me, cannot take a liking to these later generations, my goal is higher, not only but Sage, I must pursue Divine Might Heavenly Sage!” 秦灵咧嘴笑道:“师祖有我足矣,至于我,瞧不上那些后辈,我的目标更高,可不只是圣人,我要追逐神威天圣!” After Sanctification, he then thinks, when he undergoes the tribulation the Divine Palace honored person is Divine Might Heavenly Sage, making him often think, is very at heart warm. 成圣后,他便想起来,在他历劫时遇到的神宫贵人就是神威天圣,让他每每想起来,心里都很暖。 Divine Might Heavenly Sage what kind of status, what kind of position, but can also in spite of being very busy find the time to look after him, doesn't this think highly of? 神威天圣何等身份,何等地位,还能在百忙之中抽出时间来关照他,这不就是器重? Han Jue sword execution two ten thousand Divine Right Will scenes are also shocking him, urges on him to try hard to cultivate, pursues diligently. 韩绝一剑诛杀两万神权将的场景至今还震撼着他,鞭策着他努力修炼,努力追赶。 You? Also wants to catch up with my Master?” Long Hao shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. “就你?还想追上我师父?”龙昊摇头失笑。 Qin Ling said proudly: I believe my aptitude.” 秦灵傲然道:“我相信我的资质。” Long Hao faint smile. 龙昊似笑非笑。 In the past his also such ambitious and proud. 当年他也这么心高气傲 Incessantly is he, other Hidden Sect Heaven's Chosen are also so. 不止是他,隐门其他天骄也是如此。 What a pity. 可惜。 The brutal reality told them, Han Jue aptitude could not catch up! 残酷的现实告诉他们,韩绝资质是追不上的! Long Hao said with a smile: Such being the case, you must help me, I stared at a Heaven's Chosen, at present in Earth Immortal Realm, the wanderer in Samsara Space is still crossing before, Samsara Immortal Emperor already was Heavenly Dao Sage, but this boy rarely with the Sage human relations, you and I visited him together.” 龙昊笑道:“既然如此,那你们得帮我,我盯上了一名天骄,目前正在地仙界,之前还在轮回空间中闯荡过,轮回仙帝已经天道圣人,但这厮很少与圣人交际,你们与我一同去拜访他吧。” Han Yu hesitant moment, slight nod. 韩玉犹豫片刻,微微点头。 Qin Ling naturally does not have the opinion. 秦灵自然没有意见。 The three sages set out to go out of the palace immediately, passed by a azure clothes female along the way. 三圣立即起身走出宫殿,沿途路过一名青衣女子。 Qin Ling toward her slight nod. 秦灵朝她微微点头。 The azure clothes female looks to Han Yu, asked: Senior, do you want to go? I with you!” 青衣女子看向韩玉,问道:“前辈,您要去哪儿?我跟您!” Han Yu shot a look at her one eyes, slight nod. 韩玉瞥了她一眼,微微点头。 Long Hao looking pensive, shows the meaningful smile. 龙昊若有所思,露出意味深长的笑容。 This is only a miniature that Sage takes a walk, as Heavenly Dao Sage are getting more and more, the relations between Sage did not have is so close in the past, started to have the respective small group. 这只是圣人走动的一个缩影,随着天道圣人越来越多,圣人之间的关系也没有以往那么亲密,开始有各自的小圈子。 The head of Sage was still Xuandu Saint Venerable, Divine Might Heavenly Sage is the legend, Sage usually does not dare to disturb, but they were clear, the Heavenly Dao back is who is supporting. 圣人之首仍是玄都圣尊,神威天圣则是传说,圣人平时也不敢打扰,但他们都清楚,天道的背后是谁在撑着。 As Heavenly Dao is getting stronger and stronger, the contact with Chaos are also getting more and more, has to become area this greatly the Chaos Domain center, these naturally have adding fuel to the flames of Divine Robed Daoist. 随着天道越来越强,与混沌的联系也越来越多,大有成为这一带混沌领域的中心处,这其中自然有神袍道人的推波助澜。 In Hidden Sect has Li Xuanao and Han Duotian management, usually does not dare to disturb Han Jue. 隐门内有李玄奥韩堕天管理,平时也不敢打扰韩绝 Han Jue cultivates very enjoyably in third dao field. 韩绝在第三道场修炼得很舒心。 He feels the years to be static again, does not have the billows without the wave. 他再次感受到岁月静好,无波无澜。 Really hopes later so be it, making him cultivation the Dao Creator boundary safely. 真希望以后就这样,让他安心的修炼到创造道者境。 20 ten thousand years in the past, Primordial Chaos World already expanded one time, Han Jue also senses to the Good Fortune rule. 二十万载过去,鸿蒙界已经扩张一倍,韩绝也感悟到造化规则。 Because Extreme Source Great Dao contains supreme principle of three thousand Great Dao, contains to the Good Fortune rule, therefore he cultivates very smooth. 因为极源大道蕴含三千大道至理,对造化规则也有包容,所以他修炼得很顺。 However the Good Fortune rule is extremely complex, but also requires very long time to comprehend, can grasp thoroughly. 不过造化规则太过复杂,还需要很漫长的时间去参悟,才能彻底掌握。 On this day. 这一日。 Han Jue opens the eye, examines the mail. 韩绝睁开眼睛,查看邮件。 Since Chaos Demon God mostly was annihilated, Chaos is very tranquil, Evil Heavenly Emperor has not gone on an expedition everywhere, only then the Dao Supreme four people come under attack everywhere. 自从混沌魔神大多被歼灭后,混沌很平静,邪天帝也没有到处征战,只有道至尊四人到处挨打。 Han Jue suddenly by a mail attraction attention. 韩绝忽然被一条邮件吸引注意力。 Your son Han Tuo your foe Original/Prime Ancestor God direction, learns divine ability 【你的儿子韩拓得你的仇敌原生祖神指点,习得神通 Not is only Han Tuo, Qin Ling is also so. 不仅是韩拓,秦灵也是如此。 Does Original/Prime Ancestor God want to do really? 原生祖神想作甚? Does there child coerce me? 那儿子要挟我? Han Jue thinks, decided holds the dream to give Han Tuo. 韩绝想了想,决定托梦给韩拓 The dreamland was the past Human Race city. 梦境是当年的人族城池。 Han Tuo white-haired, the figure is grandiose, the whole body is sending out the powerful breadth of spirit. 韩拓满头白发,身形壮硕,浑身散发着强大气魄。 He opens the eye, sees Han Jue, bends the waist to salute hastily. 他睁开眼睛,看到韩绝,连忙弯腰行礼。 He is very excited, but restrains. 他心里很激动,但还是克制住。 He catches the eye to look to Han Jue, in the eye full is the color of worship. 他抬眼看向韩绝,眼中满是崇拜之色。 Han Jue asked: Recently how?” 韩绝问道:“近来如何?” Han Tuo said: I and Yi Tian cultivation in the domain of head of Spiritual God, all are good.” 韩拓道:“我与遗天在神灵之首的领域里修炼,一切都好。” „The head of Spiritual God?” Han Jue asked one. “神灵之首?”韩绝问了一句。 The Han Tuo hesitant moment, said in a low voice: Father, before I feels for hundreds of thousands of years, Divine Right Will attacks Heavenly Dao, perhaps is the arrangement of head of Spiritual God, therefore I want to treat side him, gains his trust, becomes his board game piece.” 韩拓犹豫片刻,低声道:“父亲,我觉得数十万载前神权将袭击天道,恐怕是神灵之首的安排,所以我想待在他身边,获取他的信任,成为他的棋子。”
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