WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#858: Third dao field establishes

Unknowingly, the Han Jue seclusion time turns into ten ten thousand years a time. 不知不觉,韩绝闭关时间变成一次十万载。 Also was ten ten thousand years in the past. 又是十万载过去。 During this, Han Jue feels outside Heavenly Dao to have the fight to fluctuate, but finished quickly, without harming Heavenly Dao, therefore he would have no excessively the attention. 这期间,韩绝感受到天道外有战斗波动,不过结束得很快,也没有危害到天道,所以他就没有过多关注。 After 100,000 years of time, he opens the eye on time. 十万年之期到了后,他准时睁开眼睛。 From the achieving Great Dao Supreme already past more than 60 ten thousand years, but he is away from Great Dao Supreme intermediate stage, could not see the symptom. 距离证得大道至上已经过去六十多万载,但他距离大道至上中期,仍看不到苗头。 Han Jue first looks to Heavenly Dao, the previous fight had ended, the nearby does not have suspicious aura, trace that also does not have any fight stays behind, all look very ordinary, does not seem to experienced the fight. 韩绝先看向天道附近,先前的战斗早已结束,附近也没有可疑气息,也没有任何战斗留下的痕迹,一切看起来很平常,仿佛没有经历过战斗。 He counted on the fingers, knew was Foolish Sword Divine Sage take action, execution attack, he lost the interest immediately. 他掐指一算,得知是愚剑神圣出手,诛杀了来袭者,他顿时失去兴趣。 He jumps the vision to Chaos above, before starting to observe, stars universe that throw. 他将目光跳到混沌之上,开始观测之前自己丢出去的星辰宇宙。 This piece of universe already evolves and Han Jue life-span equally many stars, dense and numerous, forms the stars vortex that size varies a piece by piece, radiant enchanting. 这片宇宙已经衍化出跟韩绝寿命一样多的星辰,密密麻麻,形成一片片大小不一的星辰漩涡,璀璨炫丽。 Good Fortune rule still in continuous nourishes this piece of universe, among the galaxy has various spiritual energies, the stars starts flowing, had the vitality/angry gradually. 造化规则仍在源源不断的滋养这片宇宙,星河之间出现各种灵气,星辰开始流动,渐渐有了生气。 Han Jue has an idea suddenly. 韩绝忽然产生一个想法。 Establishes third dao field in this piece of universe, Han Jue already does not need the new hiding place in any case now, when the time comes senses the strength of Good Fortune in third dao field directly, how could it not be more beautiful? 将第三道场建立在这片宇宙,反正韩绝如今已经不需要新的躲藏地点,到时候直接在第三道场感悟造化之力,岂不更美? Wants, Han Jue decides directly. 想罢,韩绝直接下了决心。 He first holds the dream to give Liu Bei. 他先托梦给刘备 The dreamland is in Dao Monastery, Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Did not need to look, came back.” 梦境是道观内,韩绝开口道:“不用找了,回来吧。” Liu Bei opened eyes, gawked staring. 刘备睁眼,愣了愣。 Doesn't look?” Liu Bei puts on a long face to ask. “不找了?”刘备哭丧着脸问道。 Han Jue knits the brows to ask: You how?” 韩绝皱眉问道:“你怎么了?” Liu Bei made excuses: I was surrounded.” 刘备吱吱唔唔道:“我被困住了。” Han Jue asked: Who is?” 韩绝问道:“是谁?” „Not clear......” “不清楚……” The brow of Han Jue wrinkles tightly. 韩绝的眉头皱得更紧。 ...... …… After the dreamland relieves, in the Han Jue heart inquired: Surrounds Liu Bei mysterious existence, my whether instakill he?” 梦境解除后,韩绝心中询问:“困住刘备神秘存在,我能否秒杀他?” Needs to deduct 400 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除四千亿年寿命,是否继续】 This...... 这…… Too weak! 太弱了吧! Han Jue wants to neglect subconsciously, but thinks, is steady one. 韩绝下意识就想忽视,但想了想,还是稳一手。 Continue! 继续! Energy 【能】 Han Jue criticizes, oneself instigated really, what this does have is quite steady? 韩绝暗骂,自己真是怂,这有什么好稳的? He starts to wait for Liu Bei to display Inviting Spirit Art. 他开始等待刘备施展请神术 No matter what, Liu Bei is trembling for his order, without the merit also has the efforts, Han Jue cannot make him be bullied. 不管怎样,刘备为他的命令战战兢兢,没有功劳也有苦劳,韩绝可不能让他受欺负。 In Dao Monastery has left leeway a Han Jue wisp of will, when facilitates him goes out to fall from the sky, in Dao Monastery resurrects. 道观内一直留有韩绝的一缕意志,方便他外出陨落时,在道观内复活。 Crossed some little time, in front of Han Jue just now presents the black vortex. 过了好一会儿,韩绝面前方才出现黑色漩涡。 Han Jue whole body supreme treasure activates, divine light jumps presently, he follows to step into the black vortex. 韩绝浑身至宝激活,神光迸现,他跟着踏入黑色漩涡内。 Almost is instantaneous, he arrives in a desolated red land, the scalding hot air/Qi from wells up in all directions. 几乎是瞬间,他来到一颗荒芜的赤色大地上,灼热之气从四面八方涌来。 Han Jue catches Liu Bei aura then to move him to the front. 韩绝一捕捉到刘备气息便将他挪至面前。 Liu Bei sees Han Jue, happily was immediately bad. 刘备见到韩绝,顿时高兴坏了。 Han Jue has not paid attention to him, the vision falls form on distant place half hillside. 韩绝没有理会他,目光落在远处半山坡上的一道身影 This person has three eyes, the whole body is sending out evil aura, why does not know, Han Jue thinks of the ominous evil spirits inexplicably. 此人长着三只眼睛,浑身散发着邪恶气息,不知为何,韩绝莫名想到不祥邪祟。 Why is your excellency stranded my doppelganger?” “阁下为何困我分身?” Han Jue opens the mouth to ask, the tone is desolate. 韩绝开口问道,语气冷淡。 The opposite party open both eyes, three eyes are staring at Han Jue stubbornly, sets out fiercely. 对方睁开双目,三只眼睛死死盯着韩绝,猛地起身。 Great Dao Supreme, good strange aura, no wonder I calculate origin of airtight this person, since came, that fights one, tries the new Supreme ability!” 大道至上,好陌生的气息,怪不得吾算不透此人的根脚,既然来了,那就斗一场吧,试试新至上的能耐!” Opposite party with vicissitudes, but the chill/yin cold sound said. 对方用沧桑而阴寒的声音说道。 Han Jue asked: „Can your excellency keep a given name?” 韩绝问道:“阁下总得留个名号吧?” Opposite party tranquil say/way: I am the insane say/way......” 对方平静道:“吾乃疯道……” His voice has not fallen, Han Jue condenses Heavenly Astral Demon God Dharma Body suddenly, fights with the fists to him. 他话音还未落下,韩绝忽然凝聚出天罡魔神法相,一拳打向他。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Heavenly Astral Demon God curving back, a fist drops from the clouds forward, this really fights with the fists is too quick, insane say/way Daoist is pounded directly by big such as the fist of mountain. 万丈高的天罡魔神向前弯曲背脊,一拳从天而降,这拳打得实在是太快,疯道道人直接被大如山岳的拳头砸到。 Bang! 轰! The land crashes, the dust flies upwards, is smuggling the innumerable magma , the entire stars proliferate the fissure, with the smashing, forms the circle air wave, parallel expansion, follows to sway from side to side void fiercely. 大地崩塌,尘土飞扬,夹带着无数岩浆,紧接着,整颗星辰遍布裂痕,跟着粉碎,形成圆圈气浪,平行扩张,虚空跟着剧烈扭动。 Han Jue grabs Liu Bei, turns around to step into the black vortex. 韩绝抓着刘备,转身踏入黑色漩涡中。 Black vortex contraction. 黑色漩涡收缩。 Han Jue hand held Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, stands before the black vortex, waiting black vortex contraction. 韩绝手提鸿蒙判定剑,站在黑色漩涡前,等待黑色漩涡收缩。 He feels a powerful aura attack suddenly, he wields a sword immediately, sword qi enters the black vortex, exterminates the mortal body of insane say/way Daoist. 他忽然感受到一股强大气息来袭,他当即挥剑,剑气杀入黑色漩涡,将疯道道人的肉身诛灭。 At this time, the black vortex followed to vanish. 这时,黑色漩涡跟着消失。 Liu Bei grows the one breath. 刘备长出一口气。 Han Jue turns around suddenly, with Great Yi Sealing Palm anchorage Liu Bei. 韩绝突然转身,用一记太易封印掌定住刘备 His Sacred Thought searches into Liu Bei within the body, all erases all marks that the insane say/way Daoist leaves behind. 他的圣念探入刘备体内,将疯道道人留下的一切印记全都抹除。 After ten breaths, he just lets loose Liu Bei. 十息后,他方才放开刘备 Liu Bei asked cautiously: „Does he fudge in my within the body?” 刘备小心翼翼问道:“他在我体内动了手脚?” Un, how otherwise can make you exactly so long?” “嗯,否则怎能让你活这么久?” Also yes.” “也是。” Liu Bei awkward say/way. 刘备尴尬道。 Han Jue waves, hints him to draw back. 韩绝挥了挥手,示意他退下。 Liu Bei salutes immediately, turns around to depart. 刘备立即行礼,转身离去。 Insane say/way Daoist has hatred to you, presently Hatred Value is 3 stars 【疯道道人对你产生仇恨,当前仇恨度为三星】 Han Jue assigns out the head picture of insane say/way Daoist immediately. 韩绝立即调出疯道道人的头像。 Insane say/way Daoist: Great Dao Supreme boundary intermediate stage, the Chaos life, Dao Transcender, because of your terrifying strength, produces alarmed and afraid to you, presently Hatred Value is 3 stars 【疯道道人:大道至上中期,混沌生灵,超脱道者,因你的恐怖实力,对你产生惊惧,当前仇恨度为三星】 Has not heard. 没听说过。 Han Jue does not care, this Hatred Value cannot be regarded anything, after all is Liu Bei astrays others dao field. 韩绝也不在意,这个仇恨度算不得什么,毕竟是刘备误入人家的道场 He is a reasoning with person, previous fight already is the lesson, cannot look that others are not pleasing to the eyes extinguish others, cultivation carries innumerably is not the easy matter. 他是一个讲理的人,先前的战斗已经算是教训,总不能看人家不顺眼就灭人家,修行无数载也不是容易事。 My present depart Heavenly Dao, by Chaos Unknown or ninth Chaos execution, whether in a wisp of will by Dao Monastery to resurrect?” “我现在离开天道,被混沌无识或者第九混沌诛杀,能否靠道观内的一缕意志复活?” Han Jue inquired in the heart, avoids the opposite party having the aloof method. 韩绝在心中询问,避免对方有超然手段。 Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Energy 【能】 That is good! 那就好! Han Jue jumps out of Heavenly Dao immediately, at the maximum speed rushes to the stars universe. 韩绝立即跳出天道,以最快的速度赶往星辰宇宙。 He must establish third dao field in the stars universe. 他要在星辰宇宙建立第三道场 Tries while convenient, if he depart Heavenly Dao, can be attacked! 顺便试一下,他要是离开天道,会不会被袭击! Han Jue is very anxious, after all many years have not roamed through Chaos. 韩绝还是很紧张的,毕竟多少年没有遨游混沌 Previously were most is also doppelganger, this is the first time that used the main body. 先前最多也是分身,这算是第一次用本尊。 He organizes fast. 他快速腾挪。 After several breaths, arrives at the stars universe. 数息之后,来到星辰宇宙。 This is the Great Dao Supreme speed, even if Chaos is boundless. 这便是大道至上的速度,纵然混沌无边辽阔。 Han Jue float above the stars universe, bends down under the view innumerable stars, speedily found giant stars situated in central region to fall, then establishes third dao field. 韩绝悬浮在星辰宇宙之上,俯观下方的无数星辰,迅速找到一颗位于中央地带的巨大星辰落下,然后建立第三道场 Third dao field establishes successfully 【第三道场建立成功】 Han Jue jumps out of such a line of characters at present, feels an invisible strength to encircle ten million/countless the surrounding area in place with him, isolates aura. 韩绝眼前跳出这样一行字,跟着他感受到一股无形之力将方圆千万里之地圈起来,隔绝外界气息 The spiritual energy and innate qi start to multiply, indicates dao field soon with Main Dao Field and second dao field synchronization. 灵气、先天之气开始滋生,预示着道场即将与主道场、第二道场同步。 Han Jue starts to erase oneself aura and path along the way as well as arrives at this piece of stars universe cause and effect. 韩绝开始抹除自己沿途的气息、轨迹以及降临这片星辰宇宙的因果 All these are not the naked eye can find, but he can erase with the will. 这一切都不是肉眼能瞧见的,但他可以用意志进行抹除。 This is also the reason why Great Dao Supreme can mysteriously appear and disappear. 这也是为何大道至上能神出鬼没的原因。 I want to know that now may some people discover I do come here?” “我想知道现在可有人发现我来到这里?” Han Jue at heart discrete inquiry one. 韩绝还是在心里谨慎的询问一句。 Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Such expensive/noble? 这么贵? Han Jue at heart thump. 韩绝心里咯噔一下。 He chooses to continue. 他选择继续。 Does not have 【没有】
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