WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#857: Chaos strongest

Divine Right Will losses.” 神权将了。” Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor replied, the tone was light. 陆辕魔祖回答道,语气平淡。 Han Tuo and Yi Tian look at each other one, all sees each other rousing in eye. 韩拓遗天对视一眼,皆看出彼此眼中的振奋。 Ten several tens of thousands of years ago, they have heard the Han Jue sound, but cannot determine the tactical situation. 十数万年前,他们听闻过韩绝的声音,只是不敢确定战况。 Worthily is my adoptive father, is really fierce!” “不愧是我干爹,真是厉害!” Yi Tian happily said with a smile, hearing Han Tuo to roll the eyes. 遗天得意笑道,听得韩拓翻白眼。 Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor said: You followed this Palace to walk.” 陆辕魔祖道:“尔等跟着本座走吧。” Han Tuo and Yi Tian do not have the objection, immediately nods, with soaring. 韩拓遗天没有异议,当即点头,跟着腾飞而起。 Three people escape rapidly this stretch of the world. 三人迅速遁出这片天地。 All the way, Yi Tian is very excited, how has closely examined Divine Right Will dead to Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor, whether really looked like Han Jue saying that but also presented 20,000 Divine Right Will? 一路上,遗天很兴奋,一直向陆辕魔祖追问神权将是怎么死的,是否真像韩绝所说,还出现了两万尊神权将 Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor replied truthfully, hearing two people hot blooded to rush. 陆辕魔祖如实回答,听得两人热血澎湃。 ...... …… Also is 100,000 years passes. 又是十万年过去。 Han Jue opens the eye. 韩绝睁开眼睛。 cultivation base has grown, although is not quick, but is truly rising. 修为又有所增长,虽然不算快,但确实在涨。 He is unable to estimate that temporarily also many years can break through. 他暂时无法估计还有多少年才能突破。 Primordial Chaos World is still expanding, does not have the limit temporarily, but is away from and decisive battle of head of Spiritual God also early, Han Jue also has the opportunity to break through at least two small realm, and even more. 鸿蒙界还在扩张,也暂时没有极限,而距离与神灵之首的决战还早,韩绝还有机会突破至少两层小境界,甚至更多。 Han Jue routine examination mail. 韩绝习惯性的查看邮件。 Has the chance respectively, there are to come under attack, the unlocking recent map. 各有机缘,也有挨打、解锁新地图。 After achieving Great Dao Supreme, although Han Jue can observe entire Chaos, but in Chaos has many regions to be isolated by the special strength, can only see that its range is much big, could not see all that in the range contains, therefore in some sense, Great Dao Supreme is unable to understand clearly Chaos completely. 达到大道至上后,韩绝虽能观测整个混沌,但混沌中有不少区域被特殊力量隔绝,只能看到其范围多大,看不到范围内蕴藏的一切,所以从某种意义上来说,大道至上也无法完全洞悉混沌 After looking at the mail, Han Jue looks to Heavenly Dao. 看完邮件后,韩绝又看向天道 Two Heavenly Road of Chaos already establish, cultivator that above communicated was continuous, attacked before Divine Right Will was lively. 两条混沌天路已经建立好,上面来往的修行者络绎不绝,比起神权将来袭前还要繁华。 Buddha and Hong Yuan world also make a connection with Immortal World, Heavenly Dao Destiny circulation in Three Realms. 佛界、红缘天地也与仙界打通,天道气运循环于三界之中。 Progress day by day! 蒸蒸日上! Han Jue satisfaction nods, then starts is disciple sermon in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain. 韩绝满意点头,然后开始为百岳仙川内的弟子讲道 Now, disciple already in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain achieves 15 million, this is intends under the control. 如今,百岳仙川内的弟子已经达到一千五百万,这还是有意控制下。 Han Duotian and Li Xuanao still controlled the Hidden Sect power, Han Jue were feeling relieved to them very much, occasionally examines well. 韩堕天李玄奥仍把控着隐门大权,韩绝对他们还是很放心,偶尔查看一下就好。 sermon hundred years later. 讲道百年后。 Han Jue arrives at second dao field, continuation is 47 Chaos Demon God sermon. 韩绝来到第二道场,继续为四十七尊混沌魔神讲道 Hundred years later, Heavenly Astral Demon God, Murong Qi and Scarlet Fox start to attack Unrestrained Realm. 百年之后,天罡魔神慕容起赤红狐狸开始冲击自在境 Han Jue is very satisfied, the first gradient of Demon God regiment catches up finally, quick can exceed other Hidden Sect disciples. 韩绝很满意,魔神军团的第一梯度终于赶上来,很快就能超越其他隐门弟子。 This is also normal, even Zhou Fan, Dao Supreme and the others the chance is big, aptitude not possible to compare with Chaos Demon God. 这也正常,即便周凡道至尊等人机缘再大,资质也不可能与混沌魔神比。 After sermon finished, Han Jue has not disturbed Li Yao and Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword), departs quietly. 讲道结束后,韩绝也没有打扰厉遥悟道剑,悄然离去。 Returns to dao field. 回到道场内。 Han Jue is just about to cultivate, he feels anything suddenly. 韩绝正要修炼,他忽然感受到什么。 His will jumps out of Heavenly Dao, arrives at the summit of Chaos. 他的意志跳出天道,来到混沌之巅。 He raises eyes to look, falls on a Chaos edge corner/horn, he saw a piece of universe. 他举目望去,落在混沌的边缘一角,他看到了一片宇宙。 When that is Han Jue achieving Great Dao Supreme a wisp of line that stars that throws, at this moment, the Good Fortune rule splits up is connecting that piece of universe, this wisp of line is expanding. 那是韩绝证得大道至上时丢出的一颗星辰所化,此刻,造化规则分化出的一缕线连接着那片宇宙,这缕线正在壮大。 Han Jue narrows the eye. 韩绝眯眼。 Is this obtains the Good Fortune rule to take pity on? 这是得到造化规则垂怜? Has the strength of such Good Fortune, that piece of universe sooner or later birth life, moreover evolves the speed to quickly in the common universe. 有这样的造化之力,那片宇宙迟早诞生生灵,而且演化速度要快于寻常宇宙。 The Han Jue mind moves. 韩绝心神一动。 He could depend upon that piece of universe, obtains the strength of Good Fortune. 他或许可以依靠那片宇宙,获得造化之力。 Han Jue leaves behind the heart, then the will returns to the main body , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝留下心,然后意志回到本尊,继续修炼。 ...... …… In the valley /span > mysterious palace, Divine Robed Daoist sits on the own throne, form in vision looking disdainfully palace. 谷/span>神秘宫殿内,神袍道人坐在自己的宝座上,目光睥睨殿上的一道身影 This form dragon first person, is ugly-looking, wears white dao robe, the hand grasps to whisk, the look is passing cold glow. 道身影龙首人身,面目狰狞,身穿白色道袍,手握拂尘,眼神透着冷芒。 „Can you trample flat Heavenly Dao? No joking.” “你要去踏平天道?别闹了。” Divine Robed Daoist shakes the head to say with a smile, the meaning of ridicule can be seen in speech and appearance. 神袍道人摇头笑道,讥讽之意溢于言表。 Natives of Longshoudao open the mouth saying: That Divine Might Heavenly Sage is called the Chaos first powerhouse, I naturally must ask for advice, I am only inform Revered God, in order to avoid Revered God thought that I do not show due respect for the feelings.” 龙首道人开口道:“那神威天圣被称为混沌第一强者,吾自然要去讨教一下,吾只是来通知神上,以免神上觉得吾不给面子。” The Divine Robed Daoist complexion is strange, said: Your Great Dao does Sage, how dare challenge Divine Might Heavenly Sage? Do you want to work as the cannon fodder?” 神袍道人面色古怪,道:“你不过大道圣人,怎敢去挑战神威天圣?你想当炮灰?” Snort, Great Dao Sage has the method respectively, his Divine Might Heavenly Sage can extinguish ten thousand Divine Right Will, my also energy.” “哼,大道圣人各有手段,他神威天圣能灭一万神权将,吾也能。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Snort.” “哼。” Natives of Longshoudao turn around to depart. 龙首道人转身离去。 The Divine Robed Daoist look twinkle, does not have take action finally, after all he cannot find out cultivation base of opposite party, in any case definitely is not the Han Jue opponent. 神袍道人眼神闪烁,最终还是没有出手,毕竟他摸不清对方的修为,反正肯定不是韩绝的对手。 For against accidental/surprised, after a native of Longshoudao departs, Divine Robed Daoist holds the dream to Han Jue, finally Han Jue has not accepted. 为防意外,等龙首道人离去后,神袍道人托梦给韩绝,结果韩绝没有接受。 Divine Robed Daoist can only give up. 神袍道人只能作罢。 He believes Han Jue. 他相信韩绝 Divine Right Will already falls from the sky more than 20 ten thousand years, Divine Might Heavenly Sage is classified as the strongest title in Chaos already, moreover there is a mysterious influence deliberately to contrast the great strength of Divine Might Heavenly Sage, a Han Jue sword extinguishes kills two ten thousand Divine Right Will details to be spread. 神权将已经陨落二十多万载,神威天圣混沌已经被冠以最强的称号,而且还有神秘势力在刻意烘托神威天圣的强大,韩绝一剑灭杀两万神权将的细节都被传开。 Under such great reputation, some people dare to challenge Han Jue unexpectedly, Divine Robed Daoist cannot think through. 在这样的盛名下,竟然还有人敢挑战韩绝,神袍道人想不通。 Divine Robed Daoist thinks, holds the dream to Xuandu Saint Venerable, informs Xuandu Saint Venerable this matter. 神袍道人想了想,又托梦给玄都圣尊,将此事告知玄都圣尊 ...... …… Outside Heavenly Dao, Forbidden Area of Darkness, welcomed Sacred Palace. 天道外,黑暗禁区,迎圣宫 Welcoming nearby Sacred Palace already is not dark, stands can look into Heavenly Dao before the front door, Heavenly Dao seems Sun, the ray is eye-catching, two Heavenly Road of Chaos divide three parts Forbidden Area of Darkness, appearing is not so real. 圣宫附近已经不算黑暗,站在大门前就能眺望到天道,天道好似太阳,光芒夺目,两条混沌天路更是将黑暗禁区划分成三个部分,显得不那么真实。 In palace. 宫内。 Xuandu Saint Venerable and Heaven's Severing Cult Master and Foolish Sword Divine Sage are sitting facing each other. 玄都圣尊天绝教主愚剑神圣对坐着。 Facing Xuandu Saint Venerable, Foolish Sword Divine Sage is also very polite, perhaps Xuandu Saint Venerable cultivation base is far less than him, but the future achievement will not be absolutely bad, the potential of Heavenly Dao will be irresistible . Moreover, Foolish Sword Divine Sage and Laozi (father) will have the friendship. 面对玄都圣尊,愚剑神圣也很客气,或许玄都圣尊修为远不如他,但日后的成就绝对不差,天道之势不可阻挡,另外,愚剑神圣老子也有交情。 Xuandu Saint Venerable said the Divine Robed Daoist words, said: This matter is not good to trouble Heavenly Sage, is inferior to your take action, I help you propagandize the merit while convenient, making Heavenly Dao all living things lie prostrate in worship to you.” 玄都圣尊神袍道人的话说出来,道:“此事不好麻烦天圣,不如您出手,吾顺便帮您宣传功绩,让天道众生对您顶礼膜拜。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage one hear, said: This matter gives me, itself I owe a Divine Might Heavenly Sage life, naturally results in take action.” 愚剑神圣一听,道:“此事就交给吾,本身吾就欠神威天圣一条命,自然得出手。” If not Han Jue wins over, he possibly first by Divine Right Will execution. 若非韩绝拉拢,他可能先被神权将诛杀 Two ten thousand Divine Right Will...... 两万神权将啊…… He recalls now, scalp tingles. 他现在回想起来,都头皮发麻。 The Xuandu Saint Venerable great happiness, thanks politely Foolish Sword Divine Sage hastily. 玄都圣尊大喜,连忙拜谢愚剑神圣 Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: Recently I want to open dao field, in the Heavenly Dao recruitment disciple, how doesn't know under the Saint Venerable intent?” 愚剑神圣道:“近来吾想开辟道场,在天道招收弟子,不知圣尊意下如何?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said with a smile: That naturally is the good deed, later Sacred (God Sage/Saint) is also a Heavenly Dao member.” 玄都圣尊笑道:“那自然是好事,以后神圣也是天道的一分子。” His tone is intimate immediately. 他的语气顿时亲热起来。 The Heaven's Severing Cult Master facial expression is strange, he has not thought that Xuandu Saint Venerable also has this side, facing them is the aloof, faint. 天绝教主神情古怪,他没想到玄都圣尊还有这一面,面对他们可是很高冷、淡漠的啊。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage laughs, starts the smalltalk with Xuandu Saint Venerable, the relations pulls closer unceasingly. 愚剑神圣大笑,与玄都圣尊开始客套,关系不断拉近。 After several double-hour, Xuandu Saint Venerable just now departs. 数个时辰后,玄都圣尊方才离去。 The smile on Foolish Sword Divine Sage face, his meaningful asking: Heaven's Severing, how do you see Xuandu?” 愚剑神圣脸上的笑容,他意味深长的问道:“天绝,你怎么看玄都?” Heaven's Severing Cult Master gawked staring, said: Saint Venerable is Heavenly Dao does one's best, naturally is the admiration.” 天绝教主愣了愣,道:“圣尊天道鞠躬尽瘁,自然是敬佩。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage said with a smile: „The Heavenly Dao master is not he, you may probably stand in line well.” 愚剑神圣笑道:“不过天道的主人不是他,你可要好好站队。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Heaven's Severing Cult Master smiles. 天绝教主笑了笑。 Pulls with me? 跟吾扯? I am the Divine Might Heavenly Sage trusted subordinate, kisses/intimate compared with Xuandu Saint Venerable! 吾可是神威天圣的亲信,比玄都圣尊还亲! Naturally, this he will not say, Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison is the Han Jue secret, the Han Jue strict order does not permit to say this matter, when does not remember this matter. 当然,这点他不会说出来,鸿蒙天牢乃是韩绝的秘密,韩绝严令不准道出此事,就当不记得此事。
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