WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#856: Han Jue mole

Facing blowing own horn of Huang Zuntian, Han Jue knits the brows slightly. 面对黄尊天的自吹自擂,韩绝微微皱眉。 Huang Zuntian notices his expression change, immediately shut up. 黄尊天注意到他的表情变化,当即闭嘴。 Has not waited for Han Jue to speak, he starts to engage in introspection. 还未等韩绝说话,他就开始自省。 Own where speaking incorrectly words? 自己哪里说错话了? Han Jue said meaningfully: Regardless of places what kind of high, what kind of achievement has, forever is low-key, maintains humble and discrete, in the past in mortal world, you then inflated, just now moves toward the dead end, but in these years, you have been cautious, perhaps is tired, but this is your key to success.” 韩绝意味深长道:“无论身处何等高位,拥有怎样的成就,永远要低调,保持谦卑、谨慎,当年在凡间,你便是膨胀了,方才走向末路,而这些年里,你一直如履薄冰,或许累,但这就是你成功的关键。” You have a look at me again, how could am I proud?” “你再看看我,我何曾骄傲过?” Huang Zuntian hears shamefacedly, he was truly awakened. 黄尊天听得羞愧,他确实被惊醒了。 Thinks carefully, now truly flutters, has a keeping aloof stance to the matter, forgot idea above , before treating does not have, considers like that completely. 仔细想想,现在确实飘了,对人对事都有种高高在上的姿态,忘记了手下的想法,对待上方也没有以前那般考虑周全。 Huang Zuntian said hastily: Subordinate is extremely truly arrogant and willful, many thanks master's your reminder, my previous guarantee will certainly achieve, but I will not hang these matters again orally, I will show with practical action.” 黄尊天连忙道:“属下确实太过骄纵,多谢主人您的提醒,我先前的保证一定会做到,但我不会再将这些事挂在口头上,我会用实际行动证明。” This saying a little said horizontal, next guaranteed, sincere accepts the criticism of Han Jue. 这话说得有点水平,既下保证,也真诚的接受韩绝的批评。 Han Jue hears to be very comfortable in any case. 反正韩绝听得挺舒服。 No wonder this boy where, regardless of mixes get great fortune. 怪不得这厮无论在哪儿都混得风生水起 Han Jue asked: Really doesn't have the place that the need I help one another? To study divine ability.” 韩绝问道:“真的没有需要我相助的地方?想学神通也可以。” Huang Zuntian said: Really does not use, usually my take action, not studying many instead will be easy to expose something that gives one away, I grasped Great Dao Destiny divine ability, will maintain life sufficiently at crucial moment.” 黄尊天道:“真不用,平时我不会出手,学得多反而容易暴露马脚,我掌握了大道气运神通,足以在关键时候保命。” Han Jue nods, with relieving dreamland. 韩绝点头,跟着解除梦境。 Huang Zuntian develops very well, enabling him to feel relieved. 黄尊天发展得很不错,让他可以放心。 Han Jue also holds the dream to Shi Dudao, by the Darkness Forbidden Lord status. 韩绝又托梦给石独道,以黑暗禁主的身份。 This time, he gave Shi Dudao to confess task. 这一次,他给石独道交代了一个任务 Finds the way to spread the news quietly, saying Divine Right Will was Great Dao Spiritual God is used to restrain the Chaos strength, was not the pure rule, if you want the means to make other life help spread this news, do not take the lead, was calculated easily.” “想办法悄悄散布消息,说神权将乃是大道神灵用来约束混沌的力量,并非单纯的规则,你要想办法让其他生灵帮忙扩散此消息,不要带头,容易被算到。” The Han Jue urging said. 韩绝叮嘱道。 This news does little, but he wants to set the foreshadowing. 此消息作用不大,但他就想埋下伏笔。 If by some chance useful? 万一有用呢? Shi Dudao has task with great difficulty, immediately excited should under. 石独道好不容易有任务,当即兴奋的应下。 From beginning to end, he has not mentioned the war of Heavenly Dao, treats for a long time in Chaos, he more knows that certain the fearfulness of existence, something light/only said in the back, can bring in the dreadful disaster. 自始至终,他都没有提起天道之战,在混沌待得越久,他越知道某些存在的可怕,有些事情光是背地里说起来,就能引来滔天祸乱。 I pass on your divine ability.” “我传你一神通吧。” Han Jue stares at Shi Dudao saying that Shi Dudao thanks politely immediately. 韩绝盯着石独道说道,石独道当即拜谢。 Different from Huang Zuntian, Shi Dudao may not have so many chances. 不同于黄尊天,石独道可没有那么多机缘。 Han Jue teaches divine ability that three would hardly use, under thanking politely of Shi Dudao, Han Jue relieves the dreamland. 韩绝传授了三个自己几乎不会用的神通,在石独道的拜谢下,韩绝解除梦境。 He holds the dream again to Li Daokong, by own main body appearance, but Li Daokong does not need divine ability, Myriad Lives Sword enough he pursues advanced studies. 他再托梦给李道空,以自己本尊的面貌,不过李道空不需要神通,万生剑足够他深造。 Han Jue has not confessed task, hopes that he can take care on the line. 韩绝也没有交代任务,希望他能照顾好自己就行。 Afterward is Jing Tiangong. 随后便是景天公 Mentioned Jing Tiangong, this fellow continuously in the Chaos wanderer, but had not rushed out the positive result to come, Han Jue passed on divine ability then to finish the dreamland casually, but to Jing Tiangong, still felt extremely flattered. 说起景天公,这家伙一直在混沌闯荡,但仍没有闯出名堂来,韩绝随便传了一神通便结束梦境,但对景天公来说,仍受宠若惊。 Remaining Peacock Divine Monarch, Han Jue assigns out Peacock Divine Monarch head picture in the interpersonal relationship, discovered idea that this boy achieving Great Dao Sage, he has not looked after immediately again. 剩下孔雀神君,韩绝调出人际关系里的孔雀神君头像,发现这厮还未证得大道圣人,他顿时没有再关照的想法。 walk with one leg dragged behind! 拉胯 When his when achieving Great Dao Sage said again! 等他什么时候证得大道圣人再说吧! Han Jue looks on Heavenly Dao, 100,000 years pass by, Heavenly Dao is livelier, two Heavenly Road of Chaos are still repairing, it is estimated that most five thousand years can restore. 韩绝将目光放到天道上,十万年过去,天道更加热闹,两条混沌天路还在修复中,估计最多五千载就能恢复。 Heavenly Dao were also recently many two Saint seats. 最近天道又多出两道圣席。 Explained that Heavenly Dao develops more and more well. 说明天道发展得越来越好。 Good. 不错。 The Han Jue satisfied closing eye , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝满意的闭上眼睛,继续修炼。 ...... …… In the dark purple starry sky, a form static vanguard, is Han Jue Samsara doppelganger Liu Bei. 昏紫色星空之中,一道身影静静前行,正是韩绝轮回分身刘备 The Liu Bei vision has been taking a fast look around the surroundings, is very anxious. 刘备的目光一直扫视着周围,十分紧张。 already was so long in the past, he is still seeking for third dao field. 已经过去这么久,他还在寻找第三道场 Area this also good, without life, but was short of restriction.” “这一带还行,没有生灵,只是少了禁制。” Liu Bei thinks silently, somewhat is at heart regrettable. 刘备默默想到,心里有些遗憾。 Perhaps is the beforehand Hidden Sect island sets the high standard to him, therefore he when seeking for third dao field will have the peculiar requirement, at least cannot the direct naked eye find dao field. 或许是之前的隐门岛给他定下高标准,所以他在寻找第三道场时会有特殊要求,至少不能直接肉眼就瞧见道场 Liu Bei continues. 刘备继续前行。 After several months . 数月后。 The front presents a giant scarlet red star, captured the Liu Bei attention. 前方出现一颗巨大的深红色星球,吸引了刘备的目光。 On this star is flooding mysterious aura, is not Qi of Chaos, is not the spiritual energy, but actually attracts him very much. 这颗星球上充斥着一股神秘气息,不是混沌之气,也不是灵气,但却很吸引他。 He approaches quietly. 他悄悄靠近。 To observe this star with divine sense, actually by that mysterious air/Qi isolation. 想要用神念去观测这颗星球,却被那神秘之气隔绝。 His hesitant moment, decides to fall to the ground to investigate. 他犹豫片刻,决定还是落地探查一下。 Perhaps this is the appropriate place that he must look. 或许这便是他要找的合适之地。 After falling to the ground, Liu Bei felt that the full bottom transmits the burning hot, but not burningly painful, here high temperature can fuse Immortal Emperor instantaneously, but to him, cannot be regarded anything. 落地之后,刘备感觉到足底传来炙热,但没有灼痛,这里的高温能瞬间融合仙帝,但对于他而言,算不得什么。 Liu Bei starts to tour, sizes up this star. 刘备开始游逛,打量这颗星球。 His speed is quick, after all this star is very big. 他的速度很快,毕竟这颗星球很大。 After several double-hour . 数个时辰后。 Liu Bei stops suddenly, the vision is staring at a front hillside, the hillside is bare, the surface covers entirely the magma, has form to sit in meditation in the halfway up the mountainside. 刘备忽然停下来,目光盯着前方的一处山坡,山坡光秃,表面布满岩浆,在半山腰上有一道身影正在打坐。 This person wears out the old clothes robe, the hair falls most, the facial features such as the withered bark, closely is shutting both eyes, but in the forehead opens an vertical eye to stare at Liu Bei. 此人身穿破旧的衣袍,头发掉落大半,面容如干枯的树皮,紧紧闭着双目,但眉心间睁着一只竖眼盯着刘备 Liu Bei almost scares to death, cold sweat directing current. 刘备差点吓死,冷汗直流。 Was staring by that vertical eye, he is absolutely terrified. 被那只竖眼盯着,他毛骨悚然。 The deadlock moment, Liu Bei retrocedes quietly. 僵持片刻,刘备悄悄后退。 Halts.” “站住。” Together vicissitudes sound light resounding, hearing Liu Bei to stop immediately, he knelt down directly, called out: Senior, I do not intend to disturb, just passed by, I also want to find a place to cultivate, is certainly harmless, when this matter I forgot, will not mention!” 一道沧桑声音轻飘飘的响起,听得刘备顿时停下,他直接跪下,叫道:“前辈,我不是有意打扰,刚好路过,我也想找个地方修炼,绝无恶意,此事我就当忘记,绝不会提起!” Liu Bei follows to start to kowtow. 刘备跟着开始磕头。 The vicissitudes sound said: You are only doppelganger, who is the main body?” 沧桑声音道:“你只是一具分身而已,本尊是谁?” Liu Bei replied: My main body is Cao Cao, from Heavenly Dao.” 刘备回答道:“我本尊是曹操,来自天道。” Cao Cao? Heavenly Dao from here is very far.” 曹操天道距离这里可是很远的。” Liu Bei lowers the head, is on nettles at heart. 刘备低着头,心里忐忑不安。 Do not walk, stays here to cultivate.” “别走了,留在这里修炼吧。” „? I......” “啊?我……” Un?” “嗯?” Good!” “好!” Liu Bei aggrieved should under. 刘备憋屈的应下。 ...... …… The deep blue vault of heaven, the beautiful scenery, the river crosses above the mountains, such as the cloud flutters. 蔚蓝天穹,青山绿水,大河横渡山川之上,如云飘动。 Han Tuo and Yi Tian sit in meditation in the mountain forest. 韩拓遗天在山林里打坐。 Drops from the clouds together black light, falls before two people, is startled two people to open the eye. 一道黑光从天而降,落在两人面前,惊得两人睁开眼睛。 Diverges black light, Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor comes. 黑光散去,陆辕魔祖现身。 Yi Tian sees him, teased says with a smile: You are also living, I also think you same as Chaos Demon God......” 遗天见到他,戏谑笑道:“您还活着啊,我还以为您跟混沌魔神一样……” Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor is overlooking him, said: Then has task to give you.” 陆辕魔祖俯视着他,道:“接下来有任务交给你们。” Yi Tian curls the lip. 遗天撇嘴。 Han Tuo asked: What task?” 韩拓问道:“何任务?” „The head of Spiritual God convenes Great Dao Spiritual God, you go immediately.” “神灵之首召集大道神灵,你们立即前往。” But we just escaped from his hand......” “可是我们刚从他手里逃出来……” Relax, my already reached an agreement with him, did not go into one's past, this time convened the Spiritual God, was the big chance, once you succeeded, in the future Great Dao Sage is not the limit.” “放心吧,吾已经与他谈好,既往不咎,此次召集神灵,乃是大机缘,一旦你们成功,日后大道圣人不是极限。” Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor light saying, does not allow to refute. 陆辕魔祖淡淡的说道,不容反驳。 Han Tuo knits the brows. 韩拓皱眉。 Why does not know, he smelled the flavor of plot. 不知为何,他嗅到了阴谋的味道。 He asked: Right, Divine Right Will? Previous hearsay ten thousand Divine Right Will must attack Heavenly Dao......” 他问道:“对了,神权将呢?先前传闻一万神权将要袭击天道……”
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