WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#855: Ninth Chaos

A Heavenly Dao war, the name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage started hurricane in Chaos, its crest of wave is unfailing, the Chaos pattern also therefore changes. 天道一战,神威天圣之名在混沌掀起了一股飓风,其风头经久不衰,混沌格局也因此改变。 Divine Right Will execution dozens Chaos Demon God, are of far-reaching influence, is equivalent to most Great Dao Sage execution, its influence is the root system is more complex, related to is broad, Divine Might Heavenly Sage suppresses ten thousand Divine Right Will with ease, indicates Heavenly Dao to rise, moreover overlord who may not shake! 神权将诛杀数十位混沌魔神,影响深远,相当于将大半大道圣人诛杀,其势力更是根系复杂,涉及极广,神威天圣轻松镇压一万神权将,预示着天道崛起,而且是不可撼动的霸主! So long as there is Divine Might Heavenly Sage, Heavenly Dao is the Chaos strongest influence! 只要有神威天圣,天道便是混沌最强势力! Suddenly, the vision of Chaos all living things falls on Heavenly Dao. 一时间,混沌众生的目光落在天道上。 With the lapse of time, if Heavenly Dao has not encountered the attack of Chaos rule again, then joins Chaos some massive cultivator! 随着时间的推移,倘若天道没有再遇到混沌规则的袭击,那将有大量修行者加入混沌 Can guard against the Chaos rule the place, isn't this Sacred Land? 能防范混沌规则的地方,这不就是圣地 so be it, one passes year after year. 就这样,一年年过去。 100,000 years disappear. 十万年转瞬即逝。 In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue opens the eye, on the face shows the smile. 韩绝睁开眼睛,脸上露出笑容。 cultivation base also has the growth, Primordial Chaos World expands nearly one time. 修为又有增长,鸿蒙界扩张近乎一倍。 However he always feels almost anything. 不过他总觉得差点什么。 Is Primordial Chaos World is extremely mainly spacious, should multiply the life. 主要是鸿蒙界太过空旷,应该自己繁衍生灵。 Although Primordial Chaos Qi the infinitely subtle, can multiplication Chaos Demon God, but creation has not had Chaos Demon God at present truly alone. 鸿蒙之气虽然奥妙无穷,可以繁衍混沌魔神,但目前还未真正独自创造混沌魔神 Han Jue thinks, he lacks the strength of Good Fortune! 韩绝想了想,他缺造化之力! The strength of Good Fortune, in seven big supreme rules strongest rule! 造化之力,七大至高规则中最强大的规则! Can creation all! 创造一切! In seven big rules most cannot lack Good Fortune! 七大规则之中最缺不得造化 Han Jue catches the eye to look to three thousand Great Dao, that high Good Fortune rule that mysterious, that great, made the person one's heart rushes toward one's destination. 韩绝抬眼看向三千大道之上,那高高的造化规则是那么的神秘,那么的伟大,令人心驰神往。 Only is looks at a while, the heart of Han Jue then almost immerses. 光是看一会儿,韩绝的心便差点沉浸进去。 He falls into the thinking. 他陷入思索中。 Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body contains the strength of three thousand Great Dao, but has not comprehended Good Fortune Demon God at present. 太易自在法相蕴含三千大道之力,可目前仍未领悟出造化魔神 creation Demon God has actually, he tried to integrate in Primordial Chaos World creation Great Dao before, the result was submerged by Primordial Chaos Qi quickly, is unable creation to have the life. 创造魔神倒是有,他之前试过将创造大道融入鸿蒙界中,结果很快就被鸿蒙之气淹没,根本无法创造出生灵。 creation and Good Fortune, seem like the absence of one word, the difference is actually enormous. 创造造化,看似一字之差,实则差别极大。 Han Jue has a premonition, he wants to grow stronger unceasingly, Primordial Chaos World cannot empty. 韩绝有种预感,他想要不断变强,鸿蒙界不能空着。 Isn't Chaos Unknown in Chaos, is it possible that Chaos then the Chaos Unknown creation world? 混沌无识不在混沌,莫非混沌便是混沌无识创造的世界? Han Jue at heart thump. 韩绝心里咯噔一下。 Chaos by whose creation?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. 混沌是由谁创造的?”韩绝在心中询问。 Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Such expensive/noble? 这么贵? Dao Creator also 1,000 trillion years! 创造道者也才一千万亿年啊! Hundred times of sale prices? 百倍身价? He chooses to continue immediately. 他立即选择继续。 Ninth Chaos: cultivation base unknown, the spirit of Primordial Chaos, the Chaos pioneer, Unpermissible Dao Name, by any rule influence, Primordial Chaos was not once born the spirits of nine Primordial Chaos, first eight failure, ninth Chaos successfully opens Chaos, nine become the Chaos pole number, contains special significance 【第九混沌:修为未知,鸿蒙之灵,混沌开辟者,不可道名,不受任何规则影响,鸿蒙曾诞生九位鸿蒙之灵,前八位失败,第九混沌成功开辟混沌,九成为混沌的极数,蕴含特殊意义】 Does Primordial Chaos have the life? 鸿蒙还有生灵? Doesn't have Primordial Chaos Demon God? 不是只有鸿蒙魔神吗? Did I think the branch? 还是我想岔了? Han Jue only sees the present prompt, in the mind has not actually reappeared the ninth Chaos form, does not know that this boy is also living? 韩绝只看到眼前的提示,脑海里却没有浮现出第九混沌的身影,也不知这厮是否还活着? Ninth can Chaos achieve the creation control boundary?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. “第九混沌可达到创造主宰境?”韩绝在心中询问。 Above Dao Creator is the creation control boundary! 创造道者之上便是创造主宰境! Before has asked that without existence of creation control, but the time also passed by some time, perhaps had the change. 之前问过,没有创造主宰的存在,但时间也过去了一段时间,或许有变化。 Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 That is good. 那就好。 Simultaneously this also showed ninth Chaos is also living! 同时这也证明第九混沌还活着! Han Jue has an idea suddenly. 韩绝忽然产生一个想法。 Is it possible that Deity of Chaos does not dare to intervene Chaos personally, then because of existence of ninth Chaos? 莫非混沌神明不敢亲自干预混沌,便是因为第九混沌的存在? Deity of Chaos said fiercely, how can compare with creation Chaos ninth Chaos? 混沌神明说起来厉害,可怎么能跟创造混沌的第九混沌比? In the Han Jue heart inquired: Ninth Chaos whether restrains intervention of Deity of Chaos to Chaos?” 韩绝心中询问:“第九混沌是否约束混沌神明混沌的干预?” Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Is 【是】 That could convince. 那就说得通了。 Han Jue did not have the pressure at heart suddenly. 韩绝心里忽然没了压力。 Compared with ninth Chaos more powerful existence?” “还有比第九混沌更强大的存在吗?” Needs to deduct 1.1 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除十亿亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have temporarily 【暂时没有】 Han Jue looks the smile. 韩绝面露笑容。 The ceiling beamed with joy finally! 天花板终于露脸了! Waits for Laozi (father) to achieve the creation control, I then am the new ceiling! 老子达到创造主宰,我便是新的天花板! When the time comes, Chaos Primordial Chaos, no matter what I swim! 到时候,混沌鸿蒙任我游! To make anything to make anything, who dares to offend me, did not look at the backer, destroyed completely directly! 想做什么就做什么,谁敢得罪我,也不看靠山了,直接灭掉! In the Han Jue heart emerges the infinite anticipation. 韩绝心中涌现无限的期待。 He assigns out the mail examination, does not know that the recent friend circle is lively. 他调出邮件查看,不知最近的朋友圈热不热闹。 Your apprentice Dao Supreme is under ominous evil spirits attack x899220003 【你的徒弟道至尊遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x899220003 Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan is under ominous evil spirits attack x790983211 【你的徒弟赵轩辕遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x790983211 Your good friend Lao Dan (Old Dan) is under ominous evil spirits attack x900283924 【你的好友老聃遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x900283924 Your good friend Jiang Yi is under ominous evil spirits attack x800879326 【你的好友姜易遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x800879326 Your Grand Disciple Chu Shiren spreads Buddha Dao, the Destiny promotion 【你的徒孙楚世人传扬佛道,气运提升】 Your good friend Evil Heavenly Emperor creation Ominous God, Destiny decline 【你的好友邪天帝创造不祥神灵,气运衰退】 Your good friend Huang Zuntian is under life attack x572 【你的好友黄尊天遭遇命袭击】x572 Your son Han Tuo mysterious almighty direction 【你的儿子韩拓得神秘大能指点】 ...... …… Also starts lively! 又开始热闹! Han Jue saw that comes under attack three brothers to turn into four brothers, is Lao Dan (Old Dan) pays silent tribute. 韩绝看到挨打三兄弟变成四兄弟,不由为老聃默哀。 Why do you want to follow these three fellows? 你为何要跟着这三个家伙? Han Jue shows the smile, is pleasing to the eyes to Lao Dan (Old Dan). 韩绝露出笑容,对老聃更加顺眼。 Previous time in the universe palace, Lao Dan (Old Dan) displays very low-key, even if Divine Right Will attack, has not been thinking escaping, making him quite pleasing to the eyes. 上次在乾坤殿,老聃表现得很低调,纵然神权将来袭,也没有想着逃,让他颇为顺眼。 He also knows the Lao Dan (Old Dan) goal, took a liking to Dao Supreme three people of aptitude. 他也知晓老聃的目的,就是瞧上了道至尊三人的资质 Regarding this, Han Jue turns a blind eye. 对此,韩绝睁一只眼闭一只眼。 On Path of Cultivation, mostly has Master and honored person, to hold wait/etc, Han Jue did not fear that the Dao Supreme three people were poached, itself breeds. 修行之路上,大多都有师父、贵人、扶道者等等,韩绝也不怕道至尊三人被挖走,本身就是放养。 Han Jue continues to look downward, disciple and grand disciple that previously returned went out. 韩绝继续往下看去,先前归来的徒子徒孙又出去了。 However Buddha and Great Dao Pagoda and Hong Yuan world still near Heavenly Dao, already had Heavenly Dao Destiny, continuously for a long time hence, integrates in Heavenly Dao sooner or later. 不过佛界、大道之塔红缘天地仍在天道附近,已经天道气运,长此以往,迟早融入天道内。 After Han Jue looks at the mail, holding the dream to give Huang Zuntian. 韩绝看完邮件后,托梦给黄尊天 Too long are not related, he must care, so as to avoid Huang Zuntian breaks faith or is wronged. 太久没有联系,他得关心一下,免得黄尊天变心或者受委屈。 Before the dreamland was the past Jade Pure Sect 18 peaks . 梦境是当年的玉清宗十八峰前。 Huang Zuntian opens eyes, finding is Han Jue, salutes hastily. 黄尊天睁眼,瞧见是韩绝,连忙行礼。 Master, you are really awesome, that was ten thousand Divine Right Will, was equivalent to ten thousand Great Dao Sage, it is said afterward also presented two ten thousand Divine Right Will? This matter passed on Chaos already insanely, your already was strongest Chaos Demon God, even some opinions said that you were Chaos strongest expert!” “主人,您太厉害了,那可是一万神权将啊,相当于一万大道圣人,据说后来还出现两万神权将?此事在混沌已经传疯了,您已经最强混沌魔神,甚至有言论说您是混沌最强者!” The Huang Zuntian exciting say/way, is agitated. 黄尊天兴奋道,语气激动。 Chaos strongest expert! 混沌最强者 Han Jue hears secretly crisp, in the surface maintains composure, said: Helpless the action, how crosses recently, has the need my place?” 韩绝听得暗爽,表面上不动声色,道:“无奈之举罢了,近来过得如何,有需要我的地方吗?” Huang Zuntian said hastily: How can need you to help, I can have today, all depending on you, otherwise died in mortal world initially, your conduct can inspire to me innumerably, you assumed Heavenly Dao to be good, I helped you take the life sooner or later, when I became Life Lord, can contribute for you are more!” 黄尊天连忙道:“怎会需要您帮忙,我能有今日,全凭您,否则当初就死在凡界了,您的行事就能给我无数启发,您就坐镇天道好了,我迟早帮您拿下命,待我成为命主,就能为您贡献更多!” He starts to mention the recent bitter experience, more said that is higher -spirited. 他开始说起近来的遭遇,越说越意气风发。 Han Jue is listening earnestly, the Huang Zuntian story also truly legend, Han Jue thought that were more splendid, gradually turned into existence that in the life influence was in power from a captive, but also inheritance decided tribulation life Destiny divine ability. 韩绝认真听着,黄尊天的故事也确实传奇,韩绝觉得比自己精彩多了,从一名俘虏逐渐变成命势力之中掌权的存在,还传承定劫命者的气运神通 Although has the honored person to promote all the way, but that is also Huang Zuntian strives. 虽一路上有贵人提拔,但那也是黄尊天争取来的。 „, I will overcome the big domain for you finally on the 1st, is Heavenly Dao opens up territory to expand the earth!” Huang Zuntian wields the sleeve saying that a self-confidence of face, with acted like a different person in Section Cult him initially. “终有一日,我会为您打下大大的领域,为天道开疆扩土!”黄尊天挥袖说道,一脸的自信,与当初在截教的他判若两人。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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