WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#854: The prestige of Divine Might Heavenly Sage 【Asked monthly ticket】

Outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, universe palace. 三十三层天外,乾坤殿。 Sages still gathered in this, Xuandu Saint Venerable already makes Lao Dan (Old Dan) avoid suspicion to leave, Hidden Sect Sage sees this also to follow to depart, is only left over Heavenly Dao Sage. 诸圣仍聚集于此,玄都圣尊已经老聃避嫌离开,隐门圣人见此也跟着离去,只剩下天道圣人 Xuandu Saint Venerable takes a fast look around Sage, opens the mouth to say slowly: everyone, the Heavenly Dao disaster had not ended, the periods of ten million year Fellow Daoist Han said that everyone should hear, what then we must do is drums up support for Fellow Daoist Han, expands Heavenly Dao.” 玄都圣尊扫视圣人,缓缓开口道:“诸位,天道劫难还未结束,韩道友所说的千万年之期,诸位应该都听到了,接下来吾等要做的是为韩道友造势,壮大天道。” This fights already to show, behind Divine Right Will is the head of Spiritual God, we cannot sit waiting for death, must be ready, cannot always depend on Fellow Daoist Han.” “此战已经证明,神权将背后便是神灵之首,吾等不能坐以待毙,一定要做好准备,不能总是靠着韩道友。” Sages nods. 诸圣点头。 This war, they, although not take action, but grew the Heavenly Dao cohesive force greatly. 此战,他们虽未出手,但大大增长了天道凝聚力。 Witnessed Han Jue sword execution two ten thousand Divine Right Will, their dao heart are excited, is unable to be tranquil. 目睹了韩绝一剑诛杀两万神权将,他们的道心至今还激动着,无法平静下来。 Must, starting today, Heavenly Dao be the thorough independence in Chaos, since already offends, what that does fear?” “必须的,今日起,天道算是彻底独立于混沌,既然已经得罪,那怕什么?” Right, Heavenly Dao never depends upon Chaos in any case.” “没错,反正天道从来不依靠混沌。” What is Great Dao Spiritual God? Knows that practices dirty tricks in the back.” 大道神灵算什么?就知道在背后搞小动作。” Divine Right Will does Chaos to be flustered, we can deliberately exaggerate, saying Divine Right Will was the strength that Great Dao Spiritual God grasped, the Great Dao Spiritual God recklessly unseemly behavior, before is Chaos Demon God, later also had other almighty to meet with a disaster inevitably, finding the way to set up the Chaos harm Great Dao Spiritual God.” 神权将搞得混沌人心惶惶,吾等可以刻意渲染,说神权将乃是大道神灵掌握的力量,大道神灵肆意妄为,之前是混沌魔神,以后必然还有其他大能遭殃,想办法将大道神灵树立成混沌危害。” I feel feasible, moreover must publicize the great strength of Divine Might Heavenly Sage, the invincible might defends Heavenly Dao, in invincible theocracy, how?” “吾觉得可行,另外得宣扬神威天圣的强大,神威守天道,无敌神权上,如何?” Sages starts to discuss, this Xuandu Saint Venerable has not set the plan directly, making all Sage participate. 圣人们开始探讨,这一次玄都圣尊没有直接定下计划,让所有圣人参与。 Looks at the liveliness in palace, Xuandu Saint Venerable is being choked up with emotions. 望着殿内的热闹,玄都圣尊心潮澎湃。 He as if sees the scene that Heavenly Dao rises! 他仿佛看到天道崛起的景象! , Heavenly Dao will become the Chaos center finally on the 1st! 终有一日,天道会成为混沌中心! Xuandu Saint Venerable also calculates to have the experience in Chaos, present Chaos also really few people can be the Han Jue opponents. 玄都圣尊混沌也算有见识,如今的混沌还真没有几人能是韩绝的对手。 Is the head of Spiritual God, Han Jue is not strongest, is Chaos second! 算是神灵之首,韩绝不是最强,也是混沌第二! The head of Spiritual God, if really can win Han Jue, why can set the periods of ten million year? 况且,神灵之首若真是能胜韩绝,为何要定下千万年之期? Xuandu Saint Venerable more is more excited, is deeper to the awe of Han Jue. 玄都圣尊越想越兴奋,对韩绝的敬畏更深。 He decides, must follow forever Han Jue. 他打定主意,要永远跟着韩绝 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue sits in meditation on 36-Leafed Samsara World-Extinguishing Black Lotus, he is reviewing the process of this war, duplicate/restores plate own words and deeds. 韩绝打坐在三十六品轮回灭世黑莲上,他在回顾此战的过程,复盘自己的言行。 His already camouflages to ignore the Heavenly Dao life or death the crude image, does not know that Original/Prime Ancestor God and Chaos Unknown whether believes. 已经伪装成不顾天道存亡的鲁莽形象,也不知原生祖神混沌无识是否相信。 No matter what, the periods of ten million year also calculate a cushion. 不管怎样,千万年之期也算一个缓冲。 Millenniums later, at Han Jue strength inevitable meeting new class. 千年后,韩绝的实力必然会上新的阶层。 However this inside has impeding of Pangu, if he is the head of Spiritual God, how could to wait for ten million years? 不过这里面有盘古的掣肘在,倘若他是神灵之首,岂能等千万年? Extremely arrogantly is not possible, after all Han Jue already shows the strength, Original/Prime Ancestor God to him is six star Hatred Value. 再狂妄也不可能,毕竟韩绝已经展现出实力,原生祖神对他还是六星仇恨度 Finds an opportunity to curse this boy! 找个机会诅咒这厮! Cannot be now, is easy to expose the status. 不能是现在,容易暴露身份。 Waits 1 million years, can the incantation incantation he. 等个百万年,就可以咒咒他。 Han Jue thinks silently. 韩绝默默想到。 From now on if presents Heavenly Dao spirit stones again, he must strengthen toward Book of Misfortune on, as Book of Misfortune is getting stronger and stronger, he believes that so long as Book of Misfortune is strong enough , can disregard all hindrance finally on the 1st. 今后若是再出现天道灵石,他一定要往厄运书上强化,随着厄运书越来越强,他相信只要厄运书够强,终有一日,可以无视一切阻碍。 Han Jue starts Simulated Trial. 韩绝开始模拟试炼 Challenges Foolish Sword Divine Sage of ten ten thousand Great Dao Supreme boundaries! 挑战十万大道至上境的愚剑神圣 After Simulated Trial, he is calmer, realized that own small and weak with limit, an anxious heart follows to return to normal. 一场模拟试炼后,他冷静许多,意识到自己的弱小与极限,一颗焦躁的心跟着平复。 Under mind like still water, he starts to cultivate. 心如止水下,他开始修炼。 After the scenery, must try hard to cultivate. 风光之后,还是得努力修炼。 Han Jue must grow stronger, the strengthen, must maintain this type, regardless of presents the strong enemy, he can always condition even better. 韩绝要变强,一直变强,要保持这种无论出现多强的敌人,他总能更胜一筹的状态。 Anything has the fraudulence, but the cultivation cannot! 任何事情都有欺骗性,但修炼不会! So long as diligently, can change all! 只要努力,就能改变一切! ...... …… The dim universe, the innumerable meteors proliferate. 昏暗宇宙,无数陨星遍布。 Above a meteor, form sits in meditation in this together, then has Li Daokong, Ancestor Xi Tian and Shi Dudao. 一颗陨星之上,一道道身影打坐于此,其中便有李道空玺天老祖石独道 Ancestor Xi Tian opens the eye slowly, opens the mouth saying: Divine Right Will extinguished, we endured a tribulation.” 玺天老祖缓缓睁开眼睛,开口道:“神权将灭了,吾等算是熬过一劫。” hears word, all lives opens eyes. 闻言,所有命纷纷睁眼。 Since Venerable Chu Minghei falls from the sky, assigns/life influence a group of people without a leader, encounters Divine Right Will to run amuck, has to hide to leap up, each one at heart anxious, even despairs. 自从初命黑尊陨落后,命势力群龙无首,又遭遇神权将横行,不得不躲蹿,个个心里不安,甚至绝望。 They are unable to get rid decide tribulation life the status, already have the life by Divine Right Will execution, their where is a ten thousand Divine Right Will opponent, can only hide. 他们无法摆脱定劫命者的身份,已经有命被神权将诛杀,他们哪里是一万神权将的对手,只能一直躲。 Li Daokong looks to Ancestor Xi Tian, the look twinkle. 李道空看向玺天老祖,眼神闪烁。 His already knows the Heavenly Dao tactical situation from Myriad Worlds Projection, is very at heart excited. 已经万界投影里得知天道战况,心里无比激动。 Starts to blow, causes to blow fiercely!” “开始吹吧,使劲吹!” Li Daokong thinks silently. 李道空默默想到。 Ancestor Xi Tian said: Ten thousand Divine Right Will kill to Heavenly Dao, by Heavenly Dao Divine Might Heavenly Sage execution, the previous sound you should also hear, is not talked, Divine Might Heavenly Sage not only execution ten thousand Divine Right Will, later present two ten thousand Divine Right Will, was still killed it by a Divine Might Heavenly Sage sword.” 玺天老祖道:“一万神权将杀至天道,被天道神威天圣诛杀,先前的声音你们应该也听到了,并非狂言,神威天圣不仅诛杀一万神权将,之后又出现两万神权将,仍被神威天圣一剑杀之。” Bang! 轰! Dozens lives are all excited, even stands up, the whole body shivers. 数十位命全都激动起来,甚至站起身来,浑身颤抖。 Takes seriously?” “当真?” Heavenly Dao had/left so the character unexpectedly!” 天道竟出了如此人物!” It is said before Great Dao Spiritual God attacked Heavenly Dao, by Divine Might Heavenly Sage execution, this Divine Might Heavenly Sage was been too imposing, like past Pangu.” “据说之前大道神灵袭击天道,也被神威天圣诛杀了,这神威天圣太威风了,如同昔日盘古。” Not only, Pangu resurrected by Divine Right Will execution, Divine Might Heavenly Sage is exceeded Pangu, is the present age myth.” “岂止啊,盘古复活被神权将诛杀,神威天圣早已超越盘古,乃当世神话。” „Isn't Divine Right Will the Chaos rule? Divine Might Heavenly Sage can already disregard the Chaos rule?” 神权将不是混沌规则吗?神威天圣已经可以无视混沌规则?” Dozens lives are excited, acclaim Han Jue. 数十位命兴奋无比,赞叹韩绝 Although they do not know Divine Might Heavenly Sage, but Divine Might Heavenly Sage extinguishes Divine Right Will, is equivalent rescues them, they were naturally happy. 虽然他们不认识神威天圣,但神威天圣神权将,相当于解救他们,他们自然高兴。 Then, Divine Might Heavenly Sage and life also celebrate a holiday, but has nothing to do with them. 说起来,神威天圣与命也有过节,不过与他们无关。 Ancestor Xi Tian said: Divine Right Will did not have, but then the life must be careful, I will make the plan again, this/should develops the life influence, as for Divine Might Heavenly Sage, starting today, the life urged a Heavenly Dao favor even, in the future try not to offend, we were not evil existences in Great Dao Spiritual God mouth, we want to overthrow Chaos this unable to withstand, but decayed rule.” 玺天老祖道:“神权将没了,但接下来命还得小心谨慎,吾会再做打算,也该重新发展命势力,至于神威天圣,从今日起,命就算劝天道一个人情,日后尽量不要得罪,吾等可不是大道神灵口中的邪恶存在,吾等只是想推翻混沌这不堪而腐朽的规则。” These words hear dozens lives to nod, Li Daokong shows the smile. 这番话听得数十位命点头,李道空露出笑容。 Shi Dudao also shows the smile. 石独道也露出笑容。 Worthily is Darkness Forbidden Lord, is really fierce, both status stand, the method is also extraordinary.” “不愧是黑暗禁主,真厉害,两个身份都立住,手段也是了不得。” Thought of Shi Dudao worship. 石独道崇拜的想到。 Li Daokong shot a look at his one eyes, said: What do you smile? Fears death?” 李道空瞥了他一眼,道:“你笑什么?这么怕死?” What do you smile?” “那你笑什么?” Divine Might Heavenly Sage is my Sect Master, I naturally with having glory.” 神威天圣可是我的门主,我当然与有荣焉。” Hehe, you betrayed Hidden Sect, but also glory anything!” “呵呵,你都背叛隐门了,还荣个啥!” That has no recourse.” “那是迫不得已。” Shi Dudao is disinclined to pull with Li Daokong. 石独道懒得跟李道空扯。 Does your relate to be able with me to compare old? 你那点旧关系能跟我比? Darkness Forbidden Lord most approves my aptitude! 黑暗禁主可是最认可我的资质 Shi Dudao thinks secretly, felt oneself are entirely different from Li Daokong on realm. 石独道暗自想到,觉得自己在境界上跟李道空截然不同。 Li Daokong thinks in Second Layer, but he is higher. 李道空自以为在第二层,而他更高。 He has looked, Li Daokong is Divine Might Heavenly Sage mole, but he and Darkness Forbidden Lord relations, Li Daokong does not know. 他早就看出来,李道空神威天圣卧底,但他与黑暗禁主的关系,李道空不知晓。 This indicated anything! 这说明什么! Showing in the Darkness Forbidden Lord eye, he is the trusted subordinate, Li Daokong is only an most common board game piece. 说明在黑暗禁主眼里,他才是亲信,李道空只是一枚最普通的棋子罢了。 Ancestor Xi Tian said: Preparation leaves, since assigns/life a group of people without a leader, we then control the life, now Chaos Demon God falls from the sky all, Chaos also calculates to be quiet, this is the opportunity of life!” 玺天老祖道:“准备离开,既然命群龙无首,那吾等便重新掌控命,如今混沌魔神尽数陨落,混沌也算沉寂下来,这是命的机会!”
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