WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#853: Carries it to make ten million/countless

Sacrificed itself for Heavenly Dao? 为了天道牺牲自己? Is impossible! 不可能! Han Jue is not that person! 韩绝可不是那种人! He replied the opposite party with the strength of Supreme immediately: Joke, you then come destruction Heavenly Dao, so long as extinguished, this enmity I decide however remember, one day will revenge for Heavenly Dao finally!” 他立即用至上之力回答对方:“笑话,那你便来覆灭天道吧,只要灭了,此仇我定然记下,终有一日会为天道报仇!” The exchange of Han Jue and mysterious sound in the mind, Sages in universe palace cannot hear, is still waiting for patiently. 韩绝与神秘声音的交流都是在心灵上,乾坤殿内的诸圣都听不到,都还在耐心等待。 Han Jue not when again replies. 韩绝没有再等到回复。 His already prepares for facing ten ten thousand Divine Right Will. 已经做好面对十万神权将的准备。 Even if the dead end, must fight, in dao field leaves leeway a wisp of will in any case, does not fear death. 纵然是死局,也要战一场,反正道场内留有一缕意志,不怕死。 Han Jue criticizes at heart. 韩绝心里暗骂。 Why does Pangu in eat? 盘古在干什么吃的? Reaching an agreement to want keeping off next ten thousand Divine Right Will to be good, now is why endless? 说好只要挡下一万神权将就好,为何现在还没完没了? Han Jue just thought of Pangu, at present appears one line of characters: 韩绝刚想到盘古,眼前浮现出一行字: Pangu holds dream to you, accepts 盘古向你托梦,是否接受】 Accept! 接受! Han Jue enters in the dreamland, simultaneously he retains half of wills in the mortal body, to guard Divine Right Will to attack again. 韩绝进入梦境之中,同时他在肉身内保留一半意志,以防神权将再次来袭。 In the dreamland, Han Jue sees Pangu. 梦境之中,韩绝见到盘古 Pangu looks dignified, said: This matter presents variable, to end thoroughly, only has two choices.” 盘古神情凝重,道:“此事出现变数,若想彻底终结,只有两个选择。” One, you sacrificed yourself, lets the supreme rule suppression, trading Heavenly Dao is peaceful.” “一,你牺牲自己,让至高规则镇压,换来天道太平。” Two, you meet with the head of Spiritual God, if you won, Heavenly Dao all may guarantee with you.” “二,你与神灵之首约战,你若赢了,天道与你皆可保下。” Han Jue had not replied. 韩绝没有回答。 Pangu patient waiting. 盘古耐心等待。 After several breaths, Han Jue asked: „Is this achievement that you strive for?” 数息之后,韩绝问道:“这就是你争取的成果?” Pangu said: Truly what controls the supreme rule exceeds existence of Great Dao Supreme, I may not say its given name, cannot pass on its appearance, if his take action, Heavenly Dao really must perish.” 盘古道:“真正掌控至高规则的是超越大道至上的存在,连吾都不可道其名讳,不可传其形貌,倘若他出手,天道真的得亡。” Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 He is somewhat disappointed about Pangu. 他对盘古有些失望。 So it seems like, Pangu is not the Chaos Unknown opponent, the negotiations is at a disadvantage. 这般看来,盘古不是混沌无识的对手,谈判都处于下风。 Han Jue said: If met with the head of Spiritual God, now can start?” 韩绝道:“若是与神灵之首约战,现在就得开始?” Although he can fight ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage, but is not necessarily able to win Original/Prime Ancestor God. 他虽然能战一万愚剑神圣,但未必能赢过原生祖神 Original/Prime Ancestor God is existence of Great Dao Supreme perfection, is the head of Spiritual God, cultivation base is absolutely powerful. 原生祖神大道至上圆满的存在,又是神灵之首,修为绝对强大。 I help you strive with every effort.” Pangu hesitates to say. “吾尽力帮你争取。”盘古沉吟道。 Han Jue tacitly consented. 韩绝默许。 Also after a while. 又过了一会儿。 Pangu opens the mouth saying: I most help you strive to carry ten million/countless, after carrying ten million/countless, you with the head of independent war Spiritual God, won, the supreme rule no longer aims at Heavenly Dao, defeated......” 盘古开口道:“吾最多帮你争取到千万载,千万载后,你与神灵之首单独一战,胜了,至高规则不再针对天道,败了……” Therefore Han Jue as: Only can ten million years?” 韩绝故作为难道:“只能千万年?” Pangu sighed, said: Your growth is too fast, carries ten million/countless is the limit, changes others, 1 billion years are not the issue, first seclusion one of the time Spiritual God, take for hundred million years as the unit, see him to have sufficiently much dread you.” 盘古叹息一声,道:“你的成长速度太快,千万载已然是极限,换其他人,十亿年都不是问题,神灵之首闭关一次,都是以亿年为单位,足以见得他有多忌惮你。” Han Jue sighed similarly: Ok.” 韩绝同样叹气:“行吧。” Decided.” “就这么定了。” Falls along with the Pangu voice, the dreamland was shattered. 伴随着盘古话音落下,梦境破碎。 Han Jue has not told Sages this matter immediately, but continues to wait. 韩绝没有立即将此事告诉诸圣,而是继续等待。 Divine Right Will has not appeared again, Original/Prime Ancestor God has not conveyed a message to Han Jue again. 神权将没有再出现,原生祖神也没有再传话给韩绝 All tranquil. 一切平静。 Long time. 良久。 Pan Xin asked cautiously: Finished? For a long time does not have the sound......” 盘心小心翼翼问道:“结束了?这么久没有动静……” Other Sage closely are staring at Han Jue. 其他圣人都紧紧盯着韩绝 In the Han Jue heart inquired: „Did this Heavenly Dao disaster end?” 韩绝心中询问:“此次天道劫难结束吗?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Finished temporarily 【暂时结束】 Han Jue relaxes secretly, it seems like Pangu truly successful negotiation. 韩绝暗自松了一口气,看来盘古确实谈判成功了。 He looks to Sages, opens the mouth saying: Temporarily calculated to finish, ten million years, I can with the Spiritual God the first decisive battle, finish cause and effect for this disaster, before then, the development of Heavenly Dao as usual, all gave everyone.” 他看向诸圣,开口道:“暂时算结束,千万年,我会与神灵之首决战,为此次劫难了却因果,在此之前,天道的发展照旧,一切交给诸位。” The voice falls, Han Jue returns to Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain. 话音落下,韩绝回到百岳仙川内。 In the universe palace follows to burst into the cheers, the Divine Might Heavenly Sage four characters appears many. 乾坤殿内跟着爆发出欢呼声,神威天圣四个字出现得最多。 ...... …… The mysterious domain, the thick fog is boundless. 神秘领域,大雾磅礴。 Evil Heavenly Emperor is looking at the present illusion, for a long time has not seen the Divine Right Will form, he cannot bear ask: „Did this tribulation end?” 邪天帝望着眼前的幻象,许久没有看到神权将的身影,他忍不住问道:“此劫结束了?” He is suppressing excitedly, does not dare to look at the mysterious great shadow. 他强忍着激动,也不敢去看神秘巨影。 The mysterious great shadow replied: Temporarily finished, ten million years later, Han Jue needs the head of War God spirit, won, Heavenly Dao saved, defeated, Heavenly Dao perished.” 神秘巨影回答道:“暂时结束,千万年后,韩绝需得战神灵之首,赢了,天道存,败了,天道亡。” ten million years? 千万年? Evil Heavenly Emperor is secretly puzzled, does the head of Spiritual God inflate? 邪天帝暗自困惑,神灵之首这么膨胀? Pangu take action, just now set making of ten million year, but this is also to a supreme rule stair, Divine Right Will is not the Han Jue opponent, the head of Spiritual God is not truly good to come personally.” Mysterious great shadow spooky say/way. 盘古出手了,方才定下千万年之约,不过这也算是给至高规则一个台阶,神权将确实不是韩绝的对手,神灵之首又不好亲自现身。”神秘巨影幽幽道。 Evil Heavenly Emperor asked: If Han Jue should, ten million years later actually doesn't accept a challenge?” 邪天帝问道:“若是韩绝应下,千万年后却不应战呢?” The mysterious great shadow said: He will definitely accept a challenge, has to accept a challenge.” 神秘巨影道:“他肯定会应战,不得不应战。” These words hear Evil Heavenly Emperor more puzzled, closely examines hastily, but the mysterious great shadow actually no longer replies. 这番话听得邪天帝更加困惑,连忙追问,但神秘巨影却不再作回答。 You should walk.” “你该走了。” The mysterious great shadow sound is illusory. 神秘巨影的声音虚无缥缈。 Evil Heavenly Emperor bends the waist to salute, just now turns around to depart. 邪天帝弯腰行礼,方才转身离去。 He just trod several steps, the mysterious great shadow sound floats: Evil Heavenly Emperor, don't the fate that forgets yourself to set.” 他刚踏出去几步,神秘巨影的声音飘来:“邪天帝,别忘了你自己定下的宿命。” Evil Heavenly Emperor has not turned head, with vanishing. 邪天帝没有回头,跟着消失。 ...... …… The Heavenly Dao disaster ended, ten thousand Divine Right Will pour near Heavenly Dao all! 天道劫难结束,一万神权将尽数倒在天道附近! The name of Divine Might Heavenly Sage overawes entire Chaos, in Heavenly Dao also has innumerable cultivator to discuss this matter. 神威天圣之名威震整个混沌,就连天道内也有数不清的修行者在谈论此事。 , The news spreads over entire Immortal World gradually, Divine Might Heavenly Sage becomes the myth that all living things pay homage to once again. 渐渐地,消息传遍整个仙界,神威天圣再次成为众生膜拜的神话。 Buddha. 佛界。 The True Martial Sage Buddha facing Chu Shiren, did not speak for a very long time. 圣真武佛面对楚世人,久久不语。 Chu Shiren asked: My Ancestral Master how?” 楚世人问道:“我师祖如何?” The True Martial Sage Buddha puts out two characters: Invincible.” 圣真武佛吐出两个字:“无敌。” He is seemingly calm, raises the difficult situation at heart! 他看似镇定,心里掀起惊涛骇浪! That slaughters Chaos Demon God ten thousand Divine Right Will strongly, by Han Jue sword execution, the Heavenly Dao edge had not even been bumped into unexpectedly! 那可是强势屠戮混沌魔神的一万神权将啊,竟然被韩绝一剑诛杀,连天道边缘都没有碰到! Before coming Heavenly Dao, the True Martial Sage Buddha truly has the anticipation to Han Jue, but has not thought that Han Jue not only blocks ten thousand Divine Right Will, but also a sword their execution! 天道之前,圣真武佛确实对韩绝抱有期待,只是没有想到韩绝不仅是挡住一万神权将,还一剑将他们诛杀 Simply inconceivable! 简直不可思议! The True Martial Sage Buddha lived was so long, first time so shocked, he also had the awe of difficult word to Han Jue. 圣真武佛活了这么久,还是头一次这般震撼,他对韩绝也产生了难言的敬畏。 Joins Heavenly Dao, perhaps is the big chance! 加入天道,或许是大机缘! Previously Han Jue to the frontline propaganda of Chaos, he also heard clearly, now the disaster relieves, Heavenly Dao soared inevitably, even became Chaos to be most prosperous the prosperous place! 先前韩绝混沌的喊话,他也听得清清楚楚,如今劫难解除,天道必然一飞冲天,甚至成为混沌最繁荣鼎盛之地! He more is more excited, on the face cannot bear show the smile finally. 他越想越激动,脸上终于忍不住露出笑容。 ...... …… Scarlet rosy cloud vault of heaven, boundless sea. 赤霞天穹,无边大海。 Sparkles the ray form to stand together on the shoulder of Holy Mother of Order. 一道闪耀着光芒的身影立在秩序圣母的肩头上。 Carries after ten million/countless, this child decides however is stronger, can you have confidence?” Holy Mother of Order asked. “千万载后,此子定然更强,你可有把握?”秩序圣母问道。 The ray form snort/hum said: How gives him ten million/countless the year, his aptitude is fierce, may achieve the Great Dao Supreme boundary, wants to catch up with me in ten million years, do you feel the possibility?” 光芒身影哼道:“给他千万年又如何,他的资质是厉害,可达到大道至上境,想要在千万年内追上吾,你觉得可能?” Reason that sets this to make, truly cannot only do to Heavenly Dao because of Divine Right Will, 20,000 numbers are the limits, I also paid a big price, since Pangu gives me the stair, I naturally under.” “之所以定下此约,只因神权将确实奈何不了天道,两万之数已然是极限,吾还付出了不小的代价,既然盘古给吾台阶,吾自然得下。” Holy Mother of Order asked: Carries in ten million/countless, how will you make him accept a challenge?” 秩序圣母问道:“千万载内,你将如何让他应战?” The ray form said: You, and favors, he will accept a challenge, now Chaos Demon God except, has only had few several, to promote Great Dao Grand Tribulation, will have new Person with Great Providence reach to the clouds, I will drum up support for Divine Might Heavenly Sage, let him in carries ten million/countless cannot cultivation safely, as for the day of decisive battle, my already planned, he must fight, he will also die a tragic death.” 光芒身影道:“你且看好,他会应战的,如今混沌魔神已除,只剩下寥寥数位,为了推动大道量劫,会有新的大气运者横空出世,吾会为神威天圣造势,让他在千万载内也不能安心修炼,至于决战之日,吾已经算计好,他必须战,他也会死得很惨。”
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