WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#852: Overawes Chaos! 【Asked monthly ticket】

In the universe palace, Sages is all raising head, sees two ten thousand Divine Right Will attacks, each one ten million zhang (3.33 m) high, as if the Chaos sky collapsed! 乾坤殿内,诸圣全都仰着头,看到两万神权将来袭,个个千万丈高,仿佛混沌的天塌了! Han Jue also raised the head to look, in the hand grasps Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword again. 韩绝同样抬头仰望,手里再次握起鸿蒙判定剑 Sages is anxious. 圣人们不安。 Yang Che asked cautiously: „Did the Divine Right Will quantity change?” 杨彻小心翼翼问道:“神权将的数量是不是变多了?” The Divine Right Will imposing manner is too strong, his Sacred Thought touches has the feeling of scalding, frightens hastily takes back Sacred Thought. 神权将的气势太强,他的圣念一触及就有种烫伤的感觉,吓得连忙收回圣念 Truly changed.” “确实变多了。” Not is only becomes many, turns time completely.” “岂止是变多,完全是翻倍啊。” How like this, endless?” “怎么会这样,没完没了?” Who is operating Divine Right Will?” “到底是谁在操纵神权将?” Why can extinguish my Heavenly Dao?” “为何非要灭我天道?” Sages is filled with righteous indignation, this moment already forgets the fear with worrying, endless worry. 圣人们义愤填膺,此刻已经忘记恐惧与担忧,只有无尽的担忧。 They look to Lao Dan (Old Dan). 他们不由看向老聃 Lao Dan (Old Dan) feels their anger, said awkwardly: Looks at old man to do really? How will old man know?” 老聃感受到他们的怒火,不由尴尬道:“瞧老朽作甚?老朽怎会知晓?” Han Jue has not paid attention to the Sages attitude, he fuses 1949 Demon God Dharma Body again, already is ready. 韩绝没有理会圣人们的态度,他再次融合一千九百四十九尊魔神法相,已经做好准备。 He holds up Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword single-handed, the sword sharp direction universe palace zenith. 他单手举起鸿蒙判定剑,剑尖指向乾坤殿天顶。 When the distance gathers at the right moment, Han Jue displays Heaven and Earth Dark-Yellow Breaking Worlds Sword Finger suddenly. 当距离合适时,韩绝忽然施展天地玄黄破界剑指 Bang! 轰! sword qi soars to the heavens, the shatter zenith, runs out of Heavenly Dao rapidly, under control of desirably Han Jue, sword qi has not injured and Heavenly Dao foundation, breaks in the darkness rapidly. 剑气冲霄,破碎天顶,迅速冲出天道,在韩绝的刻意控制下,剑气没有伤及天道根基,迅速冲入黑暗中。 With was ordinary previously! 与先前一般! Absolute rapidness! 绝对的快! Two ten thousand Divine Right Will are still diving, just saw sword qi, was submerged by sword qi. 两万神权将还在俯冲,刚看到剑气,就被剑气淹没。 This speed already exceeds the definition of speed, exceeds the time! 这种速度已经超越速度的定义,超越时间! Divine Right Will annihilates all! 神权将尽数湮灭! Still was a sword! 仍是一剑! Two ten thousand Divine Right Will that vast pressure vanish instantaneously, Sages not previously like that pleasantly surprised, is only happy. 两万神权将那浩瀚的威压瞬间消失,诸圣没有先前那般惊喜,只是高兴罢了。 Han Jue somewhat is anxious. 韩绝不禁有些不安。 After 20,000, won't come again? 两万之后不会再来吧? That also! 那还了得! His heart moves, his will jumps out of Chaos instantaneously, he bends down to observe Chaos, opens the mouth saying: Ten thousand Divine Right Will insufficiently my swords kill it, two ten thousand Divine Right Will were still insufficient, then can come 100,000? 1 million? ten million/countless?” 他心头一动,他的意志瞬间跳出混沌,他俯观混沌,开口道:“一万神权将不够我一剑杀之,两万神权将仍不够,接下来要来十万?百万?还是千万?” This is the so-called Chaos rule, why has this world villain act? When Heavenly Dao saves, no matter behind Divine Right Will is standing anyone, wants to extinguish Heavenly Dao although! Do I want to take a look at enough my sword but actually?” “这就是所谓的混沌规则吗,为何有种凡尘小人行径?天道当存,不管神权将背后站着谁,想灭天道尽管来!我倒要瞧瞧够不够我一剑?” His sound spreads over entire Chaos! 他的声音传遍整个混沌 But he desirably for it, except for the Heavenly Dao life, Chaos all living things all can hear his sound. 他刻意而为之,除了天道生灵,混沌众生皆能听到他的声音。 Suddenly, entire Chaos falls into an uproar, who the innumerable world life curious sound was, these exceeded Primordial Beginning dao fruit cultivator to shock. 一时间,整个混沌陷入哗然中,无数天地生灵好奇刚才的声音是谁,那些超越混元道果修行者则为之震撼。 They know Divine Right Will to attack the Heavenly Dao matter, but from the Han Jue words, ten thousand Divine Right Will already was extinguished? 他们都知晓神权将要袭击天道的事情,但从韩绝的话来看,一万神权将已经被灭? It is not right! 不对! Two ten thousand Divine Right Will by day Dao God secret almighty sword execution? 两万神权将被天道神大能一剑诛杀 How possibly! 怎么可能! ...... …… In universe palace. 乾坤殿内。 Sages hears the Han Jue words, applauds. 诸圣听到韩绝的话,纷纷叫好。 Always low-key Xuandu Saint Venerable is also so, he gets hold of the double fist, shouted: This so! Hides that in back mysterious existence compels! So act what's the matter, after 10,000, 20,000, is this rule? Can the rule at any time change?” 就连一向低调的玄都圣尊也是如此,他握紧双拳,喝道:“就该如此!将那躲在背后的神秘存在逼出来!这般行径算怎么回事,一万之后来两万,这还是规则?规则是可以随时变的?” Moreover, does Heavenly Dao have what wrong?” “况且,天道有何错?” Actually Sages is unable to understand. 其实圣人们也都无法理解。 Why can Divine Right Will clean up Chaos Demon God? 神权将为何要清理混沌魔神 Who does not know after Chaos Demon God is the Chaos early form of universe in creation , the life that is born, is equivalent to the Chaos son, but is Great Dao Spiritual God the Chaos rule, the family rule wants the infanticide child? 谁不知混沌魔神混沌初辟后诞生的生灵,相当于混沌的儿子,而大道神灵不过是混沌的规则,家规要杀儿子? And unfounded! 而且毫无理由! Could not convince! 根本说不通! Lao Dan (Old Dan) is looking at Han Jue, sighed slightly. 老聃望着韩绝,微微叹息。 He does not understand Han Jue actually to think anything. 他不懂韩绝到底在想什么。 These words saying, first, to despise theocracy ; second, offends dead Divine Right Will back existence. 这番话说出去,一是蔑视神权,二是将神权将背后的存在得罪死。 Does not flatter. 不讨好。 Now can definitely bear patiently the attack that resists Divine Right Will is good, Divine Right Will back existence suffers loss without redress , under passing of years, these things will forget even quickly. 现在完全可以隐忍着抵挡神权将的攻击就好,神权将背后的存在吃了哑巴亏,也就算了,在岁月的流逝下,这些事情很快就会被遗忘。 Why to tear to pieces the facial skin? 何必撕破脸皮? Same cultivation base tears to pieces the facial skin to understand, but can with operating existence of supreme rule tears to pieces the facial skin, how later also to survive in Chaos? 同样的修为撕破脸皮可以理解,但能跟操纵至高规则的存在撕破脸皮,以后还怎么在混沌生存? Han Jue patient waiting. 韩绝耐心等待。 If Divine Right Will will also continue becomes many, until till he cannot be victorious, that Han Jue clothing/taking. 倘若神权将还会持续变多,直至他打不过为止,那韩绝服了。 No matter what Heavenly Dao you extinguish! 天道任你灭! Laozi (father) hides dao field to cultivate for 100 million years, after achievement Dao Creator, came out and others all the slaughter! 老子道场修炼一亿载,成就创造道者后,出来将尔等全都屠了! Avenges a grievance, Heavenly Dao also calculates that can finish the last wish! 报仇雪恨,天道也算能了却遗愿! Han Jue already completes the worst plan! 韩绝已经做好最坏的的打算! At this time, the indifferent sound resounded in Han Jue together at heart: 这时,一道冷漠的声音在韩绝心里响起: „Are you Primordial Chaos Demon God?” “你是鸿蒙魔神?” Han Jue can feel that the opposite party is Great Dao Supreme, he tracks down the voice of opposite party immediately, the counter- past passed on the sound said: I am Chaos Demon God, if you want to me according to Primordial Chaos Demon God, you to press although, my Heavenly Dao is in any case innocent, the just Unrestrained will of the people, you extinguished Heavenly Dao, cannot extinguish all living things will!” 韩绝能感觉到对方是大道至上,他立即追寻对方的声音,反过去传音道:“我乃混沌魔神,你若想给我按一个鸿蒙魔神,你尽管按,反正我天道无罪,公道自在人心,你灭得了天道,灭不了众生意志!” The opposite party had not answered. 对方没有回话。 Han Jue sees Divine Right Will not to appear again, immediately sits down. 韩绝神权将没有再出现,当即坐下。 Sees this, other Sage follow to sit down. 见此,其他圣人跟着坐下。 Suddenly, the entire universe palace falls into silent. 一时间,整个乾坤殿陷入寂静中。 Sages closely is staring at Han Jue, understands that what kind of consequence Han Jue that words will bring in a moment ago, but they had not complained, chooses to trust Han Jue. 圣人们紧紧盯着韩绝,都明白韩绝刚才那番话会引来怎样的后果,但他们没有埋怨,都选择信任韩绝 They believe that Han Jue can haunch a day for them! 他们相信韩绝能为他们撑起一片天! At this time, the mysterious sound resounded in Han Jue again at heart: 这时,神秘声音再次在韩绝心里响起: Where has Chaos Demon God to exterminate two ten thousand Divine Right Will, Pangu cannot!” “哪有混沌魔神能诛灭两万神权将,盘古也不能!” „Can't Pangu, I then unable? Why can you operate Divine Right Will?” 盘古不能,我便不能?那你为何能操纵神权将?” I cannot calculate your origin.” “吾算不到你的根脚。” I was not clear who you are!” “我也不清楚你是谁!” If you are Primordial Chaos Demon God, perhaps that is threatening, I to Chaos possibly guesses wrong, but trades to do is you, can let off a possibility?” “倘若你是鸿蒙魔神,那就对混沌有威胁,或许吾可能猜错,但换做是你,能放过一丝可能?” Who is Primordial Chaos Demon God will harm Chaos? Even, what that does Divine Right Will slaughter Chaos Demon God is? Chaos can have today, isn't the Chaos Demon God merit? If not Chaos Demon God develops Chaos, how could to have the Great Dao life, becomes the Spiritual God? You do not feel grateful to Chaos Demon God, depend the strength, is ungrateful, perhaps your Great Dao Spiritual God should also come Heavenly Dao world study study morality and justice, studies study the kindness!” “谁是鸿蒙魔神会危害混沌?就算是,那神权将屠杀混沌魔神又算什么?混沌能有今日,不是混沌魔神的功劳?若非混沌魔神开拓混沌,岂能有大道生灵,成为神灵?你们不对混沌魔神感恩,仗着力量,却要忘恩负义,或许你们大道神灵也该来天道人间学学道义,学学恩德!” Han Jue and opposite party fight relative, is sporty. 韩绝与对方争锋相对,底气十足。 But he has not said definitely the words, who his actually already knows the opposite party is, is Original/Prime Ancestor God! 但他也没有将话说死,他其实已经知晓对方是谁,就是原生祖神 He must feign ignorance, does intentionally the grievance, making the opposite party relax vigilantly. 他要故作不知,故作委屈,让对方放松警惕。 , He met after the wedding finally on the 1st committed suicide Original/Prime Ancestor God. 终有一日,他会亲自杀了原生祖神 Six star Hatred Value cannot remain! 六星仇恨度不能留! Long time. 良久。 The opposite party did not reply. 对方仍不回答。 Divine Right Will has not appeared again, all return to normal. 神权将也没有再出现,一切恢复平静。 As if disaster already in the past. 仿佛劫难已经过去。 But Sages does not dare to treat it lightly, they and other Han Jue replies. 圣人们不敢掉以轻心,他们都在等韩绝回答。 Only then Han Jue said the disaster personally in the past, they dare to relax thoroughly. 只有韩绝亲口说劫难过去,他们才敢彻底放松。 The mysterious sound resounds in Han Jue again at heart: So long as you can show that you are not Primordial Chaos Demon God, I then no longer aim at Heavenly Dao!” 神秘声音再次在韩绝心里响起:“只要你能证明你不是鸿蒙魔神,吾便不再针对天道!” How to show?” “如何证明?” You enter the supreme rule, by the supreme regular seal, until Great Dao Grand Tribulation was finished, sacrificed your freedom, trading Heavenly Dao is peaceful.” “你进入至高规则,被至高规则封印,直至大道量劫结束,牺牲你的自由,换来天道太平。” Han Jue hears these words, on the face shows the smile. 韩绝听到这句话,脸上露出笑容。 He almost must put out Book of Misfortune, but cannot take at present. 他差点就要拿出厄运书,不过眼下不能拿出来。 Chaos Demon God cares about Darkness Forbidden Lord, rather than Primordial Chaos Demon God! 混沌魔神更在意黑暗禁主,而非鸿蒙魔神
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