WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#849: One sword Slaying Spirit power 【Asked monthly ticket】

After comforting good Foolish Sword Divine Sage and Hong Yuan, Han Jue vanishes in the universe palace immediately. 安抚好愚剑神圣红缘后,韩绝立即消失在乾坤殿。 Suddenly, he appears in ten thousand Divine Right Will front, duplicates instantaneously their cultivation base with Simulated Trial, with vanishing. 眨眼间,他出现在一万神权将前方,瞬间用模拟试炼将他们的修为复制下来,跟着消失。 The entire process is too quick, does not seem to come to Han Jue quickly. 整个过程太快,快到韩绝仿佛未曾现身过。 Returns to the universe palace, other Sage had not detected that he disappeared a moment ago. 回到乾坤殿内,其他圣人也没有察觉到他刚才消失了。 Han Jue forecast, Divine Right Will catches up at least also to require burning a joss stick time. 韩绝预测了一下,神权将赶来至少还需要一炷香时间。 He enters Simulated Trial immediately, direct challenge ten thousand Divine Right Will. 他立即进入模拟试炼,直接挑战一万神权将 Fuses 1949 Demon God Dharma Body, wields Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword by Anger of Primal Chaos God, a sword cuts, Supreme sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, all 10,000 Divine Right Will annihilations. 融合一千九百四十九尊魔神法相,以鸿蒙神怒挥动鸿蒙判定剑,一剑斩去,至上剑气纵横,尽数将一万尊神权将湮灭。 instakill! 秒杀 Han Jue opens the eye. 韩绝睁开眼睛。 He relaxes secretly. 他暗自松了一口气。 Really does not have the accident. 果然没有变故。 He also really feared that passed through the Highest Beginning domain one post-war, Divine Right Will has been strengthened. 他还真怕经过太初领域一战后,神权将得到加强。 He conducts Simulated Trial again, this time does not take the lead take action, tries the Divine Right Will strength. 他再次进行模拟试炼,这一次不率先出手,试试神权将们的力量。 After several breaths, Han Jue opens the eye, looking pensive. 数息之后,韩绝睁开眼睛,若有所思。 Xuandu Saint Venerable turns head to ask: „Can Fellow Daoist Han, have confidence?” 玄都圣尊扭头问道:“韩道友,可有把握?” His already can feel ten thousand Divine Right Will that terrifying imposing manners, believes that Han Jue can also feel, by aura, actually have several probably. 已经能感受到一万神权将那恐怖气势,相信韩绝也能感觉到,论气息,其实大概就有数。 Xuandu Saint Venerable felt in any case oneself go out to die. 反正玄都圣尊觉得自己出去就得死。 Ten thousand Divine Right Will gather in the together imposing manner is really strong, powerful to grinding all delusions! 一万神权将汇聚在一起的气势实在是太强,强大到碾碎一切妄想! Other Sage fall the vision on Han Jue body in abundance, all hopefully and disturbed. 其他圣人纷纷将目光落在韩绝身上,全都充满期待与忐忑。 Feels the Divine Right Will imposing manner truly, they cannot help but afraid, Zhou Fan, Long Hao, Zhao Xuanyuan and the others who previously clamored do not dare to talk big again. 真正感受到神权将的气势,他们都不由自主的害怕,就连先前叫嚣的周凡龙昊赵轩辕等人也不敢再说大话。 Facing all Sage vision, Han Jue said: Said the completely safe assurance, it is estimated that everyone does not believe that I will make contribution, you do not go out, looked that I fight Divine Right Will to be good.” 面对所有圣人的目光,韩绝道:“说万全把握,估计诸位也不信,我会尽力的,尔等就别出去了,看我战神权将就好。” hears word, Sages relaxes secretly. 闻言,诸圣暗自松了一口气。 They also feared that was moved to hit by Han Jue, although ashamed, but this is the brutal fact. 他们也怕被韩绝调出去打,虽然惭愧,但这就是无情的事实。 Han Jue sets out suddenly, puts out Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword. 韩绝忽然起身,拿出鸿蒙判定剑 This sword overflows, the purple-red ray sparkles in the palace, shakes the Sages vertigo, simultaneously feels fearful killing intent. 此剑溢出,紫红色光芒在殿内闪耀,晃得圣人们眼花,同时感受到一股慑人的杀意 The air/Qi of slaughtering! 杀伐之气! Pan Xin absent-minded, thought of own Opening Heavens Axe. 盘心一阵恍惚,想到了自己的开天斧 The life of drop dead seizes my supreme treasure! 杀千刀的命夺吾至宝 Under the gaze of Sages, Han Jue lifts Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword single-handed, the sword sharp direction from Chaos Divine Right Will, empty shades emit from the Han Jue top of the head, drills into his within the body rapidly. 诸圣的注视下,韩绝单手抬起鸿蒙判定剑,剑尖指向从混沌袭来的神权将,一道道虚影从韩绝头顶冒出,又迅速钻入他体内。 Shortly, Han Jue has fused 1949 Demon God Dharma Body! 顷刻间,韩绝已然融合一千九百四十九尊魔神法相 He lifts the left hand, finds out the index finger and middle finger, has delimited following the sword blade slowly, seems is grasping a spear/gun, the vision and sword look sharp to the same direction, is aiming at anything. 他抬起左手,探出食指与中指,顺着剑刃缓缓划过,好似握着一把枪,目光与剑尖看向同一个方向,正在瞄准什么。 Sages was anxious, does not understand that Han Jue must do. 诸圣紧张极了,不明白韩绝要作甚。 Zhou Fan cannot bear ask: Master, do you want to do?” 周凡忍不住问道:“师父,您想干什么?” He here take action? 他不会要在这里出手吧? In all Sage mind is born such an incredible idea. 所有圣人脑海里都诞生这样一个荒诞的想法。 That is Divine Right Will! 那可是神权将啊! Remote separates far, attacks, won't alert the enemy? 遥隔这么远,进行攻击,不会打草惊蛇? Han Jue is unemotional, said: everyone said to look, my sword can kill off ten thousand Divine Right Will?” 韩绝面无表情,道:“诸位说说看,我这一剑能不能杀光一万神权将?” Such remarks, the entire universe palace is silent. 此言一出,整个乾坤殿寂静。 Sages all stares the big eye, the breathing rapidly. 诸圣全都瞪大眼睛,呼吸急促。 Xuandu Saint Venerable and Lao Dan (Old Dan) are also so. 就连玄都圣尊老聃也是如此。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) had not opened the mouth, but when works as ten thousand Divine Right Will arrivals, his already is ready to have the Dao Supreme three people to flee this place. 老聃一直没有开口,但当一万神权将到来时,他已经做好准备带着道至尊三人逃离此地。 The result has not thought that Han Jue is so unexpectedly extremely arrogant! 结果没想到韩绝竟然如此狂妄! Does a sword kill off ten thousand Divine Right Will? 一剑杀光一万神权将 No one dares to jump the question, all silly is staring at Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword in Han Jue hand. 没有人敢跳出来质疑,全都傻愣愣的盯着韩绝手中的鸿蒙判定剑 Their rapid heartbeat. 他们心跳加快。 If Han Jue real...... 倘若韩绝真的…… - 咝- They do not dare to continue to think downward, the reason told them, was impossible! 他们不敢继续往下想,理智告诉他们,不可能! That is the destruction dozens Chaos Demon God terrorist forces! 那可是覆灭数十位混沌魔神的恐怖力量! Created world great god Pangu dead a tragic death continually in ten thousand Divine Right Will under feet! 连创世巨神盘古都惨死在一万神权将脚下! ...... …… The mysterious space, the muddy thick fog fills the air. 神秘空间,浑浊大雾弥漫。 Evil Heavenly Emperor stands before a mysterious great shadow that is sparkling the glare, between both sides, float together illusion, reflects picture that ten thousand Divine Right Will are galloping. 邪天帝站在一尊闪耀着强光的神秘巨影前,在双方之间,悬浮着一道幻象,倒映着一万神权将奔腾的画面。 Is looking at a ten thousand Divine Right Will terrifying imposing manner, the Evil Heavenly Emperor complexion is very ugly. 望着一万神权将的恐怖气势,邪天帝的脸色无比难看。 He had met Divine Right Will before, Divine Right Will is the unflustered steps vanguard, so spins for the first time, very obvious this is the oath must trample flat the Heavenly Dao signal! 他之前遇到过神权将,神权将一直都是从容不迫的踏步前行,还是第一次这般疾奔,很明显这是誓要踏平天道的信号! Evil Heavenly Emperor raised the head saying: Senior, can't you really take action?” 邪天帝抬头道:“前辈,您真的不能出手?” We, so long as you rescue Hidden Sect!” “朕只要您救出隐门!” The mysterious great shadow said spookily: I do not enter cause and effect, does not enter Chaos, naturally cannot meddle, Evil Heavenly Emperor, do not attempt to meddle, behind Divine Right Will is the supreme rule, is Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, in Chaos, any exists to dare to stop, must be beyond redemption.” 神秘巨影幽幽道:“吾不入因果,不入混沌,自然不会插手,邪天帝,不要妄图插手,神权将背后是至高规则,是大道气运神权,混沌之中,任何存在敢阻拦,都得万劫不复。” Evil Heavenly Emperor kneels down fiercely, clenches teeth saying: Invited senior take action! We am willing to work for you forever, is a board game piece!” 邪天帝猛地跪下,咬牙道:“请前辈出手!朕愿永远为您效力,甘为棋子!” Senior always cannot say into Chaos, but the time is paying attention to Chaos, We know you to have your great ambition, no matter what, We am willing to work for you, the senior can see Us repeatedly, has to have a need for Our place.” “前辈总说不入混沌,但时刻关注着混沌,朕知晓您有您的雄心,不管是何,朕都愿意为您效力,前辈能多次见朕,想必也有用得着朕的地方。” The mysterious great shadow had not replied. 神秘巨影没有回答。 Evil Heavenly Emperor is kneeling as before, the vision closely is staring at ten thousand Divine Right Will in illusion. 邪天帝依旧跪着,目光紧紧盯着幻象中的一万神权将 He was anxious. 他紧张极了。 The Divine Right Will speed is too fast, the strength is extremely also fearful, once arrives at Heavenly Dao, possibly is trampling flat Heavenly Dao suddenly! 神权将的速度太快,实力又极其可怕,一旦到达天道,可能在瞬息间踏平天道 Evil Heavenly Emperor was confident about Han Jue, but he knew a fearful information. 原本邪天帝韩绝充满信心,但他得知了一个可怕情报。 The mysterious great shadow opens the mouth saying: I had previously told you, ten thousand Divine Right Will not possible to be exterminated, this is the Chaos supreme rule, only if has to subvert the Chaos strength . Moreover, even if my take action extinguished ten thousand Divine Right Will, will then have a more fearful strength to appear, Heavenly Dao this game is the dead end , without the child may, has no way out.” 神秘巨影开口道:“吾先前已然告诉你,一万神权将不可能被诛灭,这是混沌至高规则,除非拥有颠覆混沌的实力,况且,就算吾出手灭了一万神权将,接下来还会有更可怕的力量出现,天道此局已然是死局,无子可下,无路可走。” Evil Heavenly Emperor changes countenance, he raised the head fiercely, the sinking sound asked: In Chaos also has compared with you stronger existence?” 邪天帝动容,他猛地抬头,沉声问道:“混沌之中还有比您更强的存在?” The mysterious great shadow said: Perhaps no, but Chaos is strongest.” 神秘巨影道:“或许没有,但混沌本身才是最强的。” Evil Heavenly Emperor is unwilling, will continue to speak. 邪天帝不甘心,正要继续说话。 At this moment! 就在这时! Air/Qi of terrifying slaughtering transmits from the illusion, is startled Evil Heavenly Emperor to glance at to look. 一股恐怖的杀伐之气从幻象中传来,惊得邪天帝瞥眼看去。 Sees only sword qi to raid together from the dark deep place, the front surface kills to ten thousand Divine Right Will! 只见一道剑气从黑暗深处袭来,迎面杀向一万神权将 Quite quick! 好快! Evil Heavenly Emperor is also less to think, saw that said sword qi submerges 10,000 ten million zhang (3.33 m) high Divine Right Will, irresistible, overbearing incomparable, shocks Forbidden Area of Darkness! 邪天帝还不及多想,就看到那道剑气将一万尊千万丈高的神权将淹没,势不可挡,霸道无匹,震撼黑暗禁区 sword qi diverges, Forbidden Area of Darkness was ripped a big opening, the space is layer upon layer stave, reveals primitively void. 剑气散去,黑暗禁区被撕出一条大口子,层层空间破碎,显露出原始虚空。 But the Divine Right Will form has disappeared all, does not exist. 神权将的身影已然尽数消失,不复存在。 Evil Heavenly Emperor is shocked. 邪天帝愣住。 He blinks, sets out carefully to look, had not seen the Divine Right Will form. 他眨了眨眼,起身仔细看去,仍没有看到神权将的身影。 Senior, Divine Right Will? Turns to them quickly!” “前辈,神权将呢?快转向他们!” The Evil Heavenly Emperor anxious sound urged. 邪天帝急声催促。 However, he has not been replied. 然而,他没有得到回复。 Evil Heavenly Emperor pursues asks: Senior?” 邪天帝追问道:“前辈?” The mysterious great shadow said spookily: Divine Right Will did not have......” 神秘巨影幽幽道:“神权将没了……” Didn't have? Is what meaning?” “没了?是什么意思?” Evil Heavenly Emperor heartbeat unprecedented rapidness, cautious asking. 邪天帝心跳前所未有的快,小心翼翼的问道。 If he had not misread a moment ago...... 倘若他刚才没有看错…… Divine Right Will by that was said sword qi did kill? 神权将被那道剑气杀了? Annihilates to kill ten thousand Divine Right Will? 一击灭杀一万神权将 How possibly...... 怎么可能……
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