WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#850: Inconceivable, Original/Prime Ancestor God 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

In universe palace. 乾坤殿内。 Han Jue puts down Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword in hand slowly, he was based on Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword a moment ago, displays Heaven and Earth Dark-Yellow Breaking Worlds Sword Finger, strikes to exterminate ten thousand Divine Right Will. 韩绝缓缓放下手中的鸿蒙判定剑,他刚才以鸿蒙判定剑为基础,施展天地玄黄破界剑指,一击诛灭一万神权将 He acknowledged, he used the full power a moment ago absolutely, even shook Heavenly Dao. 他承认,他刚才绝对是动用全力,甚至撼动天道 Finally has not disappointed him, with Simulated Trial, instakill! 结果也没有让他失望,与模拟试炼内一样,秒杀 Sages has not responded, but was frightened a moment ago by that sword, all keeps silent. 圣人们还未反应过来,但都被刚才那一剑吓到,个个噤若寒蝉。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) stares the big eye, the whole body shivers. 老聃瞪大眼睛,浑身颤抖。 Laozi (father) grasps Sword Dao, he is familiar with the Sword Dao nature, but Han Jue sword qi made him shock. 老子掌握剑道,他对剑道自然熟悉,但韩绝刚才的剑气令他震撼。 It is not the strength of Sword Dao! 绝非剑道之力! But is more fearful than Laozi (father) Sword Dao! 但比老子剑道还要可怕! What is most essential, Lao Dan (Old Dan) felt that ten thousand Divine Right Will aura did not have. 最关键的是,老聃感觉到一万神权将气息没了。 ...... 难道…… He cannot think. 他不敢想。 Sages also detected that Divine Right Will aura is nothing left, each one is staring at Han Jue stubbornly, shock in heart is indescribable. 圣人们也察觉到神权将气息荡然无存,个个死死盯着韩绝,心中的震撼难以言表。 Zhou Fan takes the lead to break silence, asked cautiously: Master, Divine Right Will......” 周凡率先打破沉寂,小心翼翼问道:“师父,神权将……” Han Jue sits down, said: Killed, but previously some people guessed correctly that I can a sword execute completely ten thousand Divine Right Will?” 韩绝坐下,道:“杀了,先前可有人猜到我能一剑诛尽一万神权将?” Bang! 轰! The universe palace rouses, all Sage were insane! 乾坤殿振奋,所有圣人都疯了! Right! 没错! Insane! 疯了! Recently in hundreds of thousands of years, Divine Right Will gave their pressure is really big! 最近数十万载里,神权将给他们的压力实在是太大! Especially a Highest Beginning domain war, dozens Chaos Demon God headed by Pangu was previously exterminated strongly, the constriction that brings achieves the pinnacle! 尤其是先前太初领域一战,以盘古为首的数十位混沌魔神被强势诛灭,所带来的压迫感达到极致! Although they have the anticipation to Han Jue, but thinks that will have a fierce battle...... 他们虽对韩绝抱有期待,但原以为会有一场恶战…… The result has not thought! 结果没想到! instakill! 秒杀 A sword executes ten thousand God! 一剑诛万神! All Sage were shocked, even does not feel. 所有圣人都被震撼到,甚至觉得不真实。 Really died?” “真的死了?” On a sword, Divine Might Heavenly Sage, you are what realm?” “就一剑啊,神威天圣,您到底是何境界?” Real false?” “真的假的?” Truly cannot feel the Divine Right Will imposing manner......” “确实感受不到神权将的气势……” „Hasn't remained? This was also too exaggerating, Divine Might Heavenly Sage is fierce, I took!” “一个没留?这也太夸张了,神威天圣厉害,我服了!” Sages is discussing excitedly, Xu Dudao and Pan Xin are worship on bended knees Han Jue, the whole face is frantic. 圣人们激动的讨论着,徐妒道盘心更是跪拜韩绝,满脸狂热。 Hidden Sect Sages also starts to worship on bended knees, causing other Sage to worship on bended knees. 隐门圣人们也开始跪拜,导致其他圣人不得不跪拜。 Suddenly is only left over Xuandu Saint Venerable and Lao Dan (Old Dan) also to stand. 一时间只剩下玄都圣尊老聃还站着。 The Xuandu Saint Venerable scruple moment, with bending the waist to salute. 玄都圣尊迟疑片刻,跟着弯腰行礼。 Other Sage are good, either is in itself primarily Han Jue, either is the new Saint, is listening to the legend growth of Han Jue, worships on bended knees Han Jue to be similar to the worshipping on bended knees ancestor. 其他圣人还好,要么本身就以韩绝为主,要么是新圣,听着韩绝的传说成长,跪拜韩绝就如同跪拜先祖。 If Xuandu Saint Venerable knelt, later cannot stand again, at least he knows, has Sage to discuss, he sits side Han Jue unqualified. 玄都圣尊若是跪了,以后就再也站不起来,至少他知道以后再有圣人会谈,他不够资格坐在韩绝身旁。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) is not Heavenly Dao Sage, naturally does not need to kneel, but his already is unable to stay quiet. 老聃本就不是天道圣人,自然不用跪,不过他已经无法保持平静。 Han Jue said with a smile: Gets up, kneels anything to kneel, the disaster not necessarily ended.” 韩绝笑道:“都起来吧,跪什么跪,劫难未必就此结束。” Sages one hear, sets out in abundance. 诸圣一听,纷纷起身。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Outside Heavenly Dao. 天道外。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage and Hong Yuan shocked for a long time, had just now gotten back one's composure. 愚剑神圣红缘震惊了许久,方才回过神儿来。 Ten thousand didn't Divine Right Will have?” Hong Yuan anxious asking. “一万神权将没了?”红缘紧张的问道。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage faint nod. 愚剑神圣淡漠的点头。 How possibly! 怎么可能! How can he be so powerful? 他怎么能如此强大? Foolish Sword Divine Sage shouts in the heart. 愚剑神圣在心中嘶吼。 He is never excited, at this moment, image of Han Jue in his heart leaps suddenly. 他从未如此激动过,这一刻,韩绝在他心中的形象陡然飞跃。 He exists to have the respect to some position for the first time. 他还是第一次对某位存在产生崇拜之情。 Worship! 崇拜! The Foolish Sword Divine Sage tentative plan are excessively innumerable a result, even there is a fantasy that Han Jue wins. 愚剑神圣设想过无数种结局,甚至有韩绝获胜的幻想。 But never expected that Han Jue sword execution Divine Right Will, Divine Right Will has not bumped into Heavenly Dao! 但没想到韩绝一剑诛杀神权将,神权将都还未碰到天道 This slaughtered Three Thousand Demon Gods more exaggerating than past Pangu! 这比当年盘古屠戮三千魔神还要夸张! That time Three Thousand Demon Gods may not compare Divine Right Will cultivation base by far, in the quantity was also inferior! 那时的三千魔神可远远比不上神权将修为,数量上也不如! Pangu does not have the Han Jue domineering! 盘古更没有韩绝的强势! Foolish Sword Divine Sage cannot bear ask: Therefore this did finish?” 愚剑神圣忍不住问道:“所以这就结束了?” This time is one's turn Hong Yuan to do intentionally indifferently, said: Possibly.” 这次轮到红缘故作冷漠,道:“可能吧。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage criticizes. 愚剑神圣暗骂。 This young married woman will really install. 这婆娘真会装。 Almost catches up with me! 差点赶上吾! ...... …… Mysterious space. 神秘空间。 Evil Heavenly Emperor gawked some little time, had just now gotten back one's composure comes, he asked: Senior, you did not say......” 邪天帝愣了好一会儿,方才回过神儿来,他问道:“前辈,您不是说……” He has not said, feared offends the mysterious great shadow. 他没有说完,怕得罪神秘巨影。 The mysterious great shadow separated a while, just now said: I was truly mistaken, Han Jue this child is not simple, I could not completely understand, perhaps he is Primordial Chaos Demon God.” 神秘巨影隔了一会儿,方才道:“吾确实看走眼了,韩绝此子不简单,吾看不透,或许他便是鸿蒙魔神。” Evil Heavenly Emperor said: We visit him to grow, should not be Primordial Chaos Demon God, possibly is some almighty reincarnation.” 邪天帝道:“朕看着他成长,应该不是鸿蒙魔神,可能是某位大能转世吧。” You do not need to be anxious, whether is Primordial Chaos Demon God, I did not care, the Heavenly Dao disaster had not ended.” “你不必紧张,是否是鸿蒙魔神,吾都不关心,不过天道的劫难还未结束。” „Did Divine Right Will exist to come secretly?” 神权将幕后存在要现身了吗?” You, and looks.” “你且看吧。” The mysterious great shadow no longer said much. 神秘巨影不再多说。 Evil Heavenly Emperor has to fall the vision in the illusion, sees only that piece that Divine Right Will vanishes broken to emerge the innumerable light stars void, as if has anything to condense. 邪天帝不得不将目光落在幻象上,只见神权将消失的那片残破虚空涌现无数光星,仿佛有什么东西正在重新凝聚。 Is that? 那是? Evil Heavenly Emperor narrows the eyes goes shortly. 邪天帝眯眼看去。 Not only he, Han Jue also saw. 不只是他,韩绝也看到了。 After Han Jue sits down, has not treated it lightly. 韩绝坐下后并没有掉以轻心。 Because was peacefully static! 因为太平静了! After ten thousand Divine Right Will die, nothing happened, is obviously unreasonable. 一万神权将死后什么都没有发生,明显不合理。 Han Jue as if feels anything, raised the head fiercely. 韩绝仿佛感受到什么,猛地抬头。 His vision across entire Chaos, arrives above three thousand Great Dao. 他的目光穿过整个混沌,来到三千大道之上。 Dominates in three thousand Great Dao seven big supreme rules! 凌驾于三千大道的七大至高规则! And a supreme rule starts to sway from side to side slightly, with sending out brilliance, changes into light beam to dive to Chaos. 其中一条至高规则开始微微扭动,跟着散发出光辉,化为一道光束俯冲向混沌 This light beam then falls on void, all absorbs the surrounding all light stars that quickly broken Divine Right Will were previously. 这道光束很快便落在神权将们先前所在的残破虚空,将周围的所有光星全都吸收。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Forbidden Area of Darkness shakes fiercely, Heavenly Dao is also following to tremble, All Heavens and Myriad Realms as if welcomed the earthquake, the universe between mortal world has the drastic fluctuation, as if will crash momentarily. 黑暗禁区剧烈摇颤,连带着天道也跟着震颤,诸天万界仿佛迎来大地震,凡间之间的宇宙产生剧烈波动,仿佛随时会崩塌。 All living things in an uproar. 众生哗然。 In the universe palace Sages is anxious, looks to Han Jue. 乾坤殿内诸圣再次紧张,纷纷看向韩绝 Sees Han Jue to be without turning a hair, they felt relieved. 韩绝面不改色,他们又放下心来。 Some Divine Might Heavenly Sage, Heavenly Dao are impossible to perish! 神威天圣在,天道不可能亡! All Sage think. 所有圣人都这么想。 Only previously that sword extremely shocked because of Han Jue. 只因韩绝先前那一剑太过震撼。 Original/Prime Ancestor God has hatred to you, presently Hatred Value is 6 stars 原生祖神对你产生仇恨,当前仇恨度为六星】 Han Jue sees one line of characters that presents at present, immediately assigns out the interpersonal relationship, found Original/Prime Ancestor God. 韩绝看到眼前出现的一行字,立即调出人际关系,找到原生祖神 Original/Prime Ancestor God: Great Dao Supreme boundary perfection, Great Dao Spiritual God, the Chaos beginning spirits, Great Dao control, the head of Spiritual God, because you exterminate ten thousand Divine Right Will, fills to dread to you, presently Hatred Value is 6 stars 原生祖神:大道至上圆满,大道神灵,混沌始灵,大道掌控者,神灵之首,因你诛灭一万神权将,对你充满忌惮,当前仇恨度为六星】 The head of Spiritual God! 神灵之首! Finally gives oneself away! 终于露出马脚! Han Jue is secretly self-satisfied, since knows the given name, after that can curse. 韩绝暗自得意,既然知晓名号,那以后就可以诅咒了。 Even cannot curse, Han Jue can still hold the dream, kills it by Darkness Forbidden Territory. 就算诅咒不了,韩绝也可以托梦,以黑暗禁域杀之。 The head of Spiritual God has not achieved the Dao Creator boundary, Han Jue is very satisfied, if really presents one by one Dao Creator, he must scare to death. 神灵之首也没有达到创造道者境,韩绝很满意,真要是出现一个个创造道者,那他要吓死。 Han Jue already in contention peak, but the peak is not unattainable! 韩绝已然在角逐巅峰,而巅峰并非遥不可及! He no longer thinks, the vision puts Divine Right Will to vanish broken void. 他不再多想,目光重新放到神权将们消失的残破虚空。 In the light beam that the supreme rule drops presents a great form indistinctly. 至高规则落下的光柱之中隐约出现一尊伟岸身影。 Han Jue can feel aura of opposite party to strengthen crazily. 韩绝能感受到对方的气息正在疯狂增强。 Sages changes countenance. 圣人们动容。 The Xuandu Saint Venerable complexion is gloomy, mutters: Dao Ancestor!” 玄都圣尊脸色阴沉,喃喃道:“道祖!” Dao Ancestor two character, Sages changes countenance! 道祖二字一出,诸圣动容! At this moment! 就在这时! Han Jue sets out suddenly, puts out Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword again, fuses 1949 Demon God Dharma Body suddenly, displays the cleaving worlds sword to refer to by Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword again. 韩绝忽然起身,再次拿出鸿蒙判定剑,瞬息间融合一千九百四十九尊魔神法相,再以鸿蒙判定剑施展破界剑指。 Who no matter the opposite party is, Han Jue will not give the time that he grows stronger! 不管对方是谁,韩绝可不会给他变强的时间! Fair war? 公平一战? Is impossible! 不可能! Dies directly! 直接死吧!
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