WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#848: Treads broken Heavenly Road, Han Jue killing intent 【Asked monthly ticket】

, Renews top-level Destiny most quickly, cultivates quietly the millennium latest chapters! ,最快更新顶级气运,悄悄修炼千年最新章节! Hears the instruction of Han Jue, Xuandu Saint Venerable complies immediately. 听到韩绝的吩咐,玄都圣尊立即照做。 Quick, Sages arrives one after another, all Sage all arrive, no absence. 很快,圣人们陆续到来,所有圣人全都到来,没一位缺席。 In this crucial point, Sages does not dare depart Heavenly Dao, fears to bump into Divine Right Will, is unable to cultivate safely, is on nettles at heart. 这个节骨眼上,圣人们也不敢离开天道,怕撞见神权将,更无法安心修炼,心里忐忑不安。 Sages sits down, the vision falls on Han Jue body, their anxious vanishes into thin air immediately. 圣人们纷纷坐下,目光落在韩绝身上,他们心里的不安顿时烟消云散。 Han Jue also, hope also in! 韩绝还在,希望就还在! They believe that Han Jue already knows the Chaos Demon God result, but Han Jue also dares to assume Heavenly Dao, that explained that Han Jue has the energy. 他们相信韩绝已经知晓混沌魔神们的结局,但韩绝还敢坐镇天道,那就说明韩绝有底气。 Han Jue sits in repose with eyes closed, did not speak. 韩绝闭目养神,也不说话。 The atmosphere constrains, no one dares to open the mouth. 气氛压抑,没人敢开口。 Xuandu Saint Venerable is also so. 玄都圣尊也是如此。 In the Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage glance palace all Sage, despise secretly. 虚魂大圣扫视殿上所有圣人,暗自鄙夷。 Your anxious anything vigor, is not you hits! 你们紧张个什么劲,又不是你们打! The qualifications that one crowd of Primordial Beginning Sage and Unrestrained Sage enter the war continually do not have! 一群混元圣人自在圣人连参战的资格都没有! Divine Right Will stares, you hasn't changed into the flying ash? 神权将一瞪眼,尔等还不化为飞灰? Does not use anxiously, you want to chat anything to chat anything, I and others wait for the arrival of Divine Right Will in this.” “不用紧张,你们想聊什么就聊什么,我等就在此等待神权将的到来。” The Han Jue sound resounds, such remarks, Sages feels relieved immediately. 韩绝的声音响起,此言一出,诸圣顿时如释重负。 The Long Hao, Dao Supreme and other Hidden Sect disciples are most relaxed, take the lead to open the mouth, the atmosphere follows to enliven. 龙昊道至尊隐门弟子最为轻松,率先开口,气氛跟着活跃起来。 What Divine Right Will, comes many, kills many!” “什么神权将,来多少,杀多少!” Yes, these Chaos Demon God are really useless, defeated too quickly.” “就是,那些混沌魔神真是不中用,败得太快了。” Also must looks at my Master!” “还得是看我师父!” Is unhurried, I previously also in sermon.” “不慌,吾先前还在讲道呢。” „The Highest Beginning domain is away from Heavenly Dao to be very far, should Divine Right Will unable to come in a short time?” 太初领域距离天道很远,神权将短时间内应该来不了吧?” No, already drew near, very obvious Divine Right Will is not the rule is so simple, obviously obtained the command, directly flushed Heavenly Dao to come, was too impatient, supervising Chaos was only a pretence, eradicated Chaos Demon God and Heavenly Dao with emphasis.” “非也,已经快到了,很明显神权将并非规则那么简单,明显得到了号令,直接就冲天道来了,太迫不及待,监察混沌只是一个幌子,重点还是铲除混沌魔神天道。” Numerous Sage discussed respectively, the atmosphere became relaxed. 圣人各自讨论起来,气氛变得轻松。 Han Jue patient waiting. 韩绝耐心等待。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage holds dream to you, accepts 愚剑神圣向你托梦,是否接受】 Han Jue presents such a line of characters at present suddenly, making him feel strange. 韩绝眼前忽然出现这样一行字,让他心里感到古怪。 Doesn't send greetings directly good? 直接传音不行吗? Obviously by Heavenly Dao, is not far! 明明就在天道旁边,又不远! Han Jue can feel that Foolish Sword Divine Sage is still welcoming Sacred Palace. 韩绝能感觉到愚剑神圣还在迎圣宫 Han Jue hesitant moment, the choice accepts to hold the dream. 韩绝犹豫片刻,还是选择接受托梦。 The dreamland is to welcome Sacred Palace. 梦境是迎圣宫 The Foolish Sword Divine Sage complexion is strange, said: Fellow Daoist Han, Divine Right Will must come.” 愚剑神圣脸色古怪,道:“韩道友,神权将要来了。” Han Jue said: I know.” 韩绝道:“我知道。” You......” “你……” „Did you fear?” “你怕了?” I do not have! Not possibly breaks!” “吾没有!断无可能!” „The Hong Yuan fellow daoist may not have to hold the dream to me.” 红缘道友可没有向我托梦。” I reminded you, how did I possibly fear?” “吾只是提醒你,吾怎么可能怕?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage snort/hum said, said then relieves the dreamland. 愚剑神圣哼道,说罢便解除梦境。 Han Jue opens the eye, finds it interesting. 韩绝睁开眼睛,觉得有趣。 Never expected that Foolish Sword Divine Sage also has this side. 没想到愚剑神圣还有这一面。 Changes mind thinks, is normal, Pangu died, can Foolish Sword Divine Sage not fear? 转念一想,也正常,盘古都死了,愚剑神圣能不怕? The time continues to pass. 时间继续流逝。 The Divine Right Will speed is fast, is impossible to rush in several years, the universe palace falls into a while tranquilly, Sages respective cultivation. 神权将速度再快,也不可能在数年内赶到,乾坤殿没过多久就陷入平静中,圣人们各自修炼。 ...... …… Forbidden Area of Darkness, a glare shines to come from the dark deep place, the glare elongates rapidly, seems a horizontal light to sweep. 黑暗禁区,一道强光从黑暗深处普照而来,强光迅速拉长,好似一条横光扫来。 Pulls closer the distance to look, in the glare is ten million zhang (3.33 m) high terrifying forms, each one military might are aggressive, leads the way shoulder to shoulder, irresistible. 拉近距离看去,强光之中是一尊尊千万丈高的恐怖身影,个个威武霸气,并肩前行,势不可挡。 Divine Right Will! 神权将 Ten thousand Divine Right Will front happen to are Heavenly Road of Chaos. 一万神权将前方正好是混沌天路 Heavenly Road of Chaos crosses void, cannot look at both sides end. 混沌天路横贯虚空,望不到两端尽头。 At this moment happen to have several cultivator to hurry along in Heavenly Road of Chaos. 此刻在混沌天路内正好有数位修行者在赶路。 When they see the glare of distant place, the subconsciousness narrows the eye. 他们看到远方的强光时,下意识眯眼。 What is that?” “那是什么?” A female frowns to ask. 一名女子蹙眉问道。 A nearby azure robe Daoist complexion drastic change, said: „It is not good! Is Divine Right Will! In the glare has the person! Escapes quickly! Returns to Heavenly Dao!” 旁边的一名青袍道人脸色剧变,道:“不好!是神权将!强光中有人!快逃!回天道!” The voice falls, he takes the lead to prance, speeds away in Heavenly Road of Chaos. 话音落下,他率先腾跃而起,在混沌天路内疾驰。 Other cultivator responded, hastily with. 其他修行者反应过来,连忙跟上去。 They do not dare to leave Heavenly Road of Chaos, after all also hears Divine Right Will to slaughter the hearsay of Heavenly Dao life. 他们不敢离开混沌天路,毕竟也听闻过神权将屠杀天道生灵的传闻。 However, their speeds cannot compare Divine Right Will again quickly. 然而,他们的速度再快也比不上神权将 Before ten thousand Divine Right Will less than ten steps then arrive at Heavenly Road of Chaos, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) wide Heavenly Road of Chaos seems a fine lace before them. 一万神权将不到十步便来到混沌天路前,万丈宽的混沌天路在他们面前好似一条细线。 Divine Right Will simultaneously steps in Heavenly Road of Chaos, the Heavenly Road of Chaos instantaneous disintegration, entire Heavenly Road is crushing together, the life on Heavenly Road also annihilates, regardless of being far from Divine Right Will. 神权将齐齐踩在混沌天路上,混沌天路瞬间崩碎,连带着整个天路一起粉碎,天路上的生灵随之湮灭,无论距离神权将多远。 Even many cultivator have not seen Divine Right Will, dies extremely suddenly, muddleheaded. 甚至不少修行者还未看到神权将,死得太过突然,稀里糊涂。 The Heavenly Dao edge, because of the Heavenly Road of Chaos disintegration, nearby Chaos City trembles, alarms innumerable cultivator, even Sages was also alarmed. 天道边缘,因为混沌天路的崩碎,附近的混沌城震颤,惊动无数修行者,连圣人们也被惊动。 Son of a bitch!” “狗东西!” Pan Xin clenches jaws, calculates that is Heavenly Road of Chaos that who attacks. 盘心咬牙切齿,算到是谁袭击的混沌天路 Although scolded, but he has not set out. 虽然骂,但他没有起身。 He had self-knowledge, he was not the Divine Right Will opponent. 他有自知之明,他不是神权将的对手。 The Heavenly Road of Chaos disintegration, causing his cultivation base not to follow steadily. 混沌天路的崩碎,导致他的修为跟着不稳。 Han Jue opens eyes slowly. 韩绝缓缓睁眼。 His look ice-cold, killing intent multiplies. 他的眼神冰冷,杀意滋生。 Must come! 要来了! Has saying that Divine Right Will this act makes him very uncomfortable. 不得不说,神权将此举让他很不爽。 Also does not know is fortunately, but intentionally is! 也不知是凑巧,还是故意而为! Heavenly Dao constructed Heavenly Road of Chaos so be it of 200 ten thousand years not to have, was stepped on broken! 天道建设两百万载的混沌天路就这样没了,还是被踩碎! Other Sages counted on the fingers, after calculating to understand, loses one's temper in abundance. 其他圣人们掐指一算,算明白后,纷纷动怒。 Was too rampant!” “太嚣张了!” The Zhou Fan furious say/way, this where steps on Heavenly Road of Chaos, is trampling the Heavenly Dao dignity. 周凡怒不可遏道,这哪里是踩混沌天路,是在践踏天道的尊严。 Other Sage open the mouth to denounce in abundance. 其他圣人纷纷开口声讨。 The Han Jue vision looks to Chaos. 韩绝的目光看向混沌 The Divine Right Will speed is quite fast! 神权将的速度好快! As if received anything to stimulate, spins to come, ten thousand Divine Right Will galloped to come, every step shook Forbidden Area of Darkness, the dark space swayed from side to side, as if will break momentarily. 仿佛受了什么刺激,疾奔而来,一万神权将奔腾而来,每一步都撼动黑暗禁区,黑暗空间为之扭动,仿佛随时会破碎。 Does not arrive at hour, Heavenly Dao Sages has been able to feel the Divine Right Will imposing manner. 不到半个时辰,天道圣人们已然能感受到神权将的气势。 Pangu holds dream to you, accepts 盘古向你托梦,是否接受】 Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 At this time? 这时候来? He accepts immediately, wants to have a look at Pangu to say anything. 他立即接受,想看看盘古说什么。 The dreamland is above Buzhou Divine Mountain. 梦境是不周神山之上。 Pangu is staring at Han Jue, said: Divine Right Will came, Heavenly Dao depended on you, I will support you, at crucial moment helped you, must do utmost to guarantee Heavenly Dao!” 盘古盯着韩绝,道:“神权将来了,天道就靠你了,吾会支持你,在关键时候助你,一定要竭尽全力保下天道!” Han Jue said: If Divine Right Will back existence does kill?” 韩绝道:“若是神权将背后的存在杀来?” You only need to cope with Divine Right Will, first endured this tribulation!” “你只需要对付神权将,先熬过此劫!” Good!” “好!” Han Jue relieves the dreamland directly, no longer nonsense, so as to avoid Divine Right Will breaks Heavenly Dao while his losing concentration. 韩绝直接解除梦境,不再废话,免得神权将趁他分神一脚震碎天道 He opens the eye, discovered that all Sage are staring at him. 他睁开眼睛,发现所有圣人都盯着他。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage and Hong Yuan already comes outside Heavenly Dao, is looking at the dark deep place shoulder to shoulder. 愚剑神圣红缘已经现身在天道外,并肩望着黑暗深处。 „Does the Hong Yuan fellow daoist fear?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage smiles to ask, does intentionally with ease. 红缘道友怕吗?”愚剑神圣笑问道,故作轻松。 Hong Yuan said: Fears anything, at the worst dies.” 红缘道:“怕什么,大不了一死。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage nods, is very at heart irritable. 愚剑神圣点头,心里很别扭。 This young married woman is not fearing death that becomes famous . ; How so to renounce? 这婆娘不是出了名的怕死,.;怎么如此决绝? He is secretly curious, what magic potion did Han Jue give Hong Yuan to get down? 他暗自好奇,韩绝到底给红缘下了什么迷魂汤? At this moment, the Han Jue sound sifts in two people ears: 就在这时,韩绝的声音飘入两人耳中: A while do not take the lead take action, you are responsible for observing.” “等会儿不要率先出手,你们负责观战。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage is shocked. 愚剑神圣愣住。 Be responsible for observing? 负责观战? What do you mean? 什么意思? In order to greet this war, he arranged for hundreds of thousands of years! 为了迎接此战,他可是筹备了数十万载! Doesn't the result need his take action? 结果不需要他出手 Although feels puzzled, but Foolish Sword Divine Sage actually relaxes at heart. 虽然觉得困惑,但愚剑神圣心里却是松了一口气。 He really does not have the confidence. 他是真没信心。 His frightened Pangu was killed by Divine Right Will, how could didn't he fear? 他恐惧的盘古都被神权将打死了,他岂能不怕?
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