WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#847: Demon God completely extinguishes, unprecedented pressure 【Carries over to the next year, asks monthly ticket】

Enough over the past 500 years, Han Jue just now the pinnacle mortal world robe recognized the Lord success. 足足过去500载,韩绝方才极致红尘袍认主成功。 Made his pleasantly surprised matter appear, the pinnacle mortal world robe dissipated directly, changes into invisible, adhered to stick cohere in his body surface, he does not need to take off Time Sinking Dao Robe. 令他惊喜的事情又出现了,极致红尘袍直接消散,化为无形,附着在他体表,他都不需要脱下岁月沉道袍 In other words, he put on two clothes robe magical treasure, against on in addition guards simply! 也就是说,他穿了两件衣袍法宝,简直防上加防! Impregnable! 无懈可击! Perfect! 完美! Han Jue is now confident. 韩绝现在充满信心。 He starts Simulated Trial immediately, challenges ten thousand Great Dao Supreme Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 他立即开始模拟试炼,挑战一万大道至上愚剑神圣 He stands is making Foolish Sword Divine Sage hit. 他站着让愚剑神圣打。 Past burning a joss stick time, they just now crushed the pinnacle mortal world robe. 足足过去一炷香时间,他们方才击碎极致红尘袍。 Is steady one batch. 稳得一批。 Han Jue can feel relieved finally. 韩绝终于可以放心。 He closes eyes to continue to cultivate. 他闭目继续修炼。 ...... …… The war of Highest Beginning domain took Chaos Demon God to be annihilated to end, strong, if Highest Beginning Demon God and Pangu also fell from the sky. 太初领域之战以混沌魔神全军覆没为结束,强若太初魔神盘古也都陨落。 This war completely changed the Chaos pattern, shocks Chaos all living things. 此战彻底改变了混沌的格局,也震惊混沌众生。 Chaos Demon God! 混沌魔神啊! After all living things birth, almost hears the Chaos Demon God legend to grow up, all Demon God in the numerous entertain feelings is highest existences. 众生诞生后,几乎都是听着混沌魔神的传说长大,所有魔神在众生心中就是最高的存在。 A Divine Right Will war annihilates most Chaos Demon God unexpectedly! 神权将竟然一战歼灭大多数混沌魔神 Suddenly, during entire Chaos falls into an uproar. 一时间,整个混沌陷入哗然之中。 After the shock, the responses of most lives are excited, after all Divine Right Will cannot threaten them. 震惊之后,绝大多数生灵的反应是兴奋,毕竟神权将又威胁不到他们。 Chaos Demon God was cleaned up cleanly, Chaos all living things have the opportunity of rise! 混沌魔神被清理干净,混沌众生就有崛起的机会! Chaos Demon God may wield a side domain, once falls from the sky, the affected influence and power are unquantifiable. 混沌魔神可执掌一方领域,一旦陨落,波及的势力、权力难以计算。 Meanwhile, the vision of Chaos all living things falls on Heavenly Dao. 与此同时,混沌众生的目光落在天道上。 Chaos Demon God perished, then should be Heavenly Dao. 混沌魔神亡了,接下来该是天道 Was shocked by the Heavenly Dao recent development to the Heavenly Dao near all parties influence, even thought that Heavenly Dao sets up the foot hopefully, may see the Chaos Demon God pitiful result, they thought that Heavenly Dao died. 天道近的各方势力本来被天道近来的发展而震惊,甚至觉得天道有希望立住脚,可一看到混沌魔神的悲惨结局,他们又觉得天道死定了。 The news passes to Heavenly Dao, Immortal World all living things also knew this matter, all living things all from to endanger. 消息传到天道内,仙界众生也知晓了此事,众生皆自危。 Sages in respective dao field sermon, seizes the chance to comfort Dao Listener, hand down again, spreads over Immortal World each corner. 圣人们纷纷在各自道场讲道,趁机安慰听道者,再口口相传,传遍仙界每一个角落。 Under myriad mortal world as for Immortal World do not know this matter from the start, the realm disparity is too big, the information does not circulate completely. 至于仙界之下的万千凡界压根不知此事,境界差距太大,信息完全不流通。 In universe palace. 乾坤殿内。 The Sage accumulation, even Hidden Sect Sage came. 圣人聚集,连隐门圣人都来了。 Everyone is discussing a Highest Beginning domain war. 所有人都在谈论太初领域一战。 Has not really thought that really entire, even Pangu also falls from the sky.” “实在是没想到真的全死了,连盘古也陨落。” Yes, thought that before Chaos Demon God can pose the threat to Divine Right Will, it is said ten thousand Divine Right Will complete do not lack.” “是啊,以前还觉得混沌魔神能对神权将造成威胁,据说一万神权将完整不缺。” Oh, immediately should be one's turn us.” “唉,马上就该轮到我们。” Let alone, I am suddenly anxious.” “别说,吾突然紧张起来。” What fears, this is not just right, Chaos Demon God were defeated, if we won, that is imposing?” “怕什么,这不正好,混沌魔神们失败了,吾等若是赢了,那多威风啊?” Blows anything, when the time comes we are observing of waving the flag and shouting, but must look at Divine Might Heavenly Sage as well as three Great Dao Sage take action.” “吹什么,到时候吾等都是摇旗呐喊的观战者,还得看神威天圣以及三位大道圣人出手。” If not Hidden Sect Sages is full of the absolute trust to Han Jue, in palace at this moment a gloom, is perhaps silent and depressing. 若非隐门圣人们韩绝充满绝对信任,此刻的殿内恐怕一片惨淡,寂静而压抑。 They have guessed Chaos Demon God will defeat, but has not thought entire. 他们猜过混沌魔神会败,但没想到全死了。 Has not lived! 一个没活! Shock and that the constriction such result brings is really strong, when they just learned of this news, there is a sensation of asphyxia. 此等结局带来的震撼与压迫感实在是太强,他们刚得知此消息时,有种窒息感。 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: Heavenly Road of Chaos temporarily closes, only permits the Heavenly Dao life to come back, does not permit to depart.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“混沌天路暂时关闭,只准天道生灵回来,不准离去。” Pan Xin and Jin Shen nod. 盘心晋神点头。 Xuandu Saint Venerable continues to deploy, each Sage arranged the thing, systematic, his calm also made feeling at ease of Sages steady. 玄都圣尊继续部署,每一位圣人都安排好了事物,井井有条,他的沉稳也让圣人们的心安稳下来。 They can only choose to believe Divine Might Heavenly Sage. 他们只能选择相信神威天圣 ...... …… The Han Jue seclusion five ten thousand years, he opens the eye again, arrives at second dao field, emits new student/life Demon God, making Murong Qi carry off. 韩绝再次闭关五万载,他睁开眼睛,来到第二道场,将新生魔神放出,让慕容起带走。 Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) asked: Master, Divine Right Will must attack, do you have confidence?” 悟道剑问道:“主人,神权将要来袭了,您有把握吗?” She already in Myriad Worlds Projection knows the Highest Beginning domain tactical situation, especially worry. 她在万界投影已经知晓太初领域的战况,格外担心。 Li Yao also looks to Han Jue. 厉遥也看向韩绝 Han Jue said: No.” 韩绝道:“没有。” „?” “啊?” Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) flustered, said: We hurry to run!” 悟道剑慌了,道:“那我们赶紧跑吧!” Han Jue reveals the faint smile the smile. 韩绝露出似笑非笑的笑容。 Helpless Li Yao said: If really has not grasped, Sect Master also did remind with you?” 厉遥无奈道:“真要是没有把握,门主还用你提醒?” Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) is suddenly enlighted. 悟道剑恍然大悟。 Han Jue said: Relieved cultivation, Divine Right Will is not our final enemies, in the future will perhaps have a stronger enemy, more disasters need you to help me, what matter can't probably depend on my personally take action?” 韩绝道:“安心修炼吧,神权将绝不会是我们最后的敌人,日后说不定还有更强的敌人,更多的劫难需要你们帮我,总不能什么事都要靠我亲自出手吧?” Li Yao nods. 厉遥点头。 Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) is ashamed. 悟道剑惭愧。 Then, their these Hidden Sect disciples also never are Han Jue help people overcome their difficulties. 说起来,他们这些隐门弟子还从未为韩绝排忧解难。 Han Jue chatted several with them, then returns to Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain. 韩绝与她们聊了几句,便回到百岳仙川内。 He catches the eye to look to Chaos. 他抬眼看向混沌 Bends down to observe the Chaos angle to look with the will, ten thousand Divine Right Will are setting out toward Heavenly Dao, is completely a straight line, does not turn round. 以意志俯观混沌的角度看去,一万神权将正朝着天道进发,完全是一条直线,也不拐弯。 Divine Right Will really must come! 神权将真的要来了! Although Han Jue has been ready, when must make war truly, is somewhat anxious. 虽然韩绝早已做好准备,但真正要开战时,还是有些紧张。 Counted Han Jue to live more than 300 ten thousand years, but war like this rarely met. 细数韩绝活了三百多万载,可这样的大战很少遇见。 Stimulation! 刺激! Anticipation! 期待! Anxious! 紧张! Also there is a disturbance! 也有一丝忐忑! In the Han Jue heart inquired: I, if exterminates ten thousand Divine Right Will, will die?” 韩绝心中询问:“我若诛灭一万神权将,会死吗?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot 【不会】 Han Jue relaxes. 韩绝松了一口气。 He then asked: I, if exterminates ten thousand Divine Right Will, Deity of Chaos can personally take action?” 他转而问道:“我若是诛灭一万神权将,混沌神明会亲自出手吗?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot 【不会】 Deity of Chaos this not take action? 混沌神明这都不出手 Turtle? 缩头乌龟? It is not right. 不对劲。 „After I exterminate ten thousand Divine Right Will, Deity of Chaos why not take action?” “我诛灭一万神权将后,混沌神明为何不出手?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Has mysterious existence to impede 【有神秘存在掣肘】 Han Jue narrows the eye. 韩绝眯眼。 Either is Pangu, either is Dao Ancestor, or two same places collaborate. 要么是盘古,要么是道祖,亦或者两位一起联手。 Right now Han Jue can feel relieved thoroughly. 这下子韩绝可以彻底放心了。 Actually even Deity of Chaos take action, he did not fear. 其实就算混沌神明出手,他也不怕。 At the worst withdraws in dao field. 大不了龟缩在道场 Han Jue continues to stare at Chaos. 韩绝继续盯着混沌 Sure enough. 果不其然。 The Divine Right Will speed is speeding up! 神权将的速度在加快! More and more quickly! 越来越快! Han Jue sets out, bringing Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage to jump out of Heavenly Dao, arrives at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, directly enters the universe palace. 韩绝起身,带着虚魂大圣跳出天道,来到三十三层天外,直接进入乾坤殿。 Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage was anxious, he knows why Han Jue led him to come out. 虚魂大圣紧张极了,他知道韩绝为何带他出来。 He had also spied on Chaos before, witnesses overbearing of Divine Right Will. 他之前也窥探过混沌,目睹神权将的霸道。 Eldest child, you lead me to do, I am a cannon fodder......” “老大啊,你带我来作甚,我就是一炮灰……” In Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage heart mournful, but does not dare to say. 虚魂大圣心中凄然,但又不敢说出来。 Previous Divine Robed Daoist attacks, he loses completely the face countenance, has wanted to find the opportunity to retrieve the face countenance. 上一次神袍道人来袭,他丢尽颜面,一直想找机会找回颜面。 When with great difficulty Heavenly Dao disaster, finally compared with previous terrifying ten million times! 好不容易等到天道劫难,结果比先前恐怖千万倍! Why can like this? 为何会这样? Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage thought that mysteriously and inexorably has almighty to aim at itself. 虚魂大圣觉得冥冥之中大能针对自己。 Xuandu Saint Venerable sees Han Jue to come, immediately sets out. 玄都圣尊看到韩绝现身,立即起身。 In the past he will not set out, pressure that obviously he sustained. 以往他可不会起身,可见他心里承担的压力。 Do not visit him usually serene, actually his pressure is biggest, he must haunch the Heavenly Dao general situation, cannot collapse. 别看他平时云淡风轻,其实他的压力最大,他得撑起天道的大局,不能崩。 Xuandu Saint Venerable asked cautiously: „Does Fellow Daoist Han, what matter have?” 玄都圣尊小心翼翼问道:“韩道友,有何事?” He was anxious, for fear that Han Jue said cannot be victorious, must escape. 他心里紧张极了,生怕韩绝说打不过,要逃。 In that case, how he faces Heavenly Dao all living things, how facing other Sage? 那样的话,他如何面对天道众生,如何面对其他圣人 Han Jue arrives at his side to sit down, said: Convenes Sages, Divine Right Will must come, waits for Divine Right Will together.” 韩绝来到他身旁坐下,道:“将圣人们召集过来吧,神权将要来了,一起等待神权将。”
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