WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#846: The pinnacle mortal world robe, prepares certainly

Dao Ancestor? What do you mean, Divine Right Will looks is like Dao Ancestor, said, Dao Ancestor is directing Divine Right Will?” 道祖?什么意思,其中一位神权将长得道祖一样,还是说,道祖在指挥神权将?” Han Jue knits the brows to ask, he in evolving the illusion has seen Divine Right Will, Divine Right Will does not have the leader, does not have the independent thought that seems like the fight machine. 韩绝皱眉问道,他之前在演化幻象里见过神权将,神权将并没有领袖,也没有独立思维,看起来都像是战斗机器。 Evil Heavenly Emperor said: We am not clear, but We truly discover Dao Ancestor in Divine Right Will, this matter is really strange, We must find the way to investigate.” 邪天帝道:“朕也不清楚,但朕确实在神权将中发现道祖,此事着实奇怪,朕得想办法调查一下。” Han Jue nods, takes down this matter. 韩绝点头,将此事记下。 Two people also chatted a while, Han Jue relieved the dreamland. 两人又聊了一会儿,韩绝解除梦境。 He opens the eye, in the heart inquired: Why do I want to know Dao Ancestor in Divine Right Will?” 他睁开眼睛,心中询问:“我想知道道祖为何在神权将之中?” Does not have cause and effect, is unable to evolve 【没有因果,无法演化】 What meaning without cause and effect is? 没有因果是什么意思? Han Jue starts various types to inquire Dao Ancestor, how but regardless of to ask, is unable to evolve. 韩绝开始各种询问道祖,可无论怎么问,都无法演化。 From the start as if no existence of Dao Ancestor! 仿佛压根没有道祖的存在! This a little meaning. 这就有点意思了。 Couldn't Dao Ancestor in his interpersonal relationship, how have calculated obviously? 道祖明明还在他人际关系里,怎会算不到? It seems like in this period of time, Dao Ancestor has not been idling, continuously in quietly diligently. 看来在这段时间里,道祖也没有闲着,一直在悄悄努力。 Han Jue shakes the head, no longer thinks this matter. 韩绝摇了摇头,不再想此事。 Afterward, he invests in cultivation again. 随后,他再次投入修行中。 ...... …… The Highest Beginning domain, Demon God gather in the palace. 太初领域,魔神们聚集在殿内。 Side Highest Beginning Demon God is sitting in meditation a tall and strong form, is Pangu. 太初魔神身旁打坐着一尊魁梧身影,正是盘古 Pangu has hair dishevelled, the whole body is sending out a wild nature, during the breath, seems the muddy flame to spit to swallow. 盘古披头散发,浑身散发着一股野性,呼吸间,好似浊焰吐吞。 At this time, Pangu opened eyes suddenly. 这时,盘古忽然睁眼。 Other Demon God as if induce anything, opens the eye, the one by one complexion is dignified. 其他魔神仿佛感应到什么,纷纷睁开眼睛,一个个脸色凝重。 Highest Beginning Demon God knits the brows: Must come.” 太初魔神皱眉道:“要来了。” Other Demon God start to speak. 其他魔神纷纷开始发言。 How suddenly to shift to the Highest Beginning domain?” “怎么突然转向太初领域?” Really, the Divine Right Will back has mysterious existence to operate, fears our Chaos Demon God again long influence.” “果然,神权将背后有神秘存在在操纵,就怕我们混沌魔神再长势力。” Pitifully, wants to win over some almighty again.” “可惜,本来还想再拉拢一些大能。” Always some people covet life and fear death, this war, we, if won, that later Chaos decided on Youwu!” “总有人贪生怕死,这一战,吾等若是胜了,那以后混沌就由吾等说了算!” Hahahaha, come, Chaos belonged to our Demon God, in the past when we fought, where had what Great Dao Spiritual God, let alone Divine Right Will!” “哈哈哈哈,来吧,混沌本就属于吾等魔神,当年吾等争锋时,哪里有什么大道神灵,更别说神权将!” Chaos Demon God are all high-spirited, is fearless. 混沌魔神们个个意气风发,毫无畏惧。 They have completed the psychological construction, before pre-combat, naturally cannot attack each other imposing manner. 他们早就做好心理建设,临战之前自然不会打击彼此的气势。 What is most essential, they do not have the escape route! 最关键的是,他们没有退路! Pangu opens the mouth saying: Preparation sets up.” 盘古开口道:“准备立阵吧。” Highest Beginning Demon God nods, with setting out. 太初魔神点头,跟着起身。 The Immemorial war that one trillion years are difficult to meet will soon break out! 一场亿万年难遇的亘古大战即将爆发! ...... …… Heavenly Dao. 天道 The time flies. 时间飞逝。 After Han Jue seclusion five ten thousand years , to continue seclusion, has not stood still. 韩绝闭关五万载后,继续闭关,没有停歇。 Heavenly Dao develops in any case problem-free, there is Great Dao Sage and Great Dao Supreme to guard outside Heavenly Dao, only then Divine Right Will comes to cause trouble. 反正天道发展一帆风顺,又有大道圣人大道至上镇守天道外,只有神权将来能闹事。 His so be it seclusion cultivation, Primordial Chaos World has expanded unceasingly, implication Primordial Chaos Qi are also getting more and more, making the strength of his Supreme also grow stronger in the accumulation. 就这样一直闭关修炼,鸿蒙界不断扩张,蕴含的鸿蒙之气也越来越多,使得他的至上之力也在累积变强。 How long does not know. 不知过去多久。 Han Jue induces anything suddenly, opens eyes fiercely. 韩绝忽然感应到什么,猛地睁眼。 He feels in Chaos to have a war to erupt! 他感觉到混沌之中有一场大战爆发! He sets one's mind at ease calculates, this seclusion the past more than 90,000 years, Divine Right Will already did arrive at the Highest Beginning domain? 他沉下心来一算,这一次闭关才过去九万多年,神权将已经到达太初领域? A little quickly! 有点快! In other words, Divine Right Will comes the Heavenly Dao time is also ahead of time! 也就是说,神权将天道的时间也会提前! Han Jue deeply inspires, he has prepared fight, will not fear. 韩绝深吸一口气,他早就做好战斗的准备,可不会怕。 He looks at the vision to the Highest Beginning domain, dozens Chaos Demon God already by ten thousand Divine Right Will surrounding, outside the battlefield, Twelve Witch Ancestors came with Witch Race, but does not dare to come up. 他将目光看向太初领域,数十位混沌魔神已经被一万神权将包围,战场之外,十二祖巫巫族前来,但迟迟不敢上去。 Not only Witch Race, other race are observing, prepares take action at any time, it is estimated that is related with Chaos Demon God. 不只是巫族,还有其他种族在观战,随时准备出手,估计都与混沌魔神有关。 The tactical situation is very intense, Pangu is most noticeable, alone war thousand Divine Right Will, do not drop the wind. 战况无比激烈,盘古最引人瞩目,独战千位神权将,丝毫不落下风。 After Divine Right Will was exterminated, resurrects suddenly, as if cannot kill. 神权将被诛灭后,瞬息间又复活,仿佛打不死。 Temporarily is unable to completely understand that who can win. 暂时无法看透谁能获胜。 However Han Jue thought that Divine Right Will will win. 不过韩绝觉得神权将会赢。 Except for Highest Beginning Demon God and Pangu, other Demon God do not have Foolish Sword Divine Sage to be fierce, most Chaos Demon God select Divine Right Will already to be unbearable only. 除了太初魔神盘古,其他魔神都没有愚剑神圣厉害,大部分混沌魔神单挑一位神权将已经够呛。 Been able to kill Divine Right Will, can win sooner or later. 打不死的神权将,迟早能赢。 Han Jue looks with great interest. 韩绝看得津津有味。 This war will not end in a short time, looked some little time, Han Jue just now lost the interest. 此战短时间内不会结束,看了好一会儿,韩绝方才失去了兴趣。 How long does Divine Right Will also arrive at Heavenly Dao?” 神权将还有多久到天道?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. 韩绝在心中询问。 Needs to deduct for 1,000 trillion years, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! 50 ten thousand years 【五十万载】 Han Jue understands, this is only the latest deadline, the time will only speed up. 韩绝明白,这只是最晚期限,时间只会加快。 He can affect the cause and effect development, others are also good, let alone cultivation base compared with he stronger existence. 他能影响因果发展,别人也行,更别说修为比他更强的存在。 Come! 来吧! Laozi (father) is waiting for you! 老子等着你们! Thought that Han Jue is eager to try. 韩绝跃跃欲试的想到。 Practices 300 ten thousand years quietly, this/should, and tries the point! 悄悄修炼三百万载,也该且试锋芒! Han Jue passes message to Xuandu Saint Venerable, making him prepare early, avoids when the time comes mind/square inch chaos. 韩绝传音给玄都圣尊,让他早做准备,避免到时候方寸大乱。 Xuandu Saint Venerable convenes Sages immediately. 玄都圣尊立即召集诸圣 Welcomed in Sacred Palace. 圣宫内。 After Heaven's Severing Cult Master departs, Foolish Sword Divine Sage opens eyes, is staring at Chaos, distant observing. 天绝教主离去后,愚剑神圣睁眼,盯着混沌,远远的观战。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage knits the brows. 愚剑神圣皱眉。 The both hands in his sleeve grip tightly, is restraining the mood vigorously. 他袖中的双手紧握,极力克制着情绪。 The great strength of Divine Right Will made him anxious. 神权将的强大令他不安。 Pangu is his heart demon, is such powerful heart demon is also pressed hitting facing Divine Right Will. 盘古已然是他的心魔,就是这么强大的心魔面对神权将也被压着打。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage very has mixed feelings, not only has the terrified, and rejoiced. 愚剑神圣的心情很复杂,既有惶恐,又有庆幸。 Divine Right Will seems skilled in some restriction, the Highest Beginning domain seal, was killed the broken courage Chaos Demon God to flee, actually kept off. 神权将似乎精通某种禁制,将太初领域封印,一些被杀破肝胆的混沌魔神想逃离,却被挡下来。 Dead end! 死局! already has Chaos Demon God to fall from the sky. 已经混沌魔神陨落。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage no longer observes, the vision places on Immortal World. 愚剑神圣不再观战,目光放在仙界上。 He is thinking that what Han Jue is thinking at this moment? 他在想韩绝此刻在想什么? Can hold the dream to inform Han Jue? 要不要托梦通知韩绝 It is not good! 不行! Han Jue already knows the war to erupt inevitably, if I hold the dream, how could it not be seems timid? 韩绝必然已经知晓大战爆发,我若是托梦,岂不显得怯懦? The Foolish Sword Divine Sage adjustment mentality, the look fills to fight intent again. 愚剑神圣调整心态,眼神再次充满战意。 Ten thousand Divine Right Will how?” “一万神权将又如何?” My Sword Dao with and others, when rubs the sword stone!” “吾之剑道会拿尔等来当磨剑石!” The Foolish Sword Divine Sage look twinkle, again becomes high-spirited. 愚剑神圣眼神闪烁,再次变得意气风发。 ...... …… Several thousand years later, Han Jue is still practicing, at present suddenly jumps out of the choice. 数千年后,韩绝还在修炼,眼前忽然跳出选择。 Examines Divine Right Will soon to attack Heavenly Dao, you have the following choice 【检测到神权将即将袭击天道,你有以下选择】 One, prepares to meet head-on Divine Right Will, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment and supreme treasure 【一,准备迎战神权将,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片、一件至宝 Two, flee Heavenly Dao immediately, far away from the right and wrong, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones 【二,立即逃离天道,远离是非,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石 Looks at the present choice, Han Jue without hesitation, chooses first directly. 看着眼前的选择,韩绝毫不犹豫,直接选第一个。 Chooses the first option rarely! 难得选第一个选项! You choose to prepare to meet head-on Divine Right Will, obtains the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment and supreme treasure 【你选择准备迎战神权将,获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片、一件至宝 Congratulates you to obtain Pinnacle Dao Treasure- pinnacle mortal world robe 【恭喜你获得极致道宝-极致红尘袍】 pinnacle mortal world robe: pinnacle defense Dao Treasure, absorbs supreme treasure that the strength of mortal world forms, invisible achromatic color, but against Dao Creator strikes 【极致红尘袍:极致防御道宝,吸收红尘之力所形成的至宝,无形无色,可防创造道者一击】 Han Jue stares the big eye, the breath is instantaneous. 韩绝瞪大眼睛,呼吸瞬间急促。 But against Dao Creator strikes! 可防创造道者一击! Although strikes! 虽然只是一击! But enough makes Han Jue stimulated! 但足够让韩绝亢奋! Safe! 稳妥啊! However is System, intimate small cotton-wadded jacket! 不过是系统,贴心小棉袄! Han Jue first puts out creation spirit stones, fuses with one group of Qi of Demon God, then puts out the pinnacle mortal world robe, recognizes the lord its refinement. 韩绝先将创造灵石拿出,与一团魔神之气融合,再拿出极致红尘袍,将其炼制认主。 The pinnacle mortal world robe in the Han Jue hand is one group of red air/Qi, looks does not look like the clothes robe. 极致红尘袍在韩绝手中就是一团红气,看起来并非像衣袍。
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