WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#845: Heavenly Dao is prosperous, Heavenly Emperor shock

Good!” “好!” Peacock Divine Monarch readily agrees, then at heart suffocated. 孔雀神君一口答应,心里则堵得慌。 He also feels disgraced, recently the performance of 200 ten thousand years were far less than, appears the words that he passed to speak to boast. 他自己也觉得丢人,最近两百万载的表现远不如过去,显得他过去说的话都是吹牛。 Han Jue rubbish, relieves the dreamland directly. 韩绝也不废话,直接解除梦境。 Realizes to return to the reality, Han Jue to start to observe Heavenly Dao. 意识到回到现实,韩绝开始观测天道 After Grand Tribulation finished, Heavenly Dao are also many two Saint seats, Han Jue does not plan to intervene, allow nature to take its course. 量劫结束后,天道又多出两道圣席,韩绝不打算干预,顺其自然。 Han Jue looks at the vision to Chaos. 韩绝将目光看向混沌 He catches ten thousand Divine Right Will, enormous and powerful vanguard in Chaos, is far from Heavenly Dao, but is very near from the Highest Beginning domain. 他捕捉到一万神权将,在混沌之中浩浩荡荡的前行,距离天道还远,但距离太初领域已然很近。 Dozens Chaos Demon God accumulations in the Highest Beginning domain, Pangu are also even one of them. 数十位混沌魔神聚集于太初领域,连盘古也在其中。 The Pangu imposing manner after resurrecting did not lose before again, other life already in Highest Beginning domain is disbanded, was only left over Demon God, waited for the decisive battle to arrive. 重新复活后的盘古气势不输于之前,太初领域内的其他生灵已经被遣散,只剩下魔神,等待着决战到来。 Divine Right Will as if feel Chaos Demon God unintentionally, the supervisory direction approaches to the Highest Beginning domain. 神权将们似乎感受到混沌魔神,监察方向有意无意的向太初领域靠近。 Han Jue anticipates this war very much. 韩绝很期待这一战。 Looked some little time, Han Jue just now takes back the vision, then continues to join in into cultivation. 看了好一会儿,韩绝方才收回目光,然后继续投身入修行之中。 ...... …… Chaos deep place, Forbidden Area of Darkness. 混沌深处,黑暗禁区 The light rainbow speeds away to go together. 一道光虹疾驰而去。 Impressively is Jiang Jueshi. 赫然是姜绝世 Jiang Jueshi stops suddenly, the swift and fierce vision looking disdainfully front, the dark space fluctuates, form walks slowly. 姜绝世猛然停下来,凌厉目光睥睨前方,黑暗空间波动,一道身影缓缓走出来。 Ancestor Xi Tian! 玺天老祖 Jiang Jueshi asked: Why does Old Ancestor pursue to here comes?” 姜绝世问道:“老祖为何追到这里才现身?” Ancestor Xi Tian is unemotional, said: You are clear, I confessed that two then depart, when I have not pursued you.” 玺天老祖面无表情,道:“你心里清楚,吾交代两句便离去,就当吾未曾追到你。” Jiang Jueshi knits the brows, falls into the doubts. 姜绝世皱眉,陷入疑惑中。 He has pondered over airtight to Ancestor Xi Tian, seems like that he was caught by Ancestor Xi Tian, but in these years, Ancestor Xi Tian actually provided a security worry-free cultivation environment to him. 他对玺天老祖一直琢磨不透,看似他被玺天老祖抓了,但这些年里,玺天老祖却是给他提供了一个安全无忧的修炼环境。 He always thought that Ancestor Xi Tian enters the life, hidden disloyalty. 他总觉得玺天老祖进入命,暗藏异心。 Heavenly Dao, although has long been there, but Great Good Fortune like you are extremely few, proceeds, only then Pangu and Dao Ancestor can compare with you, your fate is unusual, hopes that you can carefully handle affairs, particularly immediately, the Chaos situation is unclear, if you show aptitude recklessly, will only draw on troublesome.” 天道虽存在已久,但像你这样的大造化极少,往前只有盘古道祖能与你相比,你的宿命非同寻常,希望你能慎重行事,尤其是当下,混沌局势不明,你若是肆意展现资质,只会招来麻烦。” Ancestor Xi Tian said in a soft voice, hearing the brow of Jiang Jueshi to wrinkle deeply. 玺天老祖轻声道,听得姜绝世的眉头皱得更深。 It looks like in Jiang Jueshi, Chaos is not lively, on the contrary, is very lonely, several hundred years difficult with a life, in such a case, his is aptitude very easy to spy on? 姜绝世看来,混沌并不热闹,相反,十分寂寥,数百年都难遇一生灵,在这样的情况下,他的资质很容易被窥探? Jiang Jueshi falls into the self-doubt, is it possible that Chaos really imagines compared with him fearful, does mysteriously and inexorably have many eyes to stare at him? 姜绝世陷入自我怀疑,莫非混沌真的比他想象中可怕,冥冥之中有诸多眼睛盯着他? He more wants the lingering fear. 他越想越后怕。 Oneself were truly negligent. 自己确实大意了。 After all Samsara ten several tens of thousands of, were too long. 毕竟轮回十数万世,太漫长了。 Ancestor Xi Tian continues saying: Future Heavenly Dao also needs you to save, on point of departure before, I passed on your cause and effect Great Dao.” 玺天老祖继续道:“未来的天道还需要你来拯救,临别之前,吾传你因果大道。” He wielded the sleeves, one group of light drill into the Jiang Jueshi forehead rapidly, making him respond completely without enough time. 他挥了挥衣袖,一团光迅速钻入姜绝世的额头中,使其完全来不及反应。 Jiang Jueshi absent-minded, opens eyes again, Ancestor Xi Tian already not. 姜绝世一阵恍惚,再次睁眼,玺天老祖已然不在。 He has not stayed in the original position pondered, departs rapidly. 他没有停留在原处思考,迅速离去。 ...... …… In the darkness, great gold/metal is dragging a side world vanguard single-handed, is the True Martial Sage Buddha. 黑暗之中,一尊伟岸金佛单手拖着一方天地前行,正是圣真武佛。 Heavenly Dao already in front. 天道已然在前方。 The vision of True Martial Sage Buddha falls in the Hong Yuan world, he changes countenance slightly. 圣真武佛的目光落在红缘天地上,他微微动容。 He can feel that in the Hong Yuan world is hiding terrifying aura, he had come Heavenly Dao before, may not have such world. 他能感觉到红缘天地内隐藏着一股恐怖气息,他之前来过天道,可没有这样的天地。 The Chu Shiren sound sifts in his ear: Does not need to be worried that is Great Dao Sage that my Ancestral Master invited, Buddha placed Immortal World another side, formed the potentials of both sides defense.” 楚世人的声音飘入他耳中:“不必担心,那是我师祖邀请来的大道圣人,佛界就放在仙界的另一边,形成两侧防守之势。” True Martial Sage Buddha one hear of Chu Shiren mentioned Ancestral Master, immediately no longer asked, bypassed Heavenly Dao, arrived at another side of Immortal World. 圣真武佛一听楚世人提到师祖,顿时不再多问,绕过天道,来到仙界另一边。 one after another Sage comes, vision curious looks to the True Martial Sage Buddha. 一名名圣人现身,目光好奇的看向圣真武佛。 Fang Liang already had disclosed Buddha must move, they had anticipated. 方良已经透露过佛界也要搬来,他们早已期待。 Sages opens the mouth in abundance, introduces oneself. 圣人们纷纷开口,自我介绍。 The True Martial Sage Buddha has not kept up appearances, he knows will treat long time near Heavenly Dao from now on, in the future must fuse together. 圣真武佛也没有摆谱,他知晓今后得在天道附近待很长时间,日后说不定得融合在一起。 Regarding this, he has not resisted, instead is very satisfied. 对此,他并没有抗拒,反而很满意。 Buddha works as the backer by him, the truly difficult top, Immortal World to be different, even the Great Dao Spiritual God attack must die. 佛界靠他一个人当靠山,确实难顶,仙界不同,连大道神灵来袭都得死。 True Martial Sage Buddha polite chatted with Sages. 圣真武佛客气的与诸圣相聊。 After ten thousand years, after the discussion of Sages, starts to arrange Heavenly Dao cultivator to go to Buddha and Hong Yuan world, first disseminates Heavenly Dao Destiny, under the accumulation of years, fuses with Heavenly Dao sooner or later. 万载后,经过诸圣的商议,开始安排天道修行者前往佛界、红缘天地,先传播天道气运,在岁月的累积下,迟早与天道融合。 Regarding this, Hong Yuan and True Martial Sage Buddha does not have the opinion. 对此,红缘圣真武佛都没有意见。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage has treated is welcoming Sacred Palace, from the beginning Heaven's Severing Cult Master does not adapt very much, on the contrary was very afterward happy. 愚剑神圣则一直待在迎圣宫,一开始天绝教主很不适应,后来反倒很高兴。 Welcoming Sacred Palace is Heavenly Dao receives the Chaos influence the place, once in a while, has Chaos almighty to come, existence of Foolish Sword Divine Sage gave the Chaos influence very tremendous pressure, shows Heavenly Dao background. 圣宫乃是天道接待混沌势力的场所,每隔一段时间,都有混沌大能前来,愚剑神圣的存在给了混沌势力很大的压力,同时也彰显出天道底蕴 Heavenly Dao fearless Divine Right Will! 天道无惧神权将 Foolish Sword Divine Sage once fought Pangu not dead twice, its prestige has shaken Chaos. 愚剑神圣曾两次战盘古而不死,其威名早已名震混沌 Suddenly, Divine Right Will takes to the negative impact sharp decline of Heavenly Dao, has the positive role on the contrary, attraction more and more Heavenly Dao cultivator returns. 一时间,神权将带给天道的负面影响锐减,反倒有积极作用,吸引越来越多的天道修行者回归。 As if Divine Right Will will not aim at Heavenly Dao again. 仿佛神权将不会再针对天道 Such situation makes Sages very happy, simultaneously rejoiced oneself do not have depart Heavenly Dao. 这样的情况让诸圣很高兴,同时庆幸自己没有离开天道 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue opens the eye. 韩绝睁开眼睛。 His seclusion five ten thousand years, cultivation base grows once again much, Primordial Chaos World already expands about one time, but also is good. 他又一次闭关五万载,修为增长不少,鸿蒙界已经扩张近一倍,还算不错。 With increase of Primordial Chaos World, the distance between stars is also pulling open, starts to evolve the meteor, is quite mysterious. 随着鸿蒙界的增多,星辰之间的距离也在拉开,开始衍化出陨星,颇为神奇。 Han Jue routine examination mail. 韩绝习惯性的查看邮件。 Waits for the Divine Right Will time to be somewhat bored. 等待神权将的时间有些无聊。 However Divine Right Will comes the later the better, like this he had confidence. 不过神权将来得越晚越好,这样他更有把握。 Quick, Han Jue was attracted by a mail. 很快,韩绝被一条邮件吸引。 Your good friend Evil Heavenly Emperor is under the mysterious almighty attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友邪天帝遭遇神秘大能袭击,身受重伤】 He continues to look downward, sees a related mail. 他继续往下看去,又看到一条相关邮件。 Your good friend Evil Heavenly Emperor is under the Great Dao Destiny Divine Right attack, mortal body annihilation, is only left over a wisp of remnant soul 【你的好友邪天帝遭遇大道气运神权袭击,肉身湮灭,只剩下一缕残魂】 Such miserable? 这么惨? Han Jue at heart one tight, immediately holds the dream to give Evil Heavenly Emperor. 韩绝心里一紧,当即托梦给邪天帝 The dreamland was the past grove. 梦境是当年的小树林。 Evil Heavenly Emperor opens the eye, finding is Han Jue, relaxes. 邪天帝睁开眼睛,瞧见是韩绝,松了一口气。 „Did your majesty, encounter Divine Right Will recently?” Han Jue asked. “陛下,最近遭遇神权将了?”韩绝问道。 The Evil Heavenly Emperor forced smile said: Right, but We am all right, We have gotten rid of Heavenly Dao Destiny, is not the Heavenly Dao life.” 邪天帝苦笑道:“没错,不过朕没事,朕早已摆脱天道气运,并非天道生灵。” Han Jue one hear, immediately relax. 韩绝一听,顿时放心。 Evil Heavenly Emperor said: „Do you prepare to cope with Divine Right Will? We have heard the Heavenly Dao situation, has not disintegrated, even in the generation of continuous absorbing almighty, is this must fight?” 邪天帝道:“你准备对付神权将?朕听闻过天道的情况,还未分崩离析,甚至在源源不断的吸纳大能之辈,这是要战?” Han Jue thought there is nothing to conceal, the nod said: Protects Heavenly Dao, our generation has the responsibility.” 韩绝觉得没什么好隐瞒,点头道:“守护天道,我辈有责。” Evil Heavenly Emperor expressed admiration: We start to suspect that you were not Chaos Demon God, Divine Right Will must have bad luck.” 邪天帝啧啧称奇道:“朕开始怀疑你不是混沌魔神,神权将要倒霉了。” In his heart shocks, looked that is even more unbelievable to the Han Jue vision. 他心中震撼,看向韩绝的目光越发难以置信。 He too understood Han Jue. 他太了解韩绝了。 This boy will not cling to tenaciously Heavenly Dao, clearly, Han Jue has the completely safe assurance! 这小子才不会死守天道,很明显,韩绝有万全把握! Han Jue looked at heart by his vision is scared. 韩绝被他的目光看得心里发毛。 Is good has the discretion because of Evil Heavenly Emperor very much, has not continued to guess the Han Jue status. 好在邪天帝很有分寸,并没有继续猜韩绝的身份。 What is higher than Chaos Demon God aptitude also to be? 高于混沌魔神资质还能是什么? Right, We ran into an acquaintance in Divine Right Will, Dao Ancestor, Dao Ancestor am also one of the Divine Right Will!” Evil Heavenly Emperor language front Rank One, complexion gloomy saying. “对了,朕在神权将中遇到一位熟人,道祖,道祖也是神权将之一!”邪天帝语锋一转,脸色阴沉的说道。
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