WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#844: Darkness Forbidden Lord status

Your loner?” “你孤家寡人?” Han Jue asked that he has not haggled over Foolish Sword Divine Sage to offending of Zhou Fan, after all Foolish Sword Divine Sage has not injured Zhou Fan. 韩绝问道,他也没有多计较愚剑神圣周凡的冒犯,毕竟愚剑神圣没有伤害周凡 Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: creation the world, had felt the burden afterward, then discarded, is less than 10 billion years, the world perished.” 愚剑神圣道:“曾经创造过天地,后来觉得累赘,便丢弃了,不到百亿年,天地就亡了。” He said serene, as if that stretch of the world does not have the responsibility with him. 他说得云淡风轻,仿佛那片天地与他毫无干系。 Zhou Fan hears to knit the brows. 周凡听得皱眉。 But 10 billion years three characters make him not dare to be hostile to the opposite party. 但百亿年三个字让他不敢敌视对方。 Can live for 10 billion years, the ghost knows strongly. 能活百亿年,鬼知道有多强。 Han Jue said: I give you to arrange a place to stay, usually do not disturb the Heavenly Dao life.” 韩绝道:“我给你安排一个地方住下,平时可不要打扰天道生灵。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage snort/hum said: Relax, except for Great Dao Pagoda, Heavenly Dao may not have other things to make me curious.” 愚剑神圣哼道:“放心吧,除了大道之塔,天道可没有其他东西让吾好奇。” Zhou Fan one hear, is intense. 周凡一听,紧张起来。 Han Jue said: Great Dao Pagoda do not have the thoughts, this is my apprentice supreme treasure.” 韩绝道:“大道之塔可别动心思,这是我徒弟至宝。” Understood, I have not been worthwhile with the later generation snatch the treasure, walks, guides.” “明白,吾还犯不着跟后辈抢宝贝,走吧,带路。” Un.” “嗯。” Two people follow to disappear in the palace. 两人跟着消失在殿内。 Zhou Fan feels relieved, who simultaneously was curious a moment ago that is. 周凡如释重负,同时好奇刚才那位是谁。 Another side. 另一边。 Han Jue brings Foolish Sword Divine Sage to arrive welcomes Sacred Palace, introduced it to Heaven's Severing Cult Master. 韩绝带着愚剑神圣来到迎圣宫,将其介绍给天绝教主 Foolish Sword Divine Sage......” 愚剑神圣……” Heaven's Severing Cult Master changes countenance, the stance instantaneously becomes respectful. 天绝教主动容,姿态瞬间变得恭敬。 Clearly, he has heard this. 很明显,他听说过此名。 Han Jue looks to Foolish Sword Divine Sage, said: Later you live cultivation here.” 韩绝看向愚剑神圣,道:“以后你就住在这里修炼吧。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage nods. 愚剑神圣点头。 He turns around to a corner, sits in meditation, does not shut out. 他转身走至一个角落,就地打坐,也不嫌弃。 Han Jue urged several after Heaven's Severing Cult Master then departed. 韩绝天绝教主叮嘱几句后便离去。 The arrival of Foolish Sword Divine Sage spreads to the Sage circle level quickly, making Sages believe the Han Jue words. 愚剑神圣的到来很快就传入圣人圈层,使得圣人们更加相信韩绝的话。 He really can win over Great Dao Sage! 他真的能拉拢到大道圣人 20,000 years later. 两万年后。 Hong Yuan arrives, her right hand opens, puts a stretch of vast world, falls by Heavenly Dao, has half Immortal World is so big quickly. 红缘到来,她右手翻开,将一片辽阔天地放出来,就落在天道旁边,快有半个仙界那么大。 Hong Yuan negotiated with Xuandu Saint Venerable on own initiative, expounded oneself were comes by the Han Jue invitation. 红缘主动与玄都圣尊交涉,阐明自己是被韩绝邀请而来。 Sages rouses, came Great Dao Sage! 诸圣振奋,又来了一位大道圣人 Moreover, but also brings a stretch of the world! 不仅如此,还带来一片天地! This stretch of the world is so vast, naturally caused the Heavenly Dao cultivator attention, the news soon could not keep. 这片天地如此辽阔,自然引起了天道修行者的注意力,消息很快藏不住。 Suddenly, Immortal World changes constantly, various rumors have. 一时间,仙界风云变幻,各种流言都有。 ...... …… In a flash. 一晃眼。 Han Jue seclusion five ten thousand years. 韩绝闭关五万载。 After achieving Great Dao Supreme, the Han Jue cultivation speed explodes again falls, is not only the cultivation speed is slow, he lost the sense of direction suddenly. 达到大道至上后,韩绝修行速度再次爆降,不仅是修行速度慢,他突然失去了方向感。 Does not know how should cultivation. 不知该如何修炼。 He opens the eye, starts precipitation dao heart. 他睁开眼睛,开始沉淀道心 Great Dao Supreme definitely can also continue to cultivate, does not bog down. 大道至上肯定还能继续修炼,绝非停滞不前。 Great Dao already cannot help him become stronger. 大道已经不能帮助他变得更强。 What should he care about? 他该在意什么? The Han Jue vision falls on Primordial Chaos World. 韩绝的目光不由落在鸿蒙界上。 Does before was to refine the stars, how now work as? 之前是提炼星辰,如今又当如何? Han Jue starts to attempt unceasingly, stars already reaches the limit, is unable to use the strength of refinement Supreme, Primordial Chaos Qi already to change into the Primordial Chaos space again, is very stable, similarly is unable to promote again. 韩绝开始不断尝试,星辰已经达到极限,无法再用至上之力提炼,鸿蒙之气已经化为鸿蒙空间,无比稳固,同样无法再提升。 After innumerable attempts, Han Jue found the method finally. 经过无数次尝试后,韩绝总算找到法门。 Expansion Primordial Chaos World! 扩张鸿蒙界 This needs to open the space in soul, making it delay unceasingly, as the Primordial Chaos space the expansion, this will initiate continuous Primordial Chaos Qi to expedite childbirth, engagement Primordial Chaos space. 这需要开辟灵魂内的空间,让其不断延展,鸿蒙空间会随着扩展,这就会引发源源不断的鸿蒙之气催生,衔接鸿蒙空间。 Primordial Chaos Qi increases, Han Jue cultivation base will also grow. 鸿蒙之气增多,韩绝修为也会随之增长。 Also does not know that the expansion of Primordial Chaos World can have the limit, but can first cultivation for the time being. 也不知鸿蒙界的扩张会不会有极限,但暂且可以先修炼着。 Han Jue opens the eye, holds the dream to Hong Yuan, chatted a while, is meets. 韩绝睁开眼睛,托梦给红缘,闲聊了一会儿,算是碰头。 Hong Yuan already settles, with the help of Sages, Heavenly Dao cultivator has not gone to look for the trouble of Hong Yuan world. 红缘已经安顿下来,在诸圣的帮助下,天道修行者也没有去找红缘天地的麻烦。 After holding the dream ended, Han Jue assigns out the mail examination. 托梦结束后,韩绝调出邮件查看。 So many years pass by, do not know how the friend encircles the situation, Han Jue can the direct observation, but such is too troublesome . Moreover the mail form is more interesting. 这么多年过去,也不知朋友圈情况如何,韩绝可以直接观测,但那样太麻烦,而且邮件形式更有趣。 Your Grand Disciple Chu Shiren is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的徒孙楚世人遭遇神秘大能袭击】 Your son Han Tuo returns to Chaos 【你的儿子韩拓回归混沌 Your good friend Yi Tian returns to Chaos 【你的好友遗天回归混沌 Your good friend Jiang Jueshi is under life attack x19 【你的好友姜绝世遭遇命袭击】x19 Your good friend Di Jiang your good friend Pangu direction, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友帝江得你的好友盘古指点,道行大涨】 Your good friend Empress Mother Earth your good friend Pangu direction, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友后土娘娘得你的好友盘古指点,道行大涨】 ...... …… Your good friend Huang Zuntian fuses Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友黄尊天融合大道气运神权,道行大涨】 Your good friend Peacock Divine Monarch is under the Great Dao Destiny Divine Right attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友孔雀神君遭遇大道气运神权袭击,身受重伤】 Your good friend Divine Robed Daoist encounters mysterious curse 【你的好友神袍道人遭遇神秘诅咒】 ...... …… Han Tuo and did Yi Tian kill? 韩拓遗天杀出来了? It seems like recently that Great Dao Spiritual God was negligent in the guard. 看来最近那位大道神灵疏于防范。 Twelve Witch Ancestors and Pangu meet with, this is the eve omen of war. 十二祖巫盘古会面,这是大战的前夕预兆。 Han Jue does not plan to meddle Chaos Demon God and Divine Right Will battle. 韩绝不打算插手混沌魔神神权将的争斗。 After all both sides are his enemy. 毕竟两方都是他的敌人。 Once his status exposition, Chaos Demon God copes with him surely jointly, might as well makes them fight life and death, he harvests Divine Right Will again. 一旦他的身份暴露,混沌魔神必定联手对付他,还不如让他们斗个你死我活,他再收割神权将 As for extinguishing the Divine Right Will consequence, the Han Jue burden is not big, Hidden Sect disciple already returns one after another, if really angers Deity of Chaos take action, at the worst he all takes back in the disciples dao field. 至于灭了神权将的后果,韩绝负担也不大,隐门弟子已经陆续回归,真要是惹怒混沌神明出手,大不了他将弟子们全都收回道场内。 But he thought that Deity of Chaos is insufficient take action, he is higher than existence of Chaos, Han Jue self-defenses, how can Deity of Chaos take action? 但他觉得混沌神明不至于出手,他本身就是高于混沌的存在,韩绝又是自卫,混沌神明怎能出手 Moreover, Han Jue also has Pangu this backer. 另外,韩绝还有盘古这尊靠山。 Pangu that at present resurrects is only doppelganger, even if were extinguished, Pangu main body also. 目前复活的盘古只是分身,就算被灭了,盘古本尊还在。 If Deity of Chaos does dare to Heavenly Dao take action, Pangu to stand by? 若是混沌神明敢对天道出手,盘古能袖手旁观? Han Jue has an intuition, Pangu will not compare Chaos Demon God to be weak many. 韩绝有种直觉,盘古不会比混沌魔神弱多少。 That mysterious unknown Dao Ancestor. 还有那神秘未知的道祖 These two fellows are the Heavenly Dao true backers. 这两个家伙才是天道真正的靠山。 After looking at the mail, Han Jue holds the dream to give Peacock Divine Monarch. 看完邮件后,韩绝托梦给孔雀神君 This boy did not comfort recently, injured! 这厮最近又不安慰,又受伤了! Is it possible that attacks his Great Dao Destiny Divine Right is Divine Right Will? 袭击他的大道气运神权莫非是神权将 Han Jue sees right in front of one Peacock Divine Monarch by the Darkness Forbidden Lord image. 韩绝黑暗禁主的形象面见孔雀神君 In dreamland. 梦境之中。 Peacock Divine Monarch opens the eye, finds Han Jue, the facial expression is awkward immediately. 孔雀神君睁开眼睛,瞧见韩绝,神情顿时尴尬。 After being injured each time, Darkness Forbidden Lord will hold the dream to him, although cared, but also makes him not have the face very much. 每次受伤后,黑暗禁主都会托梦给他,虽然是关心,但也让他很没面子。 Peacock Divine Monarch said hastily: This I was not beaten by same realm time, by the Great Dao Sage suppression, is not Divine Right Will!” 孔雀神君连忙道:“这一次我不是被同境界击败,更不是被大道圣人镇压,是神权将!” Ten thousand Divine Right Will, were too strong! And stares my one eyes casually, my then almost soul flies away and scatters!” “一万神权将,太强了!其中一位随便瞪我一眼,我便差点魂飞魄散!” Mentioned this matter, Peacock Divine Monarch could not bear the whole body tremble. 说起此事,孔雀神君忍不住浑身一颤。 He has never encountered the so dreadful matter. 他从未遭遇过如此可怕的事情。 Han Jue asked: When do you prove Great Dao?” 韩绝问道:“你何时证大道?” Peacock Divine Monarch replied: Quick, my already has experienced the supervision of Divine Right Will, then can cultivation safely, legend Divine Right Will must extinguish Chaos Demon God, Heavenly Dao as well as mysterious Primordial Chaos Demon God, whether to be true?” 孔雀神君回答道:“快了快了,我已经经历过神权将的监察,接下来可以安心修炼,传说神权将要灭混沌魔神天道以及神秘的鸿蒙魔神,可否属实?” Han Jue said: I do not know, in any case you safely good.” 韩绝道:“我不知,反正你安全就好。” How do you see Divine Right Will?” “您怎么看神权将?” Peacock Divine Monarch cautious asking, the status about Darkness Forbidden Lord, has wide divided opinions, before because a while ago Venerable Chu Minghei fell from the sky a few words, causing the Chaos life to think that Darkness Forbidden Lord was Great Dao Spiritual God. 孔雀神君小心翼翼的问道,关于黑暗禁主的身份,众说纷纭,前段时间又因初命黑尊陨落前的一句话,导致混沌生灵认为黑暗禁主大道神灵 Han Jue said: Triggering of Chaos rule, and others had nothing to do with me, do not ask, do not think.” 韩绝道:“混沌规则的一次触发罢了,与我等无关,不要多问,不要多想。” Peacock Divine Monarch one hear, had many suspicions at heart immediately. 孔雀神君一听,心里顿时有了许多猜想。 Han Jue urged: Grasps time achieving Great Dao, if injured before proving Dao again, I will really re-evaluate your aptitude.” 韩绝叮嘱道:“抓紧时间证得大道,若是在证道前再受伤,我真的会重新评估你的资质。”
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