WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#843: The true pinnacle, the strength rises suddenly! 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Does not know Jade Purity Holy Sect whether also.” “也不知玉清圣宗是否还在。” Mo Fuchou thought aloud, hearing Zhou Fan to roll the eyes. 莫复仇自言自语,听得周凡翻白眼。 However does not have the means that regarding Zhou Fan, lived more than 300 ten thousand years, may regarding Mo Fuchou, the middle emptied for 2 million years, after resurrecting, continuously the seclusion cultivation, is unable to compare with Zhou Fan in the state of mind. 不过也没办法,对于周凡来说,活了三百多万载,可对于莫复仇而言,中间是空了两百万年,复活之后又一直闭关修炼,在心境上无法与周凡比。 Zhou Fan said: Should still, me listen to the Hidden Sect disciple to raise, Rolling World that Jade Purity Holy Sect is Heavenly Dao second mortal world, Jade Purity Holy Sect is Rolling World first sect.” 周凡道:“应该还在,我听隐门弟子提过,玉清圣宗所在的摇界乃是天道第二凡界,玉清圣宗又是摇界第一宗门。” Mo Fuchou said with a smile: Is so fierce? It seems like our Jade Purity Holy Sect is really great providence sect.” 莫复仇笑道:“这么厉害?看来我们玉清圣宗真是大气运宗门。” Zhou Fan curls the lip, where is Jade Purity Holy Sect is fierce, clearly benefitted from Han Jue. 周凡撇嘴,哪里是玉清圣宗厉害,分明是沾了韩绝的光。 He does not dare to despise, after all he also benefits from Han Jue. 他也不敢鄙夷,毕竟他也沾韩绝的光。 Two people chatted, while waited for Great Dao Pagoda to arrive at Heavenly Dao. 两人一边闲聊,一边等待大道之塔到达天道 In the Heavenly Dao edge, Fang Liang already starts to wait, is responsible for receiving Great Dao Pagoda. 天道边缘,方良已经开始等候,负责接待大道之塔 After all Great Dao Pagoda is leading many cultivator, must arrange, otherwise is easy to cause scared. 毕竟大道之塔带领着许多修行者,必须安排好,不然容易引起恐慌。 The arrival of Great Dao Pagoda also causes the enormous sound in Heavenly Dao. 大道之塔的到来也在天道内引起极大的动静。 Is the news of Hidden Sect disciple also spreads about Zhou Fan, showed Hidden Sect background to Heavenly Dao cultivator. 关于周凡乃是隐门弟子的消息也随之传开,向天道修行者展现了隐门底蕴 Hidden Sect in Immortal World is the big influence, but is very low-key, rarely competes for great providence, cultivator also is usually very difficult to think of Hidden Sect. 隐门仙界一直是大势力,但很低调,很少争夺大气运,平时修行者也很难想到隐门 Because of Great Dao Pagoda, all living things start to unearth the Hidden Sect information, more understood that more heart is startled. 大道之塔,众生开始挖掘隐门的情报,越了解越心惊。 ...... …… One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 When 40,000 all year round, on this day. 四万整年时,这一日。 Han Jue jumps out of one line of prompts at present. 韩绝眼前跳出一行提示。 Fuses successfully, Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword is promoted is Pinnacle Dao Treasure 【融合成功,鸿蒙判定剑晋级为极致道宝 Han Jue somewhat is slightly disappointed. 韩绝略微有些失望。 He also thinks that Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword can become pinnacle supreme treasure. 他还以为鸿蒙判定剑能成为极致至宝 Thinks carefully, is impossible, except for Opening Heavens Axe, other magical treasure rank insufficiently looks radically. 仔细想想,也不可能,除了开天斧,其他法宝品阶根本不够看。 Han Jue puts out Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, in an instant, the purple-red ray jumps presently, making entire Dao Monastery gloomy, pinnacle killing intent fills the air. 韩绝拿出鸿蒙判定剑,刹那间,紫红色光芒迸现,使得整个道观变得阴森,一股极致的杀意弥漫开来。 Han Jue uses of force control Supreme hastily. 韩绝连忙用至上之力控制。 The Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword itself/Ben is Life-Bound Magic Treasure, he does not need to refine to recognize the lord again. 鸿蒙判定剑本就是伴生法宝,他无需再炼制认主。 Han Jue starts to feel the Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword strength, fuses with it with the will. 韩绝开始感受鸿蒙判定剑的力量,用意志与其融合。 Different from Opening Heavens Axe, grasps Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, Han Jue is feeling incomparably kindly, can mobilize all strengths of its implication with ease! 不同于开天斧,握着鸿蒙判定剑,韩绝就感觉无比亲切,能轻松调动其蕴含的所有力量! The Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword sword blade is the red, the palm width, is the half a Zhang, the sword blade is actually sending out the light purple light, enhancing one another's beauty, is very mystical. 鸿蒙判定剑剑刃呈红色,手掌般宽,长达半丈,剑身却散发着淡淡的紫光,交相辉映,无比神秘。 For a long time. 许久。 After Han Jue thorough familiar Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, he starts Simulated Trial. 韩绝彻底熟悉鸿蒙判定剑后,他开始模拟试炼 Ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 十万愚剑神圣 Han Jue integrates oneself 1949 Demon God Dharma Body, displays Anger of Primal Chaos God, a sword cuts. 韩绝将一千九百四十九尊魔神法相融入自身,施展鸿蒙神怒,一剑斩去。 Extinguishes all kills! 尽数灭杀! Han Jue pleasant surprise. 韩绝惊喜。 Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword is fiercer than beforehand Opening Heavens Axe! 鸿蒙判定剑比之前的开天斧还猛! Except for Opening Heavens Axe the air/Qi of slaughtering, but also were many strength of Primordial Chaos, fuses in together, displays the Pinnacle Dao Treasure strength truly. 除了开天斧杀伐之气,还多了鸿蒙之力,融合在一起,真正展现出极致道宝的力量。 After exchanging brand-new Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, the Han Jue strength is increased suddenly. 换上全新的鸿蒙判定剑后,韩绝的实力陡然提升。 Really, magical treasure is also very important! 果然,法宝也很重要! Has Opening Heavens Axe Pangu to fight Three Thousand Demon Gods! 开天斧盘古可战三千魔神 Does not have Opening Heavens Axe Pangu games dozens Demon God to be unbearable! 没有开天斧盘古数十尊魔神都够呛! Naturally, this is also related with Pangu cultivation base. 当然,这也与盘古本身修为相关。 Han Jue starts to promote the Foolish Sword Divine Sage quantity. 韩绝开始提升愚剑神圣的数量。 200,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 二十万尊愚剑神圣 Right now, Han Jue feels the pressure, moreover is suffocates pressure. 这下子,韩绝感受到压力,而且是窒息般的压力。 Engages in fierce battle for a long time, he just 20 ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage execution completely. 鏖战许久,他方才将二十万愚剑神圣诛杀殆尽。 He frowns tightly. 他紧皱眉头。 From invincible also falls far short! 距离无敌还差得远! After all he is high one layer realm, facing Foolish Sword Divine Sage, does not come many to kill many unexpectedly. 毕竟他还高一层境界,面对愚剑神圣,竟不是来多少杀多少。 Han Jue sighed, with opening eyes. 韩绝叹息一声,跟着睁眼。 He feels together aura suddenly. 他忽然感受到一道气息 Foolish Sword Divine Sage aura! 愚剑神圣气息 This moment Foolish Sword Divine Sage is in Great Dao Pagoda. 此刻愚剑神圣正待在大道之塔内。 When does this boy come? 这厮何时来的? The Han Jue vigilance, oneself were unexpectedly negligent. 韩绝警觉,自己竟然大意了。 He examines Foolish Sword Divine Sage with Simulated Trial immediately, duplicates the data. 他当即用模拟试炼检测愚剑神圣,重新复制数据。 Then starts Simulated Trial again. 然后再次开始模拟试炼 Selects only, instakill! 单挑,秒杀 100 Foolish Sword Divine Sage, instakill! 一百尊愚剑神圣,秒杀 1000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage, used ten breath time. 一千尊愚剑神圣,用了十息时间。 Han Jue continues dead to knock, several times, found the instakill 1000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage methods. 韩绝继续死磕,数次后,找到秒杀一千尊愚剑神圣的方法。 He promotes the quantity to 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 他一口气将数量提升到一万尊愚剑神圣 The fight becomes difficult. 战斗变得困难。 Han Jue discovered that Foolish Sword Divine Sage with previously compared, truly, but does not have the feeling of difference of heaven and earth. 韩绝发现愚剑神圣与先前比,确实强了很多,但并没有天差地别的感觉。 Possibly beforehand Foolish Sword Divine Sage achieving Great Dao Supreme, has once been able to show half Great Dao Supreme level by Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection cultivation base. 可能之前的愚剑神圣本来就曾证得大道至上,以大道混元圆满修为也能展现出半步大道至上的水平。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage had once said that he can 100 games Divine Right Will. 愚剑神圣曾说过,他能战100尊神权将 In other words, can Han Jue execution 1 million Divine Right Will? 也就是说,韩绝诛杀一百万尊神权将 So it seems like, Divine Right Will is not worth mentioning. 这般看来,神权将也不值得一提。 Also there is a possibility, Foolish Sword Divine Sage is boasting. 也有可能,愚剑神圣在吹牛。 The Han Jue careful thinking, he compared with same realm Great Dao Supreme so many, was lucky Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body and Stars Primordial Chaos Body, Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body can make him is quite many about 2000 oneself to work as the helper, but can also integrate itself, is equivalent strengthens 2000 times when the fight! 韩绝仔细思索,他之所以比同境界大道至上强那么多,多亏了太易自在法相星辰鸿蒙体,太易自在法相能让他相当于多出近两千尊自己当帮手,还能融入自身,相当于在战斗时增强两千倍! Naturally, trades to make other cultivator, is unable carrying/sustaining 2000 Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body, because of the Great Dao barrier, they possibly to cultivate strength of the Great Dao to be difficult. 当然,换做其他修行者,也无法承载两千尊太易自在法相,因为大道隔阂,他们可能多修炼一尊大道之力都难。 The Qi Daosheng a little thing, grasped seven Great Dao unexpectedly. 七道圣有点东西,竟然掌握了七种大道 Han Jue thinks of Qi Daosheng, suddenly thought that Qi Daosheng possibly is Person with Great Providence, if not runs into him, by the Qi Daosheng method and aptitude, could grow Laozi (father), even stronger existence. 韩绝想到七道圣,忽然觉得七道圣可能是大气运者,若非遇到他,以七道圣的手段与资质,或许能成长成老子,甚至更强的存在。 However pitifully, who makes him court death, must look for the trouble of Han Jue. 不过可惜,谁让他找死,非要找韩绝的麻烦。 Wants, Han Jue receives Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, stands up, goes to see Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 想罢,韩绝收好鸿蒙判定剑,站起身来,前去见愚剑神圣 He stands is making Foolish Sword Divine Sage sneak attack, cannot die. 他站着让愚剑神圣偷袭,都死不了。 As for Chaos Unknown can take action, Han Jue not be worried, entire Chaos he can spy on, if seven big supreme rules experience the fluctuation with three thousand Great Dao, he can also discover immediately. 至于混沌无识会不会出手,韩绝不担心,整个混沌他都能窥探,若是七大至高规则与三千大道出现波动,他也能在第一时间发现。 Moreover, in Dao Monastery, he leaves leeway a will, even if the body dies, can resurrect suddenly in Dao Monastery. 另外,在道观内,他留有一丝意志,纵然身死,也能瞬息间复活在道观内。 Safe! 稳妥至极! May be called perfect! 堪称完美! Top level of Great Dao Pagoda. 大道之塔顶层。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage float in the Zhou Fan top of the head, observes Zhou Fan to comprehend Great Dao Pagoda. 愚剑神圣悬浮在周凡头顶,观测着周凡参悟大道之塔 already is Unrestrained Sage Zhou Fan has not detected Foolish Sword Divine Sage in the top of the head. 已经自在圣人周凡没有察觉到愚剑神圣在头顶。 both sides are distanced are less than five zhang (3.33 m), is so near, Zhou Fan actually could not discover, saw Great Dao Supreme and Unrestrained Sage disparity sufficiently. 双方相距不到五丈,就这么近,周凡却发现不了,足以见得大道至上自在圣人的差距。 Han Jue appears in Zhou Fan suddenly behind, snort/hum said: Discourteous do not regard, hasn't heard?” 韩绝忽然出现在周凡身后,哼道:“非礼勿视,没听闻过?” Zhou Fan opens eyes, turns around hastily, salutes toward Han Jue. 周凡睁眼,连忙转身,朝韩绝行礼。 „Don't Master, what discourteous regard?” Zhou Fan asked cautiously. 师父,什么非礼勿视?”周凡小心翼翼问道。 Here is his domain, has something not to regard discourteously? 这里是他的地盘,有什么可非礼勿视? Foolish Sword Divine Sage said with a smile: I am curious to Great Dao Pagoda, back then, I and Qi Daosheng also had the origin.” 愚剑神圣笑道:“吾只是对大道之塔好奇罢了,想当年,吾与七道圣也有渊源。” Zhou Fan raised the head fiercely, frightens the whole body to shiver. 周凡猛地抬头,吓得浑身颤抖。 The head really has the person! 头上竟然有人! Zhou Fan is full of the lingering fear instantaneously. 周凡瞬间充满后怕。 When do the opposite party come? 对方何时来的? He actually does not have least bit to detect! 他竟然没有半点儿察觉! Foolish Sword Divine Sage falls, looks to Han Jue, said: I cannot completely understand you, it seems like I was not your opponent.” 愚剑神圣落下,看向韩绝,道:“吾看不透你,看来吾仍不是你的对手。” His tone is thought-provoking, Han Jue actually listened to one to be unwilling. 他的语气耐人寻味,韩绝却听出了一丝不甘。 You far more than cannot be victorious I! 你何止是打不过我啊! 10,000 you are not my opponent! 一万个你都不是我的对手!
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