WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#842: Fuses supreme treasure, is really living

War, fears anything!” “战吧,怕什么!” Wayless Heavenly Lord opens the mouth saying that other Sage open the mouth in abundance, starts to take a stand. 无法天尊开口道,其他圣人纷纷开口,开始表态。 Pan Xin laughs saying: For a long time has not fought, Divine Right Will hopes that enough we hit!” 盘心大笑道:“好久没有战斗,神权将希望够吾等打!” Has the Divine Might Heavenly Sage opens the mouth, what do we also fear?” “有神威天圣开口,吾等还怕什么?” Although I and others are the new Saint, but will not dread the fight!” “虽然我等是新圣,但也不会畏惧战斗!” This war happen to demonstrates the Heavenly Dao strength to Chaos!” “此战正好向混沌展示一下天道的力量!” „, The exquisite world invited me, I rejected directly, a face has not remained!” “啧啧,玲珑天地邀请吾,吾直接拒绝,一点情面也没留!” When Divine Right Will comes, now to say me to fight!” 神权将何时来,说得吾现在就想战!” Sages talked, the atmosphere exaggerated very resoundingly. 圣人们你一言我一语,气氛渲染得很高亢。 Han Jue shoots a look at to Xuandu Saint Venerable, Xuandu Saint Venerable was understanding, received the right to speak, started to summarize recently the development of Heavenly Dao, deployed the Heavenly Dao surrounding space again. 韩绝瞥向玄都圣尊,玄都圣尊会意,接过话语权,开始总结最近天道的发展,再部署天道周围的空间。 Lao Dan (Old Dan), Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi peaceful is listening, their feeling are quite different. 老聃道至尊赵轩辕姜易安静的听着,他们的感受极为不一样。 Never expected that Heavenly Dao Sage is so harmonious! 没想到天道圣人如此和谐! At first sight, is more harmonious than the same side discussion, cannot see the benefit to struggle numerously. 乍一看,比同门商谈还要和谐,看不到利益争纷。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) sighs with emotion secretly: This Divine Might Heavenly Sage some methods, not just know seclusion.” 老聃暗自感慨:“这神威天圣有些手段,并非只是知晓闭关而已。” He thought that Han Jue has possibly threatened Sages in secret, otherwise how can harmonious? 他觉得韩绝可能私下里威胁过诸圣,否则岂能如此和睦? What in the Dao Supreme three will of the people are more is proud. 道至尊三人心里更多的是自豪。 Heavenly Dao already belongs to Hidden Sect! 天道已经属于隐门 No wonder Han Jue has not deliberately developed Hidden Sect, already seizes the high-rise construction, the development of basic unit was naturally optional. 怪不得韩绝没有刻意发展隐门,已经占领高层建筑,基层的发展自然就随意了。 When Xuandu Saint Venerable confesses, Han Jue opens the mouth saying: I won over two Great Dao Sage, will carry the world to come, when the time comes distributes near Heavenly Dao, later and Heavenly Dao develops together, mutual help.” 玄都圣尊交代完,韩绝开口道:“我拉拢了两位大道圣人,其中一位将携天地前来,到时候就分布在天道附近,以后与天道共同发展,互相帮助。” Such remarks, Sages in great surprise. 此言一出,诸圣大惊。 Two Great Dao Sage? 两位大道圣人 Their already knows existence of Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage, again additional two aren't, four Great Dao Sage? 他们已经知晓虚魂大圣的存在,再加两位,不就是四位大道圣人 These think of Divine Robed Daoist by Sage that Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison enslaves, that is five! 那些被鸿蒙天牢奴役的圣人又想到神袍道人,那就是五位! Li Taigu said excitedly: Senior Han is really fierce, in this case, resists Divine Right Will to have confidence!” 李太古兴奋道:“韩前辈真是厉害,这样的话,对抗神权将就更有把握!” Other Sage follow to pat the Han Jue horse buttocks, is wholehearted. 其他圣人纷纷跟着拍韩绝马屁,都是真心实意。 Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor did not know about Great Dao Sage very much, but also knows them is higher than two big realm, absolute being as deep as a well, they looked that is awe-stricken to the Han Jue vision. 夏至尊、度世佛祖大道圣人不是很了解,但也知晓比他们高两个大境界,绝对的高深莫测,他们看向韩绝的目光充满敬畏。 Zhang Guxing is looking at facial expression light Han Jue, has mixed feelings. 仗孤星望着神情平淡的韩绝,心情复杂。 He remembered in the past in Sword Dao River. 他想起了当年在剑道长河 How could at that time to have thought will have today. 那时何曾想过会有今日。 Until now recalls just like the dreamland. 至今回想起来犹如梦境。 He understands, meets Han Jue, and executes in the good intentions, is he this life the biggest chance. 他明白一点,遇到韩绝,并施于善意,是他今生最大的机缘。 If not Han Jue, how he will be recommended Sanctification? 若非韩绝,他岂会被推举成圣 Han Jue stands up, said: In brief everyone manages good Heavenly Dao, when Divine Right Will kills, I decide however meet take action, does not need to be startled, as for the contacts with other world, you grasps, must choose the road, I can not go into one's past, but does not want to see the second time.” 韩绝站起身来,道:“总之诸位管理好天道,待神权将杀来,我定然会出手,不必惊慌,至于与其他天地的联系,你们自己把握好,要选好路,我可以既往不咎,但不希望看到第二次。” The voice falls, Han Jue vanishes. 话音落下,韩绝消失。 Sages look at each other in blank dismay, some Sage relax secretly. 诸圣面面相觑,一些圣人暗自松了一口气。 Han Jue did not openly express, they will always be disturbed, for fear that these matters became other Sage to cope with the own handle. 韩绝不说开,他们心里总是会忐忑,生怕那些事成为其他圣人对付自己的把柄。 Xu Dudao looks to Yang Che, mystifying say/way: Somebody carefully.” 徐妒道看向杨彻,阴阳怪气道:“某人小心点啊。” Yang Che snort/hum said: You are also.” 杨彻哼道:“你也是。” Idiots! 蠢货! Laozi (father) is already the Divine Might Heavenly Sage faithful servant, Divine Might Heavenly Sage possibly injures Laozi (father) now? 老子现在已经神威天圣的忠实奴仆,神威天圣怎么可能伤害老子 Pan Xin looks to Jin Shen, said: Second Heavenly Road of Chaos must make the best use of the time, chooses a side to be the end from forming an alliance of every means world.” 盘心看向晋神,道:“第二条混沌天路要抓紧时间,从百方天地的结盟中选一方为尽头吧。” Jin Shen nods. 晋神点头。 Other Sage also talked respectively. 其他圣人也各自交谈起来。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) looks to Xuandu Saint Venerable, said: Divine Might Heavenly Sage is truly extraordinary, it seems like you are not the blind choice.” 老聃看向玄都圣尊,道:“神威天圣确实了不得,看来你也并非盲目选择。” Xuandu Saint Venerable replied: Follows Fellow Daoist Han, at least has the acting, rather than inactivity.” 玄都圣尊回答道:“跟着韩道友,至少有担当,而非无为。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) knits the brows. 老聃皱眉。 Two people dialogues not have scruples, other Sage hears in the ear, actually pretend not to hear. 两人的对话毫无顾忌,其他圣人听在耳中,却假装未闻。 They like the bright mirror, Xuandu Saint Venerable are approaching the Divine Might Heavenly Sage table to be loyal! 他们心里如明镜,玄都圣尊是在向神威天圣表忠心呢! ...... …… Returns to Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, Han Jue sits in meditation on 36-Leafed Samsara World-Extinguishing Black Lotus. 回到百岳仙川内,韩绝打坐在三十六品轮回灭世黑莲上。 He does not have to cultivate immediately, but will focus on the supreme treasure fusion cauldron in Myriad Worlds Projection. 他没有立即修炼,而是将目光放在万界投影里的至宝融合鼎上。 He has too magical treasure to accumulate in System, this/should fusion. 他有太多法宝积存在系统里,也该融合了。 What he first thinks is Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword. 他首先想到的是鸿蒙判定剑 Opening Heavens Axe again awesome, is Pangu. 开天斧牛逼,也是盘古的。 Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword is Han Jue Life-Bound Magic Treasure, what matched is Primordial Chaos Demon God, but its realm must be lower than his cultivation base realm, therefore has been saved the warehouse by him, is useless. 鸿蒙判定剑乃是韩绝伴生法宝,配的是鸿蒙魔神,不过其境界一直得低于他本身修为境界,所以被他一直存仓库,毫无用处。 The supreme treasure fusion cauldron can fuse all magical treasure, this could save Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword. 至宝融合鼎能融合所有法宝,这或许能将鸿蒙判定剑拯救起来。 Han Jue waves to take own all magical treasure. 韩绝挥手将自己的所有法宝全都拿出来。 Qilin Sword, Binding Monster Rope, Burning Fiends Bell, Heart Protecting Heavenly Immortal Chains, Calming Mind Rush Cushion, Heaven Reaching Spirit Bracelet, Purple Gold Soft Inner Armour, Murdering God Sword, Heaven and Earth Great Desolate Sword, Nine Yi Myriad Lives Sword wait/etc. 麒麟剑缚妖绳焚煞钟护心天仙链静心蒲团臻天灵镯紫金软内甲弑神剑天地洪荒剑九仪万生剑等等。 He has a bold idea suddenly. 他忽然产生一个大胆想法。 Otherwise also integrates in Opening Heavens Axe Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword? 要不然将开天斧也融入鸿蒙判定剑内? In his heart inquired: I integrate in Opening Heavens Axe Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, will I lose to the control of Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword?” 他心中询问:“我将开天斧融入鸿蒙判定剑内,我会失去对鸿蒙判定剑的掌控吗?” Cannot 【不会】 That so fuses, can Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword exceed Pinnacle Dao Treasure?” “那这般融合,鸿蒙判定剑能超越极致道宝吗?” Has possibility 【有可能】 Has the possibility? 只是有可能? The Han Jue hesitant moment, then starts to fuse. 韩绝犹豫片刻,然后开始融合。 The supreme treasure fusion cauldron is not a material object, is only a function, Han Jue makes System start to fuse directly then good. 至宝融合鼎并非实物,只是一个功能,韩绝直接让系统开始融合便行。 Dozens magical treasure fuse in Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword completely, including Opening Heavens Axe. 数十件法宝全部融合到鸿蒙判定剑内,包括开天斧在内。 Is primarily Primordial Chaos Judgement Sword, after the fusion , was still the appearance of this sword. 鸿蒙判定剑为主,融合之后仍是此剑的模样。 Whether fuses 【是否融合】 Yes! 是! Also has the determination, feared that I did get drunk acting unreasonably? 还带确定的,难道怕我喝醉了乱来? Han Jue feels funny. 韩绝感到好笑。 Fusion starts, asking patience to wait for 【融合开始,请耐心等待】 Related to Pinnacle Dao Treasure, it is estimated that requires some time. 涉及到极致道宝,估计需要一定时间。 Han Jue is not anxious, starts to sit in meditation the cultivation. 韩绝也不急,开始打坐修炼。 ...... …… In Pangu palace. 盘古殿内。 Just sat in meditation soon Pan Xin to open the eye. 刚打坐不久的盘心睁开眼睛。 Why does not know, he suddenly deserted, as if lost anything, this feeling makes him not feel better very much. 不知为何,他心里突然空落落的,仿佛遗失了什么,这种感觉让他很不好受。 He feels carefully, to be how airtight. 他仔细感受,怎么都算不透。 He thinks of a possibility suddenly. 他忽然想到一个可能。 Is it possible that is Opening Heavens Axe is summoning me?” “莫非是开天斧在呼唤我?” Pan Xin knits the brows, he has used Opening Heavens Axe after all some time. 盘心皱眉,他毕竟使用过开天斧一段时间。 Did to him unable to find Opening Heavens Axe. 奈何他根本找不到开天斧 Damn life, I must kill off you sooner or later, kill certainly!” “该死的命,我迟早要将你们杀尽,杀绝!” Pan Xin thought bitterly, he can only not can be tried hard to think by himself. 盘心恨恨的想到,他只能让自己努力不去想。 ...... …… Forbidden Area of Darkness, a great great tower is leading the way, the surroundings are gathering innumerable cultivator, there is a Chaos giant beast, irresistible. 黑暗禁区,一座伟岸的巨塔正在前行,周围聚集着数不清的修行者,也有混沌巨兽,势不可挡。 The tower withstand/top. 塔顶上。 Zhou Fan both hands surround in the chest front, is looking at the front, a front darkness, but his vision already sees Heavenly Dao. 周凡双手环抱于胸前,望着前方,前方一片黑暗,但他的目光已经看到天道 Finally must go back.” “终于要回去了。” Zhou Fan muttered, looks the smile. 周凡喃喃自语,面露笑容。 Mo Fuchou stands side him, asked curiously: Can arrive?” 莫复仇站在他身旁,好奇问道:“要到了?” Zhou Fan nods. 周凡点头。 Mo Fuchou follows to reveal the color of anticipation. 莫复仇跟着露出期待之色。 After resurrecting, he has been keeping thinking about Heavenly Dao, knew oneself resurrect when Chaos, he has been very vacant, always thought that is incompatible with periphery, all as if dreamland, only then returns to Heavenly Dao, he felt oneself are really living. 复活之后他一直惦记着天道,得知自己复活在混沌时,他一直很茫然,总觉得与周围格格不入,一切仿佛梦境,只有回到天道,他才觉得自己是真的活着。
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