WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#841: Has not defeated!

Meets? 见面? Foolish Sword Divine Sage is instantaneous. 愚剑神圣瞬间警惕。 He thought that cheats. 他觉得有诈。 After defeating, he had once inquired the Han Jue information, this child incomparably discrete, never depart Heavenly Dao. 战败后,他曾打探过韩绝的情报,此子无比谨慎,从不离开天道 His discrete asking: Why do you want to see me?” 他谨慎的问道:“你为何想见吾?” Talked about old days, discussed Divine Right Will while convenient.” “叙叙旧,顺便商量一下神权将。” In dreamland isn't good?” “梦境里不行?” „Do you fear me? You also step into Great Dao Supreme twice, but also fears me?” “你怕我?你好歹也是两次踏入大道至上,还怕我?” How do you know me to step into Great Dao Supreme twice?” “你怎知吾两次踏入过大道至上?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage is more vigilant. 愚剑神圣更加警惕。 Han Jue said: Listened to Hong Yuan saying that Hong Yuan already was determined to move in Heavenly Dao, stuck together with me.” 韩绝道:“听红缘说的,红缘已经决心搬来天道,与我抱团。” The brow of Foolish Sword Divine Sage stretches, said: „Do you really want to cope with Divine Right Will?” 愚剑神圣的眉头舒展开来,道:“你真的是想对付神权将?” Right!” “没错!” How do I also come Heavenly Dao?” “那吾也来天道如何?” Han Jue is shocked. 韩绝愣住。 He has not thought that Foolish Sword Divine Sage wants to come. 他没想到愚剑神圣想过来。 Changes mind thinks, this is also the good deed. 转念一想,这也是好事。 He inquired secretly: My whether instakill Foolish Sword Divine Sage?” 他暗自询问:“我能否秒杀愚剑神圣?” Needs to deduct 400 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除四千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Energy 【能】 Then on line. 那就行。 Han Jue said: That nature welcome.” 韩绝道:“那自然欢迎。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage shows the smile, said: Divine Right Will is truly extraordinary, is not common Great Dao Sage, even the Great Dao Supreme independent domain can also supervise, how I also in want to resist Divine Right Will these days.” 愚剑神圣露出笑容,道:“神权将确实了不得,并非寻常大道圣人,连大道至上的独立领域也能监察,吾这段时间也在想如何对抗神权将。” Han Jue asked curiously: Great Dao can't Supreme win ten thousand Divine Right Will?” 韩绝好奇问道:“大道至上打不赢一万神权将?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage rolled the eyes, said: How to hit? Said that is Great Dao Sage cultivation base, but the good and evil is also the supreme rule, but the strength level is equivalent to Great Dao Sage, is very essentially difficult to exterminate.” 愚剑神圣翻了翻白眼,道:“怎么打?说是大道圣人修为,但好歹也是至高规则所化,只是力量层次相当于大道圣人,本质上很难诛灭。” How many Divine Right Will can you fight?” “那你能战多少神权将?” Un...... 100.” “嗯……一百位吧。” Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 That is equivalent to Foolish Sword Divine Sage of 100 Great Dao Supreme boundaries. 那就相当于一百位大道至上境的愚剑神圣 Han Jue follows to ask: In Chaos Demon God also has existence of Great Dao Supreme, if all Chaos Demon God collaborate, how could it not be to have a odds of success?” 韩绝跟着问道:“混沌魔神之中也有大道至上的存在,若是所有混沌魔神联手,岂不有一线胜算?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage shakes the head saying: Great Dao Supreme where has so many, in Chaos Demon God few, in other Great Dao Supreme as for Chaos, mostly is Great Dao Spiritual God, either timid discrete, seclusion, does not dare to come out, how regardless to see, ten thousand Divine Right Will cannot block absolutely.” 愚剑神圣摇头道:“大道至上哪有那么多,混沌魔神之中屈指可数,至于混沌中的其他大道至上,大多是大道神灵,要么胆小谨慎,一直闭关,不敢出来,无论怎么看,一万神权将绝对挡不住。” Han Jue looking pensive. 韩绝若有所思。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: „Were you also achieving Great Dao Supreme?” 愚剑神圣道:“你是不是也证得大道至上了?” Han Jue hesitant moment, the choice nods. 韩绝犹豫片刻,还是选择点头。 favourability is so high, this/should trust. 好感度这么高,也该信任。 Really is extraordinary.” Foolish Sword Divine Sage complexion strange saying. “真是了不得。”愚剑神圣脸色古怪的说道。 In his heart criticizes. 他心中暗骂。 No wonder! 怪不得! Does this boy want to bully him? 这厮想欺负他? What Foolish Sword Divine Sage are at heart more is shocking. 愚剑神圣心里更多的是震惊。 Han Jue strength already is very terrifying, if realm pursues, how could he is an enemy? 韩绝的实力已经很恐怖,若是境界追上来,他岂能为敌? „When right, your previous Great Dao Supreme, was done by whom?” Han Jue asked curiously. “对了,你前一次大道至上时,是被谁干下来的?”韩绝好奇问道。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage replied: I was not clear, say that was also muddled time, just achieving Supreme, being arrogant and conceited, thinks oneself were only Great Dao Supreme......” 愚剑神圣回答道:“吾也不清楚,说起来,那一次也是糊涂,刚证得至上,目空一切,以为自己是唯一的大道至上……” I was not clear that who the opposite party is, but is absolutely terrifying, even possibly is existence of Chaos strongest.” “吾也不清楚对方是谁,但绝对恐怖,甚至可能是混沌最强大的存在。” Han Jue has not used Evolution Function, in any case is the Foolish Sword Divine Sage personal enemy. 韩绝也没有动用演化功能,反正是愚剑神圣的仇人。 Now Foolish Sword Divine Sage also achieving Great Dao Supreme, that ancient Spiritual God does not have take action, it is estimated that cause and effect already puts down. 如今愚剑神圣证得大道至上,那位古老神灵却没有出手,估计因果已经放下。 Two people also chatted a while, Foolish Sword Divine Sage complies to come Heavenly Dao. 两人又聊了一会儿,愚剑神圣答应前来天道 After the dreamland ended, Han Jue opens the eye. 梦境结束后,韩绝睁开眼睛。 The feeling of achieving Great Dao Supreme is really comfortable! 证得大道至上的感觉真是舒坦! Han Jue starts sermon directly, in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, regardless of being being anything's disciple all by the Extreme Source Great Dao introduction grasping principles condition. 韩绝直接开始讲道,百岳仙川内,无论在做什么的弟子全都被极源大道引入悟道状态。 Hundred years later. 百年后。 sermon finished. 讲道结束。 Han Jue wants to continue to cultivate, but thinks, leaves to go to outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, he directly enters in the universe palace. 韩绝本想继续修炼,但想了想,还是动身前往三十三层天外,他直接进入乾坤殿内。 In the palace only has Xuandu Saint Venerable and Lao Dan (Old Dan), other not Dao Listener. 殿内只有玄都圣尊老聃,并无其他听道者 Sees Han Jue to come, Xuandu Saint Venerable asked hastily: Why does Fellow Daoist Han come?” 看到韩绝现身,玄都圣尊连忙问道:“韩道友为何而来?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) opens eyes, sizes up Han Jue, looks the surprised color. 老聃睁眼,打量韩绝,面露惊讶之色。 Han Jue this supreme treasure looked is not simple! 韩绝这一身至宝一看就不简单! The makings are serious. 气质更是不得了。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) thinks of Laozi (father) inexplicably. 老聃莫名想到老子 Han Jue toward the Lao Dan (Old Dan) slight nod, to show politeness, then said to Xuandu Saint Venerable: Convenes all Sage to meet, Hidden Sect Sage also said.” 韩绝老聃微微点头,以表礼貌,然后对玄都圣尊道:“召集所有圣人开会,隐门圣人也叫来。” Although his already does not fear Divine Right Will, but must indicate the attitude, in order to avoid some Sage because of extremely fear, but handles affairs randomly. 虽然他已经不怕神权将,但还得表明态度,以免有些圣人因太过惧怕,而乱行事。 Sage fears death is also very normal, at least Han Jue can understand. 圣人怕死也很正常,至少韩绝能理解。 Xuandu Saint Venerable gawked staring, immediately starts to send greetings convenes Sage. 玄都圣尊愣了愣,当即开始传音召集圣人 In a while. 没过多久。 Southern Extreme Heavenly Lord and Heaven's Severing Cult Master, Great Emperor Xiao, Wayless Heavenly Lord, Qiu Xilai, Fang Liang, Jin Shen, Pan Xin, Xu Dudao, Su Qi, Li Taigu and Primordial Beginning Buddha Ancestor, Zhang Guxing, Long Hao, Ji Xianshen, Divine Might Buddha Ancestor, Yang Che, Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven), Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven), Han Yu, Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor, Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi all arrive. 南极天尊天绝教主霄大帝无法天尊求西来方良晋神盘心徐妒道苏岐李太古混元佛祖仗孤星龙昊纪仙神神威佛祖杨彻太素天天战韩玉秦灵夏至尊、度世佛祖道至尊赵轩辕姜易全都到来。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) looks at so many Sage, is absent-minded. 老聃看着这么多圣人,不禁恍惚。 Even if in former Void Returning Divine Realm Human Cult, without so many Sage. 纵然是在以前归墟神境人教,也没有这么多圣人 At first he also has no feeling, but after Sages arrives in full completely, this shock is very strong. 起初他还没什么感受,但圣人们全部到齐后,这种震撼还是很强的。 Sages sees Han Jue to appear, is excited. 圣人们看到韩绝出现,不由激动。 Divine Might Heavenly Sage is the Heavenly Dao biggest card in a hand! 神威天圣乃是天道最大的底牌! Lao Dan (Old Dan) sets out, prepares to depart. 老聃起身,准备离去。 Han Jue shot a look at his one eyes, said: All right, the fellow daoist can also remain, Heavenly Dao welcome you at any time.” 韩绝瞥了他一眼,道:“没事,道友也可以留下来,天道随时欢迎你。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) changes countenance, the choice sits down, he also wants to listen to Han Jue to say anything. 老聃动容,还是选择坐下,他也想听听韩绝想说什么。 Han Jue takes the lead to open the mouth to say rarely: Recently the matter of Divine Right Will makes noisily, although I seclusion, but also has hearing, not only Divine Right Will must extinguish Chaos Demon God, Heavenly Dao is Pangu opens, in the Divine Right Will target zone, this indicates Heavenly Dao with a Divine Right Will war.” 韩绝难得率先开口道:“近来神权将之事闹得沸沸扬扬,我虽闭关,但也有耳闻,神权将不只是要灭混沌魔神,天道盘古所开辟,也在神权将的目标范围,这预示着天道将与神权将一战。” I said here, this war must hit.” “我在此表示,此战是一定要打的。” He said very slowly, the sound is very light, but the component is extremely weighty. 他说得很慢,声音很轻,但份量极重。 Must hit! 一定要打! Sages hears to be choked up with emotions. 诸圣听得心潮澎湃。 Although Sage reaches the unification opinion temporarily, but facing Divine Right Will is very frightened. 虽然圣人暂时达成统一意见,但面对神权将还是很恐惧的。 Han Jue continues saying: Since Heavenly Dao has restarted, Heavenly Dao does not have the backer, depends entirely on me and other Sage, the tribulation of Heavenly Demon, the tribulation of Flame Race, the tribulation of Disaster Race, the tribulation of Spiritual God, wait/etc, how could Heavenly Dao to depend on Chaos?” 韩绝继续道:“自天道重启以来,天道没有靠山,全靠我等圣人,天魔之劫,炎族之劫,厄族之劫,神灵之劫,等等,天道何曾靠过混沌?” Walks, Heavenly Dao won, but also grows stronger unceasingly, this is Heavenly Dao background!” “一路走来,天道赢了,还不断变强,这就是天道底蕴!” Divine Right Will how? The disaster that in the past I and others experienced which did seem like time cannot die the bureau?” 神权将又如何?以往我等经历的劫难哪一次看起来不是必死之局?” Moreover Divine Right Will opponent, not only Heavenly Dao, Chaos Demon God, this fights me and others is not lonely, I hope that everyone Sage can set one's mind at ease, stable Heavenly Dao, fights to win or die, if won, in the future Chaos who also dares to provoke Heavenly Dao?” “况且神权将的对手不只是天道,还有混沌魔神,这一战我等也不算孤独,我希望诸位圣人都能沉下心来,稳固天道,背水一战,若是赢了,日后混沌谁还敢招惹天道?” If Heavenly Dao did not have, the family/home did not have, big of Chaos, does where tolerate me and others? Goes to other world to give the artificial slave?” “倘若天道没了,家都没了,混沌之大,何处能容我等?去其他天地给人为奴?” Han Jue is staring at Sages , loud and clear. 韩绝盯着诸圣,一句一顿,掷地有声。 In the Sages heart all emerges stimulated that is hard, recalled that passing disaster, is not truly easy, but they very! 诸圣心中皆涌现出难以的亢奋,回想过往的劫难,确实不容易,但他们挺过来了! The new Saints also want to join the legend, becomes the great Great Sage person of resistance disaster. 新圣们也想加入传说,成为对抗劫难的伟大圣人。 The Han Jue words saying actually not attractively, is mainly the firmness of Han Jue, as if this tribulation can pass surely! 倒不是韩绝的话说得多漂亮,主要是韩绝的坚定,仿佛此劫定能度过! Who does not know that Divine Might Heavenly Sage aptitude is peerless, hasn't defeated? 谁不知神威天圣资质绝伦,未尝一败?
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