WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#840: Fights ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Examines your achieving Great Dao Supreme, life essence transforms, sees through fabrications, you have the following choice 【检测到你证得大道至上,人生本质蜕变,看破虚妄,你有以下选择】 One, goes out immediately, creation Primordial Chaos, goal overthrows Chaos, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragments and ten Great Dao Sage Guard 【一,立即出关,创造鸿蒙,目标推翻混沌,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片、十尊大道圣人守卫 Two, low-key cultivation, maintains first thought that may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment and a System New Function opening opportunity 【二,低调修炼,保持初心,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片、一次系统新功能开启机会】 Finally came! 终于来了! Looks at the present three lines of characters, Han Jue looks the smile. 看着眼前的三行字,韩绝面露笑容。 He chooses the second option silently. 他默默选择第二个选项。 You choose low-key cultivation, obtains the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment and a System New Function opening opportunity 【你选择低调修炼,获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片、一次系统新功能开启机会】 System turns on New Function supreme treasure fusion cauldron 系统开启新功能至宝融合鼎】 supreme treasure fusion cauldron: May fuse all magical treasure, and contains to fuse the magical treasure merit perfectly, this cauldron is only located in Myriad Worlds Projection, uses this treasure, needs obtains to enter the qualifications of Myriad Worlds Projection, in 1 million years can only use every people one time 至宝融合鼎:可融合一切法宝,并完美包含所融合法宝的优点,此鼎只位于万界投影中,使用此宝,需得获得进入万界投影的资格,每一人一百万年内只能使用一次】 This function...... 这个功能…… Also good! 还不错! Also can face the Han Jue disciple, until now, Han Jue breeds the attitude to the disciples, besides sermon, are actually not occasionally many to the attendance of disciples. 还能面向韩绝的弟子,一直以来,韩绝对弟子们都是放养态度,除了偶尔讲道外,其实对弟子们的照顾不多。 Had the supreme treasure fusion cauldron, the disciples can obtain fierce magical treasure, simultaneously is grateful to Han Jue. 有了至宝融合鼎,弟子们就可以得到厉害法宝,同时对韩绝感恩戴德。 Moreover, Han Jue can also use this function. 另外,韩绝自己也可以使用此功能。 Han Jue puts out creation spirit stones, fuses with one group of Qi of Demon God. 韩绝拿出创造灵石,与一团魔神之气融合。 He first transmits to second dao field, Chaos Demon God that creation will come out before emits, making Murong Qi come to lead. 他先传送到第二道场,将之前创造出来的混沌魔神放出,让慕容起前来带领。 Now, in second dao field all Demon God achieving Primordial Beginning Great Principle Golden Immortal, except for new Demon God that just sent out. 如今,第二道场内所有魔神证得混元大罗金仙,除了刚发出的新魔神 In other words, in second dao field inaugurates Guard, altogether has four ten Four Venerables Sage! 也就是说,第二道场内初开守卫,一共有四十四尊圣人 Murong Qi, Scarlet Fox and Heavenly Astral Demon God already is close to Unrestrained Realm infinitely! 慕容起赤红狐狸天罡魔神已经无限接近于自在境 Develops quickly! 发展得很快! After Murong Qi new Demon God takes away, Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) looks to Han Jue, said: Master, do you have the difference probably? Is it possible that broke through?” 慕容起将新魔神领走后,悟道剑看向韩绝,道:“主人,您好像又有不同?莫非又突破了?” Li Yao opens eyes, with looking to Han Jue. 厉遥睁眼,跟着看向韩绝 Achievement Great Dao Supreme Han Jue seems like that with did not have the difference, but feels the awe inexplicably, does not dare born slightly the meaning of blaspheming. 成就大道至上韩绝看似与原来没有差别,但让人莫名感到敬畏,不敢诞生丝毫亵渎之意。 Han Jue said with a smile: Also ok, recently cultivation how?” 韩绝笑道:“还行吧,近来修行如何?” He arrives between two females to sit down, chatted with them. 他走到两女之间坐下,与她们闲聊。 Long time. 良久。 Han Jue returns to Main Dao Field, starts to promote sword Dao God, but several double-hour then succeed. 韩绝回到主道场,开始提升剑道神通,只是数个时辰便成功。 He then cultivates Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body. 他转而修炼太易自在法相 99 years later. 九十九年后。 Han Jue learns 500 Demon God Dharma Body, is unable cultivation, the accumulation to grasp 1949 Demon God Dharma Body again! 韩绝习得五百尊魔神法相,无法再修行,累积掌握一千九百四十九尊魔神法相 He opens the eye, looks the smile, the whole person is high-spirited. 他睁开眼睛,面露笑容,整个人意气风发。 Make war! 开战! First comes 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 先来一万尊愚剑神圣 After a breath, Han Jue opens eyes, looks the color of disdaining. 一息之后,韩绝睁眼,面露不屑之色。 Double! 加倍! 20,000! 两万尊! instakill! 秒杀 30,000! 三万尊! several breaths kills it! 数息间杀之! The Han Jue means of adaption, latter achieved instakill 30,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage several times. 韩绝调整方式,数次后做到秒杀三万尊愚剑神圣 spiritual power before strength of far ultra breakthrough his supreme, unifies the strength about 2000 Great Dao, again at one fell swoop eruption, easily accomplished, exterminates all! 他的至高之力远超突破前的法力,结合近两千种大道之力,再一举爆发,摧枯拉朽,诛灭一切! Not only destroy both body and soul, as well as it exists including cause and effect and double-hour annihilates together! 不只是形神俱灭,连因果、时辰以及本身存在一同湮灭! Han Jue felt oneself very powerful. 韩绝感觉自己好强。 He realizes the great strength of Primordial Chaos Demon God suddenly, not only compatible three thousand Great Dao, when the fight, his within the body 120.7 billion hundred million Primordial Chaos stars simultaneously erupt the strength of supreme, body resonance, overbearing peerless. 他突然体会到鸿蒙魔神的强大,不只是兼容三千大道,在战斗时,他体内一千两百零四亿亿亿亿亿鸿蒙星辰齐齐爆发至高之力,身躯共鸣,霸道绝伦。 This great strength is simply beyond description! 这种强大简直难以形容! Han Jue changed a way to fight, creation had/left 1949 Demon God Dharma Body, making all Dharma Body within the body also contain 120.8 billion Primordial Chaos stars, the Demon God Dharma Body direct sublimation! 韩绝换了一个方式战斗,创造出一千九百四十九尊魔神法相,让所有法相体内同样蕴含一千两百零四亿亿亿亿亿颗鸿蒙星辰,魔神法相直接升华! In addition Han Jue, is equivalent to 1950 Primordial Chaos Demon God! 加上韩绝,相当于一千九百五十尊鸿蒙魔神 Invincible! 无敌! Really, Primordial Chaos Demon God seriously with the promotion of realm, but inflates unceasingly fast, realm is higher, the advantage is more distinct! 果然,鸿蒙魔神当真是随着境界的提升而不断快速膨胀,境界越高,优势更明显! The strength of supreme can activate Stars Primordial Chaos Body truly! 至高之力才真正能激活星辰鸿蒙体 Being choked up with emotions continues to increase the Foolish Sword Divine Sage quantity. 心潮澎湃的继续增加愚剑神圣的数量。 50,000! 五万尊! However were many 20,000 chicken dogs, relaxed suppress and kill! 不过是多了两万鸡犬,轻松镇杀 The Han Jue one breath promotes the Foolish Sword Divine Sage quantity to 100,000, finally came a change. 韩绝一口气将愚剑神圣数量提升到十万尊,终于来了点变化。 Ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage simultaneously wield a sword, presents the scene of Great Dao fusion unexpectedly, overbearing peerless. 十万愚剑神圣齐齐挥剑,竟出现大道融合之景象,霸道绝伦。 Han Jue feels strenuous finally. 韩绝终于感到吃力。 mysteriously and inexorably, 100,000 as if have some meaning, after the Great Dao fusion, Foolish Sword Divine Sage transforms, has the Great Dao Supreme invincible might unexpectedly, moreover is not common Great Dao Supreme. 冥冥之中,十万仿佛有某种含义,大道融合之后,愚剑神圣蜕变,竟有大道至上的神威,而且不是寻常大道至上 terrifying as this! 恐怖如斯 Past burning a joss stick time, Han Jue just now won reluctantly. 足足过去一炷香时间,韩绝方才勉强获胜。 He continues to challenge ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 他继续挑战十万愚剑神圣 After several hundred times, Han Jue can win finally strongly, but was unable instakill ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 数百次后,韩绝终于能强势获胜,但还无法秒杀十万愚剑神圣 Han Jue opens the eye, in the heart inquired: I now whether instakill ten thousand Divine Right Will?” 韩绝睁开眼睛,心中询问:“我现在能否秒杀一万神权将?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Energy 【能】 Safe! 稳妥! Han Jue shows the smile. 韩绝露出笑容。 He follows to look to Chaos, seeks for ten thousand Divine Right Will. 他跟着看向混沌,寻找一万神权将 His field of vision rapidly becomes high, bends down to observe Chaos like the beforehand will, from high searches for ten thousand Divine Right Will downward. 他的视野迅速变高,如同之前意志俯观混沌般,从高往下搜寻一万神权将 Quick, he sees Divine Right Will, ten thousand Divine Right Will enormous and powerful goes through in Chaos, still had not the short distance from Heavenly Dao. 很快,他就看到神权将,一万神权将浩浩荡荡的在混沌中穿行,距离天道仍有不短的距离。 I go to Chaos now, will Chaos Unknown see me is Primordial Chaos Demon God?” “我现在前往混沌,混沌无识会看出我是鸿蒙魔神吗?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. 韩绝在心中询问。 Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Not, because Chaos Unknown has not seen Primordial Chaos Demon God, moreover Pangu cuts off cause and effect of Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, keeping Chaos Unknown and Great Dao Spiritual God from calculating cause and effect, can only look that vision looks 【不会,因为混沌无识未曾见过鸿蒙魔神,另外盘古斩断大道气运神权因果,使得混沌无识大道神灵无法推算因果,只能看目光去看】 Un? 嗯? Can't calculate cause and effect Chaos Unknown? 混沌无识都不能推算因果 Pangu a little thing. 盘古有点东西。 However light/only has the vision on the foot! 不过光是有目光就足矣! Han Jue can see entire Chaos, let alone Chaos Unknown? 韩绝都能看到整个混沌,更何况混沌无识 Han Jue thinks, starts to search for Foolish Sword Divine Sage in Chaos. 韩绝想了想,开始在混沌之中搜寻愚剑神圣 Unexpectedly could not find! 竟然找不到! Is it possible that this boy also does creation leave is the own domain alone, the independence beyond the rule? 莫非这厮也创造出独属于自己的领域,独立于规则之外? Han Jue displays Nightmare of Darkness, holding the dream to give Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 韩绝施展黑暗梦魇,托梦给愚剑神圣 The dreamland was two people previously fought primitive void. 梦境是两人先前战斗的原始虚空。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage opens eyes, finds Han Jue, changes countenance. 愚剑神圣睁眼,瞧见韩绝,不由动容。 You can hold the dream to me unexpectedly forcefully, I......” “你竟然能强行给吾托梦,吾……” Not detected! 毫无察觉! In the Foolish Sword Divine Sage heart startles greatly. 愚剑神圣心中大骇。 He is Great Dao Supreme! 他可是大道至上 He thought that own already is invincible existence, entire Chaos, on Laozi (father) and Pangu reluctantly is his opponent! 他觉得自己已经是无敌的存在,整个混沌,也就老子盘古勉强是他的对手! Why can like this? 为何会这样? Foolish Sword Divine Sage cannot think through. 愚剑神圣想不通。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Simple-minded fellow daoist, does not see for a long time.” 韩绝开口道:“愚道友,好久不见。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage suppresses is being alarmed and afraid and shocking, sinking sound said: You can call me the Yu Jian (Fool’s Sword) fellow daoist, or Sacred (God Sage/Saint).” 愚剑神圣强忍着惊惧、震惊,沉声道:“你可以称吾为愚剑道友,或者神圣。” Old simple-minded.” “老愚。” Un?” “嗯?” Where do you hide? Why couldn't I find you?” “你躲在哪儿呢?为何我找不到你?” Han Jue disregards the Foolish Sword Divine Sage disaffection, asked curiously. 韩绝无视愚剑神圣的不满,好奇问道。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage one hear, feels better at heart. 愚剑神圣一听,心里好受点。 This also almost! 这还差不多! Foolish Sword Divine Sage said proudly: Naturally in the Sacred (God Sage/Saint) domain that I open up, except for me, no one knows!” 愚剑神圣傲然道:“自然是在吾开辟的神圣领域,除了吾,无人知晓!” Han Jue said: Comes out quickly, I want to see one side you, you were so strong, but also hides, whom fears?” 韩绝道:“快出来吧,我想见你一面,你都这么强了,还躲起来,怕谁呢?”
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