WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#839: sees through fabrications, eternal does not extinguish

„Is that Great Dao Destiny Divine Right?” “那是大道气运神权?” Han Jue is looking at seven Dao God secret strengths above three thousand Great Dao, in the heart is somewhat curious. 韩绝望着三千大道之上的七道神秘力量,心中有些好奇。 He notices in the strength has a fissure together, is very obvious. 他注意到其中一道力量上有一条裂痕,无比明显。 Is it possible that is cause and effect of Great Dao Destiny Divine Right Pangu cuts off? 莫非便是盘古所斩断的大道气运神权因果 Han Jue has not thought, continues to sense the Great Dao Supreme strength. 韩绝没多想,继续感悟大道至上的力量。 This is an unprecedented feeling, is very powerful, even makes him feel that oneself is omnipotent! 这是一种前所未有的感受,无比强大,甚至让他觉得自己无所不能! He waves, even can shake the patterns of three thousand Great Dao! 他挥挥手,甚至能撼动三千大道之格局! The most important thing is, he can now the creation reality! 最重要的是,他现在可以创造现实! In an instant, he can think himself, changes into, puts in Chaos, forms side real Space and Time, but also takes back it in an instant, but fantasized the world that has once has had the long time, will obtain the influence of strength of Good Fortune, evolves unceasingly. 一念之间,他可以将自己所想,化为真实,放入混沌之中,形成一方真实时空,也可一念之间将其收回,不过幻想出的世界一旦存在过久,就会得到造化之力的影响,不断进化。 He carefully looks, Chaos is divided into innumerable Space and Time, has parallel, has the overlay, intriguing, Heavenly Dao Space and Time has two great power in addition to hold, consolidates compared with other Space and Time presently. 他仔细看去,混沌分为无数时空,有平行,有叠加,错综复杂,其中天道所处的时空有两股强大力量加持,比其他时空更现稳固。 It is estimated that is Pangu and Dao Ancestor strength. 估计便是盘古道祖的力量。 Pangu opening heavens develops, perhaps not really sacrificed, but uses itself the Great Dao Supreme strength to be born, then in this fantasy, but in the world is born Dao Ancestor like this to be shocking the peerless character, by own cultivation base, making Heavenly Dao into exists independently, will not be taken back again. 盘古开天辟地,或许并非真的牺牲,只是利用大道至上的力量将自己所想给诞生出来,而后在这片幻想而出的世界里诞生出道祖这样惊艳绝伦的人物,以自身修为,使得天道变成独立存在,不会再被收回。 The Han Jue vision falls in the strength of Good Fortune, the strength of Good Fortune then hangs the strengths above three thousand Great Dao. 韩绝的目光落在造化之力上,造化之力便是悬于三千大道之上的力量。 Also is the most powerful strength! 也是最为强大的力量! Good Fortune all! 造化即一切! Seven big supreme strengths have not belonged, eternal independent. 七大至高力量并没有归属,永恒独立。 The ray of strength of Good Fortune is brightest, the strength of continuous Good Fortune changes into invisible, is divided innumerably, spreads Chaos each corner. 造化之力的光芒最为明亮,源源不断的造化之力化为无形,分为无数,散布混沌各个角落。 Han Jue takes a fast look around Chaos, Chaos makes him surprised vastly. 韩绝扫视混沌,混沌的辽阔让他惊讶。 Limitless is not really false! 无边无际真是不假的! Has the mysterious strength to maintain in the Chaos edge, causes all living things through this strength, the direction reverses, the direction that goes is random, as this strength surges to move, forms the limitless scene, only then achieves Great Dao Supreme to feel that strength, is not the strength of seven big supreme rules, strength that but another strength, Han Jue cannot completely understand. 混沌边缘有神秘力量维持,使得众生通过这股力量时,方向倒转,所前往的方向也是随机的,随着这股力量涌动而挪动,形成无边无际之景象,只有达到大道至上才能感受到那股力量,并非属于七大至高规则之力,而是另一种力量,一种韩绝都看不透的力量。 Naturally, Chaos is also incomparably vast, by the estimation of Han Jue, Great Dao Sage wants to go all over entire Chaos, at least takes 1 million years, this has not included Great Dao Sage to touch the strength of that mysterious boundary, if bumps into directly, is completely muddled , to continue to travel Chaos, must be longer. 当然,混沌本身也是无比辽阔的,以韩绝的估测,大道圣人想要走遍整个混沌,至少需要百万年,这还不包括大道圣人触及那神秘的边界之力,若是直接碰到,晕头转向,继续游历混沌,恐怕要更久。 But beside Chaos, is blank. 而在混沌之外,是一片空白。 Absolute blank! 绝对的空白! In the blank is filling some giant skeletons indistinctly, cannot see the vitality/angry, not exactly spirit sign. 空白之中隐约弥漫着一些巨大的骸骨,看不到生气,更无活灵迹象。 Han Jue finds suddenly, in the distant place has form to be like him is bending down to observe Chaos. 韩绝忽然瞧见在远方有一道身影跟他一样正在俯观混沌 Who this is he cannot see clearly that form is. 这是他看不清那道身影是谁。 He does not have to go rashly. 他没有贸然前去。 both sides do not disturb. 双方互不打扰。 Han Jue continues to observe Chaos, Chaos has many regions by the strength isolation of Great Dao Supreme, is unfathomed. 韩绝继续观测混沌,混沌有不少区域被大道至上的力量隔绝,无法窥探。 The Great Dao Supreme strength is very good to distinguish, unlike three thousand Great Dao, is more dangerous, making wish of Han Jue instinct be far away. 大道至上的力量很好辨别,与三千大道不同,更加危险,令韩绝本能的想要远离。 Han Jue continues to immerse in this. 韩绝继续沉浸于此。 Long time. 良久。 His consciousness returns to the reality, opens the eye. 他的意识回到现实中,睁开眼睛。 The whole body is filling the innumerable stars, dazzling. 周身弥漫着无数星辰,璀璨夺目。 Han Jue emerges for a while, grasped stars conveniently, loses toward Chaos, falls on the Chaos peripheral zone suddenly, is very remote from Heavenly Dao, possibly did not arrive to Sage remotely forever. 韩绝一时兴起,随手抓了一颗星辰,往混沌一丢,瞬息间落在混沌的边缘地带,距离天道无比遥远,遥远到圣人可能永远也到不了。 Under the gaze of Han Jue, that stars explode in the darkness, implication true meaning, Dawson myriad things, melt do not have a piece of huge galaxy, inside is still evolving unceasingly. 韩绝的注视下,那颗星辰在黑暗之中爆炸,蕴含道的真义,道生万物,化无一片庞大的星河,里面还在不断演化。 That is Han Jue fantasized the world that gives the time, then can to become true, when this piece of universe presents Primordial Beginning dao fruit, can cause this side world and Chaos fuses, forms with the Heavenly Dao same real world. 那是韩绝幻想出来的世界,给予时间,便能成真,待这片宇宙出现混元道果,便可使得这方天地与混沌融合,形成与天道一样的真实天地。 The Han Jue mind moves, departs a strength to fall from the Good Fortune rule with oneself will in that piece of universe. 韩绝心神一动,用自身意志从造化规则中飞出一股力量落在那片宇宙里。 Had Good Fortune, has myriad possibilities. 有了造化,就有万千可能。 Perhaps inside will present Great Dao Sage, all have the possibility. 或许里面会出现大道圣人,一切皆有可能。 This is Great Dao Supreme. 这便是大道至上 A creation side exists, is only a thought. 创造一方存在,只是一个念头。 So long as that stretch of the world does not have birth Sage, even if the life are innumerable, a Han Jue thought that can make them change into fabricatedly, as if has never existed. 只要那片天地没有诞生圣人,纵然生灵无数,韩绝一个念头,就能让他们化为虚妄,仿佛从未存在过。 Originally this is sees through fabrications, that reminded my sound initially is Pangu.” “原来这便是看破虚妄,那当初提醒我的声音便是盘古吧。” Han Jue thinks silently, in heart firm. 韩绝默默想到,心中坚定。 Pangu benevolent had Heavenly Dao. 盘古的仁慈才有了天道 This is also Heavenly Dao in the Chaos unique reason, Pangu allows Dao Ancestor to grow, even controls Heavenly Dao. 这也是天道混沌独一无二的原因,盘古允许道祖成长,甚至掌控天道 Other Great Dao Supreme do not permit this situation emergence. 其他大道至上可不允许这种情况出现。 The Han Jue look concentrates, fills innumerable star sea in Dao Monastery to vanish instantaneously. 韩绝眼神一凝,弥漫在道观内的无数星海瞬间消失。 strange spirit has a scare, escapes from Dao Monastery hastily, was for fear that discovered by Han Jue. 诡异神灵吓了一跳,连忙逃出道观内,生怕被韩绝发现。 Han Jue starts consolidated cultivation base. 韩绝开始巩固修为 His spiritual power already transforms, becomes the strength of Supreme, no longer belongs to spiritual power, but is one type in the intensity strong in the Great Dao strength! 他的法力已经蜕变,成为至上之力,不再属于法力,而是一种在强度上强于大道的力量! Han Jue assigns out the attribute panel examination. 韩绝调出属性面板查看。 Full Name: Han Jue 姓名:韩绝 life-span: 3065120 / 1204,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 寿命:3065120/1204,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999】 race: Primordial Chaos Demon God( Immeasurable Great Emperor)】 种族:鸿蒙魔神(无量大帝)】 cultivation base: Great Dao Supreme boundary Initial Stage( perfect Sage)】 修为:大道至上初期(完美圣人)】 cultivation technique: Primordial Chaos Samsara Great Dao( Great Dao level), Great Circulation Body Tempering Method 功法:鸿蒙轮回大道(大道级)、周天淬体法 Great Dao: Great Dao of Life and Death and cause and effect Great Dao and Extreme Source Great Dao 大道:生死大道因果大道极源大道 ...... …… In front of his life-span were many nine numbers. 他的寿命前面多了九位数字。 120.8 billion years! 一千两百零四亿亿亿亿亿年! Isn't this eternal has not extinguished? 这还不是永恒不灭? Han Jue is secretly strange. 韩绝暗自奇怪。 Perhaps is related with System. 或许与系统本身有关。 Han Jue felt in any case when present already undying and unextinguishable, previously spied on Chaos, except for these unfathomed Great Dao Supreme region, he has not caught existence of Dao Creator. 反正韩绝觉得如今的自己已经不死不灭,先前窥探混沌时,除了那些无法窥探的大道至上区域,他并没有捕捉到创造道者的存在。 Trades Great Dao Supreme, will inflate absolutely, thinks oneself were invincible. 换一位大道至上,绝对会膨胀,以为自己无敌了。 For example Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 例如愚剑神圣 When my can life-span be inexhaustible?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. “我的寿命何时才能无穷无尽?”韩绝在心中询问。 life-span that here demonstrates, is source life-span, your already can jump out of time, so long as you think, you can place not to have supreme rule restrict domain main body, is eternal of every spirit understanding does not extinguish 【这里显示的寿命,乃是本源寿命,你已经可以跳出时间,只要你想,你可以将本尊放在没有至高规则约束的领域,已然是凡灵理解的永恒不灭】 Han Jue is suddenly enlighted, no wonder these Great Dao Supreme are mystical, even for Great Dao Sage, thinks that they do not exist. 韩绝恍然大悟,怪不得那些大道至上神秘无比,甚至对于大道圣人而言,以为他们不存在。 They will hide beyond the rule, like the Holy Mother of Order that piece of mysterious vastness. 他们只是将自身藏匿于规则之外,如同秩序圣母所处的那片神秘汪洋。 In other words, when Han Jue life-span soon uses up, he can also do this, making oneself eternal not extinguish, but by doing so, he was equivalent left Chaos. 也就是说,当韩绝寿命快要用完时,他也可以这样做,使得自身永恒不灭,但这样做,他就相当于离开了混沌 In that case, he cannot use the consumption source life-span strength and supreme treasure again. 在那种情况下,他不能再动用消耗本源寿命的力量与至宝 Han Jue thinks, while consolidated cultivation base. 韩绝一边思索,一边巩固修为 The past 30,000 entire year, Han Jue cultivation base succeeded finally stably. 足足过去三万整年,韩绝修为终于稳固成功。 He also adapted to the Great Dao Supreme strength thoroughly, the strength of Supreme achieved mastery through a comprehensive study. 他也彻底适应了大道至上的力量,至上之力融会贯通。 At this time. 这时。 He appears at present three lines of prompts. 他眼前浮现出三行提示。
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