WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#838: Breakthrough, Supreme!

One, goes out immediately, annihilates ten thousand Divine Right Will, raises the prestige of Primordial Chaos Demon God, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one Heavenly Dao spirit stones, supreme treasure and Great Dao level Guard 【一,立即出关,歼灭一万神权将,扬鸿蒙魔神之威名,可获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块天道灵石、一件至宝、一尊大道守卫 Two, low-key cultivation, goal sprint Great Dao Supreme, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one creation spirit stones and supreme treasure 【二,低调修炼,目标冲刺大道至上,可获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块创造灵石、一件至宝 The Han Jue direct selection's second option. 韩绝直接选择第二个选项。 Disregards the pit! 无视坑! You choose low-key cultivation, obtains the one Great Dao fragment and one Primordial Chaos fragment and one creation spirit stones and supreme treasure 【你选择低调修炼,获得一块大道碎片、一块鸿蒙碎片、一块创造灵石、一件至宝 Congratulates you to obtain the Chaos supreme treasure God of Chaos chain 【恭喜你获得混沌至宝混沌神链】 God of Chaos chain: When Chaos defense supreme treasure, is the Chaos early form of universe in creation, first wisp of Qi of Chaos evolves supreme treasure, has defense strength that contends with the Chaos rule invasion 混沌神链:混沌防御至宝,乃是混沌初辟时,第一缕混沌之气所演化至宝,具有抗衡混沌规则入侵的防御力】 Also is Chaos defense supreme treasure! 又是混沌防御至宝 Han Jue is not pleasantly surprised, but is not disappointed. 韩绝不算惊喜,但也不失望。 He first fuses with one group of Qi of Demon God creation spirit stones, then puts out the God of Chaos chain, refines own magical treasure it. 他先将创造灵石与一团魔神之气融合,再拿出混沌神链,将其炼制成自己的法宝 300 years later, this treasure just now refines successfully. 三百年后,此宝方才炼制成功。 The God of Chaos chain formation is a silver-white light chain falls on the neck of Han Jue, making him quite irritable, with female. 混沌神链化为一条银白色的光链落在韩绝的颈上,让他颇为别扭,跟女子似的。 However is also all right, placing in the hand is not convenient, so long as the security is good. 不过也没事,放在手上也不方便,只要安全就好。 Han Jue follows to close eyes , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝跟着闭目,继续修炼。 This time, he must achieving Great Dao Supreme! 这一次,他要一口气证得大道至上 Who did not keep off! 谁来也挡不了! ...... …… In universe palace. 乾坤殿内。 The Sages accumulation, the vision all falls in the palace three people of body. 诸圣聚集,目光全都落在殿上三人身上 Respectively is Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor. 分别是秦灵夏至尊、度世佛祖 World Buddha Ancestor is mortal enemy of Qin Ling in Grand Tribulation, now Grand Tribulation finished, the gratitude and grudges have diverged. 度世佛祖便是秦灵量劫中的死敌,如今量劫结束,恩怨已然散去。 Han Yu is looking at Qin Ling, the vision is completely gratified. 韩玉望着秦灵,目光尽是欣慰。 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: Starting today, Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor is Heavenly Dao Sage, will look can benefit for Heavenly Dao all living things in the future, protects Heavenly Dao.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“从今日起,秦灵夏至尊、度世佛祖皆为天道圣人,望日后能为天道众生造福,守护天道。” Three new Saints thank politely immediately. 三位新圣立即拜谢。 Sages follows to show the smile, many three Sage, Heavenly Dao grown stronger. 诸圣跟着露出笑容,又多了三位圣人,天道又变强了。 Qiu Xilai turns around to look to Xuandu Saint Venerable, asked: „The matter of Divine Right Will gets stronger and stronger in Chaos, many Chaos influences want to win over us, disintegrates Heavenly Dao, this matter should also strike.” 求西来转身看向玄都圣尊,问道:“神权将之事在混沌愈演愈烈,不少混沌势力想要拉拢吾等,瓦解天道,此事也该敲打一下。” If thinks depart Heavenly Dao, is not good, but must draw other Sage, his heart may execute.” “若想离开天道,不是不行,但非要拉着其他圣人,其心可诛。” His tone is very impolite, many Sage nod. 他的语气很不客气,不少圣人点头。 Wayless Heavenly Lord said with a laugh: Since Grand Tribulation finished, Heavenly Dao internal stable, should still the disaster of Sage level.” 无法天尊笑呵呵道:“既然量劫结束,天道内部稳定,也该平定圣人层的祸乱。” The atmosphere becomes subtle. 气氛变得微妙。 Li Taigu, Zhang Guxing, Great Emperor Xiao and Southern Extreme Heavenly Lord and other Sage also start to size up each other. 李太古仗孤星霄大帝南极天尊圣人也开始打量彼此。 Actually they have obtained gathering of Chaos influence, blows hot and cold at heart. 其实他们都得到过混沌势力的招揽,心里摇摆不定。 The pressure that ten thousand Divine Right Will create is really extremely terrifying! 一万神权将带来的压力实在是太过恐怖! Only listens to these rumors, they are on nettles. 光是听那些传言,他们便惴惴不安。 Xuandu Saint Venerable said: I said here, protects Heavenly Dao settledly, does not abandon, everyone?” 玄都圣尊道:“吾在此表示,定当守护天道,绝不抛弃,诸位呢?” Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor is puzzled, does Heavenly Dao have the catastrophe? 秦灵夏至尊、度世佛祖困惑,天道有浩劫? Wayless Heavenly Lord, Fang Liang, Su Qi, Pan Xin, Qiu Xilai and Heaven's Severing Cult Master, Han Yu, Xu Dudao, Yang Che, Ji Xianshen, Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) and Long Hao open the mouth to guarantee in abundance. 无法天尊方良苏岐盘心求西来天绝教主韩玉徐妒道杨彻纪仙神天战龙昊纷纷开口保证。 Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), world Buddha Ancestor similarly so. 秦灵夏至尊、度世佛祖同样如此。 Remaining Sage have to follow to guarantee, at present the moment, who dares to reject, that courts death, when person who takes the lead! 剩下的圣人不得不跟着保证,眼下关头,谁敢拒绝,那就是找死,当出头鸟! Wayless Heavenly Lord said with a smile: Divine Might Heavenly Sage has not said that must escape, how do we feel all right to run? We enjoy the Heavenly Dao power, but is Heavenly Dao in danger makes seclusion Divine Might Heavenly Sage face alone?” 无法天尊笑道:“神威天圣都没有说要逃,吾等怎好意思要跑?吾等享受天道权力,可天道一遇险就让一直闭关神威天圣单独面对?” His words also obtain an numerous Sage nod approval. 他的话又得到一众圣人点头认可。 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: Although there is a threat of Divine Right Will , but when they arrive at the unknown, Heavenly Dao this/should development must continue, but summoned from Chaos the Heavenly Dao life, we can continue to construct Heavenly Dao nearby Forbidden Area of Darkness, creation many mortal world and world......” 玄都圣尊开口道:“虽有神权将的威胁在,但他们何时到来还是未知数,天道该发展还是得继续,只是将天道生灵从混沌召唤回来,吾等可以继续建设天道附近的黑暗禁区,创造更多的凡界与天地……” He starts the incessant mentioning plan. 他开始滔滔不绝的说起计划。 With the statements of Xuandu Saint Venerable and numerous Saint, Heavenly Dao restores the original meteorology. 随着玄都圣尊与众圣的表态,天道又恢复原来的气象。 Before was mainly Sages exchanges secretly, did not dare this matter swayed on outwardly, therefore intensified anxiously, now Sages openly expressed that without so feared on the contrary. 之前主要是圣人们暗地里交流,不敢此事摆在明面上,所以加剧不安,现在圣人们说开了,反倒没有那么恐惧。 Most feared that is the war opens, other Sage sneak off quietly! 最怕便是大战开启,其他圣人悄悄溜走! ...... …… After Immeasurable Tribulation finished, Immortal World welcomed the stage of rapid growth again, more and more almighty went to nearby Heavenly Dao to open the world, taking advantage of Heavenly Dao Destiny, making the Heavenly Dao domain expand unceasingly, Chaos City also in migrated unceasingly outward. 无量大劫结束后,仙界再次迎来高速发展的阶段,越来越多的大能前往天道附近开辟天地,借着天道气运,使得天道领域不断扩张,混沌城也在不断往外迁移。 Pan Xin starts to try creation second Heavenly Road of Chaos, he gave Jin Shen this karmic virtue. 盘心开始尝试着创造第二条混沌天路,他将此功德让给了晋神 Jin Shen is not very pleasantly surprised, he knows that Pan Xin this is must his tying up stubbornly on Heavenly Dao. 晋神并没有很惊喜,他知道盘心这是要将他死死的绑在天道上。 But he is unable to reject, can only brace oneself to accept. 但他无法拒绝,只能硬着头皮接受。 Other Sage also in creation big karmic virtue, benefitting all living things, entire Heavenly Dao progress day by day, as if forgot existence of Divine Right Will! 其他圣人也在创造功德,造福众生,整个天道蒸蒸日上,仿佛忘记了神权将的存在! But Han Jue that Sages takes advantage of still cultivates in seclusion. 圣人们所依仗的韩绝还在闭关修炼。 Enough over the past 64820 years! 足足过去64820年! Han Jue welcomed the opportunity of breakthrough finally! 韩绝终于迎来突破之机! At this moment, Primordial Chaos Qi already of his innermost soul vanishes, entire Primordial Chaos World turns into the purple. 此刻,他灵魂深处的鸿蒙之气已经消失,整个鸿蒙界变成紫色。 Air/Qi the space! 气成空间! Around 11.1 billion stars all presents seven color light halos, is very sublime. 一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰周围皆出现七彩光圈,十分壮美。 Extreme Source Great Dao already fuses with these stars completely! 极源大道已经完全与这些星辰融合! The stars are Great Dao, Great Dao is the stars! 星辰即大道,大道即星辰! The Han Jue whole person bursts out divine light. 韩绝整个人迸发出神光 His Dao Monastery is unable to cover up. 他的道观都无法遮掩。 divine light shoots up to the sky, shines on the vault of heaven in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, causes all disciples to focus attention on. 神光冲天而起,照耀在百岳仙川内的天穹上,引得所有弟子瞩目。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Sect Master Dao Monastery spreads!” 门主道观传出的!” Should be divine ability, Sect Master is really fierce.” “应该是神通吧,门主真是厉害。” Sect Master really also in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain? I also think that he has moved to outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven.” 门主真的还在百岳仙川内?我还以为他早就搬到三十三层天外。” „It is not clear, possibly is breaks through? It is said Divine Might Heavenly Sage is the Heavenly Dao in history strongest Heaven's Chosen!” “不清楚,可能是突破呢?据说神威天圣才是天道有史以来最强的天骄!” Hiss can also break through again?” “嘶还能再突破?” ...... …… The Han Jue wholly-absorbed breakthrough, has not cared about outside discussion. 韩绝专心突破,没有顾及外面的议论。 However this breakthrough was remote than before. 然而这一次的突破比以前都久远。 Enough over the past 3000 years, he just broke through successfully! 足足过去3000年,他方才突破成功! divine light dissipates, in Dao Monastery presents the scene that the innumerable stars float. 神光消散,道观内则呈现出无数星辰漂浮的景象。 When strange spirit does not know comes back, is loafing among the stars, seems very cheerful. 诡异神灵不知何时回来,正在星辰之间游荡,显得十分欢快。 At this moment, Han Jue consciousness already jumps out of Heavenly Dao, is rising fast. 此刻,韩绝的意识已经跳出天道,正在快速升高。 More and more Chaos scenes map in his view, as if entire Chaos is reducing fast. 越来越多的混沌场景映入他的眼帘之中,仿佛整个混沌在快速缩小。 This feeling is very strange! 这种感觉无比诡异! How long does not know, the consciousness of Han Jue stops finally. 不知过去多久,韩绝的意识终于停下来。 He looks again downward, Chaos changed, he sees is a strength, one type is unable to say the strength of stating. 他再次往下看去,混沌变了,他看到是一种力量,一种无法言述的力量。 The consciousness of Han Jue enters a sublimation condition, all wells up pleasant with related all Space and Time, previous generation this life, in the past in the future, cause and effect parallel, innumerable, all cause and effect possibilities. 韩绝的意识进入一种升华状态,与自己相关的所有时空全都涌入眼中,前世今生,过去未来,因果平行,数不胜数,还有一切因果的可能性。 In an instant, he as if lived carried innumerably, lived the innumerable lives! 刹那间,他仿佛活了无数载,活了无数种人生! Finally all these like the illusion, break! 最终这一切如同镜花水月,破碎开来! Han Jue opens the eye, overlooks Chaos again. 韩绝睁开眼睛,再次俯视混沌 Chaos all living things disappear, the space changes into the nihility layer upon layer, is only left over three thousand Great Dao to interweave in Chaos, but has seven powerful and mysterious strengths above three thousand Great Dao, keeps aloof, is absorbing three thousand Great Dao strengths. 混沌众生消失,层层空间化为虚无,只剩下三千大道交织于混沌之中,而在三千大道之上有七个强大而神秘的力量,高高在上,吸收着三千大道的力量。
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