WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#837: Grand Tribulation legend, three million years old 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

The Han Jue voice falls, in the Heavenly Dao palace falls into silent. 韩绝的话音落下,天道宫内陷入寂静中。 The Dao Supreme three people are also shocked. 道至尊三人也愣住。 Here Sage some are not Hidden Sect, but in the Han Jue words saying that is Hidden Sect Sage? 这里的圣人有些并非隐门,但韩绝的话中却说是隐门圣人 Fang Liang asked cautiously: Ancestral Master, your meaning......” 方良小心翼翼问道:“师祖,您的意思……” Han Jue is unemotional, said: You can each other trust, does not need to install again.” 韩绝面无表情,道:“你们可以彼此信任,无需再装了。” Whish Sages in an uproar! 诸圣哗然! Pan Xin stares at Wayless Heavenly Lord to scold: I looked that before you are not right, you developed the surface!” 盘心盯着无法天尊骂道:“吾之前就看你不对劲,你演得太表面了吧!” Wayless Heavenly Lord rolled the eyes, said: You understand anything, I not obviously, feared Xuandu does not understand the meaning!” 无法天尊翻了翻白眼,道:“你懂什么,吾不明显点,怕玄都不懂意思!” Other Sage also follow to talk. 其他圣人也跟着交谈起来。 Heaven's Severing Cult Master looks to Qiu Xilai, sighs with emotion: Asked the fellow daoist, you were also very obvious.” 天绝教主看向求西来,感慨道:“求道友,你也很明显啊。” Qiu Xilai smiles, says a Amitabha. 求西来笑了笑,道一声阿弥陀佛。 Han Yu is looking at exciting Sages, swallows the saliva. 韩玉望着兴奋的诸圣,咽了咽口水。 So many do Sage belong to Hidden Sect? 这么多圣人都属于隐门 When numerous Sage chatted a while, after being tranquil, Han Jue just now opens the mouth saying: everyone thinks now in Heavenly Dao Sage, but also needs to win over anyone, needs to remove anyone, can consolidate Heavenly Dao?” 待众圣人聊了一会儿,平静下来后,韩绝方才开口道:“诸位认为如今天道圣人中,还需要拉拢谁,需要除掉谁,才能稳固天道?” hears word, Heavenly Dao Sage look at each other in blank dismay. 闻言,天道圣人面面相觑。 They listened to the meaning of Han Jue. 他们听出了韩绝的意思。 Wayless Heavenly Lord said with a smile: Xuandu Saint Venerable, best win over, after all has the Heavenly Dao power.” 无法天尊笑道:“玄都圣尊吧,最好拉拢,毕竟掌握天道大权。” Xu Dudao said: Yang Che must remove, this boy invited Sage everywhere, the villain act!” 徐妒道道:“杨彻必须除掉,这厮到处邀请圣人,小人行径!” Other Sage follow to open the mouth. 其他圣人跟着开口。 Han Jue lifts the hand directly, Yang Che in own dao field will take in the Heavenly Dao palace. 韩绝直接抬手,将在自己道场内的杨彻摄入天道宫来。 Yang Che is shocked, looks at a surrounding Sage face to compel ignorant. 杨彻愣住,望着周围的圣人一脸懵逼。 Han Jue follows to wield the palm, makes Great Yi Sealing Palm, direct anchorage Yang Che. 韩绝跟着挥掌,打出太易封印掌,直接定住杨彻 Yang Che stares the big eye, cannot move. 杨彻瞪大眼睛,动弹不得。 Han Jue throws down the words then to depart: Later the matter of Heavenly Dao, you were discuss ible, I will also be staring at other Sage.” 韩绝丢下一番话便离去:“以后天道之事,尔等可商议,我也会盯着其他圣人。” Also vanishes also has Yang Che. 随之消失的还有杨彻 Sages look at each other in blank dismay. 诸圣面面相觑。 Jiang Yi asked curiously: That will Sage die a moment ago?” 姜易好奇问道:“刚才那位圣人会死吗?” Zhao Xuanyuan shakes the head saying: Heavenly Dao Sage where has is so easy dead.” 赵轩辕摇头道:“天道圣人哪有那么容易死。” Qiu Xilai sets out, takes a fast look around Sages, said: Since our already is honest, everyone finds the way to win over other Sage, first nearby the power of each important place Heavenly Dao controls.” 求西来起身,扫视诸圣,道:“既然吾等已经坦诚,诸位想办法拉拢其他圣人吧,首先将天道附近各个重要之地的大权掌控到。” Wayless Heavenly Lord shot a look at his one eyes, has not spoken, other Sage follow to nod. 无法天尊瞥了他一眼,也没有吭声,其他圣人跟着点头。 Although is the discussion, but in them should also have the leader, just now can become the important matter. 虽是商议,但他们之中也该有领头者,方才能成大事。 Returns to Dao Monastery, Han Jue loses into Yang Che Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison directly. 回到道观内,韩绝直接将杨彻丢入鸿蒙天牢内。 His vision looks to Thirty Three Layer Heaven, searches for other Sage. 他的目光看向三十三层天外,搜寻其他圣人 Other Sage have not dropped to his favourability temporarily, behavior that also has not crossed the border specially. 其他圣人对他的好感度暂时没有下降,也并没有特别越界的行为。 Can observe again. 可以再观察一下。 Ten thousand years later, Han Jue returns outside Yang Che Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 万年后,韩绝杨彻放回三十三层天外。 Yang Che returns to own dao field, he just sat down, Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven) and Jin Shen come. 杨彻回到自己的道场内,他刚坐下,太素天晋神前来。 A Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven) white clothing, the appearance is beautiful and elegantly beautiful, she is frowning, asks: Yang Che, where these years you?” 太素天一袭白衣,面相绝美而冷艳,她皱着眉头,问道:“杨彻,这些年你哪儿去了?” Yang Che opens eyes, says with a smile: Went out to transfer the revolutions, didn't know two what intent?” 杨彻睁眼,笑道:“出去转了转,不知两位何意?” Jin Shen asked: Before said the matter, how many Sage did you win over?” 晋神问道:“之前所说之事,你拉拢了多少圣人?” Yang Che hesitates saying: I think, is ok.” 杨彻沉吟道:“吾想了想,还是算了。” Ok? 算了? Two Saints are shocked, closely is staring at him. 两圣愣住,紧紧盯着他。 Yang Che sighed: I had gone to Three Pure Ones Sage World before personally, I have not actually talked clearly with everyone, actually Three Pure Ones Sage World does not regard as important to me, even somewhat neglects, I comprehended Heavenly Dao a while ago, discovered that Heavenly Dao is not necessarily able to defeat, such being the case, why do we suffer hardship?” 杨彻叹息道:“吾之前亲自去过三清圣界,吾其实没有跟诸位说清楚,其实三清圣界对吾并不看重,甚至有些怠慢,吾前段时间参悟天道,发现天道未必会败,既然如此,吾等何必去受罪?” Jin Shen looking pensive, asked: Why can you comprehend Heavenly Dao?” 晋神若有所思,问道:“你为何能参悟天道?” Yang Che shakes the head, were not many said. 杨彻摇头,也不多说。 He looks to Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven), said: You rather go to Three Pure Ones Sage World, is not willing to go to throw does obeisance Empress Nuwa, wants to come is also has no place to go, was inferior that we jointly are the Heavenly Dao potencies, here good and evil is our families/home, went to elsewhere, that is lives under subjugation.” 他看向太素天,道:“你宁愿去三清圣界,也不愿前往投拜女娲娘娘,想来也是无处可去,不如吾等联手为天道效力,这里好歹是吾等的家,去了别处,那是寄人篱下。” The Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven) delicate eyebrows are pressed tightly. 太素天的秀眉蹙得更紧。 Yang Che continues to advise. 杨彻继续劝导。 Jin Shen does not feel right. 晋神觉得不对劲。 He thinks of anything suddenly, the complexion becomes strange. 他忽然想到什么,脸色变得古怪。 This boy will not surrender to Divine Might Heavenly Sage! 这厮不会是向神威天圣投诚了吧! ...... …… In universe palace. 乾坤殿内。 Xuandu Saint Venerable and Lao Dan (Old Dan) sit in meditation abreast in row, the whole body is filling continuously the light smoke, from time to time disperses, from time to time appears. 玄都圣尊老聃并排打坐,周身弥漫着缕缕青烟,时而散开,时而显现。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) opens the eye, asked: How do you think?” 老聃睁开眼睛,问道:“你是如何想的?” The Xuandu Saint Venerable eye does not open the eyes, asked back: What does teacher refer to?” 玄都圣尊眼也不睁,反问道:“老师指的是什么?” Naturally is Heavenly Dao.” “自然是天道。” Does not think.” “不怎么想。” Hehe, do you want to defend Heavenly Dao to dying seriously?” “呵呵,你当真要守着天道到死?” Past for cultivation, I discarded Human Race, for Unrestrained, I discarded Heavenly Dao, I am not willing to discard again, I want to put together.” “昔日为了修行,吾舍弃人族,为了自在,吾舍弃天道,吾不愿再舍弃,吾想拼一拼。” Your this cultivation base sends Divine Right Will one cannot compare, how to spell?” “你这修为神权将一根毫发都比不得,怎么拼?” At least Fellow Daoist Han.” “至少还有韩道友在。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) is silent. 老聃沉默。 Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the eye, said: How Three Pure Ones does Sage World prepare to greet Divine Right Will? Cuts Heavenly Dao cause and effect, this/Ben?” 玄都圣尊睁开眼睛,道:“三清圣界准备如何迎接神权将?斩天道因果,舍本?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) teased says with a smile: Heavenly Dao aimed, that is because is related with Pangu, Three Pure Ones Supreme has jumped out of cause and effect, how could does the long time occupy under Pangu?” 老聃戏谑笑道:“天道之所以被针对,那是因为与盘古相关,三清至尊早已跳出因果,岂能久居盘古之下?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: Person is ambitious respectively, wish teacher all successes.” 玄都圣尊道:“人各有志,祝老师一切成功。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) shakes the head, then stands up. 老聃摇了摇头,然后站起身来。 Xuandu Saint Venerable asked: „Do you want to go?” 玄都圣尊问道:“您要去哪儿?” Has a look at that three dumb kids, if Heavenly Dao perished, I must think the means to rescue them, so as to avoid waste cultivation such long energy.” “去看看那三个傻小子,若是天道亡了,我得想办法将他们救走,免得浪费栽培这么久的精力。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) raises hand, with vanishing does not see. 老聃扬了扬手,跟着消失不见。 Xuandu Saint Venerable sighed. 玄都圣尊叹息一声。 ...... …… Immortal World. 仙界 Immeasurable Tribulation welcomed the result finally. 无量大劫终于迎来结局。 Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior) with the Divine Palace Heaven's Chosen, with irresistible force, enter Buddhism, however Sage take action, a palm suppresses Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior). 秦灵夏至尊神宫天骄,势如破竹,杀入佛门,然而圣人出手,一掌镇压秦灵夏至尊 Of Sage made Spirit Mountain nearby innumerable lives with amazement and frightened, even despaired. 圣人之威令灵山附近无数生灵骇然、恐惧,甚至绝望。 Good at crucial moment, Divine Palace Sage Zhang Guxing comes, Sage negotiated, when rubber, then came by Buddha of Qin Ling hatred, promised the big great aspirations, is willing to sacrifice itself, but also the Qin Ling Blood Sea deep enmity, he changed into the strength of great aspirations immeasurable karmic virtue, the resurrecting Spirit Mountain nearby all lives of dying in battle. 好在关键时候,神宫圣人仗孤星现身,圣人谈判,胶着之际,那被秦灵仇恨的佛陀现身,许下大宏愿,愿牺牲自己,还秦灵血海深仇,他将一身无量功德化为宏愿之力,复活灵山附近所有战死之生灵。 Hence, continued hundreds of thousands of years of Immeasurable Tribulation conclusions, finally counted in ten thousand years to slaughter brutally, all living things have been weary to slaughter, anticipated the peace. 至此,持续数十万载的无量大劫结束,最后数万载里厮杀残酷,众生早已厌倦杀戮,期待和平。 This war, Sage frank and upright take action, makes all living things understand that what is under Sage all the ants. 这一战,圣人正大光明的出手,也让众生明白何为圣人之下皆蝼蚁。 Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior) obtain huge Heavenly Dao karmic virtue, along with Zhang Guxing arrives at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 秦灵夏至尊获得庞大天道功德,随仗孤星来到三十三层天外。 They only need sitting in meditation number ten thousand years, carrying/sustaining Heavenly Dao karmic virtue, but then proving Dao Sanctification. 他们只需静坐数万载,承载天道功德,便可证道成圣 In order to eliminate world karmic power, Sages starts sermon, each Destiny Sect preaching disciple also starts the walk world, preached everywhere. 为了消除天地业力,圣人们开始讲道,各个气运教派传教弟子也开始行走天地,四处布道。 Generally speaking, this Immeasurable Tribulation was perfection finished. 总的来说,此次无量大劫算是圆满结束。 After all living things know the brutality of Immeasurable Tribulation, awes Sage, treasures the peace. 众生知晓无量大劫的残酷后,更加敬畏圣人,更加珍惜和平。 One passes year after year, after ten thousand years, Immeasurable Tribulation became the legend. 一年年过去,万载后,无量大劫成了传说。 But Han Jue still cultivates in seclusion, his already wholeheartedly invests the impact on Great Dao Supreme. 韩绝还在闭关修炼,他已经全身心投入对大道至上的冲击。 On this day. 这一日。 Han Jue jumps out of three lines of characters at present: 韩绝眼前跳出三行字: Examines you full three million years old, life has made great strides forward one step, you have the following choice 【检测到你已满三百万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择】
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