WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#836: Hidden Sect Sage

„After eradicating Chaos Demon God, how deserves?” “铲除混沌魔神后,该当如何?” Holy Mother of Order asked that the tone was faint. 秩序圣母问道,语气淡漠。 The divine light form said: Irrevocable Chaos makes all living things be discontented, since all living things want to change, wants to affect the inherent pattern, I will then give them the opportunity, Great Dao Grand Tribulation will still continue!” 神光身影道:“一成不变的混沌让众生不满,既然众生想要变化,想要打破固有格局,吾便给他们机会,大道量劫仍会继续!” Holy Mother of Order is silent, falls into the thinking. 秩序圣母沉默,陷入思索中。 The divine light form follows saying: Continues to stare at him, before Divine Right Will sweeps away Chaos, can not emit him.” 神光身影跟着说道:“继续盯着他,在神权将横扫混沌前,不得将他放出。” Holy Mother of Order should say: I understand.” 秩序圣母应道:“吾明白。” The divine light form on her shoulder follows to disappear, as if has never appeared. 她肩上的神光身影跟着消失,仿佛从未出现过。 This stretch of the world follows to fall into tranquilly. 这片天地跟着陷入平静中。 ...... …… In the Han Jue cultivation process, Immortal World changes constantly, as more and more lives join Grand Tribulation to slaughter, in the world starts to present karmic power. 韩绝修行过程中,仙界风云变幻,随着越来越多的生灵加入量劫厮杀,天地间开始出现业力 Three ten Third Layer exomorphism lively, in Sage dao field is discussing this Grand Tribulation. 三十三层外变得热闹起来,圣人道场内都在讨论此次量劫 Heavenly Dao palace. 天道宫。 Zhao Xuanyuan expressed admiration: „Is Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior), with Dao Supreme what relations?” 赵轩辕啧啧称奇道:“夏至尊,跟道至尊是何关系?” Dao Supreme rolled the eyes, said: In Divine Palace, aptitude strongest expert may seal is Supreme, my name said.” 道至尊翻了翻白眼,道:“在神宫,资质最强者可封为至尊,我本名姓道罢了。” What did your given name call? Said the Xuanyuan?” “那你本名叫什么?道轩辕?” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Called out simply easily.” “干脆叫道易吧。” Jiang Yi interrupted to say with a smile, hearing Dao Supreme wants to hit the person. 姜易插嘴笑道,听得道至尊想打人。 Su Qi opens the mouth saying: You said when Divine Right Will does arrive?” 苏岐开口道:“你们说神权将何时到来?” Fang Liang shakes the head, expressed that does not know. 方良摇头,表示不知。 Dao Supreme said: Chaos is very vast, our outside wanderer 200 ten thousand years, going to the place is only the Chaos tip of the iceberg, is not worth mentioning, Divine Right Will wants to supervise entire Chaos, requires lots of time.” 道至尊道:“混沌无比辽阔,吾等在外闯荡两百万载,去过之处只是混沌的冰山一角,根本不值得一提,神权将想要将整个混沌监察完,需要大量时间。” And others ten ten thousand years already regarding me is long enough, perhaps but regarding Chaos, several breaths the time.” “对于我等来说十万载已经够长,但对于混沌而言,恐怕只是数息时间罢了。” Su Qi and Fang Liang are carried away. 苏岐方良不由为之神往。 Fang Liang said with a smile: If this tribulation can pass, I must go to Chaos to rush.” 方良笑道:“倘若此劫能度过,我也要去混沌闯闯。” Dao Supreme said with a smile: Ok, with us together, the same side five people, Chaos, rushes out the illustrious prestige to come when the time comes vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, is Hidden Sect brings honor.” 道至尊笑道:“行啊,到时候跟我们一起,同门五人,纵横混沌,闯出赫赫威名来,为隐门争光。” Zhao Xuanyuan starts to speak but hesitates. 赵轩辕欲言又止。 Jiang Yi said proudly: Right, our achieving Unrestrained, shelters you two to be a cinch.” 姜易傲然道:“没错,我们三人都证得自在,庇护你们两个不在话下。” Su Qi said: Ok, when the time comes relied upon three.” 苏岐道:“行,到时候就仰仗三位了。” Thanks for the compliment.” “好说好说。” In the Heavenly Dao palace the atmosphere is harmonious, the happy talks and laughters are unceasing. 天道宫内气氛和谐,欢声笑语不断。 Another side. 另一边。 In Heavenly Race Sacred Palace, Ji Xianshen and Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) sit facing each other. 天族圣宫内,纪仙神天战对坐。 The Ji Xianshen look twinkle, the sinking sound asked: Takes seriously?” 纪仙神眼神闪烁,沉声问道:“当真?” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) nods, said: Takes seriously, Yang Che also wins over me, said that Three Pure Ones Sage World is willing to admit Heavenly Dao Sage, they have the means to evade the supervision of Divine Right Will.” 天战点头,道:“当真,杨彻还来拉拢我,说三清圣界愿意接纳天道圣人,他们有办法躲过神权将的监察。” Ji Xianshen cold sound said: Good Yang Che, to court death seriously!” 纪仙神冷声道:“好一个杨彻,当真是找死!” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) starts to speak but hesitates. 天战欲言又止。 Ji Xianshen shot a look at his one eyes, asked: Said, should not be afraid to say a word!” 纪仙神瞥了他一眼,问道:“说,别吞吞吐吐!” If the rumor is true, how Heavenly Dao can block Divine Right Will? Ten thousand Divine Right Will! Is Great Dao Sage!” “倘若传言属实,天道如何能挡得住神权将?一万神权将啊!都是大道圣人!” The Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) excited say/way, he also often goes to Chaos, above realm to Sage had understood, such as the past like that was no longer ignorant. 天战激动道,他也时常前往混沌,对圣人之上的境界有所了解,不再如以往那般无知。 Ji Xianshen frowns tightly. 纪仙神紧皱眉头。 Clan Head, our can Heavenly Race really accompany Heavenly Dao to bring death?” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) gets hold of the double Fist Dao. 族长,我们天族真的要陪天道送死吗?”天战握紧双拳道。 Xuandu Saint Venerable also has the communication with Three Pure Ones Sage World! Perhaps already has the escape route!” “就连玄都圣尊也与三清圣界有来往!说不定已经有后路!” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) more said is more excited, beforehand Heavenly Race is Heavenly Dao race, afterward under planning of Sages, reduced to Hell does odd jobs, this matter is the Heavenly Race worry. 天战越说越激动,之前的天族天道种族,后来在圣人们的算计下,沦落到地府打杂,此事一直是天族的心病。 He thought that does not need to defend Heavenly Dao! 他觉得没必要守着天道 Ji Xianshen cold sound said: „Do you think me for Heavenly Dao?” 纪仙神冷声道:“你以为吾是为了天道?” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) gawked staring, said: For Heavenly Dao, that isn't for what?......” 天战愣了愣,道:“不是为了天道,那是为了什么?难道……” He thinks of Divine Might Heavenly Sage With Boundless Karmic Virtue! 他想到功德无量神威天圣 Master has not made us retreat, cannot remove!” Ji Xianshen snort/hum said. 师父没让吾等撤退,就不能撤!”纪仙神哼道。 Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) is silent. 天战沉默。 Ji Xianshen said comfortably: Relax, if really cannot stand off, Master can lead us to escape, you possibly did not know about Divine Might Heavenly Sage, but I understood, if no my master, how could to have me today, how could to have Heavenly Race today, how could to have Heavenly Dao today?” 纪仙神宽慰道:“放心吧,真要是敌不过,师父会带着吾等逃跑的,你可能对神威天圣不了解,但吾了解,若无吾师,岂能有吾今日,岂能有天族今日,岂能有天道今日?” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) forced smile. 天战苦笑。 He knows that Divine Might Heavenly Sage is fierce. 他知道神威天圣厉害。 But that his mother is ten thousand Great Dao Sage! 可那他娘的是一万大道圣人啊! Great Dao Sage, is on par Great Dao, eternal does not extinguish, spiritual power is boundless, may spy on Chaos, but shuttle Space and Time! 大道圣人,比肩大道,永恒不灭,法力无边,可窥探混沌,可穿梭时空 Ji Xianshen sees anxiety in his heart, said: I know the present situation to seem like the hopeless situation, but the hopeless situation can rush out the big chance, if even Xuandu Saint Venerable departs, we tribulation of Divine Right Will, Heavenly Dao should very listen our!” 纪仙神看出他心中的不安,道:“吾知晓现在的情况看似绝境,但绝境才能闯出大机缘,倘若连玄都圣尊都离去,吾等挺过神权将之劫,天道就该听吾等的了!” „The Hidden Sect influence is very big, you should be clear!” 隐门的势力很大,你应该清楚!” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) one hear, eye one bright, this actually real. 天战一听,眼睛一亮,这倒是真的。 ...... 只是…… Really can very pass? 真的能挺过去? ...... …… 50,000 years later. 五万年后。 Han Jue opens the eye, look cold severe, the body surface is glittering the light purple light. 韩绝睁开眼睛,眼神冷厉,体表闪烁着淡淡的紫光。 Found!” “找到了!” Han Jue said in a soft voice, the corners of the mouth follow to rise. 韩绝轻声道,嘴角跟着上扬。 He finally found the turning point of achieving Supreme boundary! 他终于找到证得至上境的契机! Now, his mortal body already fuses with Extreme Source Great Dao thoroughly, the whole person falls into the unprecedented condition, the 11.1 billion stars in Primordial Chaos World is shivering, making Primordial Chaos Qi in Primordial Chaos World turn fiercely wells up. 如今,他的肉身已经彻底与极源大道融合,整个人陷入前所未有的状态,鸿蒙界内的一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰都在颤动着,使得鸿蒙界内的鸿蒙之气剧烈翻涌。 He estimated that many ten ten thousand years can break through successfully! 他预估最多十万载就能突破成功! How long does Divine Right Will also arrive at Heavenly Dao?” 神权将还有多久到天道?” In the Han Jue heart inquired. 韩绝心中询问。 Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Approximately has about 1.5 million years 【大约有一百五十万年左右】 Slightly has the change, but regarding Han Jue, was enough! 略有变化,不过对于韩绝而言,足够了! The Han Jue mood is joyful. 韩绝心情愉悦。 He first is the routine examination mail, the recent friend encircles is very quiet, the mail volume also compared to be small compared with before. 他先是习惯性的查看邮件,最近的朋友圈很平静,邮件数量也比以前相比少了很多。 After looking at the mail, he looks to Immortal World. 看完邮件后,他又看向仙界 karmic power between world is getting more and more heavy, Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior) already wanderer Buddhism three times, were all blocked, is closed as for Buddha that Qin Ling seeks revenge in Buddhism, can not appear on the market, just like must protect him. 天地间的业力越来越重,秦灵夏至尊已经闯荡佛门三次,皆被拦下来,至于秦灵寻仇的佛陀则被关在佛门内,不得面世,俨然是要保护他。 resentment of all living things needs one to proclaim the drain port, finishes an apprenticeship famously, therefore this Buddha already becomes the enemy of all living things, the belief avalanche, dao heart is chaotic, cultivation base is dropping much, is very pitiful. 众生的怨念需要一个宣泄口,出师又得有名,所以这位佛陀已经成为众生之敌,信仰崩塌,道心混乱,连带着修为都跌落不少,无比凄惨。 It is estimated that most ten thousand years, Great Dao Grand Tribulation then must finish. 估计最多万年,大道量劫便要结束。 Afterward, Han Jue arrives in the Heavenly Dao palace. 随后,韩绝来到天道宫内。 Fang Liang, Su Qi, Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi open the eye, sees is Han Jue, kneels down hastily. 方良苏岐道至尊赵轩辕姜易纷纷睁开眼睛,一看到是韩绝,连忙跪下。 Han Jue called Ji Xianshen and Long Hao. 韩绝纪仙神龙昊叫来。 The disciples facing Han Jue, are very excited, all respectful is kneeling. 众弟子面对韩绝,十分激动,全都恭敬的跪着。 Han Jue waves, hints them to sit down. 韩绝挥手,示意他们坐下。 Ji Xianshen takes the lead saying: Master, some Sage want to flee Heavenly Dao, even is still helping Three Pure Ones Sage World as well as other world digs Sage.” 纪仙神率先道:“师父,有圣人想逃离天道,甚至还在帮三清圣界以及其他天地挖圣人。” Jiang Yi snort/hum said: Who is so bold, courts death?” 姜易哼道:“谁这么大胆,找死?” They come back to support far away, result these do Sage want to run on the contrary? 他们大老远的回来支援,结果这些圣人反倒想跑? Han Jue thinks, all convenes Qiu Xilai and Heaven's Severing Cult Master, Xu Dudao, Pan Xin, Qiu Xilai, Wayless Heavenly Lord and Han Yu. 韩绝想了想,将求西来天绝教主徐妒道盘心求西来无法天尊韩玉全都召集过来。 Altogether 11 Heavenly Dao Sage, in addition Dao Supreme three Unrestrained Sage, the lineup is quite luxurious. 一共十一位天道圣人,再加上道至尊三位自在圣人,阵容颇为豪华。 Numerous Sage look at each other in blank dismay, somewhat is all surprised. 圣人面面相觑,皆有些惊讶。 They understood anything probably. 他们大概明白了什么。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: everyone is my Hidden Sect Sage, now Heavenly Dao vacillates, but also needs everyone to stand firm Heavenly Dao.” 韩绝开口道:“诸位都是我隐门圣人,如今天道动摇,还需诸位稳住天道。” He isolates the Heavenly Dao palace, no one may spy on the palace. 他将天道宫隔绝,无人可窥探宫内。
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