WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#835: Great Dao Supreme Primordial Chaos Demon God!

Five ten thousand years in the past. 五万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, the innumerable stars in eye enhances one another's beauty, as if contains two side vast world. 韩绝睁开眼睛,眼中的无数星辰交相辉映,仿佛蕴藏两方浩瀚世界。 At this moment, in Primordial Chaos World, 11.1 billion stars all turn into the royal purple, in full is in purple fog Primordial Chaos World is glittering the hallucination brilliance. 此刻,鸿蒙界内,一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰全都变成蓝紫色,在满是紫雾的鸿蒙界内闪烁着迷幻的光彩。 In hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, these 11.1 billion stars already transform nine times, achieves the pinnacle, is unable to transform again! 数十万载的修行中,这一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰已经蜕变九次,达到极致,无法再蜕变! In each stars contains inexhaustible powerful spiritual power. 每一颗星辰内都蕴含无穷无尽的强大法力 Then Han Jue must ponder how to make the own mortal body and soul transform together, steps into the Supreme boundary truly! 接下来韩绝要思考的就是如何让自己的肉身、灵魂一起蜕变,真正踏入至上境! His already had the brow. 已经有了眉头。 Then, he will integrate in Extreme Source Great Dao 11.1 billion stars, further attempts, Great Dao Supreme eventually is Great Dao, is closely linked with Great Dao, so long as exceeds Great Dao Supreme, achieves Dao Creator, just now gets rid of Great Dao, Great Dao no longer is so at least important. 接下来,他会将极源大道融入一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰内,进一步尝试,大道至上终究是大道,想必与大道息息相关,只要超越大道至上,达到创造道者,方才摆脱大道,至少大道不再那么重要。 Han Jue assigns out the mail examination, wants to have a look at these year of Chaos situations. 韩绝调出邮件查看,想看看这些年混沌的情况。 Your good friend Daoist Fate encounters mysterious curse 【你的好友命运道人遭遇神秘诅咒】 Your good friend Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的好友元始天尊遭遇神秘大能袭击】 Your good friend Pangu resurrecting 【你的好友盘古复活】 Your good friend Huang Zuntian obtains Great Dao Destiny Divine Right inheritance 【你的好友黄尊天获得大道气运神权传承 Your son Han Tuo grasps theocracy divine ability 【你的儿子韩拓掌握神权神通 Your good friend Yi Tian grasps theocracy divine ability 【你的好友遗天掌握神权神通 Your good friend Divine Robed Daoist encounters mysterious almighty to hold dream, divine soul to be damaged 【你的好友神袍道人遭遇神秘大能托梦,神魂受损】 ...... …… Since Pangu holds the dream to Han Jue, Hatred Value becomes favourability, but favourability is not high. 自从盘古托梦给韩绝后,仇恨度就变为好感度,不过好感度不高。 Regarding resurrecting of Pangu, Han Jue is not surprised, even takes it for granted. 对于盘古的复活,韩绝并不惊奇,甚至觉得理所当然。 Huang Zuntian makes Han Jue be surprised actually. 倒是黄尊天韩绝感到意外。 This fellow really can mix! 这家伙是真的能混! Han Tuo and Yi Tian were suppressed so many years, has not died, instead learns divine ability, pours also reasonably. 韩拓遗天被镇压这么多年,没死,反而习得神通,倒也合理。 Perhaps so it seems like, the head of Spiritual God has other attempt to them. 这般看来,神灵之首对他们或许有另外的企图。 Han Jue continues to look downward, the Dao Supreme four people have not come under attack, makes his some not adapt actually. 韩绝继续往下看去,道至尊四人没有挨打,倒是让他有些不适应。 After looking at the mail, Han Jue observes Heavenly Dao, discovered that Dao Supreme and the others already arrive at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven to wait, because Immortal World does not allow Sage to enter, they are unable to return to Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain directly. 看完邮件后,韩绝观测天道,发现道至尊等人已经来到三十三层天外等待,因为仙界不容圣人进入,他们也无法直接回百岳仙川 Lao Dan (Old Dan) also came, in the universe palace. 老聃也来了,正待在乾坤殿内。 In Immortal World, Grand Tribulation already eruption! 仙界内,量劫已经爆发! Qin Ling and Senior Xiazhi (Summer Soltice Senior) lead innumerable cultivator to make war to Buddhism, many Destiny Sect go to support Buddhism, the tactical situation is even more grand, affected race and cultivation influence are getting more and more. 秦灵夏至尊率领无数修行者佛门开战,诸多气运教派前去支援佛门,战况越发盛大,波及的种族修行势力越来越多。 Regarding this, Han Jue looked at a while then to lose the interest. 对此,韩绝看了一会儿便失去兴趣。 Perhaps planned Grand Tribulation, causing Grand Tribulation to lose the curiosity in his eyes. 或许是策划了量劫,导致量劫在他眼里失去新鲜感。 Afterward, Han Jue starts to hold the dream to give Divine Robed Daoist. 随后,韩绝开始托梦给神袍道人 In dreamland. 梦境之中。 Divine Robed Daoist opens the eye, after seeing Han Jue, worships on bended knees to salute hastily. 神袍道人睁开眼睛,看到韩绝后,连忙跪拜行礼。 Han Jue inquired that his recent bitter experience, Divine Robed Daoist has not concealed, 1510 saying. 韩绝询问他近来的遭遇,神袍道人也没有隐瞒,一五一十的说出来。 The head of previous Spiritual God convenes all Great Dao Spiritual God to go to suppress kills Pangu, he has not gone, offended the head of Spiritual God, afterward encounters the request dream of head of Spiritual God to punish, naturally, is only the penalty. 先前神灵之首召集所有大道神灵前去剿杀盘古,他没有去,得罪了神灵之首,事后遭遇神灵之首的托梦惩罚,当然,只是惩罚。 The Spiritual God first warned Divine Robed Daoist, can not violate the Great Dao Spiritual God authority. 神灵之首警告神袍道人,不得违背大道神灵的职权。 Han Jue asked: „The head of Spiritual God strong? Compared with Holy Mother of Order how?” 韩绝问道:“神灵之首有多强?比起秩序圣母如何?” The Divine Robed Daoist forced smile said: Naturally is much stronger, even it can be said that entire Chaos most powerful existence, at first Great Dao Spiritual God at all are not the Pangu opponents, the head of Spiritual God has to take action, execution Pangu, in other words, Pangu die in the Spiritual God in personally the first hand.” 神袍道人苦笑道:“自然是强得多,甚至可以说是整个混沌最为强大的存在,起初大道神灵们根本不是盘古的对手,神灵之首不得不亲自出手,诛杀盘古,换句话说,盘古是死在神灵之首手中。” Mentioned the head of Spiritual God, was very mystical, our these Great Dao Spiritual God have not seen its main body, it is said also had existence of Deity of Chaos in his head, but we also heard from his mouth, I guess that from the start did not have Deity of Chaos, he was Chaos true wielding.” “说起神灵之首,无比神秘,吾等这些大道神灵也没有见过其本尊,据说在他头上还有混沌神明的存在,但吾等也只是从他嘴里听闻,吾猜压根没有混沌神明,他便是混沌真正的执掌者。” Han Jue is without turning a hair, is at heart more curious to the head of Spiritual God. 韩绝面不改色,心里则对神灵之首更好奇。 Has this boy been hiding the identity unexpectedly? 这厮竟然一直隐藏着身份? A little thing! 有点东西! Divine Robed Daoist opens the mouth saying: Right, the head of Spiritual God also confessed our task, seeks for Darkness Forbidden Lord as well as Demon God of Curse, but Demon God of Curse has died, I have not disclosed this matter to him.” 神袍道人开口道:“对了,神灵之首还交代了吾等一个任务,找寻黑暗禁主以及诅咒魔神,不过诅咒魔神已死,我并没有将此事透露给他。” In does this crucial point look for Darkness Forbidden Lord? 这个节骨眼上找黑暗禁主 Is the heart is seriously big! 当真是心大! It seems like the head of Spiritual God is confident about ten thousand Divine Right Will, recognizing Chaos Demon God must defeat without doubt, therefore already starts to deploy to seek for next possibly to harm existence of Chaos. 看来神灵之首对一万神权将充满信心,认定混沌魔神必败无疑,所以已经开始部署寻找下一个可能危害混沌的存在。 Divine Robed Daoist starts to speak but hesitates. 神袍道人欲言又止。 Han Jue said: „To say that said!” 韩绝道:“想说就说吧!” Divine Robed Daoist said: Who Demon God of Curse as if knows Darkness Forbidden Lord is, but he did not say, I do not care, therefore then homicide.” 神袍道人道:“诅咒魔神似乎知晓黑暗禁主是谁,不过他死活不说,我也不在意,所以便将他杀了。” Han Jue is not accidental/surprised. 韩绝对此并不意外。 Demon God of Curse conceals the identity estimation of his Darkness Forbidden Lord to preserve oneself, otherwise has disclosed. 诅咒魔神隐瞒他黑暗禁主的身份估计是为了保全自己,否则早就透露了。 Possibly Demon God of Curse knows many things. 可能诅咒魔神知晓许多事情。 What a pity died too early, otherwise can also use. 可惜死得太早了,否则还能利用一下。 Divine Robed Daoist continues to open the mouth saying: His curse Great Dao also in my hands, I have law of the resurrecting, if you need, I can......” 神袍道人继续开口道:“他的诅咒大道还在我手里,我有一种复活之法,倘若您需要,我可以……” Han Jue narrows the eye, said: Later said that now Chaos is chaotic, after is tranquil, considered that must resurrect Demon God of Curse.” 韩绝眯眼,道:“以后再说吧,如今混沌混乱,等一切平静后再考虑要不要复活诅咒魔神。” Good!” “好!” Divine Robed Daoist should under. 神袍道人应下。 Han Jue urged several, then conclusion dreamland. 韩绝叮嘱了几句,便结束梦境。 In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 He sits in meditation on 36-Leafed Samsara World-Extinguishing Black Lotus, in the heart inquired: I want to know cultivation base of head of Dao God spirit.” 他打坐在三十六品轮回灭世黑莲上,心中询问:“我想知道神灵之首的修为。” Does not know that its real name and cause and effect, are unable to calculate 【不知其真名与因果,无法演算】 Han Jue gawked staring. 韩绝愣了愣。 He realizes the enemy suddenly facing the feeling of Darkness Forbidden Lord. 他突然体会到敌人面对黑暗禁主的感受。 „Do I want to know strongest Great Dao Spiritual God strongly?” “那我想知道最强大大道神灵有多强?” Does not know that its real name and cause and effect, are unable to calculate 【不知其真名与因果,无法演算】 Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 This is not easy to do. 这可不好办啊。 Did not understand that cultivation base of enemy, that is not easy to hit. 不了解敌人的修为,那可不好打。 Han Jue is trying the other laws of inquiry, is not good, can only give up. 韩绝又尝试着其他询问之法,还是不行,只能放弃。 Shakes the head, Han Jue then starts to cultivate. 摇了摇头,韩绝便开始修炼。 He permeates in Extreme Source Great Dao 11.1 billion stars, in fuses with the mortal body, is quick he to immerse in a marvelous condition. 他将极源大道渗入一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰内,在与肉身融合,很快他就沉浸一种奇妙的状态中。 ...... …… The scarlet rosy cloud vault of heaven, the boundless vastness exudes the mighty waves, is setting up a great body in the sea level end, is Holy Mother of Order. 赤霞天穹,无边汪洋泛起波澜,在海平面尽头立着一尊伟岸身躯,正是秩序圣母 At this moment, stands form on the Holy Mother of Order shoulder, the whole body is winding around divine light, the figure looks like the person from time to time, from time to time resembles the dragon, ever changing, is difficult to distinguish the appearance/portrait. 此刻,在秩序圣母肩头上站着一道身影,浑身缭绕神光,身形时而像人,时而似龙,千变万化,难辨真容。 Holy Mother of Order opens the mouth saying: Pangu resurrecting.” 秩序圣母开口道:“盘古复活了。” divine light form tranquil say/way: My already knows, but he cuts off the cause and effect theocracy, our Great Dao Spiritual God is unable to spy on Chaos, can only give Divine Right Will all.” 神光身影平静道:“吾已经知晓,但他斩断因果神权,吾等大道神灵无法窥探混沌,只能将一切交给神权将。” „Can Divine Right Will really kill off Chaos Demon God?” 神权将真的能杀尽混沌魔神?” That is natural, Divine Right Will is the Chaos supreme strength, irresistible, even if Pangu resurrects, does not help matters.” “那是自然,神权将乃是混沌至高力量,势不可挡,纵然盘古复活,也无济于事。” Possibility of no defeat?” “没有一丝败的可能?” Only if presents Primordial Chaos Demon God, but Primordial Chaos Demon God at least is Great Dao Supreme cultivation base is also good, present Chaos three thousand Chaos Demon God, the Pangu not possible transformation has not been Primordial Chaos Demon God, before was not good, now is not better.” “除非出现鸿蒙魔神,不过鸿蒙魔神至少也得是大道至上修为才行,如今的混沌没有三千混沌魔神,盘古不可能蜕变为鸿蒙魔神,以前不行,现在更不行。” Primordial Chaos Demon God......” 鸿蒙魔神……” The Holy Mother of Order tone becomes thought-provoking. 秩序圣母的语气变得耐人寻味。
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