WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#834: Without parallel in history! 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

After dozens Simulated Trial, Han Jue opens the eye, looks the smile. 数十次模拟试炼后,韩绝睁开眼睛,面露笑容。 Now to fighting ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage, is very relaxed, but was unable to go to the instakill situation. 现在对战一万愚剑神圣,很是轻松,只是还无法达到秒杀的地步。 Wants instakill 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage, his spiritual power Han Jue extended one to stretch, starts to examine the mail. 想要秒杀一万位愚剑神圣,他的法力韩绝伸了一个懒腰,开始查看邮件。 Recent Chaos as if lives it up, many good friends are under the attack, but had not seen Divine Right Will. 最近的混沌似乎又热闹起来,不少好友都遭遇袭击,不过仍未见到神权将 After looking at the mail, Han Jue inquired in the heart: How long does Divine Right Will also arrive at Heavenly Dao?” 看完邮件后,韩绝在心中询问:“神权将还有多久来到天道?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Has 2 million years probably 【大概有两百万年】 It is not long, but is not short. 不算久,但也不算短。 Han Jue thinks, decides to tell the hanger-on this matter the disciple, to guard them to encounter Divine Right Will ahead of time, was eradicated. 韩绝想了想,决定将此事告诉门下弟子,以防他们提前遭遇神权将,被铲除。 He looks at the vision to Chaos, discovered that the hanger-on disciples are catching up toward Heavenly Dao, Buddha and Great Dao Pagoda even entire move, the picture quite shocks. 他将目光看向混沌,发现门下弟子们都在往天道赶来,佛界、大道之塔甚至整界挪动,画面颇为震撼。 He counted on the fingers, then calculates the disciples reached agreement. 他掐指一算,便算到弟子们是相约好的。 He shows the smile, muttered: Makes me feel relieved actually very much.” 他不由露出笑容,喃喃道:“倒是让我很放心。” Simultaneously this also proved the Divine Right Will terrifying, including always likes the wave disciple and grand disciples starting. 同时这也证明了神权将的恐怖,连一向爱浪的徒子徒孙们都开始回来。 Thinks of here, can Han Jue puts out Book of Misfortune, trying curse Divine Right Will, the protracted time. 想到这儿,韩绝拿出厄运书,试试能不能诅咒神权将,拖延时间。 However, his power of curse could not find Divine Right Will. 然而,他的诅咒之力根本找不到神权将 As if in Chaos does not have existence of Divine Right Will from the start, even if Han Jue recalls their images in the mind, does not help matters. 仿佛混沌之中压根没有神权将的存在,纵然韩绝在脑海里回忆他们的形象,也无济于事。 In the Han Jue heart inquired: „Can I facing Divine Right Will, have the odds of success now?” 韩绝心中询问:“我现在面对神权将,可有胜算?” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 Such decisive? 这么果断? The heart of Han Jue jumps fiercely. 韩绝的心猛地一跳。 It is not good! 不行! Must make the best use of the time, soon achieving Supreme, otherwise cannot win Divine Right Will. 得抓紧时间,早日证得至上,否则根本打不赢神权将 200 ten thousand years, only if arises suddenly the accident, he should be able to break through successfully before the war. 还有两百万载,除非突发变故,他应该能在大战前突破成功。 Fears the accident! 就怕变故! Han Jue observed Heavenly Dao, after determining does not have the chaos, he then continues to cultivate. 韩绝观测了一下天道,确定没有大乱后,他便继续修炼。 All Demon God come at once the Highest Beginning domain!” “所有魔神速来太初领域!” The Highest Beginning Demon God sound resounds in the Han Jue mind suddenly, was disregarded by him directly. 太初魔神的声音忽然在韩绝脑海里响起,直接被他无视。 You first hit! 你们先去打吧! ...... …… In Highest Beginning domain. 太初领域内。 Highest Beginning Demon God observes the situation Chaos Demon God in palace, the brow wrinkles. 太初魔神环视殿内的混沌魔神,眉头皱起。 Was short of several Demon God, Han Jue had not come. 少了几位魔神,韩绝也没来。 Regarding Han Jue, Highest Beginning Demon God has minded very much, before about matter of Demon Ancestor and Han Tuo, he thought Han Jue is lying. 对于韩绝,太初魔神一直很介意,之前关于魔祖韩拓之事,他觉得韩绝在说谎。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage also came, each Chaos Demon God facial expression is very dignified. 愚剑神圣也来了,每一位混沌魔神的神情都无比凝重。 Because they know then must face anything! 因为他们知晓接下来要面对什么! Highest Beginning Demon God sinking sound said: everyone, Pangu for us the matter of doing, everyone should already know, we have no place to go, can only fight! Previously I not missing, but went to seclusion, I have known the Divine Right Will real motive, therefore seclusion!” 太初魔神沉声道:“诸位,盘古为吾等所做之事,诸位应该已经知晓,吾等无处可逃,只能一战!先前吾并非失踪,只是去闭关罢了,吾早就知晓神权将的真实目的,所以才闭关!” Divine Right Will to not seek for Primordial Chaos Demon God, but eradicates Chaos Demon God, if we by slaughter completely, Primordial Chaos Demon God once shows aptitude, was discovered very much easily, moreover without our Destiny, Primordial Chaos Demon God cannot grow.” 神权将并非是为了找寻鸿蒙魔神,而是铲除混沌魔神,吾等若是被屠尽,鸿蒙魔神一旦展现资质,很容易被发现,而且没有吾等的气运,鸿蒙魔神根本成长不起来。” According to original Great Dao Grand Tribulation, Primordial Chaos Demon God will be ordinary with past Pangu, is stepping on our Destiny rapid strengthen, disaster Chaos, Great Dao Spiritual God this idea is to keep Primordial Chaos Demon God from again becoming stronger, what expendable is we! Does everyone want?” “按照原先的大道量劫,鸿蒙魔神会跟昔日盘古一般,踩着吾等的气运迅速变强,再祸乱混沌,大道神灵们此计就是要让鸿蒙魔神无法变强,可牺牲的是吾等!诸位愿意吗?” His sound is very low and deep, implication dreadful anger. 他的声音无比低沉,蕴含滔天怒火。 Such remarks, all Chaos Demon God open the mouth in abundance, all does not hope. 此言一出,所有混沌魔神纷纷开口,皆是不愿。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: I have not thought that Divine Right Will must cope with us unexpectedly, possibly with our great strength related, even if no Primordial Chaos Demon God, we still threatened the Great Dao Spiritual God position and hegemony.” 愚剑神圣道:“吾也没想到神权将竟然要对付吾等,可能与吾等的强大有关,就算没有鸿蒙魔神,吾等也威胁到了大道神灵的地位与霸权。” Kills! Was eradicated with it one by one, might as well collaborate!” “杀吧!与其被逐一铲除,不如联手!” As selects Chaos Demon God that Pangu does not die only, the Foolish Sword Divine Sage present right to speak is very big. 作为单挑盘古而不死的混沌魔神,愚剑神圣如今的话语权很大。 Chaos Demon God asked: Only depends on us, really can block Divine Right Will? I did not say do not hit, is the present also has the time, we can prepare.” 一名混沌魔神问道:“可是光靠吾等,真的能挡住神权将吗?吾不是说不打,是现在还有时间,吾等可以多做准备。” Chaos is vast, Divine Right Will still supervises in the Chaos deep place, not comes to Chaos Demon God directly. 混沌浩大,神权将还在混沌深处监察,并非直接冲着混沌魔神而来。 Highest Beginning Demon God said: Pangu will also reactivate . Moreover, his already convenes Twelve Witch Ancestors, joins, although Witch Ancestor is not strong, but at least is also a strength.” 太初魔神道:“盘古还会复活,另外,他已经召集十二祖巫,前来助阵,祖巫虽不算多强,但至少也是一份力量。” Pangu resurrecting! 盘古复活! The numerous Chaos Demon God body shakes! 混沌魔神身躯一震! The Pangu strength is without a doubt, before had selected dozens Demon God only! 盘古的实力毋庸置疑,之前可是单挑过数十位魔神 Chaos Demon God supply ideas, gathers the strength that all can mobilize, before the preparation opens comes to naught , the never recurring war! 混沌魔神们纷纷出谋划策,聚集一切能调动的力量,准备开启一场空前绝后的大战! They more said that is more excited. 他们越说越兴奋。 Even Demon Ancestor must win over! 甚至连魔祖都要拉拢! Highest Beginning Demon God laughs saying: Very good, who makes the Spiritual God have a look at present Chaos to take responsibility!” 太初魔神大笑道:“很好,就让神灵们看看如今的混沌谁做主!” Perhaps this fights not just Life and Death games, is a war that changes the Chaos pattern! 或许这一战并非只是生死,也是改变混沌格局的一战! Demon God are not without hope, after all some Demon God are Great Dao Supreme cultivation base, a person resists dozens Great Dao Sage to have more than enough to spare. 魔神们并非没有希望,毕竟其中一些魔神大道至上修为,一人对抗数十位大道圣人绰绰有余。 ...... …… Heavenly Dao. 天道 The Divine Palace group palace, a lonesome and quiet main hall, the vibration, the front door opens suddenly loudly. 神宫群殿,一座幽静的大殿,忽然震动,大门轰然打开。 Qin Ling goes out slowly, body is twining Gold Dragon, has an empty shadow of great halberd faintly. 秦灵缓缓走出,身上缠绕着一条金龙,隐隐有一把大戟的虚影。 He catches the eye to look to the vault of heaven, the eye shoots the golden light, understands thoroughly the clouds. 他抬眼看向天穹,目射金光,洞彻云霄。 Buddhism, blood debt this/should also!” 佛门,血债该还了!” Qin Ling looks the fierce smile. 秦灵面露狰狞笑容。 At this time, the one after another Divine Palace Heaven's Chosen caught up, although Divine Palace was the big influence, but Quasi-Sage were not many, every time was born to be worth Divine Palace coming to congratulate up and down. 这时,一名名神宫天骄赶来,神宫虽是大势力,但准圣可不多,每诞生一位都值得神宫上下前来祝贺。 Zhang Guxing also came, naturally is not the Sage main body, Dharma Body. 仗孤星也来了,自然不是圣人本尊,法相罢了。 Qin Ling salutes toward Zhang Guxing submissively. 秦灵仗孤星拱手行礼。 Zhang Guxing arrives around him, sinking sound said: Why doesn't restrain the imposing manner?” 仗孤星来到他跟前,沉声道:“为何不收敛气势?” Qin Ling replied: I am declaring war!” 秦灵回答道:“我在宣战!” You...... also besotted?” “你……还执迷不悟?” Sage, please permit my confusion!” 圣人,请允许我的执迷不悟!” Zhang Guxing one hear, the air/Qi results in the whole body to shiver, then at heart fills happily. 仗孤星一听,气得浑身颤抖,心里则充满欣慰。 Finally must come! 终于要来了! Earlier finished Grand Tribulation being also good, Heavenly Dao needs to unify the spirit, prepares to greet arrival of catastrophe. 早点结束量劫也好,天道需要统一精神,准备迎接浩劫的降临。 Meanwhile, outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 与此同时,三十三层天外。 In Fang Liang dao field, Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, Ji Xianshen and Su Qi accumulation in this. 方良道场内,道至尊赵轩辕姜易纪仙神苏岐聚集于此。 „Is he Qin Ling? Is the sound so how big?” “他就是秦灵吗?动静怎么这么大?” Jiang Yi asked curiously, Qin Ling imposing manner already passed to Thirty Three Layer Heaven external, regarding Sage, was offends. 姜易好奇问道,秦灵的气势已经传到三十三层天外来,对于圣人而言,算是冒犯。 Fang Liang has not concealed, said plan of Immeasurable Tribulation. 方良也没有隐瞒,将无量大劫的谋划说出来。 Zhao Xuanyuan expressed admiration: You will really play!” 赵轩辕啧啧称奇道:“你们真会玩啊!” Dao Supreme thinks that Immeasurable Tribulation, sighs with emotion: „Regardless how Heavenly Dao develops, is Sage holds the chess eventually, but jumps out of the checkerboard in our already well, Qin Ling also has the Hidden Sect attendance.” 道至尊想到上一个无量大劫,感慨道:“无论天道如何发展,终究是圣人执棋,不过好在我们已经跳出棋盘,秦灵也有隐门照顾。” Nod that Su Qi deep is so. 苏岐深以为然的点头。 In previous Grand Tribulation, he was played miserably, thinks until now, is filled with all sorts of feelings. 上一个量劫里,他被玩得最惨,至今想起来,都不禁感慨万分。 Jiang Yi said: Right, can Sect Master have the confession? Now we cannot enter Heavenly Dao.” 姜易道:“对了,门主可有交代?如今我们也进不了天道。” Fang Liang said: No, but this is the best confession.” 方良道:“没有,但这便是最好的交代。” Others feel in the principle, nod. 其他人觉得在理,不由点头。 If Han Jue feared, definitely makes them prepare to travel. 若是韩绝怕了,肯定让他们准备跑路。 Without saying, that is to fight! 没说,那就是要战!
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