WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#833: Hidden Sect gathers

Returns to Dao Monastery, Han Jue looking pensive. 回到道观内,韩绝若有所思。 He neglected constriction of ten thousand Divine Right Will to others, his pressure is very big, let alone others. 他忽略了一万神权将对其他人的压迫感,就连他压力都很大,更别说其他人。 This is also good, must need tribulation to consider Sages a time.” “这样也好,总得需要一次磨难来考量一下诸圣。” Han Jue thinks silently, his priority target was still to break through. 韩绝默默想到,他的首要目标仍是突破。 Will soon break through, had confidence that copes with ten thousand Divine Right Will. 早日突破,才更有把握对付一万神权将 As for Sage, ran was also all right, stood on the line again. 至于圣人,跑了也没事,再立就行。 Han Jue closes eyes , to continue to refine the stars. 韩绝闭目,继续提炼星辰。 From previous breakthrough, already past 70 ten thousand years. 距离上一次突破,已经过去七十万载。 The time passes incomparably quickly Han Jue here, but regarding all living things, already passes by several Age. 时间在韩绝这里流逝得无比快,不过对于众生而言,已经过去数个时代 Immortal World is heroic almighty pours forth, Heaven's Chosen converges. 仙界更是英雄大能辈出,天骄云集。 ...... …… Myriad Worlds Projection, direct disciple gather. 万界投影,亲传弟子们聚集。 Once in a while, they can all assembled one time, by the Hei Yuji organization. 每隔一段时间,他们都会聚齐一次,由黑狱鸡组织。 Although Hei Yuji had not gone out informed and experienced, but the position in direct disciple is extremely high. 虽然黑狱鸡一直没有外出历练,但在亲传弟子中地位极高。 Everyone gathers, is discussing the matter of Divine Right Will. 所有人聚集在一起,正在讨论神权将之事。 10,000 Great Dao Sage? Too exaggerating, how our can Heavenly Dao block?” “一万位大道圣人?太夸张了吧,我们天道怎么挡得住?” Yes, news already disclosed that many Heavenly Dao lives are finding the way to get rid of Heavenly Dao Destiny.” “是啊,消息已经走漏,不少天道生灵都在想办法摆脱天道气运。” This is the Heavenly Dao in history biggest disaster.” “这将是天道有史以来最大的劫难。” I and others what to do?” “我等怎么办?” „It is not clear, Master has not spoken.” “不清楚啊,师父没有发话。” Relax, master, if feared, has spoken to run.” “放心吧,主人要是怕,早就发话跑了。” Mainly cannot run away, it is said Divine Right Will went to place, if there is a supervised life appears, Divine Right Will will appear before him suddenly!” “主要是逃不了,据说神权将去过的地方,若有未被监察的生灵出现,神权将将瞬息间出现在他面前!” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 Zhou Fan said with a smile: All right, when the time comes returns to dao field to be good, Master dao field should be able to block Divine Right Will.” 周凡笑道:“没事,到时候回道场就好,师父道场应该能挡得住神权将。” Chu Shiren said: „It is not really good, may come my Buddha.” 楚世人道:“实在不行,也可来我佛界。” Li Xuanao snort/hum said: Said, recently in Heavenly Dao also quite had the objection, even some people direct Sect Master body the rumor intentionally, said Divine Right Will aims is not Heavenly Dao, is Chaos Demon God.” 李玄奥哼道:“说起来,最近天道内也颇有异议,甚至有人故意将流言引到门主身上,说神权将针对的不是天道,是混沌魔神。” Su Qi snort/hum said: I also hear, certain Sage are not well-mannered, spouted rhetoric when sermon.” 苏岐哼道:“我也听闻,某些圣人不规矩,在讲道时大放厥词。” Dao Supreme blinks, said: These were Sage insane? Really thinks own undying and unextinguishable?” 道至尊眨了眨眼,道:“这些圣人疯了吗?真以为自己不死不灭?” Although Xuandu Saint Venerable confesses with Sages, must Divine Right Will in view of the news suppression of Heavenly Dao, but this matter is really big, some Sage then cannot bear inform the disciple , the news then the circle laminar flow above Great Principle Golden Immortal travels gradually. 虽然玄都圣尊诸圣交代好,要将神权将针对天道的消息镇压,但此事实在是太大,一些圣人便忍不住告知自家弟子,渐渐的,消息便在大罗金仙之上的圈层流传开来。 Really is laughable, without our Sect Master, Heavenly Dao had perished, how, now forgot one's origin?” Jiang Yi disdains to say. “真是可笑,若没有我们门主,天道早就亡了,怎么,现在忘本了?”姜易不屑道。 Hei Yuji looks to Li Daokong, asked: Great Protector, how you did not speak, how recently assigned/life the influence?” 黑狱鸡看向李道空,问道:“大护法,你怎么不吭声,最近命势力如何?” Li Daokong shakes the head saying: Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, hides to leap up everywhere, the appearance of Divine Right Will truly also eased the pressure of life.” 李道空摇头道:“苟延残喘,四处躲蹿,不过神权将的出现确实也缓解了命的压力。” Li Xuanao proposed: Everyone, might as well all come back, provides against contingencies, gathers Hidden Sect all strengths, when the time comes resists Divine Right Will together.” 李玄奥提议道:“各位,不如全都回来吧,以防万一,聚集隐门所有力量,到时候一同对抗神权将。” Such remarks, other disciples nod in abundance. 此言一出,其他弟子纷纷点头。 Zhou Fan and Chu Shiren also nod, making their influences face Divine Right Will respectively, is the dead end. 周凡楚世人也点头,让他们的势力各自面对神权将,也是死路一条。 They are also the Heavenly Dao lives! 他们也是天道生灵! They believe that Han Jue has not told the lie, Divine Right Will is to aim at Chaos Demon God and Heavenly Dao life. 他们相信韩绝没有说假话,神权将就是要针对混沌魔神天道生灵。 ...... …… Three Pure Ones Sage World, in a multi-colored sunlight , the mainland folds layer upon layer, its ray illuminates this void. 三清圣界,处于一片霞光之中,层层大陆相叠,其光芒照亮这片虚空。 Yang Che flies, directly enters in Three Pure Ones Sage World, flies into the topmost level mainland, enters in a stretch of bright world. 杨彻飞来,直接进入三清圣界中,飞入最高层大陆,进入一片明亮的天地中。 Leads the way, before he arrives at a giant palace rapidly, before the palace, is setting up two great idols, lifelike, both eyes are bright. 一路前行,他迅速来到一座巨大的宫殿前,殿前立着两尊伟岸神像,活灵活现,双目有神。 Yang Che worships on bended knees before the gate, said: „The Three Pure Ones senior, younger generation Heavenly Dao Yang Che comes to pay a visit.” 杨彻跪拜在门前,道:“三清前辈,晚辈天道杨彻前来拜见。” The front door opens, Yang Che follows into the palace, his facial expression is somewhat excited. 大门打开,杨彻跟着入殿,他神情有些激动。 ...... …… Outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, in Qiu Xilai dao field, he is sitting in meditation the cultivation. 三十三层天外,求西来道场内,他正在打坐修炼。 form appears in front of Qiu Xilai suddenly, illusory like the clam, impressively is Jieyin. 道身影忽然出现在求西来面前,虚幻如蜃,赫然是接引 Qiu Xilai opens the eye, the brow wrinkles. 求西来睁开眼睛,眉头皱起。 Jieyin unemotional say/way: Divine Right Will is irresistible, can you be willing to return to Western Cult?” 接引面无表情道:“神权将势不可挡,你可愿重归西方教?” Qiu Xilai is silent. 求西来沉默。 Jieyin said: Each Divine Right Will is vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Great Dao Sage invincible existence, 10,000 Divine Right Will, you should mean anything clearly, this is the Chaos supreme strength, except Demon God and Heavenly Dao, is the irreversible situation, if you have kept Heavenly Dao, only then dead end.” 接引道:“每一位神权将都是纵横大道圣人无敌的存在,一万位神权将,你应该明白意味着什么,这是混沌至高力量,除魔神天道,是不可逆转的大势,你若一直留在天道,只有死路一条。” In Heavenly Dao Sage already has is partially looking for the outlet, I look for you, but thought and the former friendship.” 天道圣人之中已经有部分在寻找出路,吾之所以找你,只是念及旧情罢了。” Qiu Xilai asked: You also stem from Heavenly Dao, how can determine that certainly isn't the Divine Right Will goal?” 求西来问道:“你们也出自天道,怎能确定一定不是神权将的目标?” This time is one's turn Jieyin to be silent. 这次轮到接引沉默。 Qiu Xilai is not anxious, patient waiting. 求西来也不急,耐心等待。 Jieyin said spookily: Void Returning Divine Realm has cut off Heavenly Dao Destiny, we naturally are not the Heavenly Dao lives, I do not know why you are so dead set on to Heavenly Dao and to Han Jue, if thinks, looks for me momentarily.” 接引幽幽道:“归墟神境早已斩断天道气运,吾等自然不算天道生灵,吾不知你为何对天道、对韩绝如此死心塌地,若是想好,随时来找吾。” Divine Right Will already in imminent, leaves your time is not many.” 神权将已经在迫近,留给你的时间不多了。” The voice falls, Jieyin such as the smoke dissipates. 话音落下,接引如烟消散。 Qiu Xilai is unemotional, then at heart cold snort/hum. 求西来面无表情,心里则冷哼。 Present he is loyal and devoted to Han Jue, how to be vacillated? 如今的他对韩绝忠心耿耿,怎会被动摇? Which Sage I must have a look but actually am want to leave......” “吾倒要看看是哪些圣人想离开……” The Qiu Xilai look twinkle, he decides to for the Han Jue accomplishment. 求西来眼神闪烁,他决定要为韩绝建功。 Some things, do not need to make Han Jue annoyed. 有些事情,不必让韩绝心烦。 He sets out immediately, goes to visit other Sage. 他立即起身,前去拜访其他圣人 ...... …… Lakeside pavilion. 湖边阁楼 What? You must return to Heavenly Dao! Insane!” “什么?你们要回天道!疯了吗!” Scolding that Lao Dan (Old Dan) foams with rage, a face expects too much facial expression that. 老聃吹胡子瞪眼的骂道,一脸恨铁不成钢的的神情。 Dao Supreme said firmly: Heavenly Dao has difficult, the Hidden Sect disciple naturally must return!” 道至尊坚定道:“天道有难,隐门弟子自然得回归!” Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi nod, although depart Heavenly Dao already is very long, but they cannot forget the own status forever. 赵轩辕姜易点头,虽然离开天道已经很久,但他们永远忘不了自己的身份。 Lao Dan (Old Dan) suppresses to be angry: Ten thousand Divine Right Will, must extinguish Heavenly Dao, wants slaughter Chaos Demon God, you go back also dead, your achievement Unrestrained, truly can be side almighty, but facing Divine Right Will, insufficiently looks radically, the old man main body is not a ten thousand Divine Right Will opponent!” 老聃强忍着愤怒道:“一万神权将,要灭天道,要屠混沌魔神,你们回去也是死,你们成就自在,确实算得上一方大能,但面对神权将,根本不够看,连老朽的本尊也不是一万神权将的对手!” Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi are silent, but the look is still firm. 道至尊赵轩辕姜易沉默,但眼神依旧坚定。 They never fear! 他们从不畏死! Long time. 良久。 I must take a look at Divine Right Will but actually strongly!” Jiang Yi snort/hum said. “我倒要瞧瞧神权将有多强!”姜易哼道。 The Lao Dan (Old Dan) complexion fluctuates Yin clearly. 老聃脸色阴晴变幻。 Zhao Xuanyuan scolded: old man, don't you want to put us to walk?” 赵轩辕骂道:“老头,你不会不想放我们走吧?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) snort/hum said: Walks! old man accompanies you to walk personally one time, but actually actually old man must have a look at Master of Hidden Sect is what kind of existence, can make you so loyal unexpectedly.” 老聃哼道:“走走走!老朽亲自陪你们走一遭,老朽倒要看看隐门之主究竟是怎样的存在,竟然能令你们如此忠心。” Three people smile, the atmosphere instantaneously becomes cheerful. 三人嘿嘿一笑,气氛瞬间变得欢快。 Zhao Xuanyuan starts to promote Han Jue. 赵轩辕开始鼓吹韩绝 Meanwhile, Great Dao Pagoda and Buddha is also going forward to Heavenly Dao. 与此同时,大道之塔、佛界也在向天道前进。 Zhou Fan and Chu Shiren bring the respective influence vanguard directly, vast momentum. 周凡楚世人直接带着各自势力前行,声势浩大。 Han Jue does not know the action of disciples, he also in the seclusion cultivation. 韩绝不知弟子们的行动,他还在闭关修炼中。 Also was five ten thousand years in the past. 又是五万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, looks the color of anticipation. 韩绝睁开眼睛,面露期待之色。 His spiritual power strives! 他的法力又有精进! He starts Simulated Trial, challenges 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 他开始模拟试炼,挑战一万位愚剑神圣 Although he had not broken through, but these years depend on the refinement stars, when his spiritual power has been strengthening, causes he displays Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body, more than 1000 Demon God Dharma Body are also becoming stronger. 虽然他一直没有突破,但这些年靠着提炼星辰,他的法力一直在增强,使得他施展太易自在法相时,一千多尊魔神法相也在随之变强。
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