WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#832: cause and effect of Great Dao Destiny Divine Right

Divine Robed Daoist thinks, while follows the Spiritual God the first summon direction to fly. 神袍道人一边思索,一边顺着神灵之首召唤的方向飞去。 Has not achieved the destination, he has felt Pangu that astonishing terrifying imposing manner. 还未达到目的地,他已然感受到盘古那惊人的恐怖气势。 His speed follows to slow down. 他的速度跟着放缓。 Pangu is not Han Jue, but can also give him a way out. 盘古可不是韩绝,还能给他一条生路。 Compared with Han Jue, the Pangu reputation is more ominous, that is depends on slaughters the terrifying prestige that Age establishes! 比起韩绝,盘古的名声更凶,那可是靠着屠戮一个时代建立起来的恐怖威名! Divine Robed Daoist wants to turn around suddenly. 神袍道人忽然想掉头。 Or ok, already in the past, Pangu had not been suppressed, I was to also work as the cannon fodder in the past.” “要不算了吧,已经过去一段时间,盘古还未被镇压,我过去也是当炮灰。” Divine Robed Daoist thinks silently, then turns around. 神袍道人默默想到,然后转身回去。 His mortal body annihilates suddenly, is only left over a remnant soul, he follows to flee, disappears in the Space and Time turbulent flow. 他的肉身忽然湮灭,只剩下一丝残魂,他跟着遁走,消失于时空乱流之中。 ...... …… Enough in the past few months, that enormous and powerful heavenly prestige vanished, indicates the action conclusion of Pangu. 足足过去数月,那股浩荡的天威消失,预示着盘古的行动结束。 Han Jue raises eyes to look, is unable to spy on that war, cannot calculate the result. 韩绝举目望去,无法窥探到那场战争,更算不到结果。 He can calculate with life-span, but feels not to need. 他可以用寿命去算,但又觉得没必要。 In any case transient influence he. 反正暂时影响不到他。 Continues to cultivate. 继续修炼吧。 Han Jue closes eyes. 韩绝闭目。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Xuandu Saint Venerable convenes Sages, said the threat of Divine Right Will, Sages in great surprise, after a discussion, decided the Heavenly Dao life that will go out convened. 玄都圣尊召集诸圣,将神权将的威胁说出来,诸圣大惊,经过一番商讨后,决定将外出的天道生灵召集回来。 However wants to summon completely, almost impossible, can only as far as possible. 不过想要全部召回来,几乎不可能,只能尽量。 About the matter of Divine Right Will, they plan to conceal, avoid giving other influence opportunities is not missed. 关于神权将之事,他们打算隐瞒,避免给其他势力可趁之机。 Divine Right Will terrifying already spreads in Chaos, Heavenly Dao facing such an influence, is very opposeless, nearly died. 神权将的恐怖已经混沌传开,天道面对这样一股势力,很难抵抗,近乎死定了。 Was good still did not have the sound because of Han Jue, explained had confidence, Sages was insufficiently flurried. 好在韩绝仍没有动静,说明有把握,圣人们不至于慌乱。 In a flash. 一晃眼。 Ten ten thousand years in the past. 十万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, Hong Yuan waits for in side for a long time. 韩绝睁开眼睛,红缘在旁边等待已久。 This Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary late stage powerhouse already pledges allegiance to Han Jue completely. 这尊大道混元后期的强者已经完全归顺于韩绝 Han Jue said: You first go back to bring your world.” 韩绝道:“你先回去将你的天地带来吧。” Hong Yuan nods, she also and other instruction. 红缘点头,她也在等这个吩咐。 Han Jue wields the sleeve, sends out Heavenly Dao her. 韩绝挥袖,将她送出天道 Afterward, he starts to examine the mail. 随后,他开始查看邮件。 Your good friend Pangu cuts off cause and effect of Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, Destiny explodes falls 【你的好友盘古斩断大道气运神权因果,气运爆降】 Your good friend Qiu Xilai encounters mysterious curse 【你的好友求西来遭遇神秘诅咒】 Your good friend Huang Zuntian the mysterious almighty direction, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友黄尊天得神秘大能指点,道行大涨】 Your good friend Pangu is under the mysterious almighty attack x39 【你的好友盘古遭遇神秘大能袭击】x39 Your good friend Pangu falls from the sky, destroy both body and soul, will return source 【你的好友盘古陨落,形神俱灭,意志回归本源】 Your good friend Divine Robed Daoist is under the mysterious almighty attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友神袍道人遭遇神秘大能袭击,身受重伤】 Your apprentice Zhou Fan achieving Unrestrained Realm, Destiny rises sharply 【你的徒弟周凡证得自在境,气运大涨】 Your apprentice Su Qi comprehended death Great Dao, the cultivation growth 【你的徒弟苏岐参悟死亡大道,道行增长】 ...... …… Pangu fell from the sky, but does not have really to fall from the sky, but the body of this resurrecting falls from the sky. 盘古陨落了,但没有真的陨落,只是这具复活之身陨落。 cause and effect of Great Dao Destiny Divine Right...... 大道气运神权因果…… How many types does Destiny Divine Right have? 气运神权到底有几种? Han Jue is very curious. 韩绝很好奇。 Deciding tribulation life is one type, is Divine Right Will one type, cause and effect is what? 定劫命者算一种,神权将算一种,因果是何? Han Jue tried to calculate others cause and effect, cause and effect of all living things can still calculate. 韩绝试着推算他人因果,众生之因果仍能算到。 What positive result did that cut? 那到底斩了什么名堂? Han Jue continues to look downward, mostly is the cultivation breakthrough and chance and so on mail, not the information that is worth him pondering. 韩绝继续往下看去,大多都是修行突破、机缘之类的邮件,没有值得他思考的信息。 In these 100,000 years, Chaos is very tranquil. 这十万年里,混沌很平静。 Except for Pangu, Han Jue cannot see Chaos Demon God. 除了盘古,韩绝看不到一位混沌魔神 He smells the flavor that the wind and rain wants. 他嗅到风雨欲来的味道。 The Han Jue goal was still to cultivate. 韩绝的目标仍是修炼。 100,000 years of refinement, the stars in Primordial Chaos World become stronger, entire Primordial Chaos World is flooding Primordial Chaos Qi, this way, Primordial Chaos Qi will then become viscous. 十万年的提炼,鸿蒙界内的星辰变得更强,整个鸿蒙界充斥着鸿蒙之气,再这样下去,鸿蒙之气便会变得粘稠。 Han Jue thought of a possibility. 韩绝想到了一个可能。 When Primordial Chaos Qi gathers the pinnacle, can form the space? 鸿蒙之气聚集到极致,会不会形成空间? Is it possible that does Chaos so come? 混沌莫非就是这般来的? Has the possibility! 有可能! Continuously for a long time hence, Primordial Chaos Qi forms the Primordial Chaos space! 长此以往,鸿蒙之气形成鸿蒙空间! Doesn't he have Primordial Chaos to come on creation? 那他不就创造鸿蒙来? Han Jue rapid heartbeat. 韩绝心跳加快。 If he is powerful enough, received entire Chaos the own soul, can turn into Primordial Chaos Chaos? 倘若他足够强大,将整个混沌收入自己的灵魂之中,岂不是就能将混沌变成鸿蒙 However does this does not have the advantage. 不过这样做也没有好处。 After Han Jue does not form the Primordial Chaos space, effect clearly on cultivation base how. 韩绝不清楚形成鸿蒙空间后对修为的影响如何。 In the future will look! 日后再看! Han Jue catches the eye to look to Heavenly Dao, Immortal World becomes because of Immeasurable Tribulation already chaotic, All Heavens and Myriad Realms is but actually calm and steady. 韩绝抬眼看向天道,仙界无量大劫已经变得混乱,诸天万界倒还算安稳。 Qin Ling achieving Quasi-Sage, it is estimated that Immortal World will soon erupt a war in the following 50000 years, one divulges the accumulated grievances, to let the war that all living things awaken sufficiently. 秦灵即将证得准圣,估计接下来50000年内仙界将爆发一场大战,一场足以宣泄积怨、让众生醒悟的大战。 Only then facing the worse aspect, they will fondly remember the peace, safeguards the peace in future a long time. 只有面对更糟糕的局面,他们才会怀念和平,在未来很长一段时间维护和平。 All are planning. 一切都在计划中。 Heavenly Dao seems like the internal disorder and foreign invasion, but has minimal impact, resists Divine Right Will, can only by Han Jue take action, but Heavenly Dao, Sage suppresses all living things sufficiently. 天道看似内忧外患,但影响不大,对抗神权将,只能由韩绝出手,而天道内部,圣人足以镇压众生。 Randomly not! 乱不了! Han Jue sets out to arrive at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, directly enters the universe palace. 韩绝起身来到三十三层天外,直接进入乾坤殿。 In the universe palace only has Xuandu Saint Venerable one person. 乾坤殿内只有玄都圣尊一人。 Sees Han Jue to appear, Xuandu Saint Venerable frowns, said: Fellow Daoist Han, the situation is not wonderful.” 见到韩绝出现,玄都圣尊皱起眉头,道:“韩道友,情况不妙啊。” Han Jue said: Said.” 韩绝道:“说说。” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: Pangu falls from the sky, although resurrected Chaos Demon God, but does not reactivate three thousand Chaos Demon God, Chaos Demon God at all are not the Divine Right Will opponents, now Divine Right Will relevant information already spreads in Chaos, it is said Divine Right Will will kill Chaos Demon God, in Heavenly Dao has Sage to think that Divine Right Will must aim at Heavenly Dao, because of you......” 玄都圣尊道:“盘古陨落,虽然复活了混沌魔神,但并非复活三千混沌魔神,混沌魔神们根本不是神权将的对手,如今神权将的相关情报已经混沌传开,据说神权将会杀混沌魔神,天道内有圣人认为神权将之所以要针对天道,就是因为你……” The following words, he has not continued. 后面的话,他没有继续说下去。 Han Jue asked: How do you see?” 韩绝问道:“那你怎么看?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: I naturally believe you, by your cultivation base, already does not need Heavenly Dao, but some Sage were misled, this is also the normal matter, after all they do not understand you.” 玄都圣尊道:“吾自然是信你,以你的修为,已经不需要天道,但有些圣人被蛊惑,这也是正常的事情,毕竟他们不了解你。” Han Jue hear his meaning. 韩绝听出他的意思了。 New Saint! 新圣! No matter is really false, Xuandu Saint Venerable wants to suppress the new Saint taking this opportunity. 不管是真是假,玄都圣尊都想借此机会打压新圣。 Han Jue asked: Whom do you suspect?” 韩绝问道:“你怀疑有谁?” Jin Shen, Xu Dudao, Yang Che and Primordial Beginning Buddha Ancestor, they recently taking a walk with other world became frequent.” Xuandu Saint Venerable hesitates to say. 晋神徐妒道杨彻混元佛祖,他们最近与其他天地的走动变得频繁。”玄都圣尊沉吟道。 Han Jue is silent. 韩绝沉默。 Xu Dudao can trust completely, other three sages are uncertain. 徐妒道可以完全信任,其他三圣不一定。 Although Primordial Beginning Buddha Ancestor is Han Jue mole, but this boy can adjust to others 's impression, is not necessarily credible. 混元佛祖虽是韩绝卧底,但这厮能自己调节对他人的印象,未必可信。 I knew, you continue to stand firm Heavenly Dao, if some people want to leave, does not need to stop, happen to sets aside the position, but if some people use something as a pretext, wants to disrupt Heavenly Dao, you should understand how to do.” Han Jue unemotional say/way. “我知道了,你继续稳住天道吧,若有人想离开,也不用阻拦,正好腾出位置,但若是有人借题发挥,想扰乱天道,你该明白怎么做。”韩绝面无表情道。 Heavenly Dao strongest a number of do Sage during his control, how send Sage to do the matter newly? 天道最强的一批圣人都在他的掌控之中,新派圣人如何搞事? Court death! 找死! Xuandu Saint Venerable nods. 玄都圣尊点头。 His hesitant moment, asked: „Does Fellow Daoist Han, regarding 10,000 Divine Right Will, you make what plan?” 他犹豫片刻,问道:“韩道友,对于一万位神权将,你做何打算?” Han Jue deep looked at his one eyes, said: „The time, is not hurried.” 韩绝深深的看了他一眼,道:“还有时间,莫慌。” Xuandu Saint Venerable nods, the scruple moment, said: Needs me to look for the teacher?” 玄都圣尊点头,迟疑片刻,道:“需要吾去找老师吗?” Laozi (father)! 老子 Han Jue faint smile: „Should Laozi (father) not help white/in vain?” 韩绝似笑非笑道:“老子应该不会白帮忙吧?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said hastily: I ask, providing against contingencies, if Fellow Daoist Han is confident, naturally does not need to look.” 玄都圣尊连忙道:“吾只是问问,以防万一,若是韩道友有信心,自然不用找。” Temporarily does not need to look for anybody.” “暂时不用找任何人。” Understood.” “明白。” Two people chatted some little time, Han Jue just now departs. 两人聊了好一会儿,韩绝方才离去。 Xuandu Saint Venerable relaxes, the speaking incorrectly words let his lingering fear a moment ago. 玄都圣尊松了一口气,刚才说错话让他后怕。 Without the means that where his not clear Han Jue energy, instead looks like in him, ten thousand Great Dao Sage are absolutely invincible, even if Laozi (father) comes, is not necessarily effective, most rescues Human Cult. 没办法,他不清楚韩绝的底气何在,反正在他看来,一万大道圣人绝对无敌,纵然是老子前来,也未必管用,最多救走人教
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