WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#831: Pangu protects Heavenly Dao 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Keeping aloof Holy Mother of Order, shows the Spiritual God to overlook the arrogant and contemptuous stance of all living things, under her, Pangu does not lift, was still wielding furiously cuts front cloud wall, vows not to rest. 高高在上的秩序圣母,彰显出神灵俯视众生的高傲、轻蔑姿态,在她下方,盘古头也不抬,仍在奋力挥砍前方的云墙,誓不罢休。 Pangu, you do not call a halt, no one can save you!” 盘古,你再不停手,无人能救得了你!” Holy Mother of Order anger sound said, no longer in the past stance. 秩序圣母怒声道,不复往常姿态。 At this time, her left and right appeared great forms, is looking angrily below Pangu. 这时,她左右两侧浮现出一道道伟岸身影,全都怒视着下方的盘古 I owed Great Dao Spiritual God cause and effect already, but Divine Right Will slaughtered Chaos Demon God, I from, when revolted!” “吾欠大道神灵们的因果已经还了,但神权将屠戮混沌魔神,吾自当反抗!” Today, my Pangu will certainly cut off the supreme rule!” “今日,吾盘古必将斩断至高规则!” This Chaos is not and others recklessly the checkerboard of unseemly behavior!” “这混沌可不是尔等肆意妄为的棋盘!” Chaos , is not only Ylha and others, but also is all living things!” 混沌不只是属于尔等,还属于众生!” Pangu angrily roars, both hands lifts the blade, the whole body muscle tightens, fresh breeze encirclement whole body, strength feeling blasting open. 盘古怒吼一声,双手举刀,浑身肌肉绷紧,劲风环绕周身,力量感炸裂。 everyone Great Dao Spiritual God simultaneously wields the palm racket to Pangu, figure great huge Pangu also seems tiny before them. 诸位大道神灵齐齐挥掌拍向盘古,身形伟岸巨大的盘古在他们面前也显得渺小。 Pangu face upwards wields, the broadsword brandishes together the semicircle, terrifying spiritual power such as the flash flood, washes out everywhere Great Dao Spiritual God directly. 盘古仰天一挥,大刀抡出一道半圆,恐怖法力如山洪爆发,直接冲散漫天大道神灵 The boundless sea of clouds on Han Jue top of the head was also cut an incomparably vast crevice, seems talent two halves. 韩绝头顶上的无边云海也被斩出一条无比辽阔的空隙,好似天分两半。 Pangu continues to wield cuts front cloud wall, every time wields a blade, the figure raises suddenly. 盘古继续挥砍前方的云墙,每挥一刀,身形陡然拔高。 The Han Jue facial expression is strange. 韩绝神情古怪。 Pangu and did Holy Mother of Order have a falling out? 盘古秩序圣母闹翻了? Before wasn't helping Pangu? 之前不是还帮着盘古 It seems like because Divine Right Will does slaughter Chaos Demon God? 似乎是因为神权将屠戮混沌魔神 But before your Pangu, doesn't do this matter? 可你盘古之前不是也干这档子事? Han Jue does not look suddenly clearly, which head Pangu stands, why does the goal handle affairs? 韩绝忽然看不明白,盘古到底站哪头,到底为什么目标而行事? Evolving the illusion was shattered. 演化幻象破碎。 Han Jue opens the eye, falls into thinks deeply. 韩绝睁开眼睛,陷入深思中。 He is just about to continue to use Evolution Function, the sound resounds through in his mind together: 他正要继续动用演化功能,一道声音响彻他的脑海里: Today, my Pangu resurrects my execution Chaos Demon God, looks at Chaos Demon God to revolt against Divine Right Will, no longer for Spiritual God board game piece!” “今日,吾盘古复活吾诛杀混沌魔神,望混沌魔神反抗神权将,不再为神灵棋子!” Throws off the Great Dao Spiritual God hegemony, sets the Chaos order!” “掀翻大道神灵的霸权,重新定下混沌秩序!” Chaos, when is Chaos Demon God for the lord!” 混沌当属混沌魔神为主!” Also can resurrect? 还能复活? The bonus is Han Jue hears also one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 饶是韩绝都听得也热血沸腾。 ...... 只是…… I am not Chaos Demon God! 我不是混沌魔神啊! You called the wrong number! 你打错电话了! Han Jue shows the smile, never expected that Pangu jumped at this time instead, made war to Divine Right Will! 韩绝露出笑容,没想到盘古在这个时候跳反,向神权将开战! However is also normal, Divine Right Will should grasp with Primordial Chaos Demon God, finally linked Chaos Demon God to tidy up on the way together, was Chaos Demon God Pangu is competent? 不过也正常,神权将应该是抓拿鸿蒙魔神,结果顺道连混沌魔神一起收拾了,身为混沌魔神盘古能干? So mentioned, before Pangu, acted in a play, for achievement Primordial Chaos Demon God, while had confidence resurrecting Chaos Demon God. 这般说来,盘古之前只是做戏,一边是为了成就鸿蒙魔神,一边有把握复活混沌魔神 Can resurrecting Chaos Demon God, what method that be? 能复活混沌魔神,那是什么手段? Han Jue is somewhat greedy. 韩绝有些眼馋。 Pangu holds dream to you, accepts 盘古向你托梦,是否接受】 Han Jue looks one line of prompts that at present suddenly jumps out, are shocked. 韩绝看着眼前突然跳出的一行提示,不由愣住。 Why does Pangu hold the dream? 盘古为何托梦? I accept his request dream, has the danger?” “我接受他的托梦,有没有危险?” Needs to deduct 900 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除九千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 Han Jue relaxes, then agrees with the Pangu request dream. 韩绝松了一口气,然后同意盘古的托梦。 Before the dreamland is Han Jue, evolved illusion that enters, in all directions is the sea of clouds. 梦境是韩绝之前进入的演化幻象,四面八方全是云海。 Pangu stands in the front, is overlooking Han Jue. 盘古就站在前方,俯视着韩绝 Han Jue in its front, is similar to a small ant, but Pangu is the mountain, is in the myth the highest mountain! 韩绝在其面前,就如同一只小蚂蚁,而盘古是山,是神话里最高的山! Pangu opens the mouth saying: Today I , is not only Chaos Demon God opens a not possible road, for you, is Heavenly Dao opens a way out.” 盘古开口道:“今日吾不只是为混沌魔神开辟一条不可能的路,也是为你,为天道开辟一条生路。” Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 Divine Right Will, not only kills Chaos Demon God, kills the Heavenly Dao life, in other words, Divine Right Will destruction Heavenly Dao, I needs you to shelter Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao who is master of own affairs indifferently, so long as Heavenly Dao can survive, Heavenly Dao all living things can live well!” 神权将不只是杀混沌魔神,也杀天道生灵,也就是说,神权将将覆灭天道,吾需要你庇护天道,天道谁当家做主无所谓,只要天道能存活下去,天道众生能活得好!” Pangu vision brilliant stares at Han Jue, the sinking sound was saying. 盘古目光灼灼的盯着韩绝,沉声说道。 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Pangu does that the true goal is for Heavenly Dao. 盘古之所以这么做,真正目的是为了天道 Entire Heavenly Dao is the bloodlines of Pangu, he is equivalent is the own children and posterity resists. 整个天道都算是盘古的血脉,他相当于在为自己的儿女、子孙后代抗争。 Han Jue said: I will try to protect Heavenly Dao, but can only go all-out.” 韩绝道:“我会尽全力保护天道,但只能是尽全力。” Pangu shows the smile, said: I have been observing you, you always said only for yourself, but Heavenly Dao has difficult each time, you will stand, this is also you surrenders Pan Xin, I had not investigated that your reason, you are active to Heavenly Dao!” 盘古露出笑容,道:“吾一直在观察你,你总说只为自己,但天道每次有难,你都会站出来,这也是你降服盘心,吾没有追究你的原因,你对天道有功!” The Han Jue complexion is tranquil, is at heart awkward. 韩绝面色平静,心里尴尬。 Actually he is really for himself! 其实他真是为了自己! At least he feels so , helping Heavenly Dao, is only in the area of competence. 至少他觉得如此,帮天道,也只是能力范围内。 Divine Right Will is the supreme theocracy, the strongest strength in Chaos, even if sees through fabrications, is unable to resist, Divine Right Will has the ability that erases has, even if Chaos Demon God collaborates, cannot block Divine Right Will, I will make contribution, before Divine Right Will arrives at Heavenly Dao blocks them.” 神权将至高神权,混沌之中的最强力量,纵然看破虚妄,也无法抵挡,神权将拥有抹除真实存在的能力,纵然混沌魔神联手,也挡不住神权将,吾会尽力,在神权将来到天道前将他们拦下。” Naturally, possibly cannot block! I hope that you are ready! The Heavenly Dao life wants in Chaos, cannot run away extinguishing of Divine Right Will to kill!” “当然,也可能拦不下来!吾希望你做好准备!天道生灵只要在混沌,就逃不了神权将的灭杀!” Unites good Heavenly Dao, meets head-on momentarily, even if dies, must spell to go all-out!” “团结好天道,随时迎战,纵然是死,也得拼尽全力!” Pangu vision brilliant saying, the voice falls, the dreamland follows shatter. 盘古目光灼灼的说道,话音落下,梦境跟着破碎。 Han Jue opens the eye. 韩绝睁开眼睛。 In his heart inquired: A moment ago Pangu to the words that I spoke whether is true?” 他心中询问:“刚才盘古跟我说的话是否属实?” Needs to deduct 900 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除九千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Is true 【属实】 Han Jue relaxes. 韩绝松了一口气。 He starts to face up to Pangu suddenly, Pangu does not have him to imagine is so bad. 他忽然开始正视盘古,盘古也没有他想象中那么糟糕。 This great god moral courage is very strong! 这位巨神气节还是很强的! Without dao field, dares to raise revolts against the Divine Right Will war, very just! 在没有道场的情况下,敢掀起反抗神权将的大战,很刚! Although this Pangu is not the Pangu main body! 虽然这位盘古不是盘古本尊! Does not know that Pangu resurrected many Demon God, if can drag some time, that drags.” “也不知盘古复活了多少魔神,若能拖一段时间,那就拖吧。” Han Jue thinks silently. 韩绝默默想到。 He feels joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen suddenly. 他忽然觉得柳暗花明又一村。 He is not an all alone! 他并非孤身一人! If he extinguished ten thousand Divine Right Will, Pangu supports him! 倘若他灭了一万神权将,还有盘古支持他! Pangu main body strong, is not clear. 盘古的本尊到底有多强,还不清楚呢。 Could pull the wrist/skill with Deity of Chaos? 或许能跟混沌神明扳扳手腕呢? Han Jue passes message to Xuandu Saint Venerable, tells Xuandu Saint Venerable the information that Pangu disclosed. 韩绝传音给玄都圣尊,将盘古透露的信息告诉玄都圣尊 How to arrange as for Xuandu Saint Venerable, that does not close the Han Jue matter, when resists Divine Right Will in any case, Heavenly Dao cannot have the help. 至于玄都圣尊如何安排,那就不关韩绝的事,反正对抗神权将时,天道起不了帮助。 Han Jue shot a look at Hong Yuan one, enters the Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison 20,000 years, from enslaving successfully also early. 韩绝瞥了红缘一眼,才进入鸿蒙天牢两万年,距离奴役成功还早。 He has not continued to cultivate, but is the waiting. 他没有继续修炼,而是等待。 heavenly prestige has not diverged! 天威还未散去! Pangu is still brandishing a sword! 盘古还在挥刀! Han Jue not clear does Pangu want to do, cuts off the supreme rule to affect Divine Right Will? 韩绝不清楚盘古想要干什么,斩断至高规则能影响到神权将 Could. 或许能。 Han Jue thinks suddenly oneself do not understand Divine Right Will. 韩绝突然想到自己并不了解神权将 Can Divine Right Will undying and unextinguishable in Great Dao? 神权将会不会在大道不死不灭 Great Dao Sage that 10,000 cannot kill...... 一万尊怎么也打不死的大道圣人…… The Han Jue heart jumps, this realized oneself were simple Divine Right Will. 韩绝心头一跳,这才意识到自己将神权将想简单了。 He can only wanting to pin on Pangu body. 他只能将希望寄托在盘古身上 Brother, tries harder, turns them dry/does, finally makes me harvest the head/number of people well......” “老哥,加把劲,干翻他们,最后让我来收割人头就好……” Han Jue muttered, in the look full was the color of anticipation. 韩绝喃喃自语,眼神中满是期待之色。 Another side, Chaos already is blustery! 另一边,混沌已经风起云涌! All Great Dao Spiritual God all charge into a place. 所有大道神灵全都冲向一个地方。 Divine Robed Daoist is also one of them. 神袍道人也是其中之一。 He shuttles back and forth in the Space and Time turbulent flow, brow tight wrinkle. 他穿梭在时空乱流之中,眉头紧皱。 „Does Pangu actually want to do?” 盘古到底想干什么?” In Divine Robed Daoist heart puzzled, slows down the speed, always thought that the trip is very dangerous, is slow. 神袍道人心中困惑,不由减缓速度,总觉得此行很危险,还是慢点吧。
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