WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#830: Theocracy moves Chaos

Hong Yuan after all is Great Dao Sage, in a short time is unable to enslave successfully, although Hong Yuan is very tranquil, but Han Jue does not dare to treat it lightly, continuously her seal. 红缘毕竟是大道圣人,短时间内无法奴役成功,虽然红缘很平静,但韩绝也不敢掉以轻心,一直将她封印。 Han Jue starts to examine the mail, looks with great interest. 韩绝开始查看邮件,看得津津有味。 For a long time. 许久。 Hong Yuan cannot bear open the mouth to ask: Fellow Daoist Han, you said where Highest Beginning Demon God did hide? These days, I investigated Divine Right Will, discovered before Divine Right Will is very long, then has appeared, has swept away Chaos truly, it may be said that has no place to go.” 红缘忍不住开口问道:“韩道友,你说太初魔神到底躲到哪里去了?这段时间,我又调查了一下神权将,发现神权将很久以前便出现过,真正横扫过混沌,可谓是无处可逃。” Han Jue said: I am not clear, perhaps Highest Beginning does Demon God think oneself infallible?” 韩绝道:“我也不清楚,或许太初魔神只是自以为是呢?” Hong Yuan nods, sighs with emotion: „When wants Highest Beginning Demon God to unite Demon God initially what kind of high-spiritedness, has not thought that was frightened by Divine Right Will flees at the mere distant sight, even does not dare to inform other Demon God.” 红缘点头,感慨道:“想当初太初魔神联合魔神时何等的意气风发,没想到被神权将吓得望风而逃,甚至不敢通知其他魔神。” The Highest Beginning Demon God good and evil is also one of the strongest Chaos Demon God, unexpectedly so vexed, sees the fearfulness of Divine Right Will sufficiently. 太初魔神好歹也是最强大混沌魔神之一,竟然如此窝囊,足以见得神权将的可怕。 Han Jue said: Is truly atypical.” 韩绝道:“确实不地道。” How to say again, should inform other Chaos Demon God, is ready together, before the good and evil, has faced Pangu together, calculates the junction of Life and Death. 再怎么说,也应该通知其他混沌魔神,一起做好准备,好歹之前还共同面对过盘古,也算生死之交。 Appraisal of Han Jue to Highest Beginning Demon God was lower. 韩绝太初魔神的评价低了很多。 This boy, lives early! 这厮,也就生得早罢了! Right, however, Fellow Daoist Han, your can dao field block Divine Right Will?” Hong Yuan asked. “没错,不过话说回来,韩道友,你这道场能挡住神权将吗?”红缘问道。 Han Jue said: Un, since is one of us, I then am open about the facts you, can keep off, but also keeps off, if were being stopped up by Divine Right Will, can only treat forever here.” 韩绝道:“嗯,既然是自家人,那我便不瞒你,可以挡下来,但也只是挡下来,倘若被神权将堵着,就只能永远待在这里。” Hong Yuan said with a smile: That is all right, happen to cultivation.” 红缘笑道:“那没事,正好修炼。” Her hesitant moment, asked: I have a stretch of the world hand/subordinate......” 她犹豫片刻,问道:“我手下有一片天地……” Han Jue hits to block the way: Later said!” 韩绝打断道:“之后再说!” First enslaved successfully! 先奴役成功了! Opens the space in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, hiding a stretch of the world is not difficult. 百岳仙川内开辟空间,藏匿一片天地并不难。 Before Han Jue, has thought like this protects Heavenly Dao, but this broke Heavenly Road of Chaos, he also worried that Dao Ancestor and Pangu enter dao field taking advantage of Heavenly Dao, is extremely dangerous. 韩绝之前就想过这样保护天道,但这样就断了混沌天路,他还担心道祖盘古天道杀入道场,太过危险。 If only the Hong Yuan world, that regards as another matter. 倘若只是红缘的天地,那就另当别论。 Hong Yuan no longer said that but static is staring at Han Jue. 红缘不再多说,只是静静的盯着韩绝 After looking at the mail, Han Jue starts to observe Immortal World as well as All Heavens and Myriad Realms. 看完邮件后,韩绝又开始观察仙界以及诸天万界 After several days, he just starts to cultivate. 数日后,他方才开始修炼。 When Han Jue starts to refine the stars, the imposing manner that body sends out made the Hong Yuan heart be startled. 韩绝开始提炼星辰时,身上散发出来的气势令红缘心惊。 „Is he what realm? Is it possible that before is him, Supreme boundary that said?” “他到底是何境界?莫非是他之前所说的至上境?” Hong Yuan thinks silently, regarding own in the future, she will not be anxious, compared with was extinguished by Divine Right Will again well. 红缘默默想到,对于自己的未来,她倒不紧张,再怎么也比被神权将灭了好。 ...... …… With a enormity of ten thousand Divine Right Will, their actions also spread in Chaos, the propagation velocity of rumor is faster than their action speeds. 随着一万神权将的声势浩大,他们的行动也在混沌中传扬开来,流言的传播速度比他们的行动速度还要快。 Overcast sky vault of heaven, heavy rain downpour, in the world raising mist. 阴云密布的天穹,大雨倾盆,天地间升起水雾。 By giant lakes, small pavilion, the building has four people to fish. 一片巨大湖泽旁边,有一座小阁楼,楼边有四人正在垂钓。 Lao Dan (Old Dan), Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi. 正是老聃道至尊赵轩辕姜易 „Is Divine Right Will what origin? Some people said that is representing 10,000 Great Dao Sage? This was too exaggerating!” 神权将到底是何来历?有人说代表着一万位大道圣人?这太夸张了吧!” Zhao Xuanyuan asked curiously, thought that this matter was false. 赵轩辕好奇问道,觉得此事是假的。 Dao Supreme looks to Lao Dan (Old Dan), said: Senior, said.” 道至尊看向老聃,道:“前辈,说说呗。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) snort/hum said: Actually not exaggeratingly, said that is fiercer than accurately Great Dao Sage, one-to-one, Divine Right Will is also in Great Dao Sage first-class exists, Divine Right Will not live spirit, but is the Chaos supreme rule, when Chaos presents the source of disaster, they will then appear, this is also the reason that Chaos can have eternal.” 老聃哼道:“其实不算夸张,准确的说比大道圣人还要厉害,一对一,神权将也是大道圣人之中一流存在,神权将并非活灵,而是混沌至高规则,每当混沌出现祸乱之源时,他们便会出现,这也是混沌能永恒存在的原因。” This Divine Right Will appears, it is estimated that to search for Primordial Chaos Demon God.” “此次神权将出现,估计是为了搜寻鸿蒙魔神。” Jiang Yi asked curiously: Primordial Chaos Demon God again is not a ten thousand Great Dao Sage opponent, so it seems like, Primordial Chaos Demon God could not have threatened Chaos, why that said that Primordial Chaos Demon God will raise Great Dao Grand Tribulation?” 姜易好奇问道:“鸿蒙魔神再强也不是一万大道圣人的对手吧,这般看来,鸿蒙魔神还威胁不了混沌啊,那为何都说鸿蒙魔神会掀起大道量劫?” Lao Dan (Old Dan) knits the brows: Actually old man is also having doubts, thinks carefully, old man has really not known was who said Primordial Chaos Demon God will raise Great Dao Grand Tribulation, moreover what kind of great strength Primordial Chaos Demon God was, old man was not clear, from beforehand that Primordial Chaos pill, Primordial Chaos Demon God was truly powerful, but did not have to be in vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the invincible situation powerful.” 老聃皱眉道:“其实老朽也在疑惑,仔细想想,老朽还真不知是谁说鸿蒙魔神会掀起大道量劫,而且鸿蒙魔神到底是怎样的强大,老朽也不清楚,从之前的那枚鸿蒙丹来看,鸿蒙魔神确实强大,但也没有强大到纵横无敌的地步。” Dao Supreme shakes the head saying: Also with saying, Primordial Chaos Demon God is only a target.” 道至尊摇头道:“还用说,鸿蒙魔神只是一个靶子。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) is silent, the vision is staring at the fishing pole, does not know that is thinking anything. 老聃沉默,目光盯着鱼竿,不知在想什么。 Zhao Xuanyuan asked: What do we, when put us to return to Heavenly Dao? My this cultivation base wants to have a look to the same side.” 赵轩辕问道:“我们到底在等什么啊,什么时候放我们回天道?我这身修为想给同门看看。” Lao Dan (Old Dan) white his eyes, scolded: What is puts, old man follows your three brothers to have bad luck, frequently encounters difficult, you must go back, now rolls!” 老聃白了他一眼,骂道:“什么叫放,老朽跟着你们三兄弟真是倒了血霉,经常遭遇险阻,你们要回去,现在就滚回去!” He gets more mad, Primordial Chaos pill abandoned, oneself also owe a main body favor, these years follow the Dao Supreme three people in danger frequently, but also offended the generations of many almighty, finally Zhao Xuanyuan this boy has not known to feel grateful. 他越想越气,鸿蒙丹废了,自己还欠本尊一个人情,这些年跟着道至尊三人经常遇险,还得罪了不少大能之辈,结果赵轩辕这厮还不知感恩。 Your this old man often flies into a rage, how is the remote antiquity brutal has your such doppelganger?” “你这老头动不动就急眼,太上无情怎么有你这样的分身?” Snort, old man is not doppelganger!” “哼,老朽才不是分身!” „Is is, we were the doppelganger line.” “是是是,我们是分身行了吧。” The Zhao Xuanyuan grinning say/way, during the speeches also wields the fishing pole, disturbs Lao Dan (Old Dan) with the own fish line, the air/Qi results in Lao Dan (Old Dan) to foam with rage. 赵轩辕笑嘻嘻道,说话间还挥动鱼竿,用自己的鱼线去干扰老聃,气得老聃吹胡子瞪眼。 At this moment, a greatest pressure arrives, is startled four people to look up fiercely. 就在这时,一股莫大的威压降临,惊得四人猛地抬头看去。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery, cultivating Han Jue opens eyes suddenly, looks up. 道观内,正在修炼的韩绝突然睁眼,抬头看去。 Hong Yuan already in stupor, by the Han Jue seal soul. 红缘已经处于昏迷之中,被韩绝封印了灵魂。 Looks following the Han Jue vision, sees only outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, above Sages dao field presents layer upon layer the golden sea of clouds, the crazy surges, a terrifying heavenly prestige arrives, covers All Heavens. 顺着韩绝的目光看去,只见三十三层天外,诸圣道场之上出现层层金色云海,疯狂翻腾,一股恐怖天威降临,笼罩诸天 Han Jue narrows a calculation, discovered that Heavenly Dao as if received the stimulation, the Destiny ebullition, is very strange, this is the first time that Han Jue saw such situation. 韩绝眯眼推算,发现天道仿佛受了刺激,气运沸腾,无比古怪,这还是韩绝第一次看到这样的情况。 Reason that he calculates the airtight so celestial phenomenon. 他算不透这般天象的原因。 He has to examine the Heavenly Dao surrounding situation with Simulated Trial, had not discovered that the enemy raids. 他不得不用模拟试炼检测天道周围的情况,并没有发现敌袭。 Is the Great Dao Supreme attack? 难道又是大道至上来袭? Han Jue catches the eye again, looks to Heavenly Dao, the vision penetrates the innumerable spaces, has not found the form of enemy. 韩绝再次抬眼,看向天道上方,目光穿透无数层空间,也没有瞧见敌人的身影。 Why has phenomenon so?” “为何有这般异象?” Han Jue inquired in the heart. 韩绝在心中询问。 Needs to deduct 900 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除九千亿年寿命,是否继续】 This already is the Laozi (father) worth! 已经老子的身价! Continue! 继续! The consciousness of Han Jue follows to fall into the evolved illusion. 韩绝的意识跟着陷入演化幻象之中。 He opens the eye, discovered oneself arrive at piece on a vault of heaven that is filling the billowing thick fog, looks downward, cannot see the mainland and vastness, looks upward, does not see the stars. 他睁开眼睛,发现自己来到一片弥漫着滚滚大雾的天穹上,往下看去,看不到大陆、汪洋,往上瞧去,不见日月星辰。 The front has a great aggressive form! 前方有一尊伟岸霸气身影! He is red the upper body, grasps a broadsword of taking the form of great axe, wields toward front cloud wall unceasingly cuts. 他赤着上身,手持一把形似巨斧的大刀,朝着前方的云墙不断挥斩。 Every wields one time cuts, the fog that chops all floods into his within the body, making his figure raise one section fiercely. 每一次挥斩,劈出的云雾全都涌入他体内,使得他的身形猛地拔高一截。 Pangu! 盘古 Is he doing? 他在干什么? Han Jue dark startled, stubbornly is staring at the Pangu back. 韩绝暗惊,死死的盯着盘古的背影。 The muscle that Pangu conducts the back has the visual impact strength, seems the one after another mountain range to extrude in together, fierce aggressive. 盘古背上的肌肉极具视觉冲击力,好似一条条山脉挤压在一起,狰狞霸气。 Cannot look at apex cloud wall to burst out the ray, above the Pangu top of the head, in cloud wall appears form, is huger than Pangu, Sacred (God Sage/Saint) is dignified. 望不到顶点的云墙迸发出光芒,在盘古的头顶上方,云墙之中显现出一道身影,比盘古还要巨大,神圣威严。 Holy Mother of Order! 秩序圣母 Pangu, you dare to disturb the theocracy!” 盘古,你敢干扰神权!” Holy Mother of Order sound incomparably ice-cold. 秩序圣母的声音无比冰冷。
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