WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#829: 3 million years!

Distant looks at ten thousand Divine Right Will, Han Jue is knitting the brows. 远远的望着一万神权将,韩绝不由皱眉。 Even if evolves the illusion, the Divine Right Will imposing manner also makes his heart startled, mainly when is 10,000 Divine Right Will gathers in the together imposing manner has the constriction, Han Jue facing 12,000 thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage, has felt this imposing manner. 纵然只是演化幻象,神权将的气势也让他心惊,主要是一万尊神权将汇聚在一起的气势太具压迫感,韩绝面对一万两千愚剑神圣时,也感受过这种气势。 However Divine Right Will were many pressure of god, nondescriptive. 不过神权将多了神的威压,难以名状。 Ten thousand Divine Right Will the vanguard, each form is abreast in row higher than Buzhou Divine Mountain, 10,000 Buzhou Divine Mountain are grinding abreast in row forward, that is what kind of majestic, irresistible! 一万神权将并排着前行,每一道身影都比不周神山还高,一万座不周神山并排着向前碾进,那是何等的大气磅礴,势不可挡! The giant skeleton shivers slightly, the body innumerable stars follow to flash on and off to fluctuate. 巨大骸骨微微颤动,身上的无数星辰跟着明灭变幻。 Why you do come?” “尔等为何而来?” The depressed drinking sound gets up together, resounds through void. 一道沉闷的喝声响起,响彻虚空。 Ten thousand Divine Right Will had not replied, continues to go forward, quick passes through Han Jue, treads to the giant skeleton. 一万神权将没有回答,继续前进,很快就穿过韩绝,踏向巨大骸骨。 In the figure staggered moment, Han Jue feels an intense burning hot. 在身形交错的一刻,韩绝感受到一股强烈的炙热。 Divine Right Will does not seem like the life, is more like the spiritual power coagulum, but compared with spiritual power high-level. 神权将似乎不是生灵,更像是法力凝聚体,但又比法力高级 Saw that Divine Right Will approach, the giant skeleton shivers, lifts an arm racket unexpectedly to Divine Right Will, this arm is how giant, tearing is void, bringing the endless Space and Time thunder to hit. 看到神权将们逼近,巨大骸骨颤动,竟抬起一只手骨拍向神权将,这只手骨何其巨大,撕裂虚空,带着无尽时空雷霆打去。 Two Divine Right Will depart, simultaneously wields begins the long halberd, two fearful divine power gather in together, breaks the giant arm. 两名神权将飞出,齐齐挥动手中的长戟,两股可怕神力汇聚在一起,将巨大手骨震碎。 The giant skeleton body innumerable stars burst out the glare, swiftly condenses a glare form, is Chaos Demon God. 巨大骸骨身上的无数星辰迸发强光,迅速凝聚成一尊强光身影,正是混沌魔神 This Chaos Demon God condenses an arm, the both arms hold up, the body glare gathers above the palm, a ray vortex bursts out, the rapid expansion, sweeps across entire void. 这尊混沌魔神重新凝聚出一臂,双臂举起,身上强光汇聚在掌心上方,一片光芒漩涡迸发,迅速扩张,席卷整个虚空。 In the ray vortex bursts out the terrifying suction, even the space can tear into shreds, is indistinct, Han Jue sees inside has a big mouth, being hard to describe that its is fierce and terrifying, ten thousand Divine Right Will invade suddenly! 光芒漩涡之中迸发出恐怖吸力,连空间都可以撕碎,隐约间,韩绝看到里面有一张血盆大口,难以形容其狰狞与恐怖,一万神权将忽然蜂拥而上! This grade of scene shocks! 这等场面震撼至极! 10,000 also want high great form simultaneously to charge into Chaos Demon God compared with Buzhou Divine Mountain. 一万尊比不周神山还要高的伟岸身影齐齐冲向混沌魔神 Their body divine light condenses in the same place, seems one a long halberd that breaks out Chaos, crushes the ray vortex directly. 他们身上神光凝聚在一起,好似一把劈开混沌的长戟,直接击碎光芒漩涡。 Chaotic Chaos, death!” “乱混沌者,死!” The dignified calling out sound gets up together, shocks void, the bonus is Han Jue dao heart cannot bear jumps. 一道威严的暴喝声响起,震撼虚空,饶是韩绝道心也忍不住一跳。 The glare jumps presently, submerges the Han Jue field of vision. 紧接着,强光迸现,淹没韩绝的视野。 Evolves the illusion to follow shatter. 演化幻象跟着破碎。 Han Jue opens the eye, tastes the previous fight pressure. 韩绝睁开眼睛,不由回味先前的战斗威压。 Imposing manner already that finally frequently, Divine Right Will erupts endures ratio 15,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage to collaborate! 最后时刻,神权将爆发的气势已经堪比一万五千位愚剑神圣联手! Really! 果然! This Divine Right Will is not simple, cannot consider by common Great Dao Sage. 神权将不简单,不能以寻常大道圣人去思量。 I want to know how long Divine Right Will also does supervise Heavenly Dao?” “我想知道神权将还有多久监察到天道?” In the Han Jue heart asked. 韩绝心中问道。 Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! 3 million years 【三百万年】 Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 Somewhat urgent. 有些紧迫了。 Ten thousand Divine Right Will attacks, if they have besieged Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, definitely will affect Heavenly Dao. 一万神权将来袭,倘若他们一直围攻百岳仙川,必然会波及天道 The idea of Han Jue extinguished them. 韩绝的想法是将他们灭了。 As for the following result, will look in the future. 至于后续的结果,日后再看。 Even Chaos Unknown take action, he hides in dao field personally at the worst good. 就算混沌无识亲自出手,他大不了躲在道场内就好。 Before then, he must promote own cultivation base as far as possible. 在此之前,他得尽可能提升自己的修为 Currently speaking, confronting ten thousand Divine Right Will is not steady, temporarily cannot instakill. 目前来说,对阵一万神权将不稳,暂时不能秒杀 Han Jue no longer thinks, continues to refine the stars in Primordial Chaos World. 韩绝不再多想,继续提炼鸿蒙界内的星辰。 ...... …… In a mysterious space. 一片神秘空间内。 Evil Heavenly Emperor kneels before incomparably great, and is sending out the divine light form, respectful incomparable, does not dare to raise the head. 邪天帝跪在一尊无比伟岸且散发着神光的身影前,恭敬无比,不敢抬头。 Great Dao Grand Tribulation has opened, when has not arrived at the great disorder.” 大道量劫已然开启,只是未到大混乱之时。” The illusory sound resounds together. 一道虚无缥缈的声音响起。 The Evil Heavenly Emperor sinking sound asked: May I ask Great Dao Grand Tribulation to open, Chaos Demon God and Great Dao Spiritual God wreak havoc, how should our common life transcending tribulation?” 邪天帝沉声问道:“敢问大道量劫开启,混沌魔神大道神灵肆虐,吾等寻常生灵该如何渡劫?” The illusory sound resounds again: Was difficult to say.” 虚无缥缈的声音再次响起:“难说。” The heart of Evil Heavenly Emperor sinks to the valley. 邪天帝的心沉入谷底。 Even isn't existence of this Unpermissible Dao Name able to give a slim chance of survival? 连这位不可道名的存在都无法给出一线生机? Gambling has opened, all living things all are the board game piece, Primordial Chaos Demon God whether exists, is unimportant.” “博弈已然开启,众生皆为棋子,鸿蒙魔神是否存在,已然不重要。” Evil Heavenly Emperor hears these words, stares. 邪天帝听到这句话,不由一愣。 Primordial Chaos is Demon God unimportant? 鸿蒙魔神不重要? He remembers Pangu, life as well as Chaos Demon God suddenly, revolving fears. 他忽然想起盘古、命以及混沌魔神,细思恐极。 Primordial Chaos isn't Demon God the Great Dao Grand Tribulation key?” Evil Heavenly Emperor asked. “难道鸿蒙魔神并非大道量劫的关键?”邪天帝问道。 Immediately is the Chaos period, Primordial Chaos Demon God is strong, cannot shake Chaos Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, Evil Heavenly Emperor, you should make the choice, chaotic period, once standing wrong camp, beyond redemption.” “当下乃混沌时期,鸿蒙魔神再强,也撼动不了混沌大道气运神权,邪天帝,你该作出选择,混乱时期,一旦站错阵营,万劫不复。” „Can We choose you?” “朕能选择您吗?” I do not enter fated tribulation, the battle of all things do not have the significance to me, even if the Chaos destruction, I remains, you walk.” “吾早已不入劫数,万事万物的争斗对吾而言都没有意义,纵然混沌覆灭,吾仍存在,你走吧。” Evil Heavenly Emperor is silent. 邪天帝沉默。 Long time. 良久。 He stands up, bends the waist to salute, turns around to depart. 他站起身来,弯腰行礼,转身离去。 Walked ten steps, Evil Heavenly Emperor stopped suddenly, asks: Our did Fate change?” 走了十步,邪天帝忽然停下,问道:“朕的命数变了吗?” Great Dao Fate cannot spy on, is not a fate, but decides the situation, you face the time that Fate changes now.” 大道命数不可窥探,也并非定数,只是决定大势罢了,你现在就面临命数变化的时机。” Hears these words, the advance that Evil Heavenly Emperor is duty-bound not to turn back immediately, then vanishes quickly. 听闻这句话,邪天帝当即义无反顾的前进,很快便消失。 ...... …… All living things get by, Immortal God year, Sage ten thousand years. 众生度日,仙神度年,圣人度万载。 Ten ten thousand years passes in a hurry. 十万载匆匆过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, in the double pupil seems hiding trillion stars. 韩绝睁开眼睛,双眸之中仿佛藏着亿万星辰。 His cultivation base promotes much, as the recent stars transform successfully, 11.1 billion stars start to expedite massive Primordial Chaos Qi unexpectedly, entire Primordial Chaos World situated in dim purple fog , before as if that opening heavens, all muddy. 他的修为又增进不少,随着最近一次星辰蜕变成功,一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰竟然开始催生大量鸿蒙之气,整个鸿蒙界处于朦胧紫雾之中,仿佛那开天之前,一切皆浑浊。 As if found.” “似乎找到了。” Han Jue muttered, this transformation made him find the direction, the whole person became more self-confident. 韩绝喃喃自语,这一次的蜕变让他找到了方向,整个人变得更自信。 Although broke through still could not see the symptom, but was at least hopeful! 虽然突破仍看不到苗头,但至少有希望! Han Jue examines nearby Heavenly Dao with Simulated Trial, determines except for Hong Yuan, does not have other powerful enemies again. 韩绝模拟试炼检测天道附近,确定除了红缘,再无其他强敌。 Hong Yuan already waits for the number thousand years outside Heavenly Dao, it is estimated that makes the decision. 红缘已经天道外等候数千载,估计作出决定。 I go out to grasp now Hong Yuan, can have the danger?” “我现在出去将红缘抓进来,会不会有危险?” In the Han Jue heart inquired, if Hong Yuan were a board game piece, Chaos Unknown is spying on all these? 韩绝心中询问道,万一红缘是棋子,混沌无识正在窥探着这一切呢? Needs to deduct 200 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除两千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Does not have 【没有】 Han Jue relaxes, stands up, activates supreme treasure, as if the divine nature was stimulated, whole person situated in dazzling divine light. 韩绝松了一口气,站起身来,激活一身的至宝,仿佛神性被激发,整个人处于耀眼神光之中。 He follows to jump to Hong Yuan in front. 他跟着跳至红缘面前。 Hong Yuan opens the eye, looks to Han Jue, said: Several tens of thousands of years ago , Chaos Demon God was extinguished.” 红缘睁开眼睛,看向韩绝,道:“数万年前,又有一位混沌魔神被灭了。” Her tone concealed fear. 她的语气隐含恐惧。 Han Jue said: How did you decide?” 韩绝道:“那你怎么决定?” Turns in you! You have what method, I can withstand!” Hong Yuan said earnestly. “投靠于你!你有什么手段,我都能承受!”红缘认真说道。 She unfolds the face to smile suddenly, said: Naturally, I think, when your dao companion.” 她忽然展颜一笑,道:“当然,我更想当你的道侣。” Han Jue takes control of fiercely, Great Yi Sealing Palm hits directly in Hong Yuan body. 韩绝猛地出掌,太易封印掌直接打在红缘身上 Hong Yuan responded without enough time, by seal. 红缘来不及反应,就被封印。 Han Jue leads her to follow to return to Dao Monastery, loses into Primordial Chaos Heavenly Prison directly. 韩绝带着她跟着回到道观内,直接丢入鸿蒙天牢中。 Hong Yuan stares the big beautiful eye, stubbornly is staring at Han Jue. 红缘瞪大美目,死死的盯着韩绝 And other time, relax, will not harm you.” “等一段时间吧,放心,不会伤害你。” Han Jue spoke thoughtlessly saying that Hong Yuan one hear, felt relieved immediately. 韩绝随口说道,红缘一听,顿时放下心来。 Her secretly heart startled, knows that Han Jue is very strong, has not thought such strongly. 她暗自心惊,知道韩绝很强,没想到这么强。 Facing Han Jue, she actually responded without enough time. 面对韩绝,她竟然来不及反应。 Moreover what seal technique is this? 而且这是什么封印术? Too odd! 太离谱了!
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