WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#828: The tribulation of Demon God

Han Jue Sacred Thought searches into embryo within the body, wants seal his Primordial Chaos Demon God bloodlines. 韩绝圣念探入胎儿体内,想要封印其鸿蒙魔神血脉。 _ bang! 轰! The Han Jue whole body trembles, narrows the eye fiercely. 韩绝浑身一颤,猛地眯眼。 backlash! 反噬 A great power erupts from embryo within the body, conflicts his Sacred Thought. 一股强大力量从胎儿体内爆发,抵触他的圣念 This boy......” “这小子……” Han Jue was enthusiastic. 韩绝来劲了。 Laozi (father) must suppress your bloodlines, don't you want to come out? 老子非要镇压你的血脉,你不是想出来吗? The Han Jue look concentrates , to continue to attempt. 韩绝眼神一凝,继续尝试。 Xing Hongxuan knits the brows, felt that the belly is somewhat sore, but she is also Sage, does not fear the ache. 邢红璇皱眉,感觉肚子有些疼,但她好歹也是圣人,根本不惧疼痛。 The embryos were still conflicting Han Jue Sacred Thought unceasingly, he has to use spiritual power. 胎儿仍在不断抵触韩绝圣念,他不得不动用法力 Long time. 良久。 Han Jue stops, asked: Wants him born seriously, his bloodlines are not simple, I its seal, after he was born, am not the talent.” 韩绝停下来,问道:“当真要他降生,他的血脉不简单,我会将其封印,他出生后不会是天才。” Xing Hongxuan frowns to ask: Can the seal?” 邢红璇蹙眉问道:“必须封印?” Han Jue said: Must, will otherwise bring in the catastrophe, this matter you cannot raise with anybody, including him.” 韩绝道:“必须,不然会引来大祸,此事你不能跟任何人提起,包括他。” Xing Hongxuan is silent. 邢红璇沉默。 She had guessed, this child unusual. 她早就有所猜测,此子非同寻常。 That waits again, possibly is my overthought, he has not arrived at the birth the situation.” Xing Hongxuan hesitates to say. “那就再等等吧,可能是我想多了,他还没到出生的地步。”邢红璇沉吟道。 Han Jue nods, quietly son's spirit wisdom seal, so as to avoid had not been born, the spirit wisdom then grows into the old monster. 韩绝点头,悄悄将儿子的灵智封印,免得还未出生,灵智便成长为老妖怪。 Xing Hongxuan sets out to depart. 邢红璇起身离去。 After she leaves, Han Jue thinks in the heart silently: If I am Primordial Chaos Demon God, my son isn't able born normally?” 待她离开后,韩绝在心中默默想到:“倘若我一直是鸿蒙魔神,我儿子是不是就一直无法正常出生?” Needs to deduct 10 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一百亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Is 【是】 Han Jue relaxes. 韩绝松了一口气。 That breeds again for 8 million years! 那就再孕育八百万年吧! When he collected Primordial Chaos Good Fortune to say time again. 等他凑齐一次鸿蒙造化再说。 ...... …… 100,000 years later, Han Jue spiritual power already growth several times, 11.1 billion stars transform one time. 十万年后,韩绝法力已经增长数倍,一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰又蜕变一次。 Han Jue is very satisfied such cultivation success, how long although is not clear also breaks through, but is at least hopeful. 韩绝很满意这样的修行成功,虽不清楚还有多久突破,但至少有希望。 But Chaos Great Dao Supreme is few, even most Great Dao Sage do not know existence of this realm, must know that the Great Dao Sage quantity is also small. 混沌大道至上可是很少的,甚至大多数大道圣人并不知晓这个境界的存在,要知道大道圣人的数量也很少。 He stops, is outside Heavenly Dao presents together aura. 他之所以停下来,乃是天道外出现一道气息 Chaos Demon God, Hong Yuan. 混沌魔神,红缘 Her already waited for more than 2000 years. 已经等待了两千多年。 Han Jue creation has doppelganger, lets its look for Hong Yuan. 韩绝创造出一具分身,让其去找红缘 In Forbidden Area of Darkness, Hong Yuan is sitting in meditation the cultivation. 黑暗禁区内,红缘正在打坐修炼。 She opens the eye, sees Han Jue to fly, looks the smile. 她睁开眼睛,看到韩绝飞来,面露笑容。 Why does fellow daoist visit again?” Han Jue asked. “道友为何再次拜访?”韩绝问道。 He dried in the sun the Hong Yuan more than 2000 years intentionally, has not thought that this young married woman did not walk. 他故意晾了红缘两千多年,没想到这婆娘一直不走。 Hong Yuan said: Has the matter, why does Fellow Daoist Han so alert to me? I have not attacked Heavenly Dao, has not planned you.” 红缘道:“有事嘛,韩道友为何对我如此戒备?我也没有袭击天道,也没有算计你啊。” Han Jue is silent. 韩绝沉默。 Hong Yuan said: Ok, said the proper business, the Chaos deep place presents named Divine Right Will terrifying existence, seems searching for anything, the God of Chaos demon resists Divine Right Will, directly by suppress and kill, destroy both body and soul.” 红缘道:“算了,说正事,混沌深处出现一支名为神权将恐怖存在,似乎在搜寻什么,有一位混沌神魔抵抗神权将,直接被镇杀,形神俱灭。” Such overbearing? 这么霸道? Han Jue selects the eyebrow. 韩绝挑眉。 Wait! 等等! Doesn't Divine Right Will want in the name of supervision, to eliminate Chaos? 神权将不会想借监察之名,肃清混沌吧? Hong Yuan said: I had asked Highest Beginning Demon God, discovered that Highest Beginning domain already not his form, he was missing, not only that his subordinate all does not even see.” 红缘道:“我去问过太初魔神,发现太初领域已经没有他的身影,他失踪了,不仅如此,连他的部下也全都不见。” Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 Hong Yuan sighed: This old fogy definitely knew anything ahead of time, does not know that hides where, my time looks for you, wants to discuss how to face Divine Right Will.” 红缘叹气道:“这老家伙肯定提前得知了什么,不知躲到何处,我此次来找你,就是想商讨如何面对神权将。” „Can you know the Divine Right Will strength and quantity?” Han Jue asked. “你可知神权将的实力与数量?”韩绝问道。 Hong Yuan said: Great Dao Sage cultivation base, moreover is top Great Dao Sage, the quantity about ten thousand, this strength is nearly invincible, your I face alone, either gives up resisting, then death.” 红缘道:“大道圣人修为,而且是顶尖的大道圣人,数量近万,这股力量近乎无敌,你我单独面对,要么放弃抵抗,那么死。” Han Jue asked: Gives up resisting to live?” 韩绝问道:“放弃抵抗就能活下来吗?” Hong Yuan said: „The Chaos life can live, but at present only then Chaos Demon God encounters Divine Right Will, died, in addition Highest Beginning Demon God vanishes, I am worried......” 红缘道:“混沌生灵可以活下来,但目前只有一位混沌魔神遭遇神权将,死了,再加上太初魔神消失,我担心……” Moreover, Pangu already vanishes is very long, don't you find it strange?” “而且,盘古已经消失很久,你就不觉得奇怪?” I suspected that has mysterious existence to plan Chaos Demon God secretly, wants to clean out Chaos Demon God.” “我怀疑有神秘存在在暗地里算计混沌魔神,想要将混沌魔神全都除尽。” The brow of Han Jue wrinkles tightly, he was reminded. 韩绝的眉头皱得更紧,他被点醒了。 Also really has this possibility! 还真有这个可能! Chaos Unknown knows Chaos Demon God to evolve inevitably Primordial Chaos Demon God, in the past Pangu had tried. 混沌无识必然知晓混沌魔神可以进化成鸿蒙魔神,当年盘古就试过。 Could not find Primordial Chaos Demon God, must possibly remove all. 找不到鸿蒙魔神,就得除掉一切可能。 First removes all Chaos Demon God, even if Primordial Chaos Demon God is born from the Chaos life, needs the long time strengthen. 先把所有混沌魔神除掉,纵然鸿蒙魔神混沌生灵里诞生,也需要漫长时间变强。 If Great Dao Supreme and Great Dao Sage transformation is Primordial Chaos Demon God, the threatening nature is too big! 倘若是大道至上大道圣人蜕变为鸿蒙魔神,威胁性太大! Han Jue asked: „Before achieving Great Dao Supreme, Foolish Sword Divine Sage selects Divine Right Will only, can have the odds of success?” 韩绝问道:“在没有证得大道至上前,愚剑神圣单挑一位神权将,可有胜算?” Hong Yuan asked curiously: What is Great Dao Supreme? realm on Great Dao Sage?” 红缘好奇问道:“何为大道至上大道圣人上的境界?” Han Jue hesitant moment, nodded. 韩绝犹豫片刻,点了点头 Hong Yuan looking pensive. 红缘若有所思。 Han Jue false cough, interrupts her train of thought. 韩绝一声,打断她的思绪。 Naturally can, Foolish Sword Divine Sage be first-class exists in Great Dao Sage absolutely, as far as I know, that destroy both body and soul Chaos Demon God first fights two Divine Right Will, was invaded, extinguishes cruelly kills.” Hong Yuan replied. “当然能,愚剑神圣大道圣人中绝对算是一流存在,据我所知,那位形神俱灭混沌魔神先是战两位神权将,再被蜂拥而上,残忍灭杀。”红缘回答道。 Han Jue said: Since Divine Right Will is so powerful, you do ask me to have what using? We can only expect that Divine Right Will not really must eradicate Chaos Demon God, when the time comes do not resist.” 韩绝道:“既然神权将如此强大,你找我有何用?我们只能奢望神权将并非真的要铲除混沌魔神,到时候不要抵抗。” He looks forward to Chaos Demon God dead many. 他巴不得混沌魔神死多点。 After all Chaos Demon God is also hostile toward Primordial Chaos Demon God. 毕竟混沌魔神同样仇视着鸿蒙魔神 Hong Yuan does intentionally pities to say quiet: Fellow Daoist Han, are you really willing to place in Divine Right Will the life? I ask you definitely not to resist Divine Right Will jointly, that courts death inevitably, I want to hide together with you, Fellow Daoist Han dao field is very mystical, definitely is unable to calculate, could evade Divine Right Will.” 红缘故作幽怜道:“韩道友,你真的愿意将性命放在神权将手里?我来找你肯定不是想联手对抗神权将,那必然是找死,我想跟你一起躲起来,韩道友道场很神秘,完全无法推算,或许能躲过神权将。” Originally is waiting here! 原来在这儿等着! In Han Jue heart cold snort/hum. 韩绝心中冷哼。 He shakes the head saying: Has special restriction, if really meets Divine Right Will, dao field in Heavenly Dao, could not hide.” 他摇头道:“只是有特殊禁制罢了,真要是遇到神权将,道场就在天道内,也躲不了。” Hong Yuan frowns. 红缘蹙眉。 Han Jue said: You want to enter my dao field, must acknowledge allegiance in me, I again under a method toward your body, otherwise I did not feel relieved.” 韩绝道:“你想入我道场,必须臣服于我,我再往你身上下点手段,否则我不放心。” Hong Yuan is Great Dao Sage, is Chaos Demon God, the subdued words are also a big battle efficiency. 红缘大道圣人,又是混沌魔神,收服的话也是一大战斗力。 hears word, the Hong Yuan delicate eyebrows wrinkle tightly. 闻言,红缘的秀眉皱得更紧。 You go back to consider that wants to be clear looks for me again.” Han Jue throws down these words, turns around to depart. “你回去考虑考虑吧,想清楚再找我。”韩绝丢下这番话,转身离去。 Hong Yuan stayed a while in the original position, with departing. 红缘在原处待了一会儿,跟着离去。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 In the Han Jue heart thinks: I want to take a look at that Chaos Demon God process that Divine Right Will execution Hong Yuan said!” 韩绝心中想到:“我想看看神权将诛杀红缘所说的那位混沌魔神的过程!” Needs to deduct 1,000 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一千万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Really expensive/noble! 真贵! Continue! 继续! Han Jue follows to enter in the evolved illusion. 韩绝跟着进入演化幻象中。 He opens the eye, discovered oneself appear during a piece is void, deep multi-colored sunlight parallel distributions in void, the front is a giant skeleton, on the skeleton adhere to stick cohere the innumerable stars, dense and numerous. 他睁开眼睛,发现自己出现在一片虚空之中,一道道深色霞光平行分布在虚空中,前方是一座巨大的骸骨,骸骨上附着无数星辰,密密麻麻。 Han Jue as if feels anything, turns head to look, sees only behind dark deep place to present a glare, sweeps away. 韩绝似乎感受到什么,扭头看去,只见身后的黑暗深处出现一道强光,横扫而来。 He narrows the eyes goes shortly, in the glare has great forms, is bigger than Buzhou Divine Mountain, the vanguard, figure outline is throwing over abreast in row fights armor, the aggressive military might, the imposing manner is scary. 他眯眼看去,强光之中有一道道伟岸身影,比不周神山还要高大,他们并排着前行,身形轮廓似披战甲,霸气威武,气势骇人。
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