WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#827: Master divine ability

Zhou Fan stubborn Mo Fuchou, helpless finally said: „After your proving Dao, I lead you to return to Heavenly Dao again.” 周凡犟不过莫复仇,最后无奈道:“等你证道后,我再带你回天道。” Good!” “好!” Mo Fuchou smiles, somewhat anticipates to see Han Jue. 莫复仇满脸笑容,有些期待见韩绝 He thinks of Mo Zhu and Mo Family person suddenly. 他忽然又想到莫竹以及莫家人。 2 million years. 两百万年了。 Perhaps they have crashed into Samsara. 她们恐怕早就坠入轮回 Thinks of here, Mo Fuchou sighed. 想到这儿,莫复仇叹息一声。 Zhou Fan feared that Mo Fuchou raised Han Jue again, immediately shifted the topic, chatted the Chaos recent amusing thing. 周凡莫复仇再提起韩绝,立即转移话题,聊起混沌最近的趣事。 Mo Fuchou was brought back the interest quickly, starts listening with great interest. 莫复仇很快就被勾起兴趣,开始津津有味的听。 Zhou Fan relaxes at heart, says is saying to be starting acting cool, mentioned the Great Dao Pagoda recent power and prestige. 周凡心里松了一口气,讲着讲着就开始装逼,说起大道之塔近来的威风。 ...... …… Myriad Worlds Projection. 万界投影 Dao Supreme, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi three people also appear. 道至尊赵轩辕姜易三人同时出现。 Hei Yuji of corner called out: Your three did come under attack recently?” 角落的黑狱鸡叫道:“你们三个最近又挨打了吗?” Zhao Xuanyuan stared his one eyes, scolded: What is comes under attack! We called striving for success! Recently our cultivation base rose sharply!” 赵轩辕瞪了他一眼,骂道:“什么叫挨打!我们叫拼搏!最近我们修为又大涨!” Jiang Yi said proudly: Excuse me, my already is Unrestrained Sage!” 姜易傲然道:“不好意思,我已经自在圣人!” Such remarks, in the space others gather to come. 此言一出,空间内其他人纷纷聚集而来。 Takes seriously?” “当真?” Dao Supreme and Zhao Xuanyuan, achieving Unrestrained?” 道至尊赵轩辕呢,也证得自在?” Quick, comes in next time again, our two brothers must achieving Unrestrained.” “快了快了,下一次再进来,我们兄弟二人必证得自在。” Fierce, is quicker than Li Daokong!” “厉害啊,比李道空还快!” That is natural, Hidden Sect must be three of us lifts a tripod.” “那是自然,隐门还得是我们三人来扛鼎。” Hehe, Lord Chicken pursued quickly!” “呵呵,鸡爷很快就追上来了!” The people are saying chaotically, the atmosphere is very warm. 众人七嘴八舌的说着,气氛十分热烈。 Zhou Fan comes, hears their talks, vanishes rapidly. 周凡现身,听到他们的谈话,又迅速消失。 Guan Bubai said with a smile: Somebody received to stimulate.” 冠不败笑道:“某人受刺激了。” Dao Supreme said: Zhou Fan estimated that was also quick, he has taken the lead.” 道至尊道:“周凡估计也快了,他一直走在前面。” Before most acting cool is Zhou Fan, making other disciples hate the tooth to be itchy, naturally, but played noisily, after all everyone was a same side, really encountered the problem, decided however supports mutually. 以前最装逼的就是周凡,让其他弟子恨得牙痒痒,当然,只是玩闹罢了,毕竟大家都是同门,真遇到麻烦,定然相互扶持。 The people smile, has not continued to taunt Zhou Fan. 众人笑了笑,也没有继续嘲讽周凡 Zhao Xuanyuan asked: Chu Shiren? Not in?” 赵轩辕问道:“楚世人呢?不在吗?” Xun Chang'an said: He was very recently mystical, already for sometime has not come Myriad Worlds Projection.” 荀长安道:“最近他很神秘,已经有一段时间没有来万界投影。” The Dao Supreme three people knit the brows. 道至尊三人皱眉。 Guan Bubai arrives in front of Jiang Yi, said: Comes Simulated Trial to compare notes, I want to taste the Unrestrained Sage strength.” 冠不败来到姜易面前,道:“来模拟试炼切磋一下,我想尝尝自在圣人的力量。” Jiang Yi smiled, he happen to wants to demonstrate! 姜易笑了,他正好想展示一番! Two people follow to disappear, other disciples also start to wait, waiting result. 两人跟着消失,其他弟子也开始翘首以待,等待结果。 ...... …… The time flies. 时间飞逝。 Han Jue is refining in the process of stars unceasingly, finally can the control time, before not use likely like that complete immersion in. 韩绝在不断提炼星辰的过程中,终于可以控制时间,不用像之前那般,完全沉浸其中。 He wakes up when five ten thousand years intentionally. 他故意在五万载时醒来。 Stars already in Primordial Chaos World far exceeded the past, compared with the stars in Heavenly Dao, the energy of contains was unequalled. 鸿蒙界内的星辰已经远超从前,与天道内的星辰相比,所蕴含的能量无与伦比。 Nowadays, in the Han Jue spiritual power already routine flooding into stars, quenchings the stars independently, this is a good indication. 现如今,韩绝法力已经习惯性的涌入星辰内,自主淬炼星辰,这是一个好征兆。 Han Jue assigns out the mail examination. 韩绝调出邮件查看。 Quick, he sees a mail. 很快,他看到一条邮件。 Your good friend Foolish Sword Divine Sage is under your foe Pangu attack 【你的好友愚剑神圣遭遇你的仇敌盘古袭击】 Ok, the old simple-minded present challenges Pangu, cannot again the severe wound. 可以啊,老愚现在挑战盘古,都不会再重伤了。 It seems like truly today we are no longer as we have been. 看来确实今非昔比。 Han Jue is also very curious to Pangu, was so long, the injury should also restore, is it possible that feared Darkness Forbidden Lord? 韩绝盘古也很好奇,这么久了,伤势也应该恢复,莫非是怕了黑暗禁主 Being insufficient, that is Pangu. 不至于,那可是盘古 It is estimated that in waiting instruction. 估计是在等待指令。 This is also good. 这样也好。 Han Jue is only thinking now soon achieving Great Dao Supreme, Chaos is tranquiler is better, when he breaks through presents the storm again, he can obviously obviously imposing. 韩绝现在只想着早日证得大道至上,混沌越平静越好,等他突破再出现风暴,那他就可以显显威风。 Han Jue continues to look downward, had not seen other made the mail that he was interested. 韩绝继续往下看去,倒没有看到其他令他感兴趣的邮件。 After looking at the mail, Han Jue remembers Jiang Jueshi suddenly. 看完邮件后,韩绝突然想起姜绝世 So many years pass by, Jiang Jueshi had not dropped to his favourability. 这么多年过去,姜绝世对他的好感度一直没有下降。 The Han Jue hesitant moment, decided that holds the dream to Jiang Jueshi. 韩绝犹豫片刻,决定给姜绝世托梦。 This time, he becomes the illusory and hazy pus the dreamland. 这一次,他将梦境变得虚幻、朦脓。 He faced the old image appearance of Jiang Jueshi at before. 他以之前面对姜绝世的苍老形象出现。 Jiang Jueshi opens the eye, finds Han Jue, is absent-minded. 姜绝世睁开眼睛,瞧见韩绝,不由恍惚。 Master......” 师父……” Jiang Jueshi muttered, the mood surged, actually restrained very well, without erupting. 姜绝世喃喃自语,情绪涌动,却克制得很好,没有爆发出来。 Han Jue said: disciple, but recently good?” 韩绝道:“徒儿,近来可好?” Jiang Jueshi awakens suddenly, is here where? 姜绝世忽然惊醒,这里是何处? He is unable the sensation, actually unable to feel the own mortal body. 他无法感知,却也感受不到自己的肉身。 It is not a reality, is it possible that is the illusion? 并非现实,莫非是幻境? Possibly was I fondly remembers Master...... 可能是我太怀念师父了吧…… After Jiang Jueshi thinks through, instead feels relaxed, such being the case, talks about old days with Master that oneself imagine would rather. 姜绝世想通后,反而释然,既然如此,倒不如跟自己想象出来的师父叙叙旧。 Jiang Jueshi said: Good, Master, these years......” 姜绝世道:“挺好,师父,这些年来……” He starts to mention own passing. 他开始说起自己的过往。 Han Jue is listening patiently. 韩绝耐心听着。 For a long time, Jiang Jueshi said that the own experience, with Han Jue knows, at present is also being closed by Ancestor Xi Tian, relieved cultivation. 许久,姜绝世说完自己的经历,与韩绝知晓的一样,目前还被玺天老祖关着,安心修炼。 Han Jue said: Painstakingly you, after depart Heavenly Dao, you must maintain the vigilance, must know in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, Sage are only the Heavenly Dao apex.” 韩绝道:“苦了你,离开天道后,你还是得保持警惕,须知人外有人天外有天,圣人只是天道的顶点罢了。” The Jiang Jueshi forced smile said: Was truly crude.” 姜绝世苦笑道:“确实鲁莽了。” Han Jue said: Master has visited you, believes you, I pass on your divine ability, if cannot support, meets the dead boundary, may display this divine ability.” 韩绝道:“师父会一直看着你,相信你,我传你一神通,若是撑不住,遇到死境,可施展此神通。” Jiang Jueshi is silent. 姜绝世沉默。 Han Jue immediately the Inviting Spirit Art instruction in Jiang Jueshi. 韩绝立即将请神术传授于姜绝世 After teaching, Han Jue urged: Was sure to remember, does not arrive at the critical juncture, can not display rashly.” 传授完毕后,韩绝叮嘱道:“切记,不到危急关头,不得贸然施展。” Jiang Jueshi nods. 姜绝世点头。 The dreamland was shattered. 梦境破碎。 Jiang Jueshi awakens fiercely, he still sat in meditation above the summit. 姜绝世猛地惊醒,他仍打坐在山巅之上。 He sighed slightly. 他轻微叹息。 Never expected that senses divine ability also to be able the dream to him, so thought to a person after 100,000 th Samsara me unexpectedly why is?” “没想到感悟神通还能梦到他老人家,历经十万世轮回的我竟对一个人这般想念,到底是为何?” Jiang Jueshi muttered, the look was blurred. 姜绝世喃喃自语,眼神迷离。 In divine ability of Master instruction as for the dreamland, he thinks is becomes aware, in these years his creation excessively innumerable divine ability, all kinds, he is enriching himself, arms itself, waits that day of breaking through a tight encirclement. 至于梦境中师父传授的神通,他则认为是自己悟出来的,这些年里他创造过无数神通,五花八门,他在丰富自己,武装自己,以待杀出重围的那一日。 Jiang Jueshi no longer thinks, continues to cultivate. 姜绝世不再多想,继续修炼。 Although here is good, but makes him anxious, he must stress the life firmly in oneself. 这里虽好,但让他不安,他必须将性命牢牢抓在自己手里。 ...... …… In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Xing Hongxuan opens the eye, touches to the own lower abdomen. 邢红璇睁开眼睛,摸向自己的小腹。 Her delicate eyebrows slightly pressed. 她秀眉微蹙。 In recent years, she can feel that the embryo is moving. 近年来,她能感觉到胎儿在动。 Active, explained the already birth spirit wisdom. 能动,就说明已经诞生灵智。 She starts hesitant, although with son, when cultivates auxiliary is very good, but did not live, treated unjustly the son. 她开始犹豫,虽然拿儿子当修炼辅助很不错,但一直不生出来,太亏待儿子了。 Otherwise lives forcefully? 要不然强行生出来? Xing Hongxuan has a bold idea at heart. 邢红璇心里产生一个大胆的想法。 However she thinks of the own dreamland, these words that future will speak. 不过她想到自己的梦境,未来的自己说的那些话。 She stands up, goes out of Dao Monastery, goes to visit Han Jue. 她站起身来,走出道观,前去拜访韩绝 Han Jue is still observing Heavenly Dao, happen to have free time, then makes her come. 韩绝还在观测天道,正好有空,便让她进来。 Ahead of time is born? It is not good, this child must be born normally, otherwise he will die.” Han Jue serious say/way. “提前降生?不行,此子必须正常诞生,否则他会死。”韩绝严肃道。 The Xing Hongxuan doubts asked: Why? Has the destiny limit?” 邢红璇疑惑问道:“为何?难道有天命限制?” Han Jue does not know how should reply. 韩绝不知该如何回答。 Xing Hongxuan anxious say/way: Recently he moved even more fiercely, seems asking me to make him be born earlier.” 邢红璇忧虑道:“最近他动得越发厉害,仿佛在求我让他早点出生。” Han Jue knits the brows, the vision falls on the belly of Xing Hongxuan. 韩绝皱眉,目光落在邢红璇的肚子上。 He can see the embryo truly. 他能看到胎儿确实在动。 already having mystical powers wisdom, but is very weak, temporarily is unable the independent thinking. 已经有灵智,不过很微弱,暂时无法独立思考。 If wants to make him be born, must temporary seal his bloodlines. 若想让他出生,必须暂时封印他的血脉。 You sit to me by.” Han Jue calls in a soft voice said. “你坐到我旁边来。”韩绝轻声唤道。
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