WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#826: sees through fabrications, good friend

The dreamland is primitive void, is place that past Han Jue and Foolish Sword Divine Sage fought. 梦境是原始虚空,是当年韩绝愚剑神圣战斗的地方。 Old simple-minded is also a keeping old friendships in mind person. 老愚也是个念旧的人。 In the Han Jue heart sighed. 韩绝心中感叹。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage happily said: Divine Might Heavenly Sage, I cultivation base strove recently, really wants to compare notes with you, but your achieving Supreme, I do not want to bully you.” 愚剑神圣得意道:“神威天圣,吾最近修为又有精进,真想与你切磋,不过你尚未证得至上,吾不想欺负你。” Han Jue said: I, if achieving Supreme, you can also lose?” 韩绝道:“我若是证得至上,你岂不是还得输?” Is impossible! Absolutely not possibly!” “不可能!断不可能!” Foolish Sword Divine Sage categorically denies. 愚剑神圣矢口否认。 Han Jue said: How actually I have not known should achieving Supreme.” 韩绝道:“其实我还不知该如何证得至上。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: Ponders over slowly, each Great Dao Sage wants the achieving Supreme method to be different, side Human Cult, achieved Great Dao Sage Realm, cultivation then can only depend on itself.” 愚剑神圣道:“慢慢琢磨吧,每一位大道圣人想要证得至上的方法都不同,旁人教不了,达到大道圣人境,修行便只能靠自己。” Han Jue nods, this actually fact. 韩绝点头,这倒是事实。 He looks to Foolish Sword Divine Sage, the look is strange. 他看向愚剑神圣,眼神古怪。 This boy holds the dream in him, to show off? 这厮托梦于他,就是为了炫耀? „The leader who assigns/life the influence was killed by curse by Darkness Forbidden Lord, now the life all returns to native place.” Foolish Sword Divine Sage opens the mouth to say. “命势力的首领被黑暗禁主咒死,现在命全都归隐。”愚剑神圣开口道。 „? That is the good deed.” “哦?那是好事。” Darkness Forbidden Lord possibly came from Great Dao Spiritual God, you may be careful, before Darkness Forbidden Lord had once aimed at Heavenly Dao, you have killed Great Dao Spiritual God, must know that Life Lord is also Great Dao Supreme, died a tragic death in the same old way, said, this Darkness Forbidden Lord is really fearful, can kill by curse sees through fabrications Supreme to exist by power of curse.” “不过黑暗禁主可能来自大道神灵,你可要小心,之前黑暗禁主就曾针对过天道,你又杀过大道神灵,要知道那命主也是大道至上,照样惨死,说起来,这黑暗禁主真是可怕,靠诅咒之力就能咒死一名看破虚妄至上存在。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage expressed admiration. 愚剑神圣啧啧称奇道。 Han Jue asked curiously: What is sees through fabrications?” 韩绝好奇问道:“何为看破虚妄?” The Foolish Sword Divine Sage silent moment, said: All things all possibly are fabricated, all in your eye possibly are not such that you see, when you step into the Supreme boundary, you will see a completely new world, moreover you thorough independence beyond myriad rules, were not limited by cause and effect, Destiny and Space and Time.” 愚剑神圣沉默片刻,道:“万事万物皆可能是虚妄,你眼中的一切可能并非你所看到的那样,等你踏入至上境,你将看到一个全新的世界,而且你将彻底独立于万千规则之外,不受因果气运时空所限。” „To the time, Great Dao Supreme to destroy Chaos!” “只要给时间,大道至上可摧毁混沌!” Destroys Chaos? 摧毁混沌 Such strong? 这么强? Han Jue knits the brows: Is so easy?” 韩绝皱眉道:“有这么容易?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage said: Naturally, has the balance inevitably, before I think that Great Dao Supreme is strongest, but I met one to exist a short time ago aloofly, until now thinks, still had a lingering fear.” 愚剑神圣道:“当然,必然有制衡,以前吾以为大道至上便是最强,但前不久吾遇到了一位超然存在,至今想起来,仍心有余悸。” Chaos Unknown? 混沌无识 Han Jue is secretly curious. 韩绝暗自好奇。 This Deity of Chaos keeps aloof, overlooks entire Chaos, what he is actually thinking, what is he pursuing? 这位混沌神明高高在上,俯瞰整个混沌,他到底在想什么,他又在追求什么? Foolish Sword Divine Sage selects the eyebrow say/way: How didn't you continue to ask?” 愚剑神圣挑眉道:“你怎么不继续问了?” Can let existence that you are so afraid, I little inquired.” Han Jue lets go to say. “能让你如此害怕的存在,我还是少打听。”韩绝摊手道。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage was happy: I do not make clear you, you are crazy, is timid?” 愚剑神圣乐了:“吾都搞不清楚你,你到底是狂,还是胆小?” Timid, before to your take action, that was can not , but for it, if were the mortal enemy, changed you, won't you utterly destroy? Doesn't fear no end of trouble for the future?” “胆小,之前对你出手,那是不得而为之,倘若是死敌,换你,你不会斩尽杀绝?不怕后患无穷?” The Han Jue words make Foolish Sword Divine Sage nod, he to Han Jue appreciation even more. 韩绝的话让愚剑神圣点头,他对韩绝越发的欣赏。 Han Jue asked suddenly: „Can your I be a good friend?” 韩绝忽然问道:“你我可算好友?” Foolish Sword Divine Sage is shocked. 愚剑神圣愣住。 Han Jue said: We also calculate from an exchange of blows friendship grows, cause and effect that my has entire life is few, since proving Dao, contacts many with you, usually is busy the self-torture.” 韩绝道:“我们也算不打不相识,我这一生结下的因果很少,自从证道后,与你接触得最多,平时都忙着苦修。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage snort/hum said: I want to retrieve the face countenance, does not become friends with you.” 愚剑神圣哼道:“吾只是想找回颜面,可不是与你结交。” Foolish Sword Divine Sage to your favorable impression promotion, presently favourability is 4 stars 愚剑神圣对你的好感提升,当前好感度为四星 This is...... 这是…… Han Jue is speechless. 韩绝无语。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage continues saying: This time holds the dream in you, wants to remind your careful Darkness Forbidden Lord, when your achieving Great Dao Supreme, fights again with you, after fighting, discussed the good friend.” 愚剑神圣继续道:“此次托梦于你,就是想提醒你小心黑暗禁主,等你证得大道至上,再与你斗一场,斗完后再谈好友吧。” The dreamland follows shatter. 梦境跟着破碎。 Han Jue opens the eye, muttered: This old simple-minded under hits, looked after me, does not hit the clothing/taking you.” 韩绝睁开眼睛,喃喃道:“这老愚欠打啊,看我以后不将你打服。” Valley /span > wants to duplicate the Foolish Sword Divine Sage newest strength at present seems like is not good. 谷/span>目前想去复制愚剑神圣的最新实力看来是不行了。 It is not 6 star favourability, has the danger! 不是六星好感度,就有危险! Han Jue shakes the head, he looks at the vision to Chaos. 韩绝摇了摇头,他将目光看向混沌 Liu Bei already departure many years, had not found third dao field, Han Jue will have a look at him, this boy is timid, calculates to be shocking but not dangerous. 刘备已经离去很多年,还未找到第三道场,有空的时候韩绝会看看他,这厮胆小谨慎,一路也算有惊无险。 His speed was too slow. 他这速度太慢了。 So many years have not left the range that Han Jue can spy on. 这么多年还未离开韩绝能窥探的范围。 Han Jue looked at a while then to take back the vision. 韩绝看了一会儿便又收回目光。 ...... …… In Chaos, the radiant starry sky, Great Dao Pagoda calmly is standing. 混沌之中,璀璨星空,大道之塔静静立着。 In the tower the one layer palace, a black clothes man is sitting in meditation. 塔内一层宫殿,一名黑衣男子正在打坐。 If Han Jue here, deciding to recognize its identity. 倘若韩绝在此,定能认出其身份。 Past Jade Purity Holy Sect knew Mo Fuchou old! 昔日玉清圣宗的旧识莫复仇 At this time, Zhou Fan came suddenly. 这时,周凡忽然现身。 Brother Mo, cultivation somewhat slowly, unexpectedly also not achieving Quasi-Sage.” Zhou Fan said with a smile. 莫兄,修行得有些慢啊,竟然还未证得准圣。”周凡笑道。 Mo Fuchou opens the eye, helpless said: already was quick enough, is this Quasi-Sage Realm, in Immortal World has several people able in 1000000 years achieving Quasi-Sage?” 莫复仇睁开眼睛,无奈道:“已经够快了,这可是准圣之境,仙界之中有几人能在1000000年内证得准圣?” Zhou Fan one wants to feel some truth. 周凡一想觉得有些道理。 After proving Dao, he starts to despise realm under Sage, neglected the actual situation. 证道之后,他开始蔑视圣人之下的境界,忽略了实际情况。 Zhou Fan arrives in front of him, said with a smile: Your achieving Quasi-Sage, I then help your proving Dao, a while ago I caught Grandmist Purple Qi, this thing hid much in Chaos, in Heavenly Dao, without Grandmist Purple Qi, but is unable proving Dao.” 周凡来到他面前,笑道:“等你证得准圣,我便助你证道,前段时间我捕捉到一条鸿蒙紫气,这玩意原来在混沌隐藏不少,以前在天道,没有鸿蒙紫气,可无法证道。” Mo Fuchou asked anxiously: This is not good, you remain to your subordinate, trains loyal and devoted Sage hand/subordinate is not better?” 莫复仇紧张问道:“这可不行,你还是留着给你的手下吧,培养一位忠心耿耿的圣人手下不是更好?” Speaking, your I am brothers, without you , there would be no me today, I must help your proving Dao, another day, your my brother two people continue wanderer Chaos, rushes out an illustrious prestige.” Zhou Fan said proudly. “说什么话,你我是兄弟,若没有你,就没有我今日,我必须助你证道,他日,你我兄弟二人继续闯荡混沌,闯出个赫赫威名。”周凡傲然说道。 In the Mo Fuchou heart is moved, but he also said the true feelings embarrassed. 莫复仇心中感动,但他也不好意思坦露真情。 Young, is Heavenly Dao now what scene?” Mo Fuchou asked curiously. “小凡,天道如今是何景象?”莫复仇好奇问道。 Since he resurrects, he has practiced in this seclusion, Zhou Fan has not come to see him frequently, therefore he understanding the outside world is few. 自从他复活后,他就一直在此闭关修炼,周凡也没有经常来看他,所以他对外界的了解很少。 Zhou Fan said with a smile: Heavenly Dao today we are no longer as we have been, the light is Sage already surpasses 20 numbers.” 周凡笑道:“天道今非昔比,光是圣人已经超过二十之数。” Mo Fuchou gawked staring, said: So many, Brother Han Jue already proving Dao?” 莫复仇愣了愣,道:“这么多,那韩绝兄弟岂不是已经证道?” hears word, the Zhou Fan expression is strange. 闻言,周凡表情古怪。 He had not said already to do obeisance Han Jue Master. 他一直没有说出自己已经韩绝为师 Before Mo Fuchou resurrecting, his already custom status, but facing Mo Fuchou, he is somewhat embarrassed, he often in front of Mo Fuchou boasted before oneself will decide however will exceed Han Jue...... 莫复仇复活前,他已经习惯这个身份,但面对莫复仇,他有些难为情,他以前经常在莫复仇面前吹嘘自己定然会超越韩绝…… Now...... 现在…… He became Han Jue apprentice, the disparity is also bigger and bigger. 他成了韩绝徒弟,差距也是越来越大。 Zhou Fan more is more despondent, he was very self-satisfied, acting cool in front of Mo Fuchou is very crisp, but was raised by Mo Fuchou, he is not self-confident. 周凡越想越抑郁,原本他还很得意,在莫复仇面前装逼很爽,但被莫复仇一提,他又不自信了。 He does not know Han Jue strongly, but 1 million years ago, Han Jue already can relaxed execution Great Dao Sage! 他不知道韩绝有多强,但百万年前,韩绝已经能轻松诛杀大道圣人 By the Han Jue natural talent...... 韩绝的天资…… Zhou Fan fought a shiver, does not dare to continue to think. 周凡打了一个寒战,不敢继续想。 cough cough, he naturally already proving Dao.” Zhou Fan ambiguous say/way. ,他自然早已证道。”周凡模棱两可道。 Mo Fuchou reveals the color of longing, said: Said, your I two people of old friends are not many, and has aptitude lives for 2 million years perhaps also only then Brother Han Jue, later has the opportunity, we return to Heavenly Dao to gather with Brother Han Jue.” 莫复仇露出怀念之色,道:“说起来,你我二人的故交并不多,而又有资质活两百万年的恐怕也只有韩绝兄弟,以后有机会,我们回天道韩绝兄弟聚聚吧。” The Zhou Fan complexion non- nature, said: His already proving Dao, should unable to take a liking to us, sees him to do really?” 周凡脸色不自然,道:“他已经证道,应该瞧不上我们,见他做甚?” „When nonsense, we saw Brother Han Jue before, he already far strong in us, can once see him to put on airs? I believe that with Brother Han Jue personality, one side his old friend are not many, sees, each other should be happy.” “胡说,以前我们见韩绝兄弟时,他早已远强于我们,可曾见过他摆架子?我相信以韩绝兄弟的性格,他的故交也不多,见一面,彼此应该都会高兴。” Mo Fuchou shakes the head saying that he looks the smile, as if thought in the past in the Jade Purity Holy Sect tips. 莫复仇摇头说道,他面露笑容,仿佛想到当年在玉清圣宗的点点滴滴。
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