WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#825: 100,000 : 10,000!

Refines 11.1 billion stars, needs a long time, even if Han Jue is Great Dao Sage, is unable to read achieves. 提炼一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰,需要很长一段时间,纵然韩绝大道圣人,也无法一念就做到。 Each stars want to transform, needs the time, refines these 11.1 billion stars that Han Jue can achieve simultaneously. 每一颗星辰想要蜕变,都需要时间,韩绝能做到的只是将这一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰同时进行提炼。 The Extreme Source Great Dao following resonance, Han Jue falls into a difficult word the condition, resembles the happy as addiction, resembles the dreamland, indulges, has the enormous consumption to the will. 极源大道跟着共鸣,韩绝陷入一种难言的状态,似欢似瘾,又似梦境,沉溺其中,对意志也有极大的消耗。 How long does not know. 不知过去多久。 The Han Jue 11.1 billion stars complete the first transformation finally, his consciousness follows to regain consciousness. 韩绝的一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰终于完成第一次蜕变,他的意识跟着苏醒。 He discovered that own cultivation base grows a big truncation! 他发现自己的修为增长一大截! The stars strengthen, can let the cultivation base growth that he bogs down unexpectedly! 星辰变强,竟然也能让他停滞不前的修为增长! This road is right! 这条路是对的! Han Jue is very excited. 韩绝很激动。 He assigns out the attribute panel examination, discovered the already past more than 40,000 years. 他调出属性面板查看,发现已经过去四万多年。 His cultivation base growth rate is to actually surpass the effects of beforehand seclusion five ten thousand years, even exceeds the cultivation speed before breakthrough. 他的修为增长幅度却是超过之前闭关五万载的效果,甚至超过突破前的修行速度。 Han Jue has not continued to cultivate, but examines the mail. 韩绝没有继续修炼,而是查看邮件。 Cannot too cultivation blindly, must have a look at the nearby person, so as to avoid being the big deal. 不能太盲目修炼,得看看身边人,免得出大事。 Quick, Han Jue frowns. 很快,韩绝皱起眉头。 Really had an accident! 果然出事了! Your son Han Tuo is under the mysterious almighty attack, was eliminated Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, soul town/subdues in the Chaos lowest level 【你的儿子韩拓遭遇神秘大能袭击,被剥夺大道气运神权,魂魄镇于混沌最底层】 Your good friend Yi Tian is under the mysterious almighty attack, was eliminated Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, soul town/subdues in the Chaos lowest level 【你的好友遗天遭遇神秘大能袭击,被剥夺大道气运神权,魂魄镇于混沌最底层】 These two boys had an accident. 这两小子又出事了。 Different from the Dao Supreme three people, this time, Yi Tian and Han Tuo were suppressed in the Chaos lowest level. 不同于道至尊三人,这一次,遗天韩拓被镇压于混沌最底层。 What is the Chaos lowest level? 何为混沌最底层? In the Han Jue heart has doubts. 韩绝心中疑惑。 Chaos is not a sole space, multi-layered Space and Time not necessarily superimposes, possibly is parallel, even is very remote. 混沌并非单一空间,多层时空未必是叠加,也可能是平行,甚至无比遥远。 Han Jue counts the calculation, where really cannot calculate the Chaos lowest level. 韩绝掐指推算,果然算不到混沌最底层在哪儿。 He thinks, holding the dream to give Han Tuo. 他想了想,托梦给韩拓 The dreamland is above a city wall. 梦境是城墙之上。 Han Tuo opens the eye slowly, when he sees Han Jue, is absent-minded. 韩拓缓缓睁开眼睛,当他看到韩绝时,不由恍惚。 The father and son face-to-face, fall into silent. 父子俩面对面,陷入沉默中。 Han Tuo opens the mouth saying: Father, I am all right, you do not need to be worried.” 韩拓开口道:“父亲,我没事,您不用担心。” Han Jue snort/hum said: Why didn't summon me?” 韩绝哼道:“为何不召唤我?” Han Tuo said: Calamity who oneself rush to are solved, haven't I died let alone? Moreover there is Yi Tian to accompany me.” 韩拓道:“自己闯的祸自己解决,更何况我不是还没死吗?而且还有遗天陪我。” Han Jue is speechless. 韩绝无语。 Also felt all right saying that had Yi Tian to accompany. 还好意思说有遗天陪。 Really, I treat now in the Chaos lowest level, I discovered here the method of strengthen, suppresses my person , to kill me, I had died, perhaps this is Good Fortune.” Han Tuo said earnestly. “真的,我现在待在混沌最底层,我在这里发现了变强的方法,镇压我的人若是想杀我,我早就死了,或许这是一场造化。”韩拓认真说道。 Han Jue feels reasonable actually, Han Tuo already was suppressed for more than 20,000 years, this already was telling, was not the hopeless situation. 韩绝倒是觉得有道理,韩拓已经被镇压两万多载,这已经说明问题,不算绝境。 Ok.” Han Jue opens the mouth saying that is very at heart helpless. “行吧。”韩绝开口道,心里很无奈。 He rescued Han Tuo more than once, Han Tuo has not fostered the dependence, instead to him evades, but far it. 他救了韩拓不止一次,韩拓没有养成依赖,反而对他避而远之。 Incessantly is Han Tuo, disciple and grand disciples is also so. 不止是韩拓,徒子徒孙们也是如此。 Han Tuo said: Father felt relieved, I can certainly protect itself good.” 韩拓道:“父亲放心,我一定能保护好自己。” Han Jue snort/hum, shook the head, with relieving dreamland. 韩绝哼了一声,摇了摇头,跟着解除梦境。 In the reality, Han Jue opens the eye. 现实中,韩绝睁开眼睛。 „Does this boy, when consider Laozi (father)? Always braves hardships and dangers, but also aware does not need to depend on me, won't I be worried?” “这小子,什么时候多考虑一下老子?总是涉险,还自觉不需要靠我,我就不会担心?” Han Jue muttered, suddenly can realize that what was parents. 韩绝喃喃自语,突然能体会到何为父母。 He looks at the vision to Heavenly Dao. 他将目光看向天道 Qin Ling did not have achieving Quasi-Sage, but the Immeasurable Tribulation already potential gets up, oppressed cultivator starts to brave one after another, almost all Destiny Sect have the foe. 秦灵仍没有证得准圣,不过无量大劫已经势起,许多被压迫的修行者开始陆续冒出来,几乎所有气运教派都有仇敌。 In order to carry out the absolute peace, definitely will make a side of contradictory both sides be wronged, gradually, this is the accumulated grievances. 为了执行绝对的和平,必然会让矛盾双方的一方受委屈,久而久之,这就是积怨。 If Destiny Sect far strong in all living things , all living things can only continue to endure. 倘若气运教派远强于众生,也就罢了,众生只能继续忍。 But now Heavenly Dao may lead to Chaos, more and more cultivator freedoms, obtains big cultivation base, the mentality naturally inflates. 但现在天道可通往混沌,越来越多的修行者自由,也获得大修为,心态自然膨胀。 The one who carries out the peace rule is Destiny Sect, naturally also became the Grand Tribulation storm center. 执行和平规则的乃是气运教派,自然也就成了量劫风暴中心。 Overall speaking, but, compared with beforehand Grand Tribulation, the frigid degree difference was far, even before is also less than on Grand Tribulation to open Immortal World. 整体来看,还算好,跟以前的量劫相比,惨烈程度差远了,甚至还不及上一个量劫开启前的仙界 Heavenly Dao must grow stronger unceasingly, is powerful enough, can help Heavenly Dao all living things cross well.” 天道还得不断变强,只有足够强大,才能让天道众生过得更好。” Han Jue thinks silently. 韩绝默默想到。 When Heavenly Dao enough, has the continuous resources to shift from Chaos, the contradiction shifts Chaos, that can realize the true peace, rather than present hidden resentment peace. 天道足够强,有源源不断的资源从混沌转移来,矛盾转移到混沌,那才能实现真正的和平,而不是如今暗藏怨念的和平。 Han Jue looked specially, has not presented Jiang Jueshi such Heaven's Chosen again, in the heart is somewhat regrettable. 韩绝特意找了一下,没有再出现姜绝世那样的天骄,心中有些遗憾。 Collecting Heaven's Chosen is also a pleasure. 收集天骄也是一种乐趣。 When they grow, monopolizes the power in a place respectively, that is wonderful. 待他们成长起来,各自独霸一方,那才美妙。 After several days, Han Jue continues to refine the stars. 数日后,韩绝继续提炼星辰。 ...... …… Heavenly Dao is blustery, vicissitude of cultivator in years, but the generation of almighty drifts away beyond the time. 天道风起云涌,修行者在岁月中浮沉,而大能之辈则游离于时间之外。 Most Sage are usually busy cultivating, Xuandu Saint Venerable starts to release authority, making the new Saints enliven. 大多数圣人平时都忙着修炼,玄都圣尊开始放权,让新圣们活跃起来。 , Sage of older generation was inferior gradually the new Saint is famous. 渐渐地,老一辈的圣人不如新圣有名气。 Before being similar to Heavenly Dao restarts, the Qiu Xilai fame is higher than Ancestor Xi Tian. 就如同天道重启前,求西来的名气就高于玺天老祖 The development of Hidden Sect is also very smooth, with the doppelganger help of Han Jue, there are disciple to enter Sichuan, there are disciple to Sichuan. 隐门的发展也十分顺利,在韩绝分身帮助下,有弟子入川,也有弟子离川。 Li Xuanao and Han Duotian become the Hidden Sect biggest hierarch, foreign, internal. 李玄奥韩堕天成为隐门的最大掌权者,一个对外,一个对内。 The hanger-on disciple has achieved several hundreds of millions numbers, this has the disciple to leave in the Hidden Sect situation. 门下弟子已然达到数亿之数,这还是有弟子离开隐门的情况下。 Li Xuanao is maintaining the idea of Han Jue, Hidden Sect has been very low-key, but has the relation with each sect, there is Sage show due respect for the feelings, a little cultivator of story knows Hidden Sect is the Heavenly Dao largest sect! 李玄奥保持着韩绝的理念,隐门一直很低调,但与各个教派都有联系,又有圣人给面子,有点阅历的修行者都知晓隐门才是天道第一大教派! Hidden Sect did not repair Destiny, the disciple was short of the sect Destiny luck. 只是隐门不修气运,弟子少了教派气运的福及。 How long does not know. 不知过去多久。 Han Jue wakes up again, 11.1 billion stars transform again, his cultivation base follows to rise sharply. 韩绝再次醒来,一百零八亿亿亿亿颗星辰再次蜕变,他的修为跟着大涨。 He assigns out the attribute panel examination, discovered the already past more than 87,000 years. 他调出属性面板查看,发现已经过去八万七千多年。 The time really passes quickly. 时间过得真快。 Han Jue starts Simulated Trial. 韩绝开始模拟试炼 Examines the cultivation achievement! 检验一下修行成果! As before is 5000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 依旧是五千位愚剑神圣 He fights directly full power, relaxed suppression. 他直接全力而战,轻松镇压。 Second Simulated Trial, he quantity promotion of Foolish Sword Divine Sage to 7000 numbers. 第二次模拟试炼,他将愚剑神圣的数量提升到七千之数。 Can hit reluctantly! 勉强能打! Gives him the time to win! 给他时间能赢! Han Jue starts to challenge 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage. 韩绝开始挑战一万位愚剑神圣 Has enough to do, but can hit! 很吃力,但是能打! After dozens Simulated Trial, Han Jue opens the eye, grows the one breath. 数十次模拟试炼后,韩绝睁开眼睛,长出一口气。 „It is not good , Divine Right Will definitely is not very stronger than Foolish Sword Divine Sage, defeats ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage, is not necessarily able to defeat ten thousand Divine Right Will, I must have the instakill ten ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage strengths, can face ten thousand Divine Right Will!” “不行,不够,神权将肯定比愚剑神圣强,战胜一万愚剑神圣,未必能战胜一万神权将,我得有秒杀十万愚剑神圣的实力,才能面对一万神权将!” Han Jue so thinks, the look becomes firm. 韩绝这般想到,眼神变得坚定。 He follows to attempt. 他跟着尝试。 Selects two ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage only! 单挑两万愚剑神圣 Then...... 然后…… Han Jue opens the eye, the whole body shakes. 韩绝睁开眼睛,浑身一抖。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 Han Jue decided first achieving Great Dao Supreme to say again! 韩绝决定还是先证得大道至上再说! He continues to refine the stars. 他继续提炼星辰。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Foolish Sword Divine Sage holds dream to you, accepts 愚剑神圣向你托梦,是否接受】 Sees the Foolish Sword Divine Sage four characters, Han Jue wants to spit. 看到愚剑神圣四个字,韩绝就想吐。 The world's most to understand that the Foolish Sword Divine Sage person was he. 可能世界上最了解愚剑神圣的人就是他了。 The hesitant moment, Han Jue chooses to accept. 犹豫片刻,韩绝还是选择接受。 If maintains the relations with Foolish Sword Divine Sage, he can a passing copy Foolish Sword Divine Sage newest strength. 倘若跟愚剑神圣搞好关系,他就可以过去拷贝一下愚剑神圣的最新实力。
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