WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#824: God gate, refinement stars

After the incantation ends Venerable Chu Minghei, Han Jue does not know the Chaos situation, quick on investment cultivation. 咒完初命黑尊后,韩绝不知混沌的情况,很快就投入修行中。 Helpless how, cultivation base is most important! 无奈如何,修为最为重要! One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 Also was five ten thousand years in the past. 又是五万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, his brow wrinkles. 韩绝睁开眼睛,他眉头皱起。 He feels the bottleneck suddenly. 他忽然感受到瓶颈。 Does not know how can achieving Great Dao Supreme, cultivation to this situation, Primordial Chaos Samsara Great Dao this Great Dao cultivation technique already lose the function, he can only comprehend Extreme Source Great Dao, seeks for the method of achieving Supreme. 不知如何能证得大道至上,修行到这个地步,鸿蒙轮回大道这部大道功法已经失去作用,他只能自己参悟极源大道,寻找证得至上之法。 How do I want to know achieving Great Dao Supreme?” “我想知道如何证得大道至上?” Han Jue uses Evolution Function. 韩绝动用演化功能 【The method of cultivation is unable to evolve 修行之法无法演化】 Hehe. 呵呵。 Han Jue does not believe in evil doctrines, wants to comprehend by oneself. 韩绝不信邪,想靠自己去参悟。 He selects the mail, prepares to have a look at the friend circle to relax. 他点开邮件,准备看看朋友圈放松一下。 Your good friend Huang Zuntian mysterious almighty direction, cultivation growth 【你的好友黄尊天得神秘大能指点,道行增长】 Your good friend Jiang Jueshi patrolling universe, will spies on say/way completely, encounters backlash, divine soul is damaged 【你的好友姜绝世神游太虚,意志窥探道之尽,遭遇反噬,神魂受损】 Your foe Highest Beginning Demon God is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的仇敌太初魔神遭遇神秘大能袭击】 Your good friend Foolish Sword Divine Sage sword slaying god cause and effect, sees through fabrications, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友愚剑神圣斩神明因果,看破虚妄,道行大涨】 Your good friend Jiang Yi absorbs endless sea of fire, steps into Unrestrained Realm 【你的好友姜易吸收无尽火海,踏入自在境 Your son Han Tuo senses Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, the cultivation growth 【你的儿子韩拓感悟大道气运神权,道行增长】 Your good friend Divine Robed Daoist mysterious almighty direction, cultivation growth 【你的好友神袍道人得神秘大能指点,道行增长】 ...... …… Recent Chaos is actually very tranquil, what are many are various chances. 最近的混沌倒是很平静,多的是各种机缘。 Han Jue notices the Foolish Sword Divine Sage mail. 韩绝注意到愚剑神圣的邮件。 slaying god cause and effect, what cut is Deity of Chaos cause and effect? 斩神明因果,斩的是混沌神明因果 What is sees through fabrications? 看破虚妄又是什么? Han Jue already the first time is not saw these four characters. 韩绝已经不是第一次看到这四个字。 It is estimated that is related with the Great Dao Supreme boundary. 估计与大道至上境有关。 Han Jue continues to look downward. 韩绝继续往下看去。 The Han Tuo bitter experience makes him understand that Great Dao Spiritual God is also Great Dao Destiny Divine Right, like deciding tribulation life is the same. 韩拓的遭遇让他明白大道神灵也是一种大道气运神权,就如同定劫命者一样。 All Great Dao Spiritual God by the Spiritual God the first control, or were controlled by Chaos Unknown. 所有的大道神灵都被神灵之首掌控,亦或者被混沌无识掌控。 If the Venerable Chu Minghei really success, that all deciding tribulation life can become new Chaos Great Dao Spiritual God! 倘若初命黑尊真的成功,那所有的定劫命者就能成为新混沌大道神灵 Han Jue discovered , since Heavenly Dao rises, Chaos is getting more and more lively, blustery. 韩绝发现自从天道崛起后,混沌越来越繁华,风起云涌。 Naturally, likely is the beforehand vision limit, his friend encircles unable to involve Chaos, therefore as if Chaos is at first sight desolated and desolate. 当然,很可能是之前的眼界局限,他的朋友圈还无法涉及到混沌,所以乍一看仿佛混沌荒芜、落寞。 In fact, perhaps Heavenly Dao is the rule most perfect world, but is not only, Chaos is limitless, what are many are a world, what are many are the universe, what are many are the Space and Time hopeless situation. 实际上来看,或许天道是规则最健全的天地,但绝非唯一,混沌无边无际,多的是天地,多的是宇宙,多的是时空绝境。 What is Great Dao Supreme? 何为大道至上 Dominates in Great Dao Supreme! 凌驾于大道至上 Present Han Jue is unable to receive in the eye Chaos, how to dominate in Great Dao Supreme? 如今的韩绝混沌都无法收入眼中,如何凌驾于大道至上 Han Jue has an idea suddenly. 韩绝忽然产生一个想法。 Should travel Chaos, just now can spy on Great Dao Supreme the method of proving Dao? 是不是该游历混沌,方才能窥探到大道至上证道之法? It is not right! 不对! Should not! 不应该! This is the Chaos trap! 这是混沌的陷阱! Han Jue felt since oneself are Primordial Chaos Demon God, cannot develop according to the Chaos footsteps! 韩绝觉得自己既然是鸿蒙魔神,就不能按着混沌的脚步去发展! Right! 没错! I should think from myself! 我应该从自身去想! Perhaps the method of proving Dao has appeared, in his within the body, rather than outside world. 或许证道之法早已出现,就在他体内,而非外界。 The Han Jue closure mail, the attention places on Stars Primordial Chaos Body. 韩绝关闭邮件,注意力放在星辰鸿蒙体上。 Until now, he only spies on Primordial Chaos World of innermost soul, neglected the own mortal body. 一直以来,他只窥探灵魂深处的鸿蒙界,忽略了自己的肉身。 The soul is most important, this is the Chaos cultivation theme! 灵魂最重要,这是混沌修行主旋律! But really suits Primordial Chaos? 但真的适合鸿蒙吗? Han Jue continually has the question in the heart, quick, he then enters a grasping principles condition. 韩绝在心中不断产生质疑,很快,他便进入一种悟道状态。 Why is Stars Primordial Chaos Body Primordial Chaos Demon God? 为何星辰鸿蒙体鸿蒙魔神 To mean Primordial Chaos Demon God possibly incessantly one type? 岂不是意味着鸿蒙魔神可能不止一种? Similar to three thousand Chaos Demon God to be the same. 就如同三千混沌魔神一般。 Stars...... 星辰…… What is the stars? 何为星辰? Enters the grasping principles condition along with Han Jue, his body surface bursts out the bright, seems the innumerable stars to occupy his whole body. 伴随着韩绝进入悟道状态,他的体表迸发出亮光,好似无数星辰盘踞他周身。 ...... …… Under the golden light radiant vault of heaven, the boundless sea of clouds becomes the land continually. 金光璀璨的天穹之下,无边云海连成陆地。 Han Tuo and Yi Tian lead the way shoulder to shoulder, accompanying also three form, they move toward the same direction. 韩拓遗天并肩前行,随行的还有三道身影,他们走向同一个方向。 In their front, the sea of clouds end has a giant white light halo, as if a leaf of front door. 在他们前方,云海尽头有一个巨大的白色光圈,仿佛一扇大门。 „The sea of clouds of under foot unexpectedly is the strength of Great Dao , where is here?” “脚下的云海竟然是大道之力,啧啧,这里到底是什么地方?” Yi Tian passes message to Han Tuo, the tone fills surprisedly. 遗天传音给韩拓,语气充满惊奇。 Han Tuo returns to the sound said: Do not look around, it is estimated that is some ancient Great Dao Spiritual God dao field.” 韩拓回音道:“别东张西望,估计是某位古老大道神灵道场。” Yi Tian no longer passes message, but Sacred Thought still around spying on. 遗天不再传音,但圣念仍在窥探周围。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Before five new Great Dao Spiritual God arrive at the white light halo, carefully looks, the white light halo diameter exceeds ten thousand li (0.5 km), above is appearing various forms and scenes, looks from the different angles, the picture that the same position appears is entirely different, is very mysterious. 五位新大道神灵来到白色光圈前,仔细看去,白色光圈直径超过万里,上面显现着各种身影、场景,从不同角度看去,同一个位置显现出来的画面截然不同,无比神奇。 strange of five Great Dao Spiritual God by white light halo were startled, wallows. 五位大道神灵被白色光圈上的奇相惊到,沉迷其中。 Han Tuo awakens suddenly. 韩拓忽然惊醒。 Looked that this thing several breaths the time, his cultivation base grew unexpectedly. 看此物才数息时间,他的修为竟然增长了一些。 How possibly! 怎么可能! Is this thing what origin? 此物到底是何来历? Han Tuo is anxious. 韩拓紧张起来。 This is the god gate, you crossed the threshold, by the god gate will be decided and others being in power domain, from now, you will become Great Dao Spiritual God truly, wields the Chaos order, remember, do not disappoint the responsibility of Spiritual God!” “此乃神门,尔等入门,将由神门决定尔等的掌权领域,从此以后,尔等将真正成为大道神灵,执掌混沌秩序,记住,不要辜负神灵之责!” The loud and clear sound resounds together, reverberates in this. 一道洪亮声音响起,回荡在此界。 hears word, five Great Dao Spiritual God tread in being enthralled gate immediately. 闻言,五位大道神灵当即踏入神门之中。 In treading flash, who in the Han Tuo mind still in wants the sound to be? 在踏进去的一瞬间,韩拓脑海里还在想刚才的声音是谁? Un? Demonic Path? Courts death!” “嗯?魔道?找死!” The loud and clear sound follows to resound, Han Tuo in great surprise, was unable to turn head. 洪亮声音跟着响起,韩拓大惊,已然无法回头。 Bang! 轰! His consciousness is instantaneous, falls into the blank. 他的意识瞬间破碎,陷入空白之中。 ...... …… Han Jue opens the eye, his look quickly restores the appearance. 韩绝睁开眼睛,他的眼神迅速恢复神采。 He assigns out the attribute panel to look, passed unexpectedly for more than 10,000 years. 他调出属性面板一看,竟然过去了一万多年。 The time really flies, felt that flies than cultivation. 时间真快,感觉比修行还快。 These days, Han Jue has a bold idea. 这段时间里,韩绝产生一个大胆想法。 He wants to use the innumerable stars in Primordial Chaos World. 他想要利用鸿蒙界内的无数星辰。 He mainly thinks Holy Mother of Order that water drop, direct shatter Heavenly Dao, is how terrifying. 他主要是想到了秩序圣母的那一滴水,直接破碎天道,何其恐怖。 If he achieves Great Dao Supreme, he throws stars, how could it not be can also grind a side big world? 倘若他达到大道至上,他丢出一颗星辰,岂不也能碾碎一方大天地? He thought that Holy Mother of Order that water drop is not a coincidence, because in the beforehand evolved illusion, Holy Mother of Order is situated in above the vast expanse of water, that vast world is perhaps the same as his Primordial Chaos World. 他觉得秩序圣母的那滴水并非巧合,因为之前的演化幻象之中,秩序圣母便是立于一片汪洋之上,那片汪洋世界或许与他的鸿蒙界是一样的。 Great Dao Supreme soul world! 大道至上的灵魂世界! Before the Primordial Chaos World stars were only the convenience store up spiritual power, after Han Jue spiritual power was inexhaustible, then lost the function, after all wanted to evolve the life, but also was very remote. 以前鸿蒙界的星辰只是方便储存法力,韩绝法力无穷无尽后,便失去作用,毕竟想要演化成生灵,还无比遥远。 Han Jue starts to pour into the stars in Primordial Chaos World spiritual power. 韩绝开始将自身法力灌入鸿蒙界内的星辰之中。 Now, the stars in Primordial Chaos World count already are as good the number of his life-span, he discovers a rule, as if his life-span rises many, will expedite many stars, when but his life-span consumption, the stars cannot follow shatter. 如今,鸿蒙界内的星辰之数已经不逊于他的寿命之数,他发现一个规律,似乎他的寿命涨多少,就会催生出多少星辰,但当他的寿命消耗时,星辰不会跟着破碎。 These stars are not absolutely simple! 这些星辰绝对不简单! After Han Jue all pours into each stars spiritual power, he starts to refine all stars with spiritual power. 韩绝法力全都灌入每一颗星辰后,他开始用法力提炼所有星辰。 Bang! 轰! The Han Jue whole person bursts out divine light, space all around sways from side to side fiercely, as if will break momentarily. 韩绝整个人迸发出神光,周遭的空间剧烈扭动,仿佛随时会破碎。 He feels patiently. 他耐心感受。 Really feasible! 果然可行! With the refinement of spiritual power, these stars start to change slowly, this feeling is very weak, but truly exists! 随着法力的提炼,这些星辰开始慢慢变化,这种感觉很微弱,但确实存在! Is it possible that this is the method of achieving Great Dao Supreme?” “莫非这便是证得大道至上之法?” In the Han Jue heart the pleasant surprise, he has tried to find the innumerable solutions, but only this road is hard to spy on the end at present. 韩绝心中惊喜,他想过无数种办法,但只有眼下这条路难以窥探尽头。
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