WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#823: Life Lord falls from the sky

Five in the future, Han Jue life-span starts to drop. 五日后,韩绝寿命开始下降。 He cursed, while adjusted the mail and attribute panel. 他一边诅咒,一边将邮件、属性面板调出来。 Continuous turbulent spiritual power drills into Book of Misfortune, changes into incomparably evil power of curse, in mysteriously and inexorably, shuttle Space and Time, attacks Venerable Chu Minghei by the situation that cannot spy on. 源源不断的汹涌法力钻入厄运书内,化为无比邪恶的诅咒之力,在冥冥之中,穿梭时空,以不可窥探的形势攻击初命黑尊 At this moment, Venerable Chu Minghei is hiding in desolated stars. 此刻,初命黑尊正躲在一颗荒芜的星辰内。 Recently in ten several tens of thousands of years, he has been seeking extinguished Dao God, before the result five days, is cursed suddenly, frightened him hastily to find here to hide. 最近十数万年里,他一直在找寻灭道神通,结果五日前突遭诅咒,吓得他连忙找到此处躲起来。 Really! 果然! Darkness Forbidden Lord is not the probe, wants to cause heavy losses to him! 黑暗禁主并非试探,又想重创他! Venerable Chu Minghei clenches jaws, angry. 初命黑尊咬牙切齿,愤怒至极。 Why damn has Darkness Forbidden Lord pestered him? 该死的黑暗禁主为何一直纠缠他? Who is Darkness Forbidden Lord? 黑暗禁主到底是谁? Venerable Chu Minghei can only resist with every effort. 初命黑尊只能尽力抵挡。 But as unceasing enhancement of power of curse, his heart even more nervous. 但随着诅咒之力的不断加强,他的心越发的慌。 He has a fearful thought. 他心里产生一个可怕的念头。 If by some chance Darkness Forbidden Lord does want to kill by curse him while this opportunity? 万一黑暗禁主想趁此机会咒死他? Possibly! 不无可能! After all the head of Spiritual God announced a moment ago must eradicate the life! 毕竟刚才神灵之首才宣布要铲除命! Is it possible that is Darkness Forbidden Lord related with Great Dao Spiritual God? 莫非黑暗禁主大道神灵有关? Venerable Chu Minghei shakes at heart, until now, the Darkness Forbidden Lord behavior makes people think that he is the evil camp, possibly has the evil intention to Chaos, now wants to come, is uncertain, likely Darkness Forbidden Lord is some Great Dao Spiritual God, eradicates Chaos all heresies taking advantage of the Darkness Forbidden Lord status. 初命黑尊心里一抖,一直以来,黑暗禁主的行为让人觉得他是属于邪恶阵营的,可能对混沌有歹心,现在想来,也不一定,很可能黑暗禁主就是某位大道神灵,借黑暗禁主的身份铲除混沌一切异端。 So that's how it is! 原来如此! The Venerable Chu Minghei look twinkle, starts to ponder the countermeasure. 初命黑尊眼神闪烁,开始思考应对之策。 ...... …… Han Jue cursed, while is staring at own life-span. 韩绝一边诅咒,一边盯着自己的寿命 1,000 trillion years! 一千万亿年! 5,000 trillion years! 五千万亿年! 10,000 trillion years! 一亿亿年! Your foe Venerable Chu Minghei because of your curse, dao heart is damaged 你的仇敌初命黑尊因你的诅咒,道心受损 Continues to curse! 继续诅咒! 300 million years! 二亿亿年! 400 million years! 三亿亿年! Your foe Venerable Chu Minghei because of your curse, the mortal body annihilation, dao fruit was shattered 你的仇敌初命黑尊因你的诅咒,肉身湮灭,道果破碎 This has not died certainly! 这都还没死绝! Continue! 继续! On Han Jue already, decides to eradicate this boy at one fell swoop. 韩绝已经上头,决定将这厮一举铲除。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Your foe Venerable Chu Minghei from solving Great Dao, soul flies away and scatters, only keeps a will 你的仇敌初命黑尊自解大道,魂飞魄散,只留一丝意志 The curse of Han Jue follows to fail. 韩绝的诅咒跟着落空。 The loud and clear sound resounds together: 一道洪亮的声音响起: Good Darkness Forbidden Lord, never expected that you unexpectedly are Great Dao Spiritual God, the Spiritual God, your methods were too rather despicable!” “好一个黑暗禁主,没想到你竟是大道神灵所化,神灵们,你们的手段未免太卑劣了吧!” Venerable Chu Minghei sound, only then Sage above cultivation base can hear. 初命黑尊的声音,只有圣人以上的修为才能听到。 After Han Jue hears, the facial expression is strange. 韩绝听到后,神情古怪。 Is sick? 有病? How relates to Great Dao Spiritual God on? 怎么联想到大道神灵上的? Because Spiritual God first opening the mouth, his again take action? 就因为神灵之首先开口,他再出手 Han Jue smiled, this is also good, although does not have to kill by curse Venerable Chu Minghei thoroughly, but at least loses into the Darkness Forbidden Lord status enmity Great Dao Spiritual God. 韩绝笑了,这样也好,虽然没有彻底咒死初命黑尊,但至少将黑暗禁主的身份嫌隙丢入大道神灵之中。 Meanwhile, Chaos all parties almighty is in an uproar. 与此同时,混沌各方大能皆是哗然。 Although who they not the clear sound was, but related to Darkness Forbidden Lord and Great Dao Spiritual God, was beyond control they to think deeply. 他们虽然不清楚刚才的声音是谁,但涉及到黑暗禁主大道神灵,由不得他们深思。 The hole comes the wind, where there smoke there fire! 空穴才来风,无风不起浪! ...... …… In a spacious dim palace, Evil Heavenly Emperor sits in meditation in front of Great Concealing Dao Demon God. 一座空旷昏暗的宫殿内,邪天帝打坐在大遮道魔神面前。 They were broken by the Venerable Chu Minghei sound, fall into silent. 他们都被初命黑尊的声音打断,陷入沉默中。 Evil Heavenly Emperor has thought Darkness Forbidden Lord is related with Han Jue, but Han Jue already execution two Great Dao Spiritual God, Divine Robed Daoist, although lives, but does not dare to offend Heavenly Dao again. 邪天帝一直以为黑暗禁主韩绝有关,但韩绝已经诛杀过两位大道神灵,神袍道人虽然又活过来,但也不敢再冒犯天道 Did We guess wrong? 难道朕猜错了? If Darkness Forbidden Lord has nothing to do with Han Jue, before why......” “倘若黑暗禁主韩绝无关,以前为何……” Evil Heavenly Emperor thinks of an issue suddenly, his foe seems like that was solved by Darkness Forbidden Lord, but he has not died a natural death, direct banishment has Heavenly Dao, changes others, is nothing less than miserable! 邪天帝忽然想到一个问题,他的仇敌看似被黑暗禁主解决,但他也没有得到善终,直接驱逐天道,换其他人,不可谓不惨! He is suddenly enlighted, originally is his wishful thinking, no wonder Han Jue did not acknowledge. 他恍然大悟,原来是他的一厢情愿,怪不得韩绝死活不承认。 Great Concealing Dao Demon God muttered: sound was somewhat familiar, why he so said, what encountered?” 大遮道魔神喃喃道:“刚才的声音有些熟悉,他为何这般说,遭遇了什么?” He tries hard to calculate, cannot calculate. 他努力推算,根本算不到。 Darkness Forbidden Lord has the reputation in Chaos already, but the reputation is not good, is not good from the sense of name. 黑暗禁主混沌已经有名声,不过名声不好,从名字的感官上来说就不好。 Evil Heavenly Emperor opens the mouth saying: Darkness Forbidden Lord has nothing to do with us, why to think, in order to avoid annoys troublesome.” 邪天帝开口道:“黑暗禁主与吾等无关,何必多想,以免惹麻烦。” Great Concealing Dao Demon God said: Stands to reason, but you want resurrecting your father, is not easy, although was not clear why he will become the ominous evil spirits, but since the ancient times, had not had the precedent that the ominous evil spirits get out of the status.” 大遮道魔神道:“言之有理,不过你想要复活你父亲,可不容易,虽然不清楚他为何会成为不祥邪祟,但自古以来,还未有不祥邪祟摆脱自身身份的先例。” Evil Heavenly Emperor knits the brows. 邪天帝皱眉。 How first thinks to rescue him, he was seized by Ancestor Xi Tian, where also does not know.” Great Concealing Dao Demon God so said, the tone is optional, obviously does not want to be careful. “先想想如何营救他吧,他被玺天老祖抓走,也不知在哪儿。”大遮道魔神这般说道,语气随意,明显不想上心。 The Evil Heavenly Emperor hear his meaning, said: Since you could not find, that trades a matter.” 邪天帝听出他的意思,道:“既然您也找不到,那就换一件事。” Great Concealing Dao Demon God stared Evil Heavenly Emperor one, scolded: Brat, I helped your many matters!” 大遮道魔神瞪了邪天帝一眼,骂道:“臭小子,吾帮了你多少事!” You do not suffer a loss, cultivation base should strive much.” “你也不吃亏,修为应该精进不少。” Said.” “说吧。” Our Buddha spirits, thinks that he cultivates some time in you, learns Great Dao divine ability.” “朕手下有一佛灵,想他在您手下修炼一段时间,习得大道神通。” Come?” “又来?” That two boys were previously seized by Demon Ancestor, now Heavenly Court does not have the person of lifting a tripod, We do not have the means.” “先前那两小子被魔祖抓走,如今天庭没有扛鼎之人,朕也没办法。” Evil Heavenly Emperor sighed, desolate of face. 邪天帝叹息一声,一脸的落寞。 The Great Concealing Dao Demon God silent moment, said: Last time.” 大遮道魔神沉默片刻,道:“最后一次。” Many thanks senior!” “多谢前辈!” Snort!” “哼!” ...... …… The Venerable Chu Minghei false falls from the sky is caused the Chaos sound, at least in the surface no one dares to lash out at Great Dao Spiritual God taking advantage of his words, but the life actually vanishes in abundance, no longer causes trouble. 初命黑尊的假陨落并没有被引起混沌动静,至少表面上没有人敢借他的话对大道神灵发难,但命却是纷纷消失,不再闹事。 In an muddy space, thick fog four. 一片浑浊空间内,大雾肆起。 Ancestor Xi Tian, Shi Dudao and Li Daokong as well as ten count the form accumulation in this. 玺天老祖石独道李道空以及十数道身影聚集于此。 Life Lord falls from the sky, was killed by curse by Darkness Forbidden Lord.” The Ancestor Xi Tian sinking sound said, the look is complex. 命主陨落,被黑暗禁主咒死。”玺天老祖沉声道,眼神复杂。 Darkness Forbidden Lord? 黑暗禁主 All lives are shocked. 所有命愣住。 In the Shi Dudao heart the surprise, what pattern is the master playing? 石独道心中诧异,主人又在玩什么花样? Li Daokong knits the brows: So it seems like, Darkness Forbidden Lord is really Great Dao Spiritual God, his curse method Ghost God is difficult to predict, what to do should we?” 李道空皱眉道:“这般看来,黑暗禁主真是大道神灵,他的诅咒手段鬼神难测,吾等该怎么办?” Ancestor Xi Tian had not replied. 玺天老祖没有回答。 Other lives also start to discuss. 其他命也开始讨论起来。 Even Life Lord cannot block, I and others can it be that Darkness Forbidden Lord opponent?” “连命主都挡不住,我等岂是黑暗禁主的对手?” Yes! The attack of Great Dao Spiritual God, we were in addition miserable.” “是啊!再加上大道神灵们的进攻,我们惨了。” But we are unable to get rid decide tribulation life cause and effect.” “可我们无法摆脱定劫命者的因果。” „Can present life also the unity?” “如今的命还能团结统一吗?” Perhaps has new Life Lord to appear.” “或许有新的命主出现吧。” Shi Dudao disdains secretly, one group of idiots, Darkness Forbidden Lord is the true evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of life, Life Lord plays dead inevitably, absolutely does not have really to fall from the sky! 石独道暗自不屑,一群蠢货,黑暗禁主才是命的真正黑手,命主必然是假死,绝对没有真的陨落! This matter plans absolutely! 此事绝对是算计! It is estimated that Darkness Forbidden Lord wants to discover the life internal disaster, or wants to make Great Dao Spiritual God be mistaken that the life dismisses! 估计黑暗禁主是想找出命内部的祸乱,或者是想让大道神灵误以为命解散! Ancestor Xi Tian opens the mouth saying: We first hide here cultivation, although Life Lord dies, but we were still the lives, even if surrendered in the Spiritual God does not help matters, Chaos did not allow us, we only to be able the waiting a while time.” 玺天老祖开口道:“吾等先躲在此处修炼吧,命主虽死,但吾等仍是命,纵然投降于神灵也无济于事,混沌不容吾等,吾等只能暂等时机。” Li Daokong asked: That other lives?” 李道空问道:“那其他命呢?” Assigning the influence is intriguing, the faction comes up in great numbers and from all sides, except for Life Lord, without the life has many companions clearly. 命势力错综复杂,派系横生,除了命主,没有命清楚有多少同伴。 Will have new Life Lord to appear, Life Lord once word, new Life Lord will be stronger, moreover is the Chaos illustrious generation.” Ancestor Xi Tian unemotional say/way. “会有新的命主出现,命主曾言,新命主将更强,而且是混沌赫赫有名之辈。”玺天老祖面无表情道。 Such remarks, other lives relax, then starts to discuss that who new Life Lord is. 此言一出,其他命不由松了一口气,然后开始讨论新命主是谁。 Can achieve prestige illustrious existence is not many in Chaos! 混沌能达到威名赫赫的存在可不多! They even also mentioned Heavenly Dao Divine Might Heavenly Sage! 他们甚至还提到天道神威天圣
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