WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#822: Passes ancient Hunzhu, destruction Chaos all living things 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Han Jue thinks of Ancestor Xi Tian, the real strength relative surface worth of this old fogy is fearful. 韩绝想到玺天老祖,这老家伙的真实实力比表面身价还要可怕。 Careful. 小心点。 life-span are in any case many, does not fear the waste. 反正寿命多,不怕浪费。 The Han Jue choice continues. 韩绝选择继续。 Energy, but also has possibility of failure 【能,但也有失败的可能性】 Han Jue knits the brows. 韩绝皱眉。 Also can be defeated? 还能失败? Is it possible that is related with Azure Cloud Dao God supreme treasure? 莫非与青霄道神至宝有关? Han Jue cannot examine Azure Cloud Dao God with Simulated Trial ahead of time. 韩绝又不能提前用模拟试炼检测到青霄道神 He sighed, can only put out Book of Misfortune. 他叹息一声,只能拿出厄运书 Azure Cloud Dao God attacks Divine Robed Daoist in any case, the outside world thinks that Divine Robed Daoist and Han Jue are foes. 反正青霄道神只是袭击神袍道人,外界都以为神袍道人韩绝是仇敌。 He without delay, starts to curse Azure Cloud Dao God. 他二话不说,开始诅咒青霄道神 Previously his already from Divine Robed Daoist there learned that the Azure Cloud Dao God appearance, recombination cultivation base and given name, can catch precisely in cause and effect. 先前他已经神袍道人那里得知青霄道神的长相,再结合修为与名号,可以在因果之中精确捕捉到。 He cursed directly full power. 他直接全力诅咒。 Five in the future. 五日后。 Han Jue life-span starts to drop. 韩绝寿命开始下降。 However he just deducted 10 million years of life-span, the curse interrupts. 然而他刚扣除一千万年寿命,诅咒就中断。 He came up empty-handed. 他扑空了。 Un? 嗯? Han Jue selects the eyebrow, in the heart inquired: How Azure Cloud does Dao God escape my curse?” 韩绝挑眉,心中询问:“青霄道神如何逃过我的诅咒?” Needs to deduct 1 trillion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除一万亿年寿命,是否继续】 Such expensive/noble! 这么贵! Continue! 继续! Passes ancient Hunzhu: Pinnacle Dao Treasure, evades cause and effect, hides Destiny, absorbs the soul, but free shuttle in the past 【通古魂珠:极致道宝,避因果,躲气运,摄魂魄,可自由穿梭过去】 Pinnacle Dao Treasure! 极致道宝 Han Jue finds others to have Pinnacle Dao Treasure for the first time. 韩绝还是第一次瞧见别人有极致道宝 No wonder this boy is so wild, Divine Robed Daoist was suppressed to not have the strength to hit back. 怪不得这厮那么猖狂,神袍道人更是被镇压得毫无还手之力。 Such being the case, can only wait for Azure Cloud Dao God to visit personally. 既然如此,只能等青霄道神亲自上门。 When the time comes can make Xu Hun (Void Soul/Spirit) Great Sage first resist some time, he first found the method of instakill with Simulated Trial again with it showdown. 到时候可以让虚魂大圣先抵挡一段时间,他先用模拟试炼找到秒杀之法再与之对决。 Han Jue drives to relax that anxiety , to continue to cultivate. 韩绝驱散心中的那一丝不安,继续修炼。 ...... …… In lonesome and quiet void, Azure Cloud Dao God leads dozens followers to shuttle back and forth in this, no one spoke, was very quiet. 幽静的虚空之中,青霄道神带着数十尊跟随者穿梭于此,没有人吭声,十分沉寂。 Suddenly! 突然! Azure Cloud Dao God stops, follower similarly so. 青霄道神停下,身后的跟随者同样如此。 The front presents two form, one impressively is Huang Zuntian, he goes lower slightly, what in front of him is a black robe person, the body taking the form of flame, cannot find the appearance/portrait. 前方出现两道身影,其中一位赫然是黄尊天,他略微靠后,在他前面的是一名黑袍人,身形似焰,瞧不见真容。 Azure Cloud Dao God asked: Two fellow daoist what intent?” 青霄道神问道:“两位道友何意?” The black robe person said in a soft voice: You defeat Divine Robed Daoist, is quite strong, joins under me.” 黑袍人轻声道:“你击败神袍道人,实力不错,加入吾麾下吧。” Azure Cloud Dao God knits the brows, said: Who are you?” 青霄道神皱眉,道:“那你们是谁?” The black robe person without delay, wields sleeve take action directly, the hand gets up flickers, the boundless black wind takes away as many things as possible, submerges Azure Cloud Dao God and the others. 黑袍人二话不说,直接挥袖出手,手起一瞬,无边黑风席卷而去,淹没青霄道神等人。 Huang Zuntian retrocedes silently, the opposite party can cause heavy losses to Great Dao Spiritual God with ease, deciding however is not the ordinary person. 黄尊天默默后退,对方能轻松重创大道神灵,定然不是等闲之辈。 ...... …… In a flash, is 50,000 years passes. 一晃眼,又是五万年过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, with extending one stretched. 韩绝睁开眼睛,跟着伸了一个懒腰。 So many years pass by, Azure Cloud Dao God has not come Heavenly Dao unexpectedly. 这么多年过去,青霄道神竟然还没有来天道 Is it possible that changed the mind? 莫非改变主意了? Has the possibility very much, after all this boy asks him to trouble, mainly to become famous, has become famous now. 很有可能,毕竟这厮找他麻烦,主要是为了出名,现在已然成名。 Han Jue starts to examine the mail. 韩绝开始查看邮件。 Recently 50,000 years had not been worth the Han Jue specially attention actually the information, were good, can perhaps let the matter that he was interested in slightly are only Han Tuo and Yi Tian officially become Great Dao Spiritual God. 最近五万年倒是没有值得韩绝特别关注的信息,都还算不错,唯一能让他稍微感兴趣的事情恐怕就是韩拓遗天正式成为大道神灵 Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor is a little thing. 陆辕魔祖还是有点东西的。 Han Jue thinks at first this boy same will go on an expedition with Heavenly Court and life wantonly, instead is not such, Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor is very low-key, is conserving strength. 韩绝起初以为这厮会跟天庭、命一样大肆征战,反而并非如此,陆辕魔祖很低调,在养精蓄锐。 , This boy will tilt the entire Chaos wind and cloud situation finally on the 1st! 终有一日,这厮会掀动整个混沌的风云大势! Han Jue starts hesitant, must hold the dream to Han Tuo, salutes? 韩绝开始犹豫,要不要托梦给韩拓,慰问一下? At this moment. 就在这时。 I am the head of Great Dao Spiritual God, starting today, entire Chaos, all achieving Primordial Beginning dao fruit chase down the life together, will obtain Great Dao Destiny, in 1 million years will assign completely eradicate!” “吾乃大道神灵之首,从今日起,整个混沌,所有证得混元道果者一同追杀命,将获得大道气运,百万年内将命彻底铲除!” The dignified sound resounded together, interrupted the Han Jue train of thought. 一道威严的声音响起,打断了韩绝的思绪。 The head of Great Dao Spiritual God, who is that? 大道神灵之首,那是谁? Do these words only aim above Sage? 这番话只针对圣人之上? The momentum is big enough, does not know whether to call. 啧啧,声势够大,也不知能否叫得动。 Han Jue will not begin in any case. 反正韩绝是不会去动手的。 However he is Ancestor Xi Tian, Li Daokong, Shi Dudao and Huang Zuntian worries actually. 不过他倒是为玺天老祖李道空石独道黄尊天捏一把汗。 In the Han Jue heart inquired: „The head of this Great Dao Spiritual God ordered, could eradicate the life?” 韩绝心中询问:“此次大道神灵之首下令,能否铲除命?” Needs to deduct 900 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除九千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Cannot 【不能】 Really. 果然。 Han Jue shakes the head. 韩绝摇了摇头。 Venerable Chu Minghei can live initially from Chaos today, is by no means coincidental, wants to eradicate his influence, but also need more powerful strength take action. 初命黑尊能从混沌初活到今日,绝非偶然,想要铲除他的势力,还需要更强大的力量出手 Qiu Xilai holds dream to you, accepts 求西来向你托梦,是否接受】 Han Jue selects the eyebrow. 韩绝挑眉。 This boy has not held the dream to him for a long time, it is estimated that has the important matter. 这厮好久没有向他托梦,估计有要事。 The Han Jue choice accepts. 韩绝选择接受。 In the dreamland, Qiu Xilai takes the lead saying: Master, some people extinguish Dao God in the inquiry.” 梦境之中,求西来率先道:“主人,有人在打探灭道神通。” Han Jue asked: In Heavenly Dao?” 韩绝问道:“天道内?” Now Heavenly Dao is prosperous, if were used to extinguish Dao God to eliminate, that Han Jue and Sages must spit blood. 如今天道繁盛,若是被人用灭道神通肃清,那韩绝诸圣可是要吐血的。 No, but is Chaos, I in Chaos, encounter mysterious existence at present a short time ago, inquires me whether will extinguish Dao God.” “非也,而是混沌,吾目前在混沌,前不久遭遇一名神秘存在,打探吾是否会灭道神通。” How did you say?” “你怎么说?” I naturally denied, although he entanglement, but I am somewhat worried, feared this is the Heavenly Dao crisis, extinguishes Dao God only to aim at the Heavenly Dao life.” “吾自然是否认,他虽然没有纠缠,但吾还是有些担心,怕这是天道危机,灭道神通只针对天道生灵。” I understood, I will pay attention, you add carefully, should not be kept thinking on.” “我明白了,我会注意的,你多加小心,不要被人惦记上。” Understood.” “明白。” The dialogue ended, the dreamland also followed to end. 对话结束,梦境也跟着结束。 Han Jue calculated immediately, but is unable to calculate by oneself, explained opposite party compared with him, or grasps supreme treasure. 韩绝立即推算,但靠自身无法算到,说明对方比他强,或者掌握至宝 I want to know that is who extinguishes Dao God to the Qiu Xilai inquiry?” “我想知道是谁向求西来打探灭道神通?” Needs to deduct 700 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除七千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! In the Han Jue mind follows to reappear form. 韩绝脑海里跟着浮现出一道身影 Venerable Chu Minghei! 初命黑尊 Is he! 是他! Han Jue knits the brows, in the heart closely examines: Why does Venerable Chu Minghei inquire to extinguish Dao God?” 韩绝皱眉,心中追问:“初命黑尊为何打探灭道神通?” Needs to deduct 700 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除七千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Has not evolved the illusion, Han Jue presents one line of characters at present: 没有演化幻象,韩绝眼前则出现一行字: He wants to develop divine ability of destruction Chaos all living things 【他想开发出覆灭混沌众生的神通 In other words, this matter has not involved other cause and effect, is Venerable Chu Minghei thinks that therefore has not evolved then scene. 也就是说,此事没有涉及到其他因果,全是初命黑尊自己想的,所以没有演化出当时的场景。 Is it possible that was this boy compelled by Great Dao Spiritual God anxiously? 这厮莫非是被大道神灵逼急了? It is not right! 不对! Possibly was his thought triggered the Great Dao Spiritual God anger. 可能是他的这个念头引起了大道神灵的愤怒。 Does not know why can be detected by Great Dao Spiritual God. 就是不知为何能被大道神灵察觉到。 Han Jue falls into the thinking. 韩绝陷入思索中。 Is Venerable Chu Minghei so crazy, takes a wave band to walk to consider as finished? 初命黑尊如此疯狂,要不要一波带走算了? So as to avoid kills his disciple. 免得杀害他的弟子。 Before Han Jue wants to impede Great Dao Spiritual God and Chaos Demon God with Venerable Chu Minghei, now presents the accident. 以前韩绝想拿初命黑尊来掣肘大道神灵混沌魔神,现在出现变故。 Venerable Chu Minghei how long can develop divine ability of destruction Chaos all living things?” 初命黑尊多久能开发出覆灭混沌众生的神通?” Needs to deduct 700 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除七千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Approximately needs about 300 million years 【大约要三亿年左右】 This number is seemingly long, but compares in Great Dao Grand Tribulation is much quicker. 这个数字看似漫长,但相比于大道量劫却是快得多。 It seems like Venerable Chu Minghei is also attempting to change Great Dao Grand Tribulation. 看来初命黑尊也在妄图改变大道量劫 If the Chaos all living things destruction, could wither Primordial Chaos Demon God in breeding ahead of time. 倘若混沌众生覆灭,说不定能提前干死孕育中的鸿蒙魔神 That waits again. 那就再等等。 After Han Jue wants waits for the life and Great Dao Spiritual God is mutually wounded, carrying off Venerable Chu Minghei. 韩绝想等命与大道神灵两败俱伤后再神不知鬼不觉的带走初命黑尊 If he now kills by curse Venerable Chu Minghei, assigned/life a group of people without a leader, Li Daokong and the others met with a disaster. 他现在要是咒死初命黑尊,命群龙无首,李道空等人就遭殃了。 Wait! 等等! Won't this boy find the avoidance curse in the future supreme treasure? 这厮未来不会也找到躲避诅咒的至宝吧? The brow of Han Jue wrinkles again. 韩绝的眉头再次皱起。 Cannot wait. 不能等。 Chokes to death earlier! 还是早点掐死吧! Han Jue puts out Book of Misfortune, starts to curse directly. 韩绝拿出厄运书,直接开始诅咒。
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