WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#821: Two Spiritual God, Azure Cloud Dao God

Divine Robed Daoist is staring at the azure robe taoist priest, narrows the eye to ask: You said that you can kill me?” 神袍道人盯着青袍道士,眯眼问道:“你说你能杀吾?” The azure robe taoist priest nods, but he is also worshipping on bended knees Divine Robed Daoist, the stance and words contrast are enormous. 青袍道士点头,但他还跪拜着神袍道人,姿态与话反差极大。 Divine Robed Daoist feels the terrifying sense of crisis suddenly, when compared with faced Han Jue initially, but also is fearful and apprehensive. 神袍道人忽然感受到恐怖危机感,比当初面对韩绝时,还要心惊肉跳。 The Divine Robed Daoist sinking sound asked: Actually you are what origin?” 神袍道人沉声问道:“尔等究竟是何来历?” He lived carried innumerably, has not actually seen in the palace these fellows. 他好歹活了无数载,却未见过殿上这些家伙。 Chaos is limitless, even if Revered God also not necessarily understands entire Chaos.” 混沌无边无际,纵然是神上也未必了解整个混沌吧。” The azure robe taoist priest said in a soft voice, he catches the eye to look to Divine Robed Daoist, the look is tranquil. 青袍道士轻声道,他抬眼看向神袍道人,眼神平静。 Divine Robed Daoist has to face up to them. 神袍道人不得不正视他们。 Why can kill Divine Might Heavenly Sage?” Divine Robed Daoist asked. “为何要杀神威天圣?”神袍道人问道。 The azure robe taoist priest said: Because his prestige is big, this Chaos, the prestige is not easy to look, only then he who he is bigger than can determine in Heavenly Dao.” 青袍道士道:“因为他的威名大,这一带混沌,威名比他大的不好找,只有他能确定在天道。” Divine Robed Daoist knits the brows to ask: For?” 神袍道人皱眉问道:“就为了名?” The azure robe taoist priest said: Right, after I since Pangu falls from the sky, starts to cultivate, for some day, the name moves Chaos, but also invited Revered God to the face, we presented your life, killed Divine Might Heavenly Sage to result in the prestige, you must avenge a grievance.” 青袍道士道:“没错,吾自盘古陨落后就开始修炼,就为了有朝一日,名动混沌,还请神上给个面子,吾等奉你之命,杀神威天圣得威名,你得报仇雪恨。” Dozens form raise the head, simultaneously looks to Divine Robed Daoist. 身后数十道身影纷纷抬头,齐齐看向神袍道人 Why does not know, Divine Robed Daoist to terrify. 不知为何,神袍道人瘆得慌。 He understands himself, if rejects, will certainly unable to be friendly. 他明白自己若是拒绝,必将不能善了。 But he is loyal and devoted to Han Jue, how could to harm Han Jue? 可他对韩绝忠心耿耿,岂能害了韩绝 This matter all difficulties help, you left.” “此事万难成全,尔等离开吧。” The Divine Robed Daoist faint say/way, his clothes robe agitates slightly. 神袍道人淡漠道,他的衣袍微微鼓动。 The azure robe taoist priest reveals, helpless look, with setting out, said: Since Revered God does not hope, I then can only God Slaying reveal the prestige spirit.” 青袍道士露出无奈神色,跟着起身,道:“既然神上不愿,那吾便只能杀神灵显威名。” Divine Robed Daoist said with a smile: Really is extremely arrogant, revealed that your supreme treasure makes me take a look!” 神袍道人笑道:“真是狂妄,亮出你的至宝让吾瞧瞧!” The azure robe taoist priest nods, dozens form follow to set out. 青袍道士点头,身后数十道身影跟着起身。 ...... …… Time flies. 岁月如梭。 Five ten thousand years in the past. 五万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, looks the color of satisfaction. 韩绝睁开眼睛,面露满足之色。 Nowadays his already custom seclusion 50,000 years, only by doing so, he can feel the growth of cultivation base each time. 现如今他已经习惯每次闭关五万年,只有这样,他才能感受到修为的增长。 The Han Jue point opens the mail examination. 韩绝点开邮件查看。 Your good friend Jiang Jueshi senses Good Fortune true meaning, creation slaughtering divine ability 【你的好友姜绝世感悟造化真义,创造杀伐神通 Your son Han Tuo obtains Spiritual God Destiny 【你的儿子韩拓获得神灵气运 Your good friend Yi Tian obtains Spiritual God Destiny 【你的好友遗天获得神灵气运 Your apprentice Dao Supreme is under the Taigu (Immemorial) Demon attack x8021643 【你的徒弟道至尊遭遇太古妖魔袭击】x8021643 Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan......】 【你的徒弟赵轩辕……】 ...... …… Your good friend Di Jiang is under your good friend Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning attack 【你的好友帝江遭遇你的好友元始天尊袭击】 ...... …… Your Grand Disciple Chu Shiren steps into source 【你的徒孙楚世人踏入源界】 Your good friend Divine Robed Daoist is under the mysterious almighty attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友神袍道人遭遇神秘大能袭击,身受重伤】 ...... …… The recent friend encircles becomes blustery, looks at Han Jue with great interest. 最近的朋友圈又变得风起云涌,看得韩绝津津有味。 Han Tuo and Yi Tian obtain Spiritual God Destiny, is this what intent? 韩拓遗天获得神灵气运,这是何意? Is it possible that these two little fellows did step Divine Dao? 莫非这两个小家伙踏上了神道 Can succeed? 要成功了? Han Jue thinks the own son becomes Great Dao Spiritual God, he then inexplicable feels irritable. 韩绝一想到自己的儿子成为大道神灵,他便莫名的觉得别扭。 He has not intervened, the descendant has the descendant life. 他没有干预,儿孙自有儿孙命。 After Han Jue looks at the mail, he prepares to continue to cultivate. 韩绝看完邮件后,他准备继续修炼。 At this time, Xuandu Saint Venerable sent greetings to him, asking him to go to the universe palace. 这时,玄都圣尊传音给他,请他前往乾坤殿。 Han Jue sets out to arrive at the universe palace, Dao Seeker already in palace was scattered, is only left over Xuandu Saint Venerable one person. 韩绝起身来到乾坤殿,殿内的求道者已经被驱散,只剩下玄都圣尊一人。 Xuandu Saint Venerable has not passed on other imperial edict Sage, but lives alone with Han Jue. 玄都圣尊没有传诏其他圣人,而是与韩绝独处。 Divine Robed Daoist had an accident.” Xuandu Saint Venerable said in a soft voice, said that he sizes up the Han Jue expression. 神袍道人出事了。”玄都圣尊轻声道,说完,他打量韩绝的表情。 Han Jue asked: Right?” 韩绝问道:“是吗?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: Divine Robed Daoist is under a mysterious almighty attack of named Azure Cloud Dao God, almost falls from the sky.” 玄都圣尊道:“神袍道人遭遇一位名为青霄道神的神秘大能袭击,差点陨落。” Azure Cloud Dao God? 青霄道神 Han Jue asked: Azure Cloud Dao God information, a point also?” 韩绝问道:“青霄道神的情报呢,一点也没有?” Xuandu Saint Venerable shakes the head saying: Has not heard, I have asked the teacher, does not know, Chaos is unpredictable, Heavenly Dao carefully, Heavenly Dao seemingly is truly powerful, may place Chaos, is extremely tiny.” 玄都圣尊摇头道:“未曾听闻过,吾问过老师,也不知,混沌变化莫测,天道确实得小心谨慎,天道看似强大,可放在混沌,太过渺小。” Han Jue said: Why did you tell me this matter?” 韩绝道:“你为何将此事告诉我?” Xuandu Saint Venerable gawked staring, does not know how should reply. 玄都圣尊愣了愣,不知该如何回答。 He notices the Han Jue expression to be thought-provoking, faint smile. 他注意到韩绝的表情耐人寻味,似笑非笑。 In an instant, Xuandu Saint Venerable feels the unprecedented pressure, making him terrified. 刹那间,玄都圣尊感受到前所未有的压力,令他惶恐。 He forces oneself to look cheerful saying: After all Divine Robed Daoist is Heavenly Dao has sought many advantage recently, if he has an accident, perhaps meets the calamity Heavenly Dao, we were not clear that Azure Cloud Dao God has what goal.” 他强颜欢笑道:“毕竟神袍道人近来为天道谋求过不少好处,他若是出事,说不定会祸连天道,吾等也不清楚那青霄道神到底有何目的。” Right?” “是吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Xuandu Saint Venerable installs calmly. 玄都圣尊强装镇定。 Han Jue said: I knew, I will process, other matters?” 韩绝道:“我知晓了,我会处理,还有其他事吗?” Will process! 会处理! These three characters make Xuandu Saint Venerable relax secretly. 这三个字让玄都圣尊暗自松了一口气。 Really, he guesses right, Divine Robed Daoist already is the Han Jue person. 果然,他猜得没错,神袍道人已经韩绝的人。 Even possibly is Divine Robed Daoist the Han Jue person? 甚至可能神袍道人一直就是韩绝的人? Why that does Han Jue make Divine Robed Daoist attack Heavenly Dao? 韩绝为何让神袍道人袭击天道 Is it possible that...... 莫非…… Cannot think! 不能这么想! Xuandu Saint Venerable said: Han Tuo and Yi Tian capture the positions of two Spiritual God.” 玄都圣尊道:“韩拓遗天夺得两席神灵之位。” Han Jue nods. 韩绝点头。 Xuandu Saint Venerable no longer spoke. 玄都圣尊不再说话。 Han Jue sets out to depart. 韩绝起身离去。 When Han Jue vanishes, Xuandu Saint Venerable just now grows the one breath. 韩绝消失,玄都圣尊方才长出一口气。 Later cannot probe absolutely, but his words also calculated to express the favorable impression a moment ago, no matter he has what ambition, Heavenly Dao is truly stiffening, this is the good deed.” “以后绝对不能试探,不过刚才他的话也算表示好感,不管他到底有何野心,天道确实在变强,这便是好事。” Xuandu Saint Venerable thinks secretly. 玄都圣尊暗自想到。 He felt that Han Jue does not seek after Heavenly Dao, the Han Jue layout is really big, its hanger-on disciple already rushes out the prestige in Chaos one after another, establishes the respective influence. 他感觉韩绝并非贪图天道,韩绝的布局实在是太大,其门下弟子已经接连在混沌闯出威名,建立各自势力。 Heavenly Dao possibly is only Han Jue shield, is used to cover up the Han Jue true ambition. 天道可能只是韩绝的挡箭牌,用来遮掩韩绝真正的野心。 Person who , can cultivation this situation, no is the good stubble, no really not plans.” “果然,能修炼到这个地步的人,没一个是善茬,没一个真的毫无算计。” In the Xuandu Saint Venerable heart sighs with emotion. 玄都圣尊心中感慨。 ...... …… Returns to Dao Monastery, Han Jue holds the dream to give Divine Robed Daoist. 回到道观内,韩绝托梦给神袍道人 In the dreamland, Divine Robed Daoist opens eyes, sees is Han Jue, immediately kneels down to salute. 梦境之中,神袍道人睁眼,一看到是韩绝,立即跪下行礼。 Said that why were you attacked?” Han Jue opens the mouth to say. “说吧,你为何被袭击?”韩绝开口道。 Divine Robed Daoist has not concealed, looks for own matter 1510 saying Azure Cloud Dao God. 神袍道人没有隐瞒,将青霄道神找上自己的事情一五一十的说出来。 Han Jue knits the brows, has not thought that this Azure Cloud Dao God is looks his, Divine Robed Daoist to protect him is injured. 韩绝皱眉,没想到这青霄道神是来找他的,神袍道人是为保护他而受伤。 Azure Cloud Dao God supreme treasure is truly powerful, can anchorage my Dao Monastery, making me not have the strength of resistance, possibly he has scruples the Great Dao Spiritual God status, therefore has not killed me, otherwise I will die quickly.” 青霄道神至宝确实强大,可以定住吾的道观,让吾毫无反抗之力,可能他顾忌大道神灵的身份,所以才没有杀吾,否则吾会死得很快。” The Divine Robed Daoist sinking sound said, mentioned this matter, he still had a lingering fear. 神袍道人沉声道,说起此事,他仍心有余悸。 Han Jue asked: „The opposite party is what cultivation base, exceeds Great Dao Sage?” 韩绝问道:“对方是何修为,超越大道圣人?” Divine Robed Daoist said ashamed: I am not clear, has not felt his spiritual power, was fallen by its supreme treasure.” 神袍道人惭愧道:“吾也不清楚,还未感受到他的法力,便被其至宝降住。” Han Jue said: Ok, the cultivation, will experience this matter quite next time, can first hold the dream in me, does not need to support by hard and stubborn effort.” 韩绝道:“行了,好生修炼,下次遇到这种事,可以先托梦于我,不必硬撑。” Good!” “好!” The Divine Robed Daoist voice falls, the dreamland is then stave. 神袍道人话音落下,梦境便破碎。 Han Jue opens the eye, did not lose the faint facial expression, instead showed the exciting smile. 韩绝睁开眼睛,不负刚才的淡漠神情,反而露出兴奋笑容。 Comes well! 来得好啊! Happen to Laozi (father) just broke through! 正好老子刚突破! Although Simulated Trial can divulge the desire of fight, but not real. 模拟试炼虽能宣泄战斗之欲,但并非真的。 In the Han Jue heart inquired: My whether instakill Azure Cloud Dao God?” 韩绝心中询问:“我能否秒杀青霄道神?” Needs to deduct 300 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除三千亿年寿命,是否继续】 Han Jue hesitates. 韩绝犹豫。 300 billion years , before is, Foolish Sword Divine Sage worth. 三千亿年,也就是之前愚剑神圣的身价。 Also dares to kill him on this level? 就这水平也敢来杀他? How to think! 怎么想的啊!
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