WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#820: Fights ten thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage

Does Jiang Jueshi do with Ancestor Xi Tian? 姜绝世怎么与玺天老祖干起来? Shi Dudao was hit the severe wound by Jiang Jueshi, means Shi Dudao can't be victorious Jiang Jueshi? 石独道姜绝世打得重伤,是不是意味着石独道打不过姜绝世 The Han Jue expression is strange, he knows that the Jiang Jueshi present aptitude incomparable terrifying, has not thought even Shi Dudao can defeat. 韩绝的表情古怪,他知道姜绝世如今的资质无比恐怖,没想到连石独道都能击败。 Shi Dudao is also Heaven's Chosen, moreover once was under Sage the first person! 石独道也是天骄,而且还曾经是圣人之下第一人! Jiang Jueshi is strong, was suppressed by Ancestor Xi Tian. 姜绝世再强,还是被玺天老祖镇压了。 Han Jue hesitant moment, the decision holds the dream to Ancestor Xi Tian, sees Old Ancestor by the true body. 韩绝犹豫片刻,还是决定托梦给玺天老祖,以真身见老祖 The dreamland was past Supreme Ultimate Palace. 梦境是当年的太极殿 Ancestor Xi Tian opens eyes to find Han Jue, not accident/surprise. 玺天老祖睁眼瞧见韩绝,并没有意外。 Two people look at each other speechless. 两人相顾无言。 Han Jue has to open the mouth on own initiative: Old Ancestor, whether do not create obstacles for Jiang Jueshi.” 韩绝不得不主动开口:“老祖,能否不要刁难姜绝世。” Ancestor Xi Tian asked: „Is Jiang Jueshi related with you?” 玺天老祖问道:“姜绝世与你有关?” Un, is my disciple.” “嗯,算是我徒儿。” „? His cultivation base as if has nothing to do with you.” “哦?他的修为似乎与你无关。” Old Ancestor!” 老祖!” Han Jue selects the eyebrow, the tone is somewhat heavy. 韩绝挑眉,语气有些重。 Ancestor Xi Tian shows the smile, said: Relax, I have not killed him, has not given the life him, at present he is imprisoned in a place, happen to can the precipitation cultivation, he understanding Chaos be too few, if the ignores he continues to rush, perhaps the consequence is dreadful.” 玺天老祖露出笑容,道:“放心吧,吾没有杀他,更没有将他交给命,目前他被囚禁于一处地方,正好可以沉淀修炼,他对混沌的了解太少,若是放任他继续闯下去,恐怕后果不堪设想。” Han Jue nods, expressed the support. 韩绝点头,表示赞同。 Ancestor Xi Tian language front Rank One, asked: You said him, if grows, can catch up with you, even exceeds you?” 玺天老祖语锋一转,问道:“你说他若是成长起来,能否追上你,甚至超越你?” Han Jue said: Perhaps.” 韩绝道:“或许吧。” Catches up with me? 追上我? Is impossible! 不可能! These words Han Jue only dared to say at heart. 这番话韩绝只敢在心里说。 Ancestor Xi Tian said: He clearly becomes aware thoroughly, I will put him to depart, will not create obstacles for him, in my here, he is inevitably safe.” 玺天老祖道:“等他彻底明悟,吾会放他离去,不会刁难他,在吾这儿,他必然安全。” Many thanks Old Ancestor.” “多谢老祖。” Does not need to thank, development of Heavenly Dao thanks to having you, I also calculate that owes you a benevolence.” “不必谢,天道的发展多亏有你,吾也算欠你一个恩情。” Two people smalltalk several, Han Jue then relieved the dreamland. 两人客套了几句,韩绝便解除梦境。 Han Jue opens the eye, in the heart inquired: „Did Ancestor Xi Tian say to me is true?” 韩绝睁开眼睛,心中询问:“玺天老祖对我所言属实?” Needs to deduct 250 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除两千五百亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! Is true 【属实】 Han Jue shows the smile, then starts to promote sword Dao God, later cultivation Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body. 韩绝露出笑容,然后开始提升剑道神通,之后再修行太易自在法相 500 years later. 五百年后。 Han Jue learns 300 Demon God Dharma Body newly, the accumulation grasps 1449 Demon God Dharma Body! 韩绝新习得三百尊魔神法相,累积掌握一千四百四十九尊魔神法相 The strength rises suddenly! 实力暴涨! Han Jue starts Simulated Trial. 韩绝开始模拟试炼 Challenges 5000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 挑战五千位愚剑神圣 Foolish Sword Divine Sage or Great Dao in Primordial Beginning boundary perfection Simulated Trial cultivation base, 5000 strongest said that Sage is extremely overbearing, before was steamroll Han Jue, this time, Han Jue stood firm actually. 模拟试炼里的愚剑神圣还是大道混元圆满修为,五千尊最强大圣人极其霸道,以前都是碾压韩绝,这一次,韩绝倒是稳住。 Han Jue condenses all Demon God Dharma Body, conducts the group war. 韩绝将所有魔神法相凝聚而出,进行群战。 However in the quantity the disadvantage, causing Han Jue to be pressed hitting at first, but quick starts to change the situation. 不过数量上劣势,导致韩绝起初被压着打,但很快就开始扭转局势。 The Han Jue Demon God Dharma Body strength is related with his cultivation base, he strength is much strong, Demon God Dharma Body can become strong, this is the Great Yi Unrestrained Dharma Body mystery. 韩绝魔神法相实力与他的修为相关,他自身实力多强,魔神法相就能变得多强,这便是太易自在法相的奥妙。 After hour, Han Jue continues Simulated Trial. 半个时辰后,韩绝继续模拟试炼 After hundred Simulated Trial, Han Jue has been able to press five thousand Foolish Sword Divine Sage to hit. 百次模拟试炼后,韩绝已然可以压着五千愚剑神圣打。 Except ten thousand Divine Right Will, entire Chaos does not have 1000 Great Dao Sage! 除开一万神权将,整个混沌都没有一千位大道圣人 Han Jue thinks. 韩绝觉得不行。 He starts to raise the intensity. 他开始提升强度。 10,000 Foolish Sword Divine Sage! 一万尊愚剑神圣 After ten breaths, he opens the eye. 十息后,他睁开眼睛。 Too several......! 太几……强了! Han Jue does not believe in evil doctrines , to continue to hit. 韩绝不信邪,继续打。 ...... …… Under the dim vault of heaven, the mountain range is continuous, such as land Blue Dragon back, towering atmosphere, flowers and plants not fresh. 昏暗天穹之下,山峦连绵,如大地苍龙的背脊,峥嵘大气,花草不生。 Above a summit, Jiang Jueshi sits in meditation to evolve divine ability, the purple circle round rotates before him, the size fluctuates. 一座山巅之上,姜绝世打坐演化神通,紫色圆轮在他面前转动,大小变幻。 The distant place, similarly is above the summit, Li Daokong and Shi Dudao are staring at him. 远方,同样是山巅之上,李道空石独道正盯着他。 Shi Dudao snort/hum said: This boy seriously is a rare talent.” 石独道哼道:“这小子当真是奇才。” Li Daokong nods, the look is dignified. 李道空点头,眼神凝重。 After Shi Dudao losses, he has not taunted Shi Dudao, is sadder than Shi Dudao. 石独道了后,他没有嘲讽石独道,心情比石独道还要沉重。 Must know that he may never defeat Shi Dudao. 要知道他可从未战胜过石独道 That is after the first fight, Jiang Jueshi then becomes Li Daokong and Shi Dudao heart demon, has free time, they will then come to see Jiang Jueshi cultivation. 那一战后,姜绝世便成为李道空石独道心魔,一有空,他们便会来看姜绝世修行 Jiang Jueshi is not rampant, whatever they watch, is aloof. 姜绝世并不嚣张,任凭他们观看,都无动于衷。 Shi Dudao vanishes suddenly, arrives at side Jiang Jueshi. 石独道忽然消失,来到姜绝世身旁。 Li Daokong has to accompany, he also really fears Shi Dudao take action, was suppressed by Jiang Jueshi again. 李道空不得不陪同,他还真怕石独道出手,再被姜绝世镇压。 Although he pesters Shi Dudao frequently, but two people after Life and Death, the sentiment with the brothers, have naturally not been able to stand by. 虽然他经常纠缠石独道,但两人历经生死,早已情同兄弟,自然不能袖手旁观。 Jiang Jueshi continues to deduce divine ability, has not cared about behind two people. 姜绝世继续推演神通,没有在意身后的两人。 Shi Dudao asked: What you cultivation is what cultivation technique?” 石独道问道:“你修炼的是何功法?” Jiang Jueshi replied: Reincarnation Great Good Fortune merit.” 姜绝世回答道:“转生大造化功。” Where passes from Sacred (God Sage/Saint)?” “传自何方神圣?” I homemade.” “我自创的。” Homemade......” “自创……” Shi Dudao changes countenance. 石独道动容。 Li Daokong similarly so, facial expression big change. 李道空同样如此,神情大变。 Shi Dudao asked: „Is this merit Great Dao?” 石独道问道:“此功是大道?” I do not know that what is Great Dao.” “吾不知何为大道。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Shi Dudao smiles, with vanishing. 石独道笑了笑,跟着消失。 Li Daokong has not remained. 李道空也没有多留。 From beginning to end, Jiang Jueshi has not opened eyes. 自始至终,姜绝世都没有睁眼。 Since he defeats Shi Dudao, he loses the interest in these two. 自从他战胜石独道后,他就对这两人失去兴趣。 He never cares about the defeated. 他从不在意手下败将。 Long time. 良久。 Jiang Jueshi opens the eye, the brow wrinkles. 姜绝世又睁开眼睛,眉头皱起。 Who this feeling...... is the old enemy......?” “这种感觉……宿敌……是谁?” Jiang Jueshi muttered, the look was confused. 姜绝世喃喃自语,眼神迷茫。 ...... …… Second dao field. 第二道场 Han Jue arrives at outside Dao Monastery, wields the sleeve to emit one group of people. 韩绝来到道观外,挥袖放出一群人。 Chaos Demon God aura bring in dao field other Demon God to gather, Li Yao and Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) also follow the view. 一股股混沌魔神气息引来道场内其他魔神聚集,厉遥悟道剑也跟着出观。 Hei Yuji clamored: Ha, Lord Chicken rose, another day surely becomes unparalleled Phoenix that covers Chaos!” 黑狱鸡叫嚣道:“哈哈哈,鸡爷崛起了,他日必定成为笼罩混沌的盖世凤凰!” Other direct disciple are also very excited. 其他亲传弟子也很兴奋。 Especially sees Murong Qi, Guan Bubai and the others, they are very self-satisfied. 尤其是看到慕容起冠不败等人,他们很是得意。 Let you acting cool in Myriad Worlds Projection! 让你们在万界投影装逼 Now we came! 现在我们来了! Han Jue has not treated, with returning to Main Dao Field. 韩绝没有多待,跟着回到主道场 Also should continue to cultivate! 也该继续修炼了! Achieves Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection, is not far from the Great Dao Supreme boundary! 达到大道混元圆满,距离大道至上境就不远了! Han Jue has hoped for this realm. 韩绝早就期盼这个境界 Only then achieves Great Dao Supreme, just now can be unscrupulous. 只有达到大道至上,方才能肆无忌惮。 In Chaos, except for illusory Chaos Unknown, Great Dao Supreme just now is the top dog, the Revered God god. 混沌之中,除了虚无缥缈的混沌无识,大道至上方才为人上人,神上神。 ...... …… In a giant palace, Divine Robed Daoist sits on the throne, the stance is lazy, the facial expression disdains. 一座巨大的宫殿内,神袍道人坐在宝座上,姿态慵懒,神情略带不屑。 In the palace is kneeling dozens form, what is the head is a azure robe taoist priest. 殿上跪着数十道身影,为首的是一名青袍道士。 The azure robe taoist priest said: Under Revered God intent how?” 青袍道士道:“神上意下如何?” Divine Robed Daoist snort/hum said: I am not the Divine Might Heavenly Sage opponent, turns swords into plowshares with great difficulty, did you call me to cope with him again?” 神袍道人哼道:“吾不是神威天圣的对手,好不容易化干戈为玉帛,你叫吾再去对付他?” How his already in calculating solves in the palace this group of fellows. 已经在盘算如何解决殿上这群家伙。 The azure robe taoist priest said: In my hand has supreme treasure, may strike to grind Heavenly Dao, erases Heavenly Dao cause and effect.” 青袍道士道:“吾手中有至宝,可将天道一击碾碎,抹除天道因果。” Divine Robed Daoist said: „Can that kill Divine Might Heavenly Sage?” 神袍道人道:“那能杀神威天圣?” The azure robe taoist priest said: May kill!” 青袍道士道:“可杀!” You, since can kill, why can look for me?” “你既然能杀,为何要找吾?” Needs to take action with just reasons.” “需要师出有名。” „?” “哦?” Revered God ordered, our take action, Revered God only need wait for the result.” 神上下令,吾等出手,神上只需坐等结果。” So self-confident? You can kill Divine Might Heavenly Sage, can kill me?” “如此自信?你能杀神威天圣,岂不是能杀吾?” The Divine Robed Daoist faint smile said that in the eye already conceals killing intent. 神袍道人似笑非笑道,眼中已经隐含杀意 The azure robe taoist priest silent moment, said: Can!” 青袍道士沉默片刻,道:“能!” The voice falls, the atmosphere of entire main hall solidifies instantaneously, the murderous intention wells up secretly. 话音落下,整个大殿的气氛瞬间凝固,杀机暗涌。
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