WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#819: Breakthrough! perfection! 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Arranges of Han Duotian, Han Jue to hold the dream to Peacock Divine Monarch, falls asleep by the Darkness Forbidden Lord image. 安排完韩堕天之事后,韩绝托梦给孔雀神君,以黑暗禁主的形象入梦。 Peacock Divine Monarch opens eyes, sees Han Jue, immediately salutes. 孔雀神君睁眼,看到韩绝,立即行礼。 Han Jue opens the mouth saying: Gives you task.” 韩绝开口道:“交给你一个任务。” The Peacock Divine Monarch spirit inspired, comes the matter! 孔雀神君精神一振,来事了! His expert is itchy! 他正好手痒! Before coped with the True Martial Sage Buddha, has not won, making him not have the face very much, does not dare really to call Darkness Forbidden Lord to help. 之前对付圣真武佛,没有赢,让他很没面子,又不敢真的叫黑暗禁主帮忙。 You said! Any matter can complete to you!” “您说!任何事都能给您完成!” Peacock Divine Monarch said proudly, as if before forgetting, must rescue by Darkness Forbidden Lord. 孔雀神君傲然说道,似乎忘了之前还要靠黑暗禁主救。 Han Jue said: Proves Great Dao!” 韩绝道:“证大道!” Peacock Divine Monarch is shocked. 孔雀神君愣住。 Han Jue said: Your cultivation base was too weak, many things are not easy to look for you.” 韩绝道:“你修为太弱了,很多事不好找你。” Peacock Divine Monarch is awkward, does not dare to refute. 孔雀神君尴尬,不敢反驳。 Although Great Dao Sage is few, but in the Darkness Forbidden Lord angle, Unrestrained Sage truly insufficiently looks. 虽然大道圣人很少,但在黑暗禁主的角度,自在圣人确实不够看。 Good!” “好!” Peacock Divine Monarch should under. 孔雀神君应下。 Han Jue said: Recently do not run back and forth in confusion everywhere, quite cultivation, after achieving Great Dao, has the important matter to wait for you to do.” 韩绝道:“近来不要到处乱晃,好生修炼,证得大道后有大事等着你去做。” Peacock Divine Monarch nods, is more awkward. 孔雀神君点头,更加尴尬。 It seems like he attacks Buddha matter already to be known by Darkness Forbidden Lord. 看来他袭击佛界的事情已经黑暗禁主知晓。 Oh. 唉。 Also lost face. 又丢脸了。 Peacock Divine Monarch felt if oneself defeat again one time, the cow that before blew will turn into the shame. 孔雀神君感觉自己要是再败一次,之前吹的牛都会变成耻辱。 Han Jue also no longer said, relieves the dreamland. 韩绝也不再多说,解除梦境。 In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue opens the eye, sighed gently. 韩绝睁开眼睛,轻轻叹气。 To be honest, he is a little truly disappointed about Peacock Divine Monarch. 说实话,他对孔雀神君确实有点失望。 Peacock Divine Monarch as if a little wallows in the current strength, forgets diligently. 孔雀神君似乎有点沉迷于当前的力量,忘记努力。 The Han Jue point opens the mail examination, has a look situation that the recent friend encircles. 韩绝点开邮件查看,看看最近朋友圈的情况。 Your good friend Jiang Yi senses Great Dao divine ability, cultivation rises sharply 【你的好友姜易感悟大道神通,道行大涨】 Your apprentice Dao Supreme is under the primitive Heavenly Demon attack x78922732 【你的徒弟道至尊遭遇原始天魔袭击】x78922732 Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan is under the primitive Heavenly Demon attack x80020012 【你的徒弟赵轩辕遭遇原始天魔袭击】x80020012 Your good friend Lao Dan (Old Dan) is under the primitive Heavenly Demon attack x50029837 【你的好友老聃遭遇原始天魔袭击】x50029837 Your good friend Jiang Jueshi is under ominous evil spirits attack x1000843 【你的好友姜绝世遭遇不祥邪祟袭击】x1000843 Your Grand Disciple Murong Qi quenchings dao heart of war, cultivation rises sharply 【你的徒孙慕容起淬炼战之道心,道行大涨】 Your good friend Foolish Sword Divine Sage is under the mysterious almighty attack 【你的好友愚剑神圣遭遇神秘大能袭击】 Your foe Highest Beginning Demon God encounters mysterious curse 【你的仇敌太初魔神遭遇神秘诅咒】 ...... …… Chaos starts the fresh wind and cloud! 混沌又开始生风云! What thing primitive is Heavenly Demon? 原始天魔是什么东西? Hopes should not be a disaster influence, it is estimated that is the Dao Supreme four people in dungeon. 希望不要是一股祸乱势力,估计是道至尊四人在开副本 Again downward, Han Jue sees the mysterious curse. 再往下,韩绝看到神秘诅咒。 Also some people dare to curse Highest Beginning Demon God unexpectedly. 竟然还有人敢诅咒太初魔神 Can it be that can pull my Darkness Forbidden Lord flag to do the matter? 莫不是要扯我黑暗禁主的大旗搞事? Han Jue has not been angry, he has long been used. 韩绝倒没有生气,他早已习惯。 Almost looks at the mail each time, some people were cursed mystically, mostly is Jing Tiangong as well as other Darkness Forbidden Lord followers is doing the matter. 几乎每次看邮件,都有人被神秘诅咒,大多都是景天公以及其他黑暗禁主的信徒在搞事。 Any place has adore/admire strong the person. 任何地方都有慕强的人。 After looking at the mail, Han Jue then continues to cultivate. 看完邮件后,韩绝便继续修炼。 Then this/should sprint Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection! 接下来该冲刺大道混元圆满 The sky collapses, Laozi (father) also non-stop! 天塌下来,老子也不停! ...... …… Mysterious void. 神秘虚空。 Jiang Jueshi sits in meditation in meteorites, his both hands deduction, purple circle round of coiling around whole bodies, mysterious profound, as if contains Great Dao true meaning. 姜绝世打坐在一片陨石群之中,他双手推演,一道道紫色圆轮盘绕周身,玄奥高深,仿佛蕴含大道真义 depart Heavenly Dao already for sometime, his cultivation base is thorough, simultaneously he has also experienced the multiple fights, he is learning the lessons, wants creation big divine ability. 离开天道已经有一段时间,他的修为彻底稳固,同时他也经历过多次战斗,他正在总结经验,想要创造神通 Although the reincarnation Great Good Fortune merit is strong, but throughout is cultivation technique, he belongs to own fight divine ability deficient. 转生大造化功虽强,但始终是功法,他缺乏属于自己的战斗神通 Suddenly! 忽然! Jiang Jueshi opens eyes fiercely. 姜绝世猛地睁眼。 Why is fellow daoist staring at me?” “道友为何盯着我?” His sinking sound asked that the terrifying imposing manner erupted, shakes space all around. 他沉声问道,恐怖气势爆发,撼动周遭的空间。 Teased the laughter to resound together: Your this junior is not simple, your dao fruit obviously is beginning proves Primordial Beginning, but your spiritual power actually already endures to compare Primordial Beginning Great Principle Golden Immortal perfection, moreover you are also less than 20 to long live , has not thought except for Heavenly Dao Divine Might Heavenly Sage, the second so natural talent.” 一道戏谑笑声响起:“你这小辈不简单,你的道果明明才是初证混元,但你的法力已经堪比混元大罗金仙圆满,而且你还不到二十万岁,啧啧,没想到除了天道神威天圣,还有第二位这般天资。” Jiang Jueshi knits the brows. 姜绝世皱眉。 form appears. 道身影出现。 Impressively is Shi Dudao. 赫然是石独道 Not only Shi Dudao, Li Daokong and Ancestor Xi Tian follow to come. 不只是石独道,李道空玺天老祖跟着现身。 Jiang Jueshi changes countenance, immediately salutes saying: Old Ancestor!” 姜绝世动容,立即行礼道:“老祖!” He had also listened to Ancestor Xi Tian sermon, received its kindness. 他曾经也听过玺天老祖讲道,算是承了其恩德。 Ancestor Xi Tian looking pensive. 玺天老祖若有所思。 He is recalling Jiang Jueshi carefully, quick thinks, is his cultivation base is remarkable, trades Great Principle Golden Immortal unable to remember from the start, because he has taught innumerable cultivator, but before Jiang Jueshi, is very mediocre. 他在仔细回想姜绝世,很快就想起来,也就是他修为卓越,换大罗金仙压根记不得,因为他教过无数修行者,而姜绝世以前无比平庸。 Li Daokong said with a smile: Also came from Heavenly Dao? So hadn't the natural talent been detained by Sage?” 李道空笑道:“也是来自天道?啧啧,这般天资没有被圣人挽留?” Jiang Jueshi tranquil say/way: They cannot detain.” 姜绝世平静道:“他们留不住。” Quite crazy! 好狂! Shi Dudao said with a smile: Compares notes? Defeated joined us, if you won, we left immediately, did not disturb.” 石独道笑道:“切磋一下?败了加入我们,你若赢了,我们立即离开,绝不打扰。” Jiang Jueshi is staring at Shi Dudao, suddenly said: I remember you, Shi Dudao, once strongest expert under Immortal World Sage.” 姜绝世盯着石独道,忽然道:“我记得你,石独道,曾经仙界圣人之下的最强者。” Shi Dudao looks satisfaction smile, said: Never expected that you have seen me, it seems like you do not look that young.” 石独道面露满意笑容,道:“没想到你见过我,看来你并非看起来那么年幼。” His depart Heavenly Dao already is very long, Jiang Jueshi should not see him, that only has an explanation, Jiang Jueshi is not the soul of new student/life, but is almighty reincarnation is informed and experienced. 离开天道已经很久,姜绝世不应该见过他,那只有一个解释,姜绝世并非新生之魂,而是大能转世历练。 Jiang Jueshi should say: Good!” 姜绝世应道:“好!” Li Daokong shoots a look at to Shi Dudao, said: Do not lose, this boy is not simple.” 李道空瞥向石独道,道:“别输了,这小子不简单。” Jiang Jueshi looks to Li Daokong, the look is slightly complex. 姜绝世看向李道空,眼神略微复杂。 He remembers Li Daokong. 他记得李道空 Human Cult Eldest Disciple, but Li Daokong does not remember him. 人教大弟子,但李道空不记得他。 Two people from the start are not a Age Human Cult disciple, but before Jiang Jueshi, is extremely mediocre in Human Cult, did not attach great importance, therefore he quite pays attention to all previous Human Cult Eldest Disciple, Li Muyi is his later generation. 两人压根不是一个时代人教弟子,但姜绝世以前在人教太过平庸,不被重视,所以他对历代人教大弟子颇为关注,李目一都算是他的后辈。 Regarding Li Daokong, the Jiang Jueshi impression is profound, the natural talent of this person is truly extraordinary, he once thinks that Li Daokong is the first Heaven's Chosen since the ancient times, until Divine Might Heavenly Sage reach to the clouds, making all Heaven's Chosen be overshadowed. 对于李道空,姜绝世印象深刻,此人的天资确实了不得,他曾经一度认为李道空是自古以来第一天骄,直到神威天圣横空出世,让所有天骄都黯然失色。 I am impossible to lose!” “我不可能输!” Shi Dudao snort/hum said that with flying to Jiang Jueshi. 石独道哼道,跟着飞向姜绝世 Ancestor Xi Tian is staring at Jiang Jueshi, looking pensive. 玺天老祖盯着姜绝世,若有所思。 ...... …… 75,300 years later! 七万五千三百年后! Han Jue welcomed the opportunity of breakthrough finally, he broke through directly, kept. 韩绝终于迎来突破之机,他直接突破,也不停下来。 After 2000, he broke through successfully! 两千年后,他突破成功! Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary late stage! 大道混元后期 spiritual power rises suddenly! 法力暴涨! The feeling makes Han Jue be crazy. 久违的感觉让韩绝着迷。 He most enjoys is the feeling of breakthrough, surpasses happily all. 他最享受的就是突破的感觉,超过一切欢愉。 He consolidated cultivation base, while examines the attribute panel: 他一边巩固修为,一边查看属性面板: Full Name: Han Jue 姓名:韩绝 life-span: 2154332 / 108,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 寿命:2154332/108,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999】 race: Primordial Chaos Demon God( Immeasurable Great Emperor)】 种族:鸿蒙魔神(无量大帝)】 cultivation base: Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection( perfect Sage)】 修为:大道混元圆满(完美圣人)】 cultivation technique: Primordial Chaos Samsara Great Dao( Great Dao level), Great Circulation Body Tempering Method 功法:鸿蒙轮回大道(大道级)、周天淬体法 Great Dao: Great Dao of Life and Death and cause and effect Great Dao and Extreme Source Great Dao 大道:生死大道因果大道极源大道 ...... …… In front of life-span were many three numbers, this turned hundred times? 寿命前面多了三位数字,这算是翻了百倍? Is more exaggerating than the beforehand growth! 比之前的增长都要夸张! Some Han Jue suddenly regrets. 韩绝突然有些后悔。 Before the breakthrough, should spend freely life-span? 突破前是不是应该挥霍一下寿命 Ok, does not know this/should incantation anyone, cultivates law-abidingly. 算了,也不知该咒谁,还是安分修炼吧。 Little stirs up trouble! 少惹事! Han Jue brings huge feeling of satisfaction consolidated cultivation base. 韩绝带着巨大的满足感巩固修为 In 3000 rapidly in the past. 三千年迅速过去。 Han Jue has not practiced divine ability immediately, but examines the mail, having a look at recent Chaos to have the incident. 韩绝没有立即修炼神通,而是查看邮件,看看最近的混沌可有事端。 Quick, he was attracted by two mails. 很快,他就被两条邮件吸引。 Your good friend Shi Dudao is under your good friend Jiang Jueshi attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友石独道遭遇你的好友姜绝世袭击,身受重伤】 Your good friend Jiang Jueshi is under your good friend Ancestor Xi Tian attack, is seriously injured 【你的好友姜绝世遭遇你的好友玺天老祖袭击,身受重伤】 Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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