WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#818: 19 Demon God

Facing so rampant extremely arrogant Peacock Divine Monarch, True Martial Sage Buddha cold snort/hum, rubbish, escapes directly Buddha. 面对如此嚣张狂妄的孔雀神君,圣真武佛冷哼一声,也不废话,直接遁出佛界。 Peacock Divine Monarch cracks into a smile, with vanishing in palace. 孔雀神君咧嘴一笑,跟着消失在殿内。 A terrifying fight pressure covers Buddha, making all living things in feel incomparably depressing. 紧接着,一股恐怖的战斗威压笼罩佛界,让佛界内的众生感到无比压抑。 Chu Shiren knits the brows. 楚世人皱眉。 The Peacock Divine Monarch reputation he has heard, is known as under Great Dao the first person. 孔雀神君的名头他是听说过的,号称大道之下第一人。 So the powerful enemy, he is also the True Martial Sage Buddha worries. 如此强敌,他也为圣真武佛捏了一把汗。 What is most essential is behind Peacock Divine Monarch is representing Darkness Forbidden Lord! 最关键的是孔雀神君背后代表着黑暗禁主 Who is Darkness Forbidden Lord? 黑暗禁主是谁? Chaos most mystical and most terrifying evil existence! 混沌最神秘且最恐怖的邪恶存在! Even if the True Martial Sage Buddha won, they can block Darkness Forbidden Lord? 就算圣真武佛赢了,他们能挡得住黑暗禁主 Not only he thinks, full Dianzhu also has so worried. 不只是他这么想,满殿诸佛也有如此担忧。 Darkness Forbidden Lord came, can this should do?” 黑暗禁主来了,这可如何是好?” It is said Darkness Forbidden Lord withdraws three points the life.” “据说黑暗禁主连命都退避三分。” What to do?” “怎么办?” Oh, does to our Buddha not to have the big backer.” “唉,奈何我们佛界没有大靠山。” Actually True Martial Sage Buddha already is very strong, does to in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself.” “其实圣真武已经很强,奈何人外有人天外有天。” Listens to various Buddha the words, Chu Shiren to knit the brows slightly. 听着诸佛的话,楚世人微微皱眉。 His hesitant moment, the choice holds the dream to give Han Jue. 他犹豫片刻,还是选择托梦给韩绝 ...... …… Chu Shiren holds dream to you, accepts 楚世人向你托梦,是否接受】 Cultivating Han Jue was attracted the attention by the present prompt. 正在修炼的韩绝被眼前的提示吸引了注意力。 He seclusion 27,032 years, if now interrupts, was too uncomfortable. 他才闭关两万七千三十二载,现在若是中断,太不爽了。 Chu Shiren holds dream to you, accepts 楚世人向你托梦,是否接受】 Chu Shiren holds dream to you, accepts 楚世人向你托梦,是否接受】 ...... …… Chu Shiren starts to brush the screen unceasingly, Han Jue has to stop. 楚世人开始不断刷屏,韩绝不得不停下。 This is the first time that Chu Shiren so worried, it is estimated that really experienced the matter. 这还是楚世人第一次这般着急,估计真遇到事了。 The Han Jue facial expression inspires. 韩绝神情一振。 Can acting cool? 装逼了吗? Bah! 呸! Before can the person, manifested a presence! 可以人前显圣了! The Han Jue choice accepts to hold the dream. 韩绝选择接受托梦。 In the dreamland, Chu Shiren said the current difficult position immediately. 梦境之中,楚世人立即说出当下的困境。 Ancestral Master! Darkness Forbidden Lord stared at Grand Disciple!” 师祖黑暗禁主盯上徒孙了!” The Han Jue facial expression is tranquil, then at heart is very speechless. 韩绝神情平静,心里则很无语。 Does Peacock Divine Monarch have the problem? 孔雀神君有毛病? Laozi (father) does not make you look for place seclusion, pulls my flag to bully the person unexpectedly everywhere! 老子不是让你找地方闭关吗,竟然扯着我的旗帜到处欺负人! Han Jue falls into hesitant. 韩绝陷入犹豫中。 If lets Peacock Divine Monarch take action directly, to explain he and Darkness Forbidden Lord do have the relations? 若是直接让孔雀神君出手,岂不是说明他与黑暗禁主有关系? I will try to find the solution.” “我会想办法。” Threw down these words, Han Jue then finished the dreamland. 丢下这番话,韩绝便结束梦境。 He opens eyes to look to Chaos, then catches Peacock Divine Monarch and form of True Martial Sage Buddha quickly. 他睁眼看向混沌,很快便捕捉到孔雀神君圣真武佛的身影。 Also is they are fighting! 又是他们在打架! Han Jue remembers when Peacock Divine Monarch comes Heavenly Dao, these two have also fought. 韩绝记得孔雀神君天道时,这两人也斗过。 He does not have immediately take action, but is calmly observes, when Peacock Divine Monarch must win then holds the dream. 他没有立即出手,而是静静观战,等孔雀神君要胜了再托梦。 However at first sight, two people difficult minute/share high under. 不过乍一看,两人难分高下。 Is this then Unrestrained Sage that Chu Shiren wins over? 这便是楚世人拉拢的自在圣人 Really has many skills. 确实有两把刷子。 Han Jue starts to see a play. 韩绝开始看戏。 Facing Five Colours Divine Light that without thing does not brush, the True Martial Sage Buddha has not used magical treasure or divine ability, but uses soul unremitting attack Peacock Divine Monarch. 面对无物不刷的五色神光,圣真武佛没有动用法宝或者神通,而是用灵魂不断攻击孔雀神君 His soul method emerges one after another incessantly, doing Peacock Divine Monarch is quite distressed. 他的灵魂手段层出不穷,搞得孔雀神君颇为狼狈。 According to this stance, Peacock Divine Monarch is not necessarily able to win. 照这架势,孔雀神君未必能赢。 The fight continues several days. 战斗持续数日。 both sides fought an evenness, Peacock Divine Monarch threw down a few words then to depart: You give us, I will also come again, sooner or later treads you to prove Great Dao!” 双方战了一个平手,孔雀神君丢下一句话便离去:“你给吾等着,吾还会再来,迟早踏着你证大道!” The True Martial Sage Buddha has not chased down, after all he has not grasped defeats Peacock Divine Monarch. 圣真武佛没有追杀,毕竟他也没有把握战胜孔雀神君 After Peacock Divine Monarch departs, Han Jue has not held the dream immediately, wants to wait to give this boy to arrange task after a period of time, shifts the attention. 孔雀神君离去后,韩绝也没有立即托梦,想等过段时间给这厮安排一个任务,转移注意力。 In Buddha palace, the atmosphere is very depressing. 佛界宫殿内,气氛无比压抑。 The True Martial Sage Buddha homing, is also frowning. 圣真武佛归位,同样皱着眉头。 Although Peacock Divine Monarch was repelled, but Darkness Forbidden Lord brings scared was still covering them. 孔雀神君虽被击退,但黑暗禁主带来的恐慌仍笼罩着他们。 The Chu Shiren unemotional opens the mouth said: Does not need to be startled, this Palace already informs Ancestral Master, this matter was decided by this Palace Ancestral Master.” 楚世人面无表情的开口道:“不必惊慌,本座已经告知师祖,此事由本座师祖来决定。” Such remarks, various Buddha stares, inquired that who his Ancestral Master is. 此言一出,诸佛不由一愣,纷纷询问他的师祖是谁。 With dreamland in panic compared with, Chu Shiren completely reveals the calm of Buddha Ancestor now. 与梦境里惊慌失措相比,楚世人现在尽显佛祖的沉稳。 Heavenly Dao, Divine Might Heavenly Sage, once execution Great Dao Spiritual God, execution ten several Great Dao Sage . Moreover, he also backed on the Demon God clan, Chaos Demon God previously routed Pangu, you should hear.” 天道,神威天圣,曾诛杀大道神灵,诛杀过十数位大道圣人,而且,他还背靠魔神族,混沌魔神先前大败盘古,尔等应该听闻过。” The Chu Shiren voice falls, the entire palace blasts out. 楚世人话音落下,整个宫殿炸开。 Unexpectedly is Divine Might Heavenly Sage! 竟然是神威天圣 They have naturally heard this, is the Heavenly Dao protective umbrella, the strength is without a doubt! 他们自然听闻过此名,乃是天道的保护伞,实力毋庸置疑! The True Martial Sage Buddha shot a look at Chu Shiren one, said: Hides enough deeply.” 圣真武佛瞥了楚世人一眼,道:“藏得够深。” Chu Shiren said lightly: His Peacock Divine Monarch has the backer, Buddha naturally also has, this Palace does not want to raise, wants to use the Buddha principle world, but sometimes has to resort to the so rotten vulgar method.” 楚世人平淡道:“他孔雀神君有靠山,佛界自然也有,本座本不想提,想用佛理度世,但有时候不得不动用这般烂俗的手段。” various Buddha all admiration looks to him, worthily is the Buddha lord! 诸佛全都敬佩的看向他,不愧是佛主! ...... …… In a flash, was three ten thousand years in the past. 一晃眼,又是三万载过去。 Han Jue opens the eye, arrives at second dao field, will breed good Xionghan Demon God to emit, is taken away by Murong Qi. 韩绝睁开眼睛,来到第二道场,将孕育好的雄寒魔神放出,由慕容起领走。 Later, he not with Li Yao and Wu Daojian (Grasping Principles Sword) idle talk, but returns to Main Dao Field. 之后,他也没有跟厉遥悟道剑废话,而是回到主道场内。 At this moment. 此刻。 Hei Yuji, Chaos Heavenly Dog, Three Headed Flood Dragon King, Xun Chang'an, Zhou Mingyue, A'Da, Xiao'er, Lu Huaxu and bottle gourd eight brothers, Angry Vajra, Black Prison Monster Monarch, Tu Ling'er and other direct disciple already wait before Dao Monastery. 黑狱鸡混沌天狗三头蛟王荀长安周明月阿大小二吕化虚、葫芦八兄弟、金刚怒黑狱妖君屠灵儿亲传弟子已经道观前等候。 They achieve Quasi-Sage Realm! 他们全部达到准圣境 Altogether 19 direct disciple, all worship on bended knees before Dao Monastery, is anxious and excited. 一共十九位亲传弟子,个个跪拜在道观前,紧张而激动。 Han Jue makes them come, suddenly, in Dao Monastery seems crowded. 韩绝让他们进来,一时间,道观内显得拥挤。 Prepared? Then will have period of painful time.” “准备好了吗?接下来会有一段痛苦时间。” Han Jue asked. 韩绝问道。 19 direct disciple should say with one voice: Prepared!” 十九位亲传弟子齐声应道:“准备好了!” No one is afraid or anxious! 没有一人害怕或者不安! They are full of the absolute trust to Han Jue! 他们对韩绝充满绝对信任! Han Jue rubbish, scatters their mortal bodies directly, received the soul Primordial Chaos World, respectively seeks for Qi of Demon God be them, its fusion. 韩绝也不废话,直接将他们的肉身驱散,将魂魄收入鸿蒙界内,分别为他们寻找魔神之气,将其融合。 With Han Jue present cultivation base and experience, fusing Qi of Demon God already is very easy, no longer needed cautiously initially like that. 韩绝如今的修为与经验,融合魔神之气已经很容易,不再需要当初那般小心翼翼。 Then only needs to give the time. 接下来只需要交给时间。 Han Jue opens the eye, looks the color of feeling. 韩绝睁开眼睛,面露感慨之色。 He has the sense of achievement very much. 他心里还是很有成就感的。 Not only he alone is stiffening, he also makes the nearby person grow stronger unceasingly. 不只是他一个人在变强,他也让身边人不断变强。 Han Jue passes message to Han Duotian. 韩绝传音给韩堕天 Han Duotian is the first shape transformation life in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain, is direct disciple, Zhou Mingyue was withdrawn, Han Jue decides to grant him the Hidden Sect power. 韩堕天百岳仙川内的第一个化形生灵,也算是亲传弟子,周明月被撤走,韩绝决定将隐门大权赐予他。 Quick, Han Duotian catches up, worships on bended knees in front of Han Jue. 很快,韩堕天赶来,跪拜在韩绝面前。 He is very anxious, is at heart hopeful. 他很紧张,心里也充满期待。 Unknowingly, your also already is Great Principle Golden Immortal, should haunch the Hidden Sect responsibility, did you prepare?” Han Jue rubbish, saying of coming straight to the point. “不知不觉,你也已经大罗金仙,也该撑起隐门的责任,你准备好了吗?”韩绝也不废话,开门见山的说道。 Han Duotian favourability is six stars, is trustworthy. 韩堕天好感度还是六星,值得信任。 With Li Xuanao contacts many is also Han Duotian. 李玄奥联系最多的也是韩堕天 Han Duotian in a terrified way said: Grand Disciple fearing is difficult to withstand, moreover above also has Master they.” 韩堕天惶恐道:“徒孙恐难承受,而且上面还有师父他们。” Their already walked, I plan to cultivate you, does not permit to reject.” “他们已经走了,我打算栽培你,不准拒绝。” „? That many thanks founder!” “啊?那就多谢祖师!” Han Duotian suppresses was saying wild with joy, he loves the power since birth, a moment ago was only the smalltalk. 韩堕天强忍着狂喜说道,他生来就爱权,刚才只是客套而已。 Han Jue starts for his alone sermon, is the ceremony feeling of transfer of authority. 韩绝开始为他单独讲道,也算是交权的仪式感。 Hundred years later, Han Duotian just now departs. 百年后,韩堕天方才离去。 Han Jue follows for entire Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain life sermon, is hundred years, after sermon finished, announced that Han Duotian is Hidden Sect four Protector, henceforth wields in Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain the big or small business, causing several million disciples in an uproar. 韩绝跟着为整个百岳仙川的生灵讲道,又是百年,讲道结束后宣布韩堕天隐门四护法,从此执掌百岳仙川内大小事务,引得数百万弟子哗然。
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