WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#817: Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune

The purple circle round falls rapidly, closely ties down Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven), Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) struggles furiously, discovered that is unable to work loose. 紫色圆轮迅速落下,将天战紧紧缠住,天战奋力挣扎,发现无法挣脱。 He is also a ruthless person, unties the mortal body directly, sacred soul arrives at Jiang Jueshi behind. 他也算是一个狠人,直接解开肉身,圣魂来到姜绝世身后。 Snort!” “哼!” Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) cold snort/hum, a palm lays out, in the palm contains a side universe, stars, radiant hallucination. 天战冷哼一声,一掌拍出,掌心之中蕴含一方宇宙,星辰点点,璀璨迷幻。 This palm hits in Jiang Jueshi body, shakes his clothes robe agitation. 这一掌打在姜绝世身上,震得他的衣袍鼓动。 The next second, Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) changes countenance, he discovered panic-strickenly his spiritual power screened out unexpectedly. 下一秒,天战动容,他惊骇的发现自身的法力竟然被抽走。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Jiang Jueshi turns around, a palm lays out. 姜绝世转身,一掌拍出。 In the Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) eye, this palm is very slow, but his response is slower, as if body already is inferior to him, he is unable to control freely. 天战眼里,这一掌无比缓慢,但他的反应更加缓慢,仿佛身躯已经不如他,他无法自如掌控。 His so be it helplessly looks that a Jiang Jueshi palm hits in own body , he noticed that in the palm of Jiang Jueshi also contains a side universe. 就这样眼睁睁的看着姜绝世一掌打在自己身上,恍惚间,他看到姜绝世的掌心之中也蕴含一方宇宙。 Bang! 轰! Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) was submerged by terrifying purple spiritual power, the instantaneous annihilation, after spiritual power diverges , is only left over a wisp of remnant soul to flutter in void. 天战被恐怖紫色法力淹没,瞬间湮灭,法力散去之后只剩下一缕残魂飘荡在虚空中。 The Jiang Jueshi under killer, he has not turned around to look to the Heavenly Dao direction. 姜绝世没有下杀手,他转身看向天道方向。 Sages was shocked, finished quickly? 圣人们都被惊呆,这么快就结束? Snort! I come!” “哼!吾来!” Yang Che departs Heavenly Dao immediately, how to tolerate others to extinguish the morale? 杨彻立即飞出天道,岂能容他人灭己方士气? However is less than three breaths, Yang Che suffers defeat. 然而不到三息,杨彻败北。 Xu Dudao, Li Taigu, Han Yu, Tai Sutian (Grand Plainness Heaven) and Primordial Beginning Buddha Ancestor and so on new Saints go one after another, all loses, Li Taigu insisted that the time is longest, but less than ten breaths then defeated. 徐妒道李太古韩玉太素天混元佛祖等等新圣接连前去,皆铩羽而归,李太古坚持时间最长,但不到十息便败了。 In Dao Monastery. 道观内。 Han Jue looking pensive. 韩绝若有所思。 Jiang Jueshi can rebound all divine ability and spiritual power, moreover is the rebound is not so only simple, when his take action, has the time and space the strength of Great Dao to fluctuate all around. 姜绝世能反弹一切神通法力,而且不仅是反弹那么简单,在他出手时,周遭有时间、空间的大道之力在波动。 A little thing. 有点东西。 No wonder is so crazy! 怪不得这么狂! Han Jue passes message to Xuandu Saint Venerable. 韩绝传音给玄都圣尊 The Xuandu Saint Venerable complexion is strange, opens the mouth saying: „, Asking him to leave.” 玄都圣尊脸色古怪,开口道:“罢了,让他走吧。” Other Sage in great surprise, Wayless Heavenly Lord is just about take action, hears this saying, stares saying: „Does so be it let off him? Heavenly Dao dignity where?” 其他圣人大惊,无法天尊正要出手,听到这话,不由瞪眼道:“就这样放过他?天道威严何在?” Xuandu Saint Venerable passes message to Wayless Heavenly Lord, Wayless Heavenly Lord looks the smile immediately: „Can that how haggle over with the later generation even?” 玄都圣尊传音给无法天尊,无法天尊顿时面露笑容道:“那就算了,怎能跟后辈计较?” Other Sage look at each other in blank dismay, what exactly had, why does Wayless Heavenly Lord turn hostile such rapidness? 其他圣人面面相觑,到底发生了什么,为何无法天尊变脸如此之快? Jiang Jueshi salutes toward Heavenly Dao submissively, then turns around to depart, vanishes in the darkness rapidly. 姜绝世天道拱手行礼,然后转身离去,迅速消失于黑暗之中。 In Heavenly Dao has many Quasi-Sage and Great Principle Golden Immortal witness this deeply, the name of Jiang Jueshi to carve into his heart. 天道内有不少准圣大罗金仙目睹这一幕,姜绝世之名深深的刻入他心中。 Han Jue makes Xuandu Saint Venerable call a halt, wants to make Jiang Jueshi suffer a hardship outside, if Wayless Heavenly Lord and Xuandu Saint Venerable take action, that is not beautiful, is very easy to let Jiang Jueshi and Heavenly Dao breaks off. 韩绝之所以让玄都圣尊停手,是想让姜绝世在外吃点苦头,若是无法天尊玄都圣尊出手,那可不美,很容易让姜绝世天道决裂。 Young fellow, I must have a look at you to be able but actually to rush out what positive result to come.” “好小子,我倒要看看你能闯出什么名堂来。” Han Jue muttered, the bored cultivation years were also many a pleasure and anticipation. 韩绝喃喃自语,无聊的修行岁月又多了一丝乐趣与期待。 He follows to close eyes , to continue to cultivate. 他跟着闭目,继续修炼。 The matter of Jiang Jueshi was concealed by Sage, several thousand years later, all living things then forget this matter. 姜绝世之事被圣人隐瞒,数千年后,众生便忘记此事。 One passes year after year. 一年年过去。 More than 3000 years later. 三千多年后。 Examines you full two million years old, life has made great strides forward one step, you have the following choice 【检测到你已满两百万岁,人生又迈进一步,你有以下选择】 One, goes out immediately, raises the Primordial Chaos Demon God prestige, may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Heavenly Dao spirit stones and Great Dao level Guard 【一,立即出关,扬鸿蒙魔神威名,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块天道灵石、一尊大道守卫 Two, low-key cultivation, maintains first thought that may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment 【二,低调修炼,保持初心,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片】 Primordial Chaos fragment! 鸿蒙碎片! Finally new thing thing! 终于出新东西了! The Han Jue direct selection's second option. 韩绝直接选择第二个选项。 You choose low-key cultivation, maintains first thought that may obtain the one Great Dao fragment and one creation spirit stones and one Primordial Chaos fragment 【你选择低调修炼,保持初心,可获得一块大道碎片、一块创造灵石一块鸿蒙碎片】 Primordial Chaos fragment: The collection simultaneous/uniform nine Primordial Chaos fragments, may obtain Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune time 鸿蒙碎片:集齐九块鸿蒙碎片,可获得一次鸿蒙大造化 Han Jue has doubts secretly, what is Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune? 韩绝暗自疑惑,何为鸿蒙大造化 Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune: But creation cultivation technique, but opening heavens develops, but creation race, but creation all 鸿蒙大造化:可创造功法,可开天辟地,可创造种族,可创造一切】 creation all! 创造一切! Sounds hangs. 听起来好吊。 „Can I use a Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune creation creation control level Guard?” “我能用鸿蒙大造化创造一尊创造主宰级的守卫吗?” Cannot, Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune only creation exist, birth all exist must promote slowly, will not be higher than your cultivation base 【不能,鸿蒙大造化创造存在,诞生的一切存在都得慢慢提升,不会高于你的修为 Han Jue curls the lip, that is also useless. 韩绝撇嘴,那也没什么用。 race that my creation has the individual, is huge quantity of race?” “那我创造出的种族是只有个体,还是数量庞大的种族?” Individual, may multiply the race individual 【个体,可繁衍出种族的个体】 Han Jue eliminated with this creation three thousand Chaos Demon God thoughts. 韩绝打消了用此创造三千混沌魔神的念头。 Wait! 等等! creation all! 创造一切! „Can I promote my bloodlines with Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune?” “我能用鸿蒙大造化提升我的血脉?” So long as he exceeds Primordial Chaos Demon God, his son can be born! 只要他超越鸿蒙魔神,他的儿子就能出生! Energy 【能】 Sees this character brightly, Han Jue immediately the eye one. 看到这个字,韩绝顿时眼睛一亮。 Good Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune! 好一个鸿蒙大造化 Seriously is extraordinary! 当真是了不得! However calculates carefully, even 1 million years the one Primordial Chaos fragment, must wait till thousand to long live. 不过仔细算算,就算一百万年出一块鸿蒙碎片,也要等到千万岁。 Han Jue calms down, then to put out creation spirit stones to fuse with one group of Qi of Demon God. 韩绝冷静下来,然后拿出创造灵石与一团魔神之气融合。 After the fusion, he then continues to cultivate. 融合之后,他便继续修炼。 Compared with Primordial Chaos Great Good Fortune, first broke through to Great Dao Primordial Beginning boundary perfection said again! 比起鸿蒙大造化,先突破至大道混元圆满再说! Quick! 快了! ...... …… Buddha, dusk like Jinxia, fills the horizon, temples are built on above the clouds dangerous. 佛界,黄昏如金霞,弥漫天际,一座座庙宇悬立于云端之上。 In a giant palace, various Buddha gathers. 一座巨大的宫殿内,诸佛聚集。 Chu Shiren sits in meditation on Lotus Throne, 1 million zhang (3.33 m) body seems incomparably great, various Buddha seems tiny before him. 楚世人打坐在莲座上,百万丈之身显得无比伟岸,诸佛在他面前都显得渺小。 Also sits a Buddha by Chu Shiren, with his same high. 楚世人旁边还坐着一名佛陀,与他一样的高。 This Buddha named True Martial Sage Buddha, is Unrestrained Sage, after entering Buddha, changes name to Buddha. 此佛名为圣真武佛,乃是自在圣人,入佛界后改名佛。 Chu Shiren opens the mouth to ask: That peacock seriously?” 楚世人开口问道:“那孔雀当真不走?” In the palace an arhat opens the mouth saying: He said that must challenge the True Martial Sage Buddha, will otherwise not depart.” 殿上一罗汉开口道:“他说必须挑战圣真武佛,否则不会离去。” various Buddha discussed quietly. 诸佛悄声议论。 The True Martial Sage Buddha opens the eye, the facial expression is faint, said: Does not need to manage him, he has not rushed, has the scruples inevitably.” 圣真武佛睁开眼睛,神情淡漠,道:“不必管他,他没有闯进来,必然是有顾忌。” Chu Shiren shoots a look at to him, asked: What scruples?” 楚世人瞥向他,问道:“何顾忌?” I.” “吾。” „Does he fear you? Why does that challenge you?” “他怕你?那为何挑战你?” Because is unwilling.” “因为不甘心。” True Martial Sage said lightly, as if outside peacock is not worth mentioning very much. 圣真武佛说得很平淡,仿佛外面的孔雀不值得一提。 At this time, the sneering sound transmitted together: 这时,一道冷笑声传来: True Martial Sage, you may really blow, initially in Heavenly Dao, you won me?” 圣真武,你可真是会吹,当初在天道,你胜我了?” Impressively is Peacock Divine Monarch! 赫然是孔雀神君 Initially you did not say must join Heavenly Court, why changes to throw? You may really be throw everywhere!” “当初你不是说要加入天庭,为何又改投?你可真是到处投!” The Peacock Divine Monarch spoken language is full of the ridicule. 孔雀神君的言语充满讥讽。 Various Buddha is silent, does not dare to interpose. 诸佛寂静,不敢插话。 Chu Shiren is unemotional, had not been instigated by Peacock Divine Monarch. 楚世人面无表情,并没有被孔雀神君挑拨。 True Martial Sage Buddha Dao: I have not won, but I broke your Five Colours Divine Light, that distance wins you, but also is far?” 圣真武佛道:“吾没胜,但吾破了你的五色神光,那距离胜你,还远吗?” Bang! 轰! The main hall front door was broken through by Five Colours Divine Light together, Peacock Divine Monarch treads the multi-colored sunlight to walk. 大殿大门被一道五色神光冲破,孔雀神君踏着霞光走来。 He stares at the True Martial Sage Buddha contemptuously to say with a smile: My this did not come, you said that I also do have scruples you?” 他盯着圣真武佛轻蔑笑道:“吾这不是进来了,你说吾还顾忌你吗?” True Martial Sage Buddha Dao: Divine Monarch, do you want to antagonize people?” 圣真武佛道:“神君,你一定要树敌?” Peacock Divine Monarch rampant say/way: Behind me has Darkness Forbidden Lord, do you refuse to accept? Starting today, Buddha was seized by Darkness Forbidden Lord, if who refuses to accept, death!” 孔雀神君嚣张道:“吾背后有黑暗禁主,你不服?从今日起,佛界被黑暗禁主占领,谁若不服,死!” True Martial Sage, rolls, with me at an outside war, exempting injures your Buddha to be innocent!” 圣真武,滚出来,跟吾在外面一战,免伤你佛界无辜!” If not your Buddha line of karmic virtue, I have killed everywhere, but also really thinks that I do have scruples you? Joke!” “若非你佛界到处行功德,吾早就杀进来,还真以为吾顾忌你?笑话!” „In my Great Dao Sage does not take a broad view!” “吾连大道圣人都不放眼里!”
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