WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#816: pinnacle cultivation technique, inborn Great Good Fortune 【Fourth, asked monthly ticket】

Outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven, in universe palace. 三十三层天外,乾坤殿内。 Is stopping suddenly in sermon Xuandu Saint Venerable, several tens of thousands of Dao Listener open eyes. 正在讲道玄都圣尊忽然停下来,数万听道者纷纷睁眼。 What aura is this?” “这是什么气息?” Some person of achieving Great Principle dao fruit?” “有人证得大罗道果?” Great Principle dao fruit why so big sound?” 大罗道果为何如此大的动静?” „It is not right, incessantly is Great Principle!” “不对,不止是大罗!” How can't I calculate Destiny of this person?” “吾怎么算不到此人的气运?” Dao Seeker discuss spiritedly, their cultivation base is not low, can see breaking through Jiang Jueshi, but they are unable to calculate Jiang Jueshi passing. 求道者们议论纷纷,他们修为都不低,一眼就能看到正在突破的姜绝世,但他们无法算到姜绝世的过往。 Dao Seeker looks to Xuandu Saint Venerable, asked: May I ask Saint Venerable, is this person what origin?” 一名求道者看向玄都圣尊,问道:“敢问圣尊,此人是何来历?” Xuandu Saint Venerable opens the mouth saying: Said that this person and my Human Cult has the origin, his Jiang Jueshi, once did obeisance into Human Cult with his younger brother Jiang Dugu together, why latter does not know, this person leaves Human Cult, falls from the sky in world.” 玄都圣尊开口道:“说起来此人与吾人教有渊源,他名姜绝世,与其弟姜独孤曾一同拜入人教,后不知为何,此人离开人教,陨落于世间。” He fills puzzled, he did not recognize Jiang Jueshi before, but calculates now, discovered Jiang Jueshi is not simple. 他心里充满困惑,他之前不认得姜绝世,但现在一算,发现姜绝世不简单。 Although this is only over 2000 years old, but its origin may be remote. 这一世虽然只有两千多岁,但其渊源可就久远了。 What is most essential is why he cannot completely understand Jiang Jueshi to be able unexpectedly one day achieving Great Principle, but must continue to break through. 最关键的是他竟然看不透姜绝世为何能一日证得大罗,还要继续突破。 Isn't this peak Heaven's Chosen that Fellow Daoist Han wants? 这不就是韩道友想要的绝顶天骄? Xuandu Saint Venerable has the meaning of gathering at heart. 玄都圣尊心里生出招揽之意。 Not only the universe palace, other Sage dao field are also discussing Jiang Jueshi. 不只是乾坤殿,其他圣人道场也在讨论姜绝世 Jiang Jueshi is bears patiently for 1 trillion years, dynasty startled Heavenly Dao! 姜绝世可谓是隐忍万亿载,一朝惊天道 All Sage are like Xuandu Saint Venerable, does not know Jiang Jueshi, but wants to subdue Jiang Jueshi now! 所有圣人玄都圣尊一样,不认识姜绝世,但现在都想收服姜绝世 Good Heaven's Chosen! 好一位天骄! Since the ancient times, does not have the so vast momentum breakthrough! 自古以来,就没有这般声势浩大的突破! No one goes to disturb Jiang Jueshi. 没有人前去打扰姜绝世 After ten days . 十日后。 The Jiang Jueshi one breath breaks through to Quasi-Sage, has not stopped! 姜绝世一口气突破至准圣,还没有停下来! Entire Immortal World was affected by him, even starts thin to the far place spiritual energy, sees Jiang Jueshi this breakthrough sufficiently exaggeratingly. 整个仙界都被他影响到,离得远的地方灵气甚至开始稀薄,足以见得姜绝世此次突破有多夸张。 Han Jue is also paying attention to Jiang Jueshi. 韩绝也在关注姜绝世 Is it possible that this child grasps Great Dao? 此子莫非是掌握大道 It is not right! 不对! Without the strength of Great Dao! 没有大道之力! But is cultivation technique! 而是一种功法 What is cultivation technique so unexpectedly fierce? 什么功法竟如此厉害? After achieving Primordial Beginning dao fruit, cultivation technique becomes unimportant, Sage only comprehends Great Dao, the bonus the first time is Han Jue also found so cultivation technique. 证得混元道果后,功法变得不重要,圣人只参悟大道,饶是韩绝也第一次瞧见这般功法 I want to know what Jiang Jueshi cultivation is what cultivation technique?” “我想知道姜绝世修炼的是什么功法?” Needs to deduct 500 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除五千亿年寿命,是否继续】 This already endures to compare the Great Dao Supreme boundary! 已经堪比大道至上境! Han Jue changes countenance, in the heart chooses to continue. 韩绝动容,心中选择继续。 Reincarnation Great Good Fortune merit: When pinnacle cultivation technique, is Jiang Jueshi senses Heavenly Dao Good Fortune sudden enlightenment, after ten thousand th Samsara, may compress cultivation base unceasingly , to promote aptitude, forever will be without limits 【转生大造化功:极致功法,乃姜绝世感悟天道造化时所顿悟,历经万世轮回,可不断压缩修为,提升资质,永无止境】 pinnacle cultivation technique! 极致功法 Han Jue secretly heart startled, such fucking awesome? 韩绝暗自心惊,这么牛批 He cannot bear the inquiry: Why can Jiang Jueshi sudden enlightenment so cultivation technique?” 他忍不住询问:“姜绝世为何能顿悟如此功法?” Needs to deduct 3 billion years of life-span, whether continue 【需要扣除三十亿年寿命,是否继续】 Continue! 继续! 【The reason of Good Fortune, is unable to assert, Chaos Unknown, Pangu, Dao Ancestor, Jiang Jueshi wait/etc. all are the capital of Great Good Fortune 造化之缘,无法言定,混沌无识盘古道祖姜绝世等皆是大造化之资】 Han Jue cannot understand, can only put the blame on aptitude. 韩绝看不懂,只能归咎于资质 This boy is extraordinary. 这小子了不得啊。 Can be on par unexpectedly Chaos Unknown, Pangu and Dao Ancestor! 竟然可以比肩混沌无识盘古道祖 After several months . 数月之后。 Jiang Jueshi using strength to prove dao, direct achievement Primordial Beginning dao fruit, shaking the old and illuminating the new, huge Heavenly Dao Destiny floods into his within the body, the boundless vastness raises the difficult situation. 姜绝世以力证道,直接成就混元道果,震古烁今,庞大天道气运涌入他体内,无边汪洋掀起惊涛骇浪。 At this time, Han Jue appears at present suddenly: 这时,韩绝眼前忽然出现: Examines Innate Destined Person, examines its origin 【检测到先天气运者,是否查看其来历】 Han Jue selects the eyebrow. 韩绝挑眉。 He chooses the examination immediately. 他立即选择查看。 Jiang Jueshi: Primordial Beginning Great Principle Golden Immortal Initial Stage, inborn Great Good Fortune, Heavenly Dao Great Emperor, Life and Death Great Emperor, Samsara Great Emperor, pinnacle Creator, has the sentiment of companion because of you to him, is full of favorable impression to you, presently favourability is 5 stars 姜绝世:混元大罗金仙初期,天生大造化,天道大帝,生死大帝,轮回大帝,极致创造者,因你对他有陪伴之情,对你充满好感,当前好感度为五星】 Han Jue changes countenance. 韩绝动容。 Under this boy unexpectedly in his eye hides constantly to grow to alarm the System unparalleled Heaven's Chosen! 这厮竟然在他的眼皮子下不断成长成惊动系统的盖世天骄! Extraordinary! 了不得啊! This a series of Destiny described that looked is not very simple, before did not have! 这一连串的气运形容一看就很不简单,之前都没有! After achieving Primordial Beginning Great Principle Golden Immortal, the breakthrough of Jiang Jueshi eventually ended, the spiritual energy no longer gathers to him. 证得混元大罗金仙后,姜绝世的突破终于结束,灵气不再向他聚集。 Made the Sages panic-stricken matter appear! 诸圣惊骇的事情出现了! Jiang Jueshi had not been left Immortal World by Heavenly Dao banishment! 姜绝世没有被天道驱逐离开仙界 How possibly! 怎么可能! He is not Heavenly Dao Sage, even, will still arrive at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven by banishment, is right far away from all living things! 他又不是天道圣人,就算是,也应该被驱逐来到三十三层天外,远离众生才对! Above the summit, Jiang Jueshi opens the eye slowly. 山巅之上,姜绝世缓缓睁开眼睛。 His top of the head float a purple round wheel, is huger than the entire island, independent revolving, dazzling. 他的头顶悬浮着一个紫色圆轮,比整个海岛还要庞大,自主旋转,令人眼花缭乱。 Jiang Jueshi looks to own both hands. 姜绝世望向自己的双手。 He shows the smile. 他露出笑容。 Self-torture finally successes of innumerable carrying! 无数载的苦修终于成功了! Must know now Heavenly Dao, are less than he ancient existence, even is very scarce, some Sage even can be his later generation. 要知道当今天道,比他还古老的存在可不多,甚至无比稀少,一些圣人甚至算得上他的后辈。 Heaven does not lose the person with high aspirations, from now on I will not have the limit.” “皇天不负有心人,今后我将没有极限。” Jiang Jueshi muttered, he followed to stand up. 姜绝世喃喃自语,他跟着站起身来。 Read sweeps away All Heavens and Myriad Realms! 一念横扫诸天万界 All living things all enter his discernment! 众生皆入他法眼! Why does not know, Jiang Jueshi thinks old Daoist who inexplicably that sacrificed itself for his opening heavens life. 不知为何,姜绝世莫名想到那位牺牲自己为他开天命的老道人。 In his heart does not have the pleasant surprise, endless regret. 他心中没有惊喜,只有无尽的遗憾。 He could not find the soul of old Daoist, even Destiny connects Heavenly Dao, cannot search. 他找不到老道人的魂魄,即便气运连接天道,也搜寻不到。 It seems like he really sacrificed, destroy both body and soul. 看来他真的牺牲了,形神俱灭 The Jiang Jueshi look follows becomes firm. 姜绝世的眼神跟着变得坚定。 Since Sage is not good, I exceed Sage!” “既然圣人不行,那我就超越圣人!” Jiang Jueshi looks up to the vault of heaven, changes into the purple rainbow to shoot up to the sky together, wears out Thirty Three Layer Heaven, arrives at the Heavenly Dao apex. 姜绝世抬头看向天穹,化为一道紫虹冲天而起,穿破三十三层天,来到天道顶点。 He overlooks to go, both eyes close, calmly feels own cultivation base. 他俯瞰而去,双目闭上,静静感受自身的修为 At this time, form appeared in the nearby together, was Heavenly Dao Sages. 这时,一道道身影出现在附近,正是天道圣人们 Li Taigu said with a smile: Fellow Daoist is seriously fierce, dynasty proving Dao, Immemorial has not had!” 李太古笑道:“道友当真厉害,一朝证道,亘古未有!” Yang Che said with a smile strangely: This aptitude feared that surpassed Divine Might Heavenly Sage.” 杨彻怪笑道:“这资质怕是超过了神威天圣。” Such remarks, he feels many discontented vision, frightens him hastily to shut up. 此言一出,他感受到诸多不满的目光,吓得他连忙闭嘴。 Damn! 该死! Are you Divine Might Heavenly Sage dogs? 你们都是神威天圣的狗吗? My casual boasts others, do you want to fly into a rage? 我随便夸别人一句,你们就要急眼? In Yang Che heart indignant, he diligently, is not always actually able to integrate the Sage circle level obviously. 杨彻心中愤愤不平,明明他也很努力,却总是无法融入圣人圈层。 Xuandu Saint Venerable also comes, stares at Jiang Jueshi to say with a smile: Never expected that Human Cult had/left this grade of Heaven's Chosen, the good fortune of Human Cult, the good fortune of Human Cult.” 玄都圣尊也现身,盯着姜绝世笑道:“没想到人教出了这等天骄,人教之幸,人教之幸。” Jiang Jueshi opens the eye, shot a look at his one eyes, said: I am uninterested with Human Cult , there is nothing to do with Heavenly Dao, everyone does not compare the worry, although I can enter Immortal World, but will not keep Immortal World, I must leave , to continue to pursue Great Dao.” 姜绝世睁开眼睛,瞥了他一眼,道:“我早已与人教无关系,与天道无关,诸位不比担心,我虽能入仙界,但不会留在仙界,我要离开了,继续追逐大道。” The voice falls, he turns around to depart, not yearns. 话音落下,他转身离去,毫无留恋。 Sages is shocked, did this leave? 诸圣愣住,这就离开了? „Doesn't the Heavenly Dao kindness, repay a debt of gratitude?” Wayless Heavenly Lord snort/hum said. “得天道恩德,不报恩?”无法天尊哼道。 Jiang Jueshi stops, said: Another day Heavenly Dao has difficult, I must come back.” 姜绝世停下来,道:“他日天道有难,我必回来。” Ji Xianshen said: Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven), tries his cultivation.” 纪仙神道:“天战,试试他的道行。” The voice falls, new Saint Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) flies immediately to Jiang Jueshi. 话音落下,新圣天战立即飞向姜绝世 Jiang Jueshi does not return said: Goes out to fight, in order to avoid alarms all living things, you all take action, making me have a look at me now is what strength!” 姜绝世头也不回道:“出去斗吧,以免惊动众生,尔等皆可出手,让我看看我现在是何实力!” His tone is light, but the words are very haughty. 他的语气平淡,但话语却无比狂傲。 When Han Jue in Dao Monastery knits the brows suddenly. 待在道观内的韩绝忽然皱眉。 This boy personality big change? 这厮怎么性情大变? The road walked crookedly! 路走歪了! Insufficiently steady! 不够稳! Jiang Jueshi and Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) arrive at Forbidden Area of Darkness, facing each other, Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) takes the lead take action, both hands lays out, spiritual power changes into the form of innumerable Heavenly Race Heavenly Soldier, enormous and powerful, sweeps across Forbidden Area of Darkness. 姜绝世天战来到黑暗禁区,面对彼此,天战率先出手,双手拍出,法力化为无数天族天兵之身影,浩浩荡荡,席卷黑暗禁区 Jiang Jueshi wields the sleeve, curls all loose its spiritual power. 姜绝世挥袖,将其法力尽数卷散。 His left hand follows to pinch secret technique, faces forward a racket, the purple round wheel makes, almost passes through the space to arrive at the Tian Zhan (Battle the Heaven) top of the head instantaneously directly. 他的左手跟着掐动法诀,朝前一拍,紫色圆轮打出,几乎是瞬间穿越空间直接来到天战头顶。
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