WTTLIQCFTY :: Volume #9

#815: One day Great Principle 【Third, asked monthly ticket】

Han Jue seclusion three ten thousand years then opened the eye, actually not because of Jiang Jueshi, but before is Xuandu Saint Venerable, passes message to him. 韩绝闭关了三万载便睁开眼睛,倒不是因为姜绝世,而是玄都圣尊之前传音给他。 As for Jiang Jueshi, Han Jue does not plan to manage again, already plants cause and effect, in the future will receive. 至于姜绝世,韩绝不打算再管,已经种下因果,日后再收。 He believes that this experience regarding Jiang Jueshi is very unforgettable. 他相信这段经历对于姜绝世来说是很难忘的。 , Jiang Jueshi will be hard faced with oneself the trouble that finally on the 1st contends with, his take action has a change of heart again then. 终有一日,姜绝世会面临自己难以抗衡的麻烦,他再出手收心即可。 Han Jue arrives at outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 韩绝来到三十三层天外。 He notices here cultivator aura becomes many, little said that million cultivator distribute in each Sage dao field. 他注意到这里的修行者气息变多,少说有百万修士分布在各个圣人道场内。 It is estimated that to carry out hundred Saint development plans of Xuandu Saint Venerable. 估计是为了执行玄都圣尊的百圣发展计划。 Han Jue arrives at the universe palace, he and Xuandu Saint Venerable meets in another one layer space, seems like that is like the universe palace, but in the true universe palace is having several tens of thousands of Dao Seeker in cultivation. 韩绝来到乾坤殿,他与玄都圣尊在另一层空间见面,看似与乾坤殿一样,但真正的乾坤殿内正有数万求道者修行 Xuandu Saint Venerable said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Han recently cultivation how?” 玄都圣尊笑道:“韩道友近来修行如何?” Han Jue said: Also ok, with my smalltalk anything, said the matter directly.” 韩绝道:“还行吧,跟我客套什么,直接说事。” Is this, Divine Dao opens greatly, the head of Spiritual God declared that is willing to a Chaos life opportunity, all living things to be possible to rush to Divine Dao, five Great Dao Spiritual God quotas, does Fellow Daoist Han want to go?” Xuandu Saint Venerable said with a smile. “是这样的,神道大开,神灵之首宣称愿给混沌生灵一次机会,众生皆可去闯神道,将有五个大道神灵的名额,韩道友想去吗?”玄都圣尊笑道。 In his tone conceals an anticipation. 他语气中隐含一丝期待。 Great Dao Spiritual God is not simple! 大道神灵可不简单! Do not look at Han Jue to kill Great Dao Spiritual God, but in Chaos, Great Dao Spiritual God Supreme, has a side Chaos order power, moreover obtains Spiritual God Destiny, cultivation base will progress by leaps and bounds. 别看韩绝杀过大道神灵,但在混沌之中,大道神灵至高无上,掌握一方混沌秩序大权,而且得到神灵气运,修为将突飞猛进。 The most important thing is status transformation! 最重要的是身份转变! Great Dao Spiritual God, is similar to the mortal world emperor, Immortal World Immortal God, justifiable supreme power! 大道神灵,就如同凡间的皇帝,仙界仙神,名正言顺的至高权力! Han Jue said: Ok, does not go, was too dangerous.” 韩绝道:“算了,不去,太危险了。” Xuandu Saint Venerable puzzled say/way: Now do you also fear the danger?” 玄都圣尊困惑道:“如今你还怕危险?” He thinks that Han Jue is invincible. 他以为韩绝已然无敌。 His teacher does not have the valiant scores of disposable execution 13 lives, has not slaughtered Great Dao Spiritual God! 就连他的老师都没有一次性诛杀十三位命的彪悍战绩,更没有屠杀大道神灵过! That is natural, in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, Fellow Daoist Xuandu, I and others handled affairs am discrete, recklessly the unseemly behavior, the Heavenly Dao development should not be easy, sometimes receives very well, everything always first over.” Han Jue meaningful saying. “那是自然,人外有人天外有天,玄都道友,我等行事还是要谨慎,不要太肆意妄为,天道发展不易,有时候收收挺好,凡事不要总是第一个出头。”韩绝意味深长的说道。 Xuandu Saint Venerable looking pensive. 玄都圣尊若有所思。 Others spoke this saying, he does not care, but by Han Jue, that significance is different. 其他人说这话,他不在意,但由韩绝来说,那意义就不一样。 Thinks carefully, he truly inflated recently, not only he, other Sage are also so, facing nearby other world, somewhat is arrogant, various important matters want to slice, seems the Chaos tyrants. 仔细想想,他最近确实膨胀了,不只是他,其他圣人也是如此,面对附近其他天地,都有些傲慢,各种大事都想分一杯羹,仿佛已然是混沌的豪强。 But Chaos is how big, the domain that Heavenly Dao covers just like insignificant, is not worth mentioning. 混沌何其大,天道所覆盖的领域犹如沧海一粟,根本不值得一提。 The position of this Great Dao Spiritual God is entire Chaos competes, can Heavenly Dao bribe can it be that? 大道神灵之位乃是整个混沌去竞争,岂是天道能染指的? Xuandu Saint Venerable more wants the lingering fear. 玄都圣尊越想越后怕。 Han Jue said: Recently in Heavenly Dao can have good Heaven's Chosen? I refer to being on par Li Daokong and Yi Tian such Heaven's Chosen.” 韩绝道:“近来天道内可有不错的天骄?我是指比肩李道空遗天那样的天骄。” Xuandu Saint Venerable said: „Has, but always almost, particularly compares with Yi Tian and your son, has saying that these two later generations seriously are Person with Great Providence, a short time ago already achieving Unrestrained Realm, rushed out the reputation to come in Chaos.” 玄都圣尊道:“有是有,但总是差一点,尤其是跟遗天与你的儿子比,不得不说,这两位后辈当真是大气运者,前不久已经证得自在境,在混沌之中闯出名声来。” He is also very depressed, always thought that Heavenly Dao missed anything. 他也很郁闷,总觉得天道差了点什么。 The concrete difference where, he could not detect. 具体差在哪儿,他又察觉不到。 Heaven's Chosen is many, what that type is shockingly peerless is few. 天骄是多,但那种惊艳绝伦的还是少。 Perhaps is extremely peaceful, limited some abilities of Heaven's Chosen on the contrary. 或许是太过和平,反倒限制了一些天骄的才能。 The tumultuous times have the hero, makes some sense. 乱世出英雄,也是有一定道理的。 Some Heaven's Chosen need the environment, to need to experience stimulates and urges on. 有些天骄需要环境、需要经历的刺激与鞭策。 „After Grand Tribulation finished, allowing Heavenly Dao to compete?” Xuandu Saint Venerable discrete asking. 量劫结束后,允许天道内部竞争?”玄都圣尊谨慎的问道。 Han Jue said: Does not use publicly, Destiny Sect little meddles then well, Immortal God should also stand.” 韩绝道:“不用公开,气运教派少插手便好,仙神也该立起来了。” Xuandu Saint Venerable nods. 玄都圣尊点头。 Afterward, Xuandu Saint Venerable mentioned Buddha. 随后,玄都圣尊提到佛界。 Buddha development is excellent, particularly after Unrestrained almighty joins, is bigger to the attraction of Chaos life. 佛界发展极好,尤其是一位自在大能加入后,对混沌生灵的吸引力更大。 Xuandu Saint Venerable knows the lord of Buddha is Han Jue Grand Disciple, raises, he sighed. 玄都圣尊知晓佛界之主是韩绝徒孙,提起来,他心里不由感叹。 Where doesn't Heavenly Dao have Person with Great Providence and peak Heaven's Chosen? 天道哪里没有大气运者绝顶天骄? Wasn't taken away by you? 不都被你收走了? Two people chatted for a long time, Han Jue just now departs. 两人聊了许久,韩绝方才离去。 Han Jue arrives at Ji Xianshen dao field, in dao field also has many cultivator, mostly is Heavenly Race and Disaster Race, two people arrive at the deep place palace. 韩绝来到纪仙神道场,道场内同样有很多修行者,大多是天族厄族,两人来到深处宫殿。 Ji Xianshen facing Han Jue is very anxious. 纪仙神面对韩绝还是很紧张的。 Since he and Fang Liang struggles the potential failure, he and Hidden Sect relations are very subtle, are not related with Han Jue. 自从他与方良争势失败后,他与隐门的关系很微妙,跟韩绝更是没有联系。 Mainly is he feels disgraced. 主要是他觉得丢人。 Afterward when seclusion he truly also realized own is wrong, but he and Fang Liang are actually not able to become reconciled again, brothers who most were once better now already shape with stranger, occasionally meets is also only the nod. 事后在闭关时他确实也意识到了自己的错误,可他与方良却无法再和好,曾经最要好的兄弟如今已经形同陌路,偶尔碰见也只是点头罢了。 Master, I......” the Ji Xianshen opens the mouth, actually does not know that should say anything. 师父,我……”纪仙神开口,却不知该说什么。 Han Jue inquired that he recently cultivation how, how Heavenly Race manages, as if does not have any obstruction , Ji Xianshen also no longer is unknowingly anxious. 韩绝询问他最近修行如何,天族管理得如何,仿佛没有任何芥蒂,不知不觉中,纪仙神也不再紧张。 Thinks carefully is also laughable. 仔细想想也是可笑。 He and do Fang Liang contradiction possibly affect Han Jue? 他与方良的矛盾怎么可能影响到韩绝 Their struggles estimated that in the Han Jue eye is the child's play. 他们之争估计在韩绝眼中就是儿戏。 Han Jue said: Quite the cultivation, do not arrive at Sage Realm to idle, soon achieving Great Dao, yes?” 韩绝道:“好生修炼,不要到了圣人境就懈怠,早日证得大道,明白吗?” Ji Xianshen said excitedly: Disciple understands!” 纪仙神激动道:“弟子明白!” Originally did Master so anticipate to me? 原来师父对我这般期待? Han Jue sighs with emotion suddenly: Still remembers that in the past your I did resist Heaven Overflowing Immortal God jointly? At that time, I think that you can be the person who accompanied me to come to the Great Dao end, your aptitude I most favored, since you were in power, started to idle.” 韩绝忽然感慨道:“还记得当年你我联手对抗漫天仙神吗?那时,我以为你会是陪我走到大道尽头的人,你的资质我是最看好的,不过自从你掌权后,就开始懈怠。” Ji Xianshen both pleasantly surprised and ashamed. 纪仙神既惊喜又惭愧。 Never expected that Han Jue most favors him. 没想到韩绝最看好他。 What is ashamed is two people disparities really disparate. 羞愧的是两人的差距真的过于悬殊。 Thinks Han Jue, to the Hidden Sect very manage less, but Hidden Sect still developed excellently. 想想韩绝,对隐门很少管,但隐门仍发展得极好。 Are oneself should also let go? 自己是不是也该松手? Han Jue also no longer rubbish, start is Ji Xianshen alone sermon. 韩绝也不再废话,开始为纪仙神单独讲道 Hundred years later, before him, looks for Fang Liang and Su Qi, for two people together sermon. 百年后,他前找方良苏岐,为两人一起讲道 Tossed about for several hundred years, he returns to Dao Monastery to continue to cultivate. 折腾了数百年,他才回到道观内继续修炼。 Occasionally wins over the disciple is also necessary, so as to avoid becomes becomes estranged gradually. 偶尔拉拢一下弟子也是必要的,免得久而久之变得疏远。 Ji Xianshen is excited he is also watches, enjoys at heart very much. 纪仙神的激动他也是看在眼里的,心里很受用。 This boy is keeping thinking about Master. 这小子还是惦记着师父嘛。 ...... …… Time flies. 岁月如梭。 100,000 years disappear! 十万年转瞬即逝! Han Jue will soon achieve two million years old, regarding this he anticipates very much. 韩绝即将达到两百万岁,对此他还是很期待的。 Two million years old, should result in obtains very good reward option. 百万岁,应该得获得很不错的奖励选项。 On this day, he opens the eye, the routine examination mail. 这一日,他睁开眼睛,习惯性查看邮件。 At this moment. 就在这时。 He feels anything suddenly, fixes the eyes on to look. 他忽然感受到什么,定睛看去。 Heavenly Dao Destiny drastic change! 天道气运剧变! From Immortal World overseas islands. 来自仙界海外一座岛屿。 Jiang Jueshi. 正是姜绝世 Jiang Jueshi sits in meditation above the summit on island, the clothes robe flutters, spiritual power rises high successively, shakes the celestial phenomenon. 姜绝世打坐在岛上的山巅之上,衣袍飘动,一身法力节节高升,撼动天象。 Two Profound Divine Origin! 玄神元 Three Profound Divine Origin! 玄神元 ...... …… Great Principle Golden Immortal! 大罗金仙 In short one day, Jiang Jueshi direct achieving Great Principle Golden Immortal, his both hands wield unceasingly, evolve wonderfully in the whole body, in the forehead appears a purple round wheel, being an excellent likeness primal chaos chart. 短短一日内,姜绝世直接证得大罗金仙,他双手不断挥动,演化奇相于周身,眉心之间显现出一个紫色圆轮,神似太极图。 „The accumulation of 150,000 th, should awaken.” “十五万世的积累,该觉醒了。” Jiang Jueshi muttered, a purple circle round of super revolving between forehead, absorbed the world spiritual energy crazily. 姜绝世喃喃自语,眉心间的紫色圆轮高速旋转,疯狂吸收天地灵气。 The entire Immortal World boundless spiritual energy and innate qi were shaken, forms the terrifying peerless storm centered on him, covers trillion li (0.5 km) sea area, alarms Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 整个仙界的磅礴灵气、先天之气都被撼动,以他为中心形成恐怖绝伦的风暴,覆盖亿万里之海域,惊动三十三层天
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